Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Clears Up the Confusion

"Elizabeth Warren, who also goes by her Indian name, "Lies on Race Box," is in big heap-um trouble. The earnest, reform-minded liberal running for Senate against Scott Brown, R-Mass., lied about being part-Cherokee to get a job at Harvard."
"Harvard took full advantage of Warren's lie, bragging to The Harvard Crimson about her minority status during one of the near-constant student protests over insufficient "diversity" in the faculty. Warren also listed herself as an Indian in law school faculty directories and, just last month, said, "I am very proud of my Native American heritage."
 "Except, oops, she has no more evidence that she's an Indian than that buffoon out of Colorado, Ward Churchill........."
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Thank You IOTW for the Linkage

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why Diversity Training Is Bullsh*t...

By Matthew@The Lunatic's Asylum

Forced "Diversity training"serves four nefarious purposes:
a. To create discord and hatred where none exists, because if there weren't any no one would need a freakin’ Diversity Trainer at a couple of hundred bucks an hour. This rancor will later be used to extract wealth and concessions from corporations and government,acting under the pressure exerted by "bad press", "bad public relations" and plain, old embarrassment by those who have a vested interest in manipulating them for personal gain.
b. The entire Diversity racket is just another form of Affirmative Action and Welfare Statism, creating sinecures within HR departments and corporate structures for those who otherwise could barely hold a job. You know who you are African-American women. (save the hostile e-mail, I shall not apologize for that, nor take it back), and handing out checks to those who didn't earn them because they happen to be a member of today's, trendy "aggrieved minority".
c. Diversity Training is designed to keep the grievances (both real and imagined) of past generations alive because they’ve been so useful in extracting wealth from the productive (and innocent) for certain minorities (the unproductive and guilty) in the past. Why kill the goose that lays golden eggs? Future generations who may not have felt the sting of Jim Crow, or who place no significance upon the Stonewall Riots, and have largely jettisoned Gloria Steinham for Jackie Collins and Debbie Macomber need to have a sense of grievance drilled into them, on a near-constant basis. The earlier the better, and what better place than at work, where you have 'em for eight hours a day?
d. We have far too many attorneys with far too much time on their hands, and so we like to keep some of them busy with trying to prove that asking Esteban, Shaniqua, and that guy in accounting who definitely takes it in the ass to show up for work on time, in proper attire and ready to work, and to play by the same rules everyone else does, creates a "hostile work environment" that requires a huge settlement the aggrieved will never see.
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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Barney Frank Enjoys a Spring Day in DC


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Anderson Cooper Gets His Journalist On

A.C. takes the tie wearing lefty to task....

I didn't think you had it in ya!

Thank You IOTW for the Linkage

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fishnet Friday


Thursday, May 3, 2012



I Couldn't of Said it Any Better

Women Punks News Team
After watching this video, I really think this was an intentional message that went right over these News guys heads. If it was, I applaud this women. You decide.


The Reason

Want to know the reason Leftists are trying to say Mitt Romney wouldn't have given the order to kill Osama Bin Laden?

 Because they know Barack Obama didn't.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Obama Bounce Test

