Friday, February 7, 2014

I Just Love It When Leftist Elite Eat Its Own

Reporters in Semi-Open Revolt’ Against NYT Editor

It's well known that the liberal-leaning reporters at The Wall Street Journal resent the conservative-leaning editorial page of The Wall Street Journal. What’s less well known, and about to break into the open is how deeply the liberal-leaning reporters at The New York Times resent the liberal-leaning editorial page at the NYT.

"The New York Observer has learned over the course of interviews with more than two-dozen current and former Times staffers that the situation has “reached the boiling point” in the words of one current Times reporter."
Why do the reporters hate the editorial page?  According to the reporters themselves, the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, is arrogant, petty and vindictive. The news room has suffered deep cuts, while the editorial page is lavishly staffed, and yet turns out a lousy product.  And most interesting, their belief the poor quality of the paper’s editorials is embarrassing: “they’re completely reflexively liberal, utterly predictable, usually poorly written and totally ineffectual.

Well, they aren’t totally without value. We have fun laughing at them.

It also galls the Times news room that the paper’s columnists are “tired and irrelevant.” The ever boring Thomas Friedman comes in for special abuse. These are quotes from reporters at the Times: 
“Tom Friedman is an embarrassment. I mean there are multiple blogs and Tumblrs and Twitter feeds that exist solely to make fun of his sort of blowhardy bullshit.” 
“Nobody is acknowledging that they suck, but everybody in the newsroom knows it, and we really are embarrassed by what goes on with Friedman. I mean anybody who knows anything about most of what he’s writing about understands that he’s, like, literally mailing it in from wherever he is on the globe. He’s a travel reporter. A joke.”
“As for the columnists, Friedman is the worst. He hasn’t had an original thought in 20 years; he’s an embarrassment. He’s perceived as an idiot who has been wrong about every major issue for 20 years….”
Then there's Ms. Congeniality herself, Maureen Dowd: 
“Then there’s Maureen Dowd, who has been writing the same column since George H. W. Bush was president.”
Surprisingly, no one mentioned of two time winner of DMF's "AssHat of the Year" Award Winner, Paul Krugman, who it is said "doesn’t work any harder on his columns than Friedman does, and is an obnoxious jerk to boot".  Maybe they are saving him for a follow-up article.

In any event, it is highly entertaining to see Times reporters telling us the same things about the paper’s editorial pages that most us have been saying for years. 

Fishnet Friday

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

U.S. Vows to Open Can of Whoop Ass at Sochi Olympics

(MFNS) - The United States is a serious contender to top the medals count at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, but its prospects on Olympic snow and ice weren't always so promising.

Following a dismal performance at the 1988 Winter Games in Calgary, Canada, where the US team garnered just six medals, the US Olympic Committee launched an overhaul of it's system of training athletes that experts credit with helping vault American athletes to dominance. The rise of U.S. Winter Olympians since Calgary is evident not only in their medal haul, but in their intense training for new events added in this years games which should help in America's medal count. 

The U.S. goes into the games heavily favored in the new "Skateless Ice Dancing" competition, inspired by the world wide popularity of the American TV show 'Dancing with the Stars'.

U.S. Olympians Marie Carson and Mario Puci practice for
Skateless Ice Dance Pairs Competition 

Another event the U.S. is expected to do well in is one of the most anticipated events on the Sochi ice this Olympics,  the new "Free-for-all Singles Free Style Skating" competition with hockey type defense. 

Skaters take to the ice together and during their free-style skate performance are allowed to to make contact and neutralize an opponent in accordance with European Hockey rules.  

U.S. Team Coach, Bruno Bobnoski told MFNS  "You'd would think that a country that gave the world Dirty Harry and Rambo would be very, very good at this shit, and we plan on taking out those commie pussies and take at least the Gold and Silver medals, which would be pretty impressive stuff. As incentive, I told my skaters to think about that crappy hotel room the commies gave em. That should do it. 

When ask about the prediction of an epic defeat at the hands of the U.S. team, Russian Olympic Skating coach Boris Cramdoffski's only comment was "Едят дерьмо капиталистических свиней".

