Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Newest Entry into Our American English Lexicon - Doomer.

Some have yet to hear or are unaware of the newest entry into our American English lexicon - Doomer. It's is a feeble play on the boomer meme, and it’s applied to those people who screech at anyone who wants to go back to work, and anyone who questions the media’s fear mongering when it comes to the Corona Virus. Many are asking how people can be so obsessed with quarantine, and how they can get so psychotic about closing everything down, and there’s a reason why it’s impossible to figure out their rationale.

Your average Doomers aren’t actually tying to “save lives” as they so smugly try to say, they’re addicted to the dopamine hit they get from feeling morally justified.  The  Corona Virus media coverage, and the rationale used to justify lock downs is based entirely on fear and emotion.  Doomers grab hold of this fear and feel like they are being superheroes for calling the cops on business owners, neighbors, and posting shrilling takes on social media about how evil people are for wanting to go back to work.  We indeed should take careful measures to protect the elderly and infirm and those most susceptible, but there is clearly little logic to keeping literally everyone locked down.

The doomers will tell you that you want to kill old people just for money, which literally nobody is saying. Amazingly, these same doomers have nothing to say about Gov. Andrew Cuomo forcing  Corona Virus patients into nursing homes, which invariably killed A LOT of people.  Doomers are obsessed with feeling moral, patting themselves on the back, and ultimately feeling like they are better than you.

A lot of progressive thinking is built off the idea that those who agree are part of some intellectual nobility.  They flaunt their points as if anyone who disagrees doesn’t have the cognitive ability of understanding the “experts” like they do (just check out the tweeter machine) the same “experts” who have been less reliable than a local news station’s weatherman (apologies to any meteorologists out there).

They are addicted to the dopamine rush they get from feeling like they are part of some ultra-intelligent group who gets to preach to the unwashed masses who happen to be composed of their friends, family, and neighbors.

Though this is anecdotal, I will say that I have witnessed a common theme among the doomers that I have spoken with. Every person I have spoken to who is clutching their pearls and shaming anyone who dares think about going back to work or still working, there is a definite evidence that the people who are the most committed to keeping everyone hiding under their beds from  are those who are the least effected.

The reason why you feel like you’re taking crazy pills trying to figure out how these people are so committed to this idiocy is because they aren’t, it is all about them feeling superior, and part of the intellectual nobility, it isn’t actually about the Corona Virus.

~ Thank You MJA@IOTWReport &
 Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

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