Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Touché: Electoral College Video Edited Perfectly into a Pro-Trump Ad.......

Last week, a group of celebrities — or at least people living in Hollywood — released a video urging Monday’s Electoral College members to abandon their obligation to vote for President-elect Donald Trump.  Another group had a different idea for the actors, and re-made the repetitive, unoriginal video into one with a much different message.

The group of current and retired celebrities have not commented on the new edit of their heartfelt, yet ineffective message.

[The Blaze]

Monday, December 19, 2016

Barky Gives the President-Elect His Valuable Advice

Before grabbing the Moose, moms Robinson and the kids to fly away for their final lavish taxpayer funded vacation as first family, Barky took time off from trying to delegitimize Trump's presidency to sit down for an interview with National Public Radio. He touched on a lot of subjects like Russian hacking and “fake news” but those complaints are old news. His biggest new revelation is that he doesn't want Trump running the country the same way he did. If there were an award for lack of self-awareness, not only would Obama win it this year, he'd be inducted into the hall of fame. 

Mr. "Pen and Phone" actually warned President-elect Donald Trump to not overuse his power by issuing too many executive orders. For those of you trying to block the memory of the past 8 years, Obama ran most of his presidency bypassing Congress and legislating from the White House with executive action.
"Keep in mind, though, that my strong preference has always been to legislate when I can get legislation done. In my first two years, I wasn't relying on executive powers, because I had big majorities in the Congress and we were able to get bills done, get bills passed. And even after we lost the majorities in Congress, I bent over backwards consistently to try to find compromise and a legislative solution to some of the big problems that we've got — a classic example being immigration reform, where I held off for years in taking some of the executive actions that I ultimately took in pursuit of a bipartisan solution — one that, by the way, did pass through the Senate on a bipartisan basis with our help."
I wonder what color the sky is in Obama's fantasy world. I would like for him to give any examples of himself bending over backwards to reach a bipartisan compromise on anything. His modus operandi was to publicly shame the Republicans for not bowing before him and then telling them they were going to do things “my way or the highway.” He never met with any GOP member of Congress for any reason, choosing to communicate through snarky TV interviews and DNC fund-raiser speeches.

Without  an ounce of self-awareness Obama had this “advice” for the incoming president:
"So my suggestion to the president-elect is, you know, going through the legislative process is always better, in part because it’s harder to undo."  
That's kind of like Obama telling Trump he shouldn't lie about doctors or waste taxpayer money on endless vacations. Obama has used executive orders excessively, though he often called them "executive actions" to make it seem less despotic.  Obama's only accomplishments after 8 years in the White House are the result of his executive actions, and he knows as easily as he signed them, Trump can toss them in the trash.

He's basically saying to Trump, “please don't undo my pathetic legacy” and in typical Obama fashion, he's being a dick about it.

If you'd like to waste an hour of your life for no reason, you can watch the interview Here.

Thank You MJA & Free Republic for the Linkage

A Visual Recap of the 2016 Election

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Exclusive: MFNS Obtains CIA Proof of Putin's Attempt to Influence Election

MFNS - A foreign language expert working for the Central Intelligence Agency has confirmed to Middle Finger News under deep cover that Russian president Vladimir Putin was responsible for a rash of so-called "fake advice pieces" supposedly written by syndicated columnist Jeanne Phillips and intended to sway voter opinion.

Marian Audry, a 66-year-old retired kindergarten teacher from New Hampshire, was the first to notice that the content of  Phillip's  "Dear Abby" columns appearing in her local newspaper, The Terdbury Times, had for several days been uncharacteristically mean-spirited and clumsily worded.  The Times editor contacted Ms. Phillip's editor, who turned the investigation over to higher authorities. They went on to discover that for weeks and in many newspapers all across the country, Phillips's actual advice had been replaced by the writings of an impostor.

The CIA soon got involved and determined that hackers inside Russia got into the servers of dozens of U.S. print newspapers and news sites, ensuring that the fake replies to readers who had asked for help would be printed instead of the actual, helpful ones approved by Phillip's editor. 

"For weeks, I thought that my beloved Dear Abby had gone off the rails, especially when she advised a depressed mother from Denver to leave her family, quit her job, and begin a furious social media campaign to let the world know that Hillary Clinton was behind the 9/11 attacks and has the mark of the beast tattooed on her left butt cheek."
CIA Forensic Linguist Paul E. Ester III, who specializes in Slavic languages and completed a PhD dissertation examining the Russian president's awkward love letters to his ex-wife, Lyudmila, told Middle Finger News on an agreement of anonymity, that he has "no doubt" that Putin himself composed all the fake "Dear Abby" replies, which a total of 186 were discovered
"Here's a man so bent on getting Donald Trump elected, he took time off from supervising military operations in Syria to infiltrate our country and violate the most sacred of relationships in America, that between an advice columnist and her loyal readers."  
What remains to be determined, however, is if these forgeries really did influence the outcome of the U.S. presidential election. Look at the Oct. 17, 2016 "Dear Abby" column and decide for yourself:

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought to You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music, Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Our Final Christmas Card From The Obamas