Showing posts with label Degeneration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Degeneration. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2016

Founding Fathers No Longer Worthy Of School Names??

Best-selling historian David Barton is blasting a proposal by the head of the San Francisco Board of Education which would ban schools from being named after George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers and American leaders who owned slaves.

Barton, author of “The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson,” called it a “misguided effort based on bad history.” Barton pointed out African-American leaders of the past often praised both Presidents Washington and Jefferson, who both recognized human slavery was an evil needing to be dealt with, as champions of the beginning civil rights for blacks.
“It is striking when you look at the people who looked to Washington and Jefferson as inspirations. For example, Dr. Martin Luther King praised Jefferson, as did Frederick Douglass, Henry Highland Garnett, Benjamin Banneker and many other African Americans who were the premier civil rights leaders in their generation. The difference between today’s generation and previous ones is that Americans today by and large no longer know American history based on historical fact. Instead, they are simply taught a version of it based on progressive political agendas.”
It’s to combat this kind of phony history Barton says he wrote “The Jefferson Lies,” which details the many ways Jefferson’s memory has been manipulated and misused by left-wing activists. The book was a New York Times bestseller when it was first published in 2012 until a coordinated pressure campaign against the publisher won an unprecedented victory by having the book withdrawn from circulation.

Barton has since put out a new expanded edition in which Barton specifically rebuts his critics charge by charge.
"Both Washington and Jefferson openly advocated for the end of slavery and led legislative efforts to achieve that objective. As presidents, both actively introduced, supported, and even signed major measures that sought to end slavery in America and ensure that equal racial civil rights were achieved. It is unfortunate that both of those great leaders lived in the state of Virginia, which by state law would not permit them to free their own slaves as they wished. Nevertheless, they both worked to achieve for others what they could not achieve for themselves, and that’s why previous generations of African Americans openly praised and heralded them.”
As long as factually inaccurate and political agendy driven portrayals of history continue to dominate America’s history textbooks and classrooms, errant proposals like this one will continue to be offered.  This is just more non-sense from anti- American, self-loathing white leftist academics and Afro-centric anti-Western scholars.


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Another Hallowed American Institution Falls Into the Hands of Leftist

Senate Confirms Carla Hayden as Librarian of Congress 

One the few lasting  major accomplishment Barack Obama will be able to point to, besides running up a massive national debt, is his masterful job of appointing and getting confirmed major tenured government positions with unqualified, affirmative action candidates, using what has come to be called "Identity Politics". All that really matters is race and gender. The latest target, the vaunted position of  Librarian  of Congress. 

Repost from 6/23/2016

Obama Tags Champion of Porn in Public Libraries to Head Library of Congress

PJ MediaThere is now a Republican-led effort for the Senate to confirm President Obama’s nomination of Carla Hayden to be the librarian of Congress. Her confirmation hearing proceeded without any serious review of her record, her views, or her qualifications.
The American people should be asking why any senator would be anxious to confirm a nominee who is not only unqualified, but whom The Nation magazine celebrated as a “radical librarian” who champions unrestricted access to pornography in public libraries.
Other members of Congress should be asking why there is such a hurry to put a non-scholarly political activist in charge of their research arm -- the Congressional Research Service, which is within the Library of Congress. The post of librarian of Congress has long been filled not by librarians, but by first-rank scholars and historians of national reputation.
The librarian of Congress is, in effect, the nation’s scholar-in-chief. Retired incumbent James H. Billington, who left the position in 2015, authored five books, dozens of scholarly articles, and was the former director of the Smithsonian’s Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He also taught history at Harvard and Princeton. His predecessor Daniel Boorstin was a prolific scholar of the American experience -- his book The Americans won the Pulitzer Prize.
And what are Carla Hayden's qualifications for such a prestigious post? She headed the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore since 1993. She has edited, not written, only one book: a bibliography of culturally diverse materials, and is neither a scholar nor a historian. 
The post of librarian of Congress is of vital importance to the nation's cultural and intellectual life. However, she seems to have been nominated, according to National Review, because of the Obama administration's “yoke of identity politics.” Obama didn’t emphasize her qualifications as a scholar or historian when he nominated her because of “her meager scholarly credentials,” according to the Weekly Standard. Instead, Obama emphasized her gender and race:
"Carla Hayden would be the first woman and the first African American to hold the position – both of which are long overdue."

This is just another step towards the Lefts Orwellian world of the  control of history and information. The Library itself is a prime target for the Left, which works to change our culture, impose politically correct restrictions, and erase any of our history they do not like.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Huffington Post Op-Ed: Beat Up Trump Supporters

The Huffington Post today published an Op-Ed by a leftist calling for and justifying violence against Trump supporters. One reason? Trump and what he stands for must be stopped by any means necessary. For another, violence sometimes makes good things happen:

Violent resistance matters. Riots can lead to major change (*note the irony of that hyperlink going to a Vox article). It’s not liberal politicians or masses that historians identify as the spark underlying the modern movement for LGBTQ equality. Nor was it a think piece from some smarmy liberal writer. It was the people who took to the streets during the Stonewall Uprising. It was the Watts Rebellion, not the Watts Battle of Ideas, that exposed the enduring systemic neglect, poverty, inequality, and racism faced by that community. Similarly, it was the LA Uprising, not the LA Protests, that led to significant changes in the Los Angeles Police Department. More recently, the Ferguson and Baltimore Uprisings both helped prompt the Justice Department to investigate their corrupt police forces. And since we’re talking about fascism, it’s worth remembering that it wasn’t the election of a moderate centrist (hello, Hillary) or a sanguine protest that stopped its ascent in Europe. It was, primarily, the Russian military, and to a lesser extent the US military; neither of which practiced nonviolence if memory serves. - Read More
Remember this when President Trump gets elected on a law and order platform, positioning himself as the only thing standing between law-abiding Americans and these violent left-wing hysterics. What’s going to happen to these Social Justice Warriors when they find that the general public is not as spineless as college administrators?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

When Hernán Cortés landed in the new world, he saw a vast and powerful empire stretched before him. He wanted to conquer it, but faced numerically superior forces of well-trained fighting men. He looked for its Achilles heel and found it working in the fields, the kitchens and the laundries. This powerful empire thrived by the strength of its upper classes, but lived on the work of its lower classes. Cortés mobilized the lower classes to attack the higher, and rode that wave of revolution into power, which allowed him to reach his actual objective: the gold ornaments of the elites.
Those who want to destroy Western culture use the same method, and they are succeeding. They approach with a sob story about the lower classes being oppressed, and mobilized those against the elites. In doing so, they turn the society against itself and in the ensuing confusion have been able to live off it as parasites. These parasites take many forms: politicians, advertisers, journalists, lawyers, bureaucrats, authoritarians and others who depend on being “useful” by being in power. They make their profit off of what the majority wants to purchase, think, hear, and use as an identity.

Consider the boy in the above photo. He is what every person on earth hopes their little boy will be: masculine, creative, analytical and moral. He has few toys, but he lives in a nice house in a stable place. Social order is more expensive than people think, and worth more, too. He is an innocent, even at the advanced age of nearly a decade, and he idealizes an innocent future: maybe the military, maybe science, but probably a college education and then a chaste relationship and family just like him. People refuse to understand this, but that right there is the best it gets as a human. 
All of the drama about looking for an exciting life or something cutting-edge is designed to hide the fact that most people cannot have what this little boy does. Their IQs are too low, their cultures too disorganized, their values too individualistic. 
And so they gnash their teeth and envy this little boy. They will never admit it, but if they could, they would be him. Since they cannot, they will try to destroy him, although since they are socially aware humans they will not do so directly. No: they will teach him neurotic politics, sell him pop culture encouraging self-pity and consequent degeneracy, sabotage the social order around him and turn all the women he might have into self-obsessed whores.
That will destroy him, but not get what he has to others, but the worst aspect of the crowd is its notion that if only a few can have what is best, it is better that no one have it. That is the raw unvarnished face of humanity. Any society which insists that an insane idea is “equal” to a sane one, or a sane person equal to an insane one, has gone against Darwin, God and common sense and will destroy itself.