Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Courtney's Sunday Choice Open Tabs Just For You. Consequently, Your Participation is Required.
Courtney is Judging You |
Friday, October 28, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
And Now, a Message From the Democrat Party 🤣 🤣
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
This Never Gets Old 🤣🤣🤣
Dim-bulb Grifter #RickWilson Pwned by Cartoon
— Thora Powers (@WyrdChyk) July 14, 2020
Monday, October 24, 2022
Real Leaders Never Quit, Liz—Take It From Us Democrats
Op-Ed by "Anonymous Former Democratic Strategist Not Named James Carville"
What were you thinking, Liz? You quit being prime minister of the UK just because you were a colossal failure? Where’s the logic in that?
In a REAL Democracy, like the one we have here in the United States, Democrat leaders NEVER resign under any circumstances, even if they’ve been caught failing, cheating, or don't have all their mental capacities.
We in the savior Democrat party have had politicians who have openly run epic grifting operation while Secretary of State, who sent pallets with billions of dollars to our enemies, who abused girlfriends and wives, weaponized the nations highest law enforcement agency to spy on journalist, weaponized the IRS against rival political parties. Who rigged election results, trafficked illegal alien minor children while turning a blind eye to historic drug trafficking that's has killed more Americans than the 20 years of the war on terror. I could go on.....
The point is, you name it, we’ve done it. But so what? That’s no reason for any of us to resign.
In America, egregious wrongdoings are just a golden opportunity to flood our constituents’ inboxes with pleas for money. Allow us to explain how that works: We do something terrible, and then when someone points it out, we defend ourselves against “slander” and fight back against disgusting rightwing “lies.”
You see, Liz? When you’re a democrat, they not only let you do it, they reward you for it. Spreading lies and misinformation is just a means to rake in some sweet dollars. Screaming about "Guns" and "Women's Healthcare" (as we call it) is simply a time-honored democrat way to cash in. We’re not joking here — please sign up for our mailing list and see for yourself. Also, remember to give us money every time we do something appalling.
But with a reliable base of low info voters ensuring that Democrats retain power in any district dominated by a major city containing large concentrations of black folk and suburban wine-box Lindas, there’s absolutely no reason for any Democrat politician ever to be held accountable again, unless they spill the beans about our secret orgies, that is. It’s a win-win situation for Democrats, Liz, whereas you clearly lost.
It’s a perfect system for us Leftist politicians who can fail, cheat and steal and never have to worry about our jobs. And I think we can all agree that it’s a far better system than the one you have in the UK, where a PM has to give in to a uppity patriarchal mob and resign when they’re a total and abject failure.
Anyway, it’s over now, Liz. You’re not going to be prime minister anymore, and it’s all because you were a terrible prime minister, which is such a silly reason. Maybe you should be more like us.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Without Further Ado, Your Sunday Open Thread
Friday, October 21, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Highways For Fishes: Watch Secretary Mayor Pete Tout Infrastructure Bill's Most Enthusiastic Project so far.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
3 Weeks to a National Election: What Could the MSM Hiding This Time?
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Am I the Only One To Noticed This?
Once Upon a Time in a Country Far Far Away We Barely Remember, This Happened....
They scrub the videos but I find them.
— Maze (@mazemoore) October 10, 2022
This is what they thought of Joe Biden before 2016.
Washington Post
— Savoy Brown (@BoiledIguana) October 10, 2022
February 2015
Monday, October 17, 2022
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Courtney's Sunday Choice Open Tabs Just For You. Consequently, Your Participation is Required.
Morticia & Shotgun Frankenstein creeping people out in the park today.
— Diogenes Sarcastica (@KonanBarBarron) October 15, 2022
Friday, October 14, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Fun With Leftist and Pseudoscience
A study published in the journal 'Neuropsychologia' has shown that Leftist fundamentalism is, in part, the result of a functional impairment in a brain region known as the prefrontal cortex. The findings suggest that abnormal areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes Leftist fundamentalism by diminishing cognitive flexibility and openness—a psychology term that describes a personality trait which involves dimensions like reality and open-mindedness.
Leftist beliefs can be thought of as socially transmitted mental representations that consist of unreal expectations and cults of personalities. Leftist beliefs differ from empirical beliefs, which are based on how the world appears to be and are updated as new evidence accumulates or when new theories with better predictive power emerge.
