Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Will It Be Judgement Day For Democrats?

This is a call for a straight Republican vote on Tuesday. Not because Republicans are perfect, but because the Democrats are insane. There needs to be a consequence for their behavior at the ballot box. It’s time for America to pass judgment on the Democrat Party.

There was a time when most Americans believed both parties wanted the best for the country, we just disagreed on policy. No More. These days, we’re not arguing about welfare reform or tax rates. We’re not debating education funding or quibbling about environmental regulations. We’re not even separated by mere differences of opinion. One side is aligned with the constitution, the other has chosen rampant corruption and tyranny. One side believes in the rule of law, the other has embraced mob rule. One side is right the other is wrong. It's a moral fight for the soul of the country.

November 6th is judgment day for the Democrats. It took a century of creeping leftism to bring about this confrontation, but the last 10 years have ramped up the intensity to the point where we must choose a side. Both parties want power, but the Democrats want absolute power. When they talk about assassinating Kavanaugh, or Trump, and when they tacitly approve of Antifa beating people, don’t look away. This is who they are.

These people intentionally lie to the American people. Just like they did with Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and about the IRS targeting of conservatives – among a long list of other unconscionable things. The only thing keeping the Democrats from tearing up the constitution are those who are willing to fight. Those who fight do so at a great personal cost.  As long as they are actively trying to destroy this country in unison, there can be no blurred lines. With or against. It’s that simple. There is no reconciliation with those who seek to gut the Bill of Rights and subjugate the American people.

This election isn’t merely ‘partisan’, it’s existential. Not just this mid-term, but every election from now on as long as the Democrat party is ruled by the hard left. Your speech is violence and their violence is speech. Their idea of bipartisanship is heads they win, tails you lose. And if you watched any of the Project Veritas expose videos lately, you know the ‘moderate’ Democrats are wolves in sheep suits. The vast majority of Americans are not partisan and don’t want their lives to be dominated by politics. The Democrats have made it impossible to ignore their antics and enjoy positive things like the booming economy. They refuse to celebrate anything good that is happening and Resist any attempt by the GOP and Trump to advance an America First agenda, even though elections are supposed to have consequences.

So tonight we’ll find out what the voters really think about Trump vs. the Democrats. I pray the Democrats will have some serious soul searching to do come Wednesday morning.

       Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Educational Crash Course # 791

 Another Installment of Diogenes'
Public Service Educational Series:

Paleoarchaeogeology 101"


Defensive Driving Techniques in Our Digital World:
"Defending Your Space"- a lecture by Alec Baldwin.

Educational Crash Course Series Archive

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Move Along Now. Nothing to See Here.....

Just crazy, liberal Alec Baldwin beating up someone over a parking space. But, PLEASE continue listening to his thoughts on how President Trump is unhinged. 

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the linkage

Friday, November 2, 2018

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director

Maxine Waters Threatens Retribution Against the Financial Sector If Dems Win Back the House

As if you need any more encouragement to vote next Tuesday, the video below has America's Batshit Crazy Sweetheart Maxine Waters' latest promise - to extract revenge against America’s financial sector. Keep in mind this is the same ethics challenged Maxine Waters who is steeped in identity politics and has been fomenting hatred and violence against anyone who supports Donald Trump. This crazy woman is about to be handed the seat of Chairman of the Financial Services committee. In peach 45 & gimme my Gavel!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Is CNN Now Producing Campaign Videos for the Democrats?

For all intents and purposes, CNN is now producing campaign videos for the Democrat Party. Someone schooled on campaign finance laws might be able to make a case that this amounts to an in-kind contribution the Democrats, seeing cost of production and the airtime CNN gave them for free and all.

“Trump shocks with racist new ad days before midterms” shouts the title of the CNN video that was run numerous times yesterday. Obviously pointed at the casual young Low-Info viewer, done with a black female voice-over with popular millennial voice fry. The video itself can’t be embedded but can be seen here, and the original Trump ad referred to in the vid can be seen here. This from the CNN video:
"The new web video, tweeted by the President five days before the midterm elections, is the most extreme step yet in the most inflammatory closing argument of any campaign in recent memory. 
The Trump campaign ad is the latest example of the President’s willingness to lie and fear-monger in order to tear at racial and societal divides; to embrace demagoguery to bolster his own political power and the cause of the Republican midterm campaign. The web video — produced for the Trump campaign — features Luis Bracamontes, a Mexican man who had previously been deported but returned to the United States and was convicted in February in the slaying of two California deputies. 
The ad recalls the notorious “Willie Horton” campaign ad financed by supporters of the George H.W. Bush campaign in the 1988 presidential election. Horton was a convicted murderer who committed rape while furloughed under a program in Massachusetts....."
Who is it that’s lying here, CNN? By what measure does the new ad featuring Bracamontes “recall” the “notorious” Willie Horton ad? It’s CNN that’s recalling the Horton ad by bringing it up to tie the two together. The media playbook on this is pretty clear: Any suggestion from a Republican that unfettered immigration could be a problem is racist by definition, because all immigrants are non-Americans by definition, and as such it really means Republicans want you to hate all foreigners.

And if the suggestion involves violent crime by a non-American, that’s the epitome of racism and “dividing us” because to suggest any non-white person could be a violent murdering criminal – even one who actually is a violent murdering criminal – is the same thing as implying this about all non-white persons. Lost in all this, of course, is the fact that because immigration laws were not enforced, a police officer lost his life. That would seem to be more important than anything else being talked about here, but it’s not, because . . . this is CNN.

(Western Journal)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween Y'all

Thanks to the World's Most Awesome Staff, we have completed all the contractual obligations for the year (except for some lose ends left to be taken care of in the next few weeks) and we are all looking forward to a long, well earned vacation until after the holidays. I'm headed home now and I'm especially looking forward to sleeping late in my own bed and spending more time with yous guys kickin' around lefties here at DMF.   GEAUX TIGAHS!

Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet?


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

DJT Stirs Up The Pillow Biters With 14th Amendment Comment

This issue continues to upset the left, who cannot read the constitution and choose to ignore the stated intent of it's amendments by their enlightened authors. We have visited the issue of the 14th amendment in the past, so we repost here from the DMF archives of 2015, the last time this issue arose. 

by Anna Maria Perez
The 14th Amendment does not grant birthright citizenship to everyone born in the United States. In order to assume that it does, a person has to actually ignore what it says. The Supreme Court set the precedent of birthright citizenship by misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. Poor education about our history and government ensures that We the People never get uppity over this unconstitutional misinterpretation. The purpose of the 14th Amendment was to give citizenship to former slaves who were in the United States through no fault of their own.
The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. If it granted citizenship for no reason other than being born on U.S. soil, you would think that the U.S. would have started granting birthright citizenship in 1868, right? Wrong. They didn’t, because that isn’t what the 14th Amendment says. As a matter of fact, two years prior to its ratification, Senator Jacob Howard explained the actual intent of the 14th Amendment. He said:
“Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.”
The key to inheriting birthright citizenship is being subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Foreigners are subject to the jurisdiction of the countries they are citizens of. We deport illegal aliens back to the countries that they are subject to the jurisdiction of. If they were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, then they would have all privileges and rights that go with that jurisdiction including voting, enlisting in our armed forces, and running for public office. Not being part of our jurisdiction, they are ineligible. They can do so in their home countries. The Supreme Court held to this in the 1884 Elk v. Wilkins case. They decided that the children of foreign ministers were not granted birthright citizenship based on the fact that they weren’t subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. 
An American Indian was not granted citizenship, because his parents weren’t completely subject to U.S. jurisdiction, being also subject to an Indian nation. If an American Indian was not granted American Citizenship by birthright after the 14th Amendment was ratified, then we can certainly conclude that birthright citizenship isn’t granted to foreigners by the 14th Amendment. Congress didn’t grant citizenship to American Indians until 1924!
It wasn’t until 1898, 30 years after the ratification of the 14th Amendment, that a case came in front of the Supreme Court that changed things. Keep in mind that the 5th Clause of the 14th Amendment specifically gives congress the power to enforce the 14th Amendment, not the Supreme Court.
Read More

Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage!