Friday, July 9, 2021

Middle Finger Symphony Theater


Brought To You By BluesJunky - Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music

Throwback Thursday: Great Moments in History #14

From the Dank Archives of DMF -  March 21, 2011

On this day in 1964...

To counter the onslaught of the sixties British Music Invasion, legendary rock band 'Newman, Davis, Mitchum, Martin & Garner' was formed as music's first "Super Group".  Gigs were raucous and far between, and the band finally disbanded and went on to successful solo careers and film projects. Their ground breaking formula has been followed successfully many time since. Band members privately blamed the groups demise on the refusal of Frank Sinatra to join the project after insisting on he be lead singer, and which kind of hats would be worn. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Your Wednesday Open Thread

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers.
 Y'all Say Something Smart.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Knock Knock.......

After spending the past four years screeching that Trump was “authoritarian” and “fascist,” it’s farcically ironic and hypocritical that the Biden White House now wants to knock on Americans’ doors to make sure they are vaccinated. Press Sec. Jen Psaki announced to reporters agents of the federal government will be knocking on unvaccinated people’s doors to browbeat them into getting the shot for a virus that has proven to have a 99 percent survival rate. Sending in federal stormtroopers to bang on people’s doors to check their vaccination status sounds like a blatant violation of HIPAA laws as well as a gross abuse of patient confidentiality. If the central government isn't keeping databases on everyone - the core of a vaccine passport - how will they know which doors to go to?  

Monday, July 5, 2021

'Oikosphobia' is not the Fear of Mass-market Greek Yogurt

As history has pointed out many times, that when the freest and most prosperous societies for their times reach the peak of egalitarianism, something strange happens. The most comfortable and privileged members of  free and prosperous society develop a hatred of their own people and home. Sound familiar??

Benedict Beckeld, a Swedish PhD in Philosophy has written about this combination of insanity, stupidity and self-hatred that is sometimes called 'Oikophobia.’ In 2004 philosopher Roger Scruton described Oikophobia as, “the felt need to denigrate the customs, culture and institutions that are identifiable ‘ours’". Part of this has to do with a need by many to feel superior to others.

Here in America, even as the population of half the third world so it seems, is risking its life to enter mature, tolerant, prosperous Western liberal democracies, the coastal elites have come to despise American culture. Through media and the educational system, the idea has been promoted that America is nothing but a backwards culture built on oppression and exploitation. The elite seek to deconstruct culture then construct a new more repressive one, thus destroying the original culture without a national consensus. 

As is always the case during prosperity fueled oikophobia, the sins of the society are compared to some imagined utopia, not against conditions as they have existed in most societies for most of history. If the status seeking elite were to compare their culture to the human sacrifice of the Aztecs.....or the oppression of the Cultural Revolution.....or the persistence of modern day slavery in the 3rd world...their pronouncement about the awfulness of their own culture could be seen to be the product of either ignorance or an attempt to mislead.  Instead, they have  embraced the playbook of Mao’s Cultural Revolution and we now have calls for snitch squads to be created, turning people against each other and creating the platforms to turn each other in as “extremists.

The important thing to remember is that this degrading of one’s own culture, history and people is a status seeking technique. When a young “woke” college student decries White Privilege....…they aren't offering to make a sacrifice on their part to help elevate some oppressed person. They're simply pointing out that they're better than the other guy.

As Dr. Beckeld also pointed out, as oikophobia increases among elites in a society, oikiphilia increases among the lower classes. So the more the elites come to hate and despise the culture, heritage and history of their society, the more the lower classes seek to defend it.
And so we are.
~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy Independence Day Y'all

May The Blessings Laid Upon this Nation at it's Founding 
Remain Forevermore!

This day also marks the anniversary of the fall of Vicksburg.  On July 4th, 1863, after a 47 day Union Army siege of the city, ravished by hunger and disease, the heavily fortified stronghold and the Mississippi River navigation it controlled were surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant, changing the course of the war.  Independence day was not again observed in Vicksburg until 1907.