Leftist groups generally oppose anything that questions or challenges their beliefs or way of life. For this reason, they are often aggressive towards anyone who does not share their specific set of beliefs, and towards the truth, as these things are seen as existential threats to their entire worldview.
Since leftist beliefs play a massive role in driving and influencing human behavior throughout the world, it is important to understand the phenomenon of leftist fundamentalism from a psychological and neurological perspective.
Based on previous research, the experimenters predicted that the prefrontal cortex would play a role in leftist fundamentalism, since this region is known to be associated with something called ‘cognitive flexibility’.
According to Dr. Grafman and his team, since leftist fundamentalism involves a strict adherence to a rigid set of beliefs, cognitive flexibility and open-mindedness present a challenge. As such, they predicted that participants would score low on measures of cognitive flexibility and trait openness and high on measures of Leftist fundamentalism.
By investigating the cognitive and neural underpinnings of leftist fundamentalism, we can better understand how the phenomenon is represented in the connectivity of the brain, which could allow us to someday inoculate against rigid or radical belief systems through various kinds of mental and cognitive exercises.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Local Woke Businessman Extends Welcome Message To Refugees
The Mystical Coffee Bar is all about coffee and inclusion. That is why our new policy is that all illegal alien refugees are always welcome in our café so long as they can afford at least a seven dollar small latte (cash only).
Owning a small independent coffee shop is about more than just making money. It's about being a part of a community. A community that we would love to welcome you into, just as soon as you decide what drink you would like. I take my role as a community leader very seriously and I am using my abundant trust fund money wisely. I'm not just some uncaring businessman ripping people off. I am fueling the members of my neighborhood with nutritious, earth saving soy and goat cum ingrediencies as they start their day so they can go out and make a difference in the world.
This would probably be a good time to mention each refugee needs to buy his or her own drink if they wish to stay in the café or use the restrooms.
Now I know that our latté’s aren't cheap, especially on a refugee salary, but that's because we pay our workers a fair wage and only use cruelty-free beans in our coffee. We charge more because we are fighting back against an evil capitalistic system that marginalizes common people to enrich the powerful. Moments like these are why I started my own business.I truly look forward to you coming to the register with your seven dollars (cash only) so I can show you how much The Mystical Coffee Bar supports the downtrodden of our society.
But I do insist that you not beg our customers for money. It makes them feel uncomfortable.
Friday, October 7, 2022
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
~ No Tuxedos Required ~
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Power and Contemporary Politics: A Martian Perspective
"A striking feature of daily life among the humans is that the second group subjects the first to a campaign of concerted, continuous, and incessant humiliation and psychological terror. Day and night, carefully-crafted propaganda blares out from every apparatus of public instruction, and all of their many and ubiquitous types of communications media, derogating the first group (in Earth jargon, "straight White males", or alternately, "the Right") and collectively impugning it for a vast and seemingly infinite litany of crimes and outrages (many of which accusations appear to be transparently fabricated and wholly imaginary). A standing feature of this propaganda is that it ridicules, insults, and blasphemes the religion of the Rightists and desecrates the memory of their ancestors, for example in ritual public vandalism and destruction of monuments the White males built to honour those ancestors. In the face of this hectoring and abuse, which every citizen regardless of age or social standing is allowed and encouraged to commit, the White males are exhorted to "check your privilege and be quiet".
"Perhaps most striking of all is that, notwithstanding a sentimental exaltation of marriage and family life at the level of popular culture, that the family is a central instrument of State policy, and that population growth has long been regarded as an especially urgent interest of the State, seemingly no effort is spared to undermine the White family, above all the authority of the father. The latter is "patriarchy" and deemed an especially heinous form of barbarism to be eradicated."
"Whatever his marital status, his children are exhorted in the course of their education, and once again as highly commendable civic behavior, to serial sexual delinquency if female, and to homosexuality and, more recently, self-castration and public repudiation of his sex if male. Not only can any female elect to have her yet-unborn child murdered in the womb with impunity and without any consent from its father, much less hers, the State is required to subsidize the procedure."
"Last but not least, a campaign is underway to strip the Rightists of their right to own small arms for sport and personal defense- even though juridically this right is considered "Constitutional", viz. inviolate. To underscore the avowed intention of humiliating and emasculating the Rightist family men, the orchestrators of the campaign have opted to use minor children as the public face of the campaign."
"The second group are colloquially known as "Leftists". The Leftists claim to possess, by a