John Kerry Sprouts Horse Feathers

First it was a bearded White House Press Secretary, and now Secretary of State John Kerry. Such a manly White House administration these days. Word is, Michelle is considering getting in on the act as well…

Puzzling Out Immigration Reform

"Listening to discussions of immigration laws and proposals to reform them is like listening to something out of 'Alice in Wonderland.'
"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them. 
One of the big problems that those who are pushing 'comprehensive immigration reform' want solved is how to help people who came here illegally and are now 'living in the shadows' as a result.
"What about embezzlers or burglars who are 'living in the shadows' in fear that someone will discover their crimes? Why not 'reform' the laws against embezzlement or burglary, so that such people can also come out of the shadows?" — Thomas Sowell

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dead in the Water

"When employment hit an air pocket in December, most analysts brushed off the dreadful jobs number as an anomaly, or a function of the weather. They chose to believe Ben Bernanke rather than their lying eyes. It’s hard to ignore a second signal that the U.S. economy is dead in the water, though: on Monday the Institute for Supply Management reported the steepest drop in manufacturing orders since December 1980.
In January, only 51% of manufacturers reported a rise in new orders, vs. 64% in December. Not only did the U.S. economy stop hiring in December, with just 74,000 workers added to payrolls; it stopped ordering new equipment. The drop in orders is something that only has occurred during recessions." - David P. Goldman  
Read More 

Another Obama Success Story

CBO nearly triples estimate of working hours lost by 2021 due to Affordable Care Act

A historically high number of people will be locked out of the workforce by 2021, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday.
 President Barack Obama's signature health-care law will contribute to this phenomenon, the CBO said, citing new estimates that the Affordable Care Act will cause a larger-than-expected reduction in working hours—eliminating the equivalent of about 2.3 million workers in 2021.
Another Obama success story. You Obama mouth breathers should be proud of yourselves.  

Political Correctness and Black Robes

Something is wrong, very wrong with the Supreme Court. With the power they have to dictate law, (see Obamacare is a tax), the justices should at least try to put on a non partisan face. Unfortunately, they don’t even try anymore.

Justice Sonia Sotamayer speaking to students at Yale:

"Sotomayor was asked at a talk at Yale Law School later in the day about her use of the term “undocumented immigrants” rather than the traditional illegal alien. Sotomayor characterized the issue as a regulatory problem and said labeling immigrants criminals seemed insulting to her. “I think people then paint those individuals as something less than worthy human beings and it changes the conversation,” Sotomayor said.
Um, no. They are here illegally which makes them criminal. When a Supreme Court Justice twists that description you are in dangerous territory. She is looking through the wrong prism, instead of law, she is looking through the skewed perspective of left ideology.
"The 59-year-old justice said she quickly left an interview to attend Harvard, feeling she didn’t belong. She said Yale students in the 1970s were talking about revolutions in Cuba and other countries while she had attended a Catholic high school where the monsignor supported the Vietnam War. “This is too progressive for me,” she said of Yale, sparking laughter. “Yeah, strange, right?” 
Shouldn’t be considered strange at this point. You either have convictions and principles or you don’t. If you change your mind with the prevailing winds, you are not worthy of being on the Supreme Court. And it seems to me, this is exactly what Ms. Sotamayer has become.
"She admitted that she sometimes finds herself stuck between two worlds, one in which her colleagues talk of operas and another in which she sees a cockroach in an apartment in her old Bronx neighborhood and flees. “Sometimes I do feel I’m not part of either world completely,” she said. “My life has changed so much that going back I don’t feel I’m completely part of the conversation.” 
I would like to think a Supreme Court Justice should be decisive, strong, and un-wavering, wishy washy don’t cut it. I would rather have a person who has worked their ass off for years with the hope to be considered for a Justice position, not one who feels out of place.

That gives me the sense that she was surprised with the nomination, surprised she was confirmed, and feels obligated to the people who selected her. Basically a rubber stamp for the left.

h/t  Nod to the Gods