Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread

Tuesday, November 29, 2022
WH Spox: To Much Free Speech Going On Up in Here.
Simply put, any communication tool that Democrats can’t in some way control presents an existential threat to their future as a party. So therefore that tool must be targeted for cancellation.
Remember, kids, it’s only “hate speech and misinformation” if a Republican or conservative says it.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Friday, November 25, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Your Obligatory "I Ate and Drank Too Much And Now I'm Miserable" Turkey Day Open Thread
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Woke Journalists and Their Transphobic Server
"Journalists signing up on mastodon at the jou. rna[.]host server should know that through no deliberate fault, the server has quickly gained a reputation for transphobia and has been widely banned/blocked." - Vox.
The bid for Mastodon is failing. Woke refugees fleeing Twitter over @elonmusk's takeover have turned to Hive, which seems to have a fictitious origin story and a 20y/o creator. Despite the obvious dangers of information gathering, tech journos are telling people to install it.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 22, 2022
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
Jealous Rage at the Shoet-Yuu Education Camp
NORK NEWS - As reported by the Middle Finger News Service North Korean Bureau Friday, controversy raged last week after pictures leaked of DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and his daughter, previously unseen by the public. Kim's daughter, Kim Ju-ae (roughly translated "Portabella Brianna Kim") is shown walking hand in hand with Mr. Kim in the leaked image.
The controversy centered around the young Kim's schoolmates when it was reveled she was not only allowed a coming out party, but among the lavish presents, her own portable ICBM with matching mobile launcher said to be engrave with "From your Loving Supreme Leader,Daddy". (Look Down)
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Portabella & Flathead Kim |
A jealous fever turned to near riotous conditions ensued after the news overcame the all female student body of the Shoet-Yuu Finishing School and Education Camp over the blatant privilege of their classmate, Kim. The latest word is the situation is said to have been handled with delicate negotiation by the school's armed Internal Security and school's perimeter armored guard.
The mysterious North Korean Shoet-Yuu Education Camp, is safely isolated somewhere in the heavily forested northern mountains.
At age 3, and without outside distractions of family for the next 12 years, select young Korean girls are given an elite, sterile, world class Korean education. Then at age 15 returned to society as an example of the Superiority of North Korean culture and to be married and stand in full support of their committee chosen brave husband warrior & defender of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
In a side note: US Teacher's Union leader, Randy Weingarten, has expressed interest in visiting the Shoet-Yuu Education Camp facility to take notes on the Korean model for improving the American education system.
Monday, November 21, 2022
Most Interesting Job in Government : Joe Biden's Sign Language Interpreter
Bidens handlers need a voice double. Someone really take immediate cut his feed and take over. Absolutely the most embarrassing loser I've ever seen.
— Jamie (@realJamieBurns) November 21, 2022
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Courtney's Sunday Choice Open Tabs Just For You. Consequently, Your Participation is Required.
Friday, November 18, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Throwback Thursday: Horrific Night House Chamber Was Temporarily Evacuated
The debate was interrupted when House Speaker Paul Ryan notice Pelosi, at the dais at the time, head began to violently quiver from side to side. Middle Finger News Congressional Correspondent, Ima Gonagetu spoke to Speaker Ryan after the incident:
"I knew something was wrong when Minority Leader Pelosi began slurring her words and her face began to contort and could hear a metallic popping sounds...... and then heard the House Clerk scream and saw blood gushing from her forearm as she passed out and fell face first onto her desk....... I yelled THERE SHE BLOWS and ran for the door....."What many who worked closely with Pelosi over the years feared would someday happen, happened. The permanent metal staples from her numerous massive face-lifts had begun to come loose. There was shrapnel in the air.
Along with the House Clerk, others wounded included the august Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) who survived a flying staple injury on the cheek.
"I'm Okay. I feel honored to have shed blood in this hallowed hall in an honorable cause for our Transgendered brothers and sisters....or huh... ......as honored as when I got my head bashed in with a brick doing up some trouble during the Civil Rights movement."The few in congress who were there ignoring Pelosi's speech ducked under their desk for cover while others ran for the door. Many of the members later found metal staples lodge in their suit coats.
One such Congressman was Rep.
"There was fear in the air when everyone realized what was going on. I hadn't been that scared since last time I walked through my district in Baltimore! It was scary I tell you!"
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Okay, He's Running. Your Thoughts...
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NOTE: As Always, All Opinions Are Welcome Here. Stimulating Debate Is Not Discouraged. |
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Monday, November 14, 2022
Tis The Season: Gwyneth Has Some $75 Poop She Would Like To Sell You
A sack of shit (literally), this beautiful bag of manure is made from the finest poop in LA - the perfect fertilizer for any and all Earth mamas. It's a blend of free-range goat, horse, chicken, and cow manure, lovingly tended by our gardeners at Flamingo Estate. Our chickens and goats are on a nutritious regenerative diet, snacking occasionally on the tastiest food from the kitchen. It's teeming with beneficial microbes and nutrients, guaranteed to make any plant grow strong and vibrant. This potent, precious poop will bring new life to your soil.
Friday, November 11, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Well, Someone Had to Do It!

Monday, November 7, 2022
WaPo Finally Gives Biden His Own Bottomless Pinocchios
WaPo- President Biden is a self-described “gaffe machine.” That’s no excuse, of course, for a president making false or misleading statements. Readers have asked for fact checks of a variety of recent Biden statements, but none of them seemed big enough for a stand-alone fact check.
We generally do not award Pinocchios for roundups like this — but for reasons that will become clear, we need to make an exception for the first one.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Friday, November 4, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Democrat's Panic Brings Nightmares of The Sword of Damocles
NB - New York Times & Politico Magazine contributor Kyle Spencer was brought on the show to whine and complain about how the conservative movement and more specifically the Leadership Institute are training an army of what Spencer describes as "foot soldiers for the right." She went on to panic that conservatives are now the ones who are "in touch with how people communicate and what is going on politically."
In what only comes as a shock to MSNBC and their leftist acolytes, Spencer disapprovingly revealed how "we're living in a very weird world now where the conservatives are the ones who seem to be very in touch with how people communicate and what is going on politically."
Because the Leadership Institute dared to adapt to current cultural or political issues, Spencer moaned how after the sexual and racial indoctrination of public school children became more of a prominent issue.
"It is invasive and it is big and it is very organized."
They dare not look in the direction of the pendulum.......
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
You'd Think the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Would have a Working Knowledge of the Constitution. You'd Think....
"In the days since Musk took Twitter private, the platform has seen an uptick in hate speech, and Musk himself used the platform and his influence to spread a baseless conspiracy theory."
Free speech does not include spreading misinformation to downplay political violence.
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) November 1, 2022
You just described CNNpic.twitter.com/4OHvKnh63u
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) November 2, 2022
The First Amendment literally prohibits lying and offensive speech, Governor Durham. I swear some people have never read the Declaration of Independence
— Three Year Letterman (@3YearLetterman) November 2, 2022
Yes it does, and you ought to know since that’s what you did for 2 years while this country burned. https://t.co/Sot9ozJzGw
— Joel Berry (@JoelWBerry) November 2, 2022
— Kevin McMahon (@Kevin__McMahon) November 2, 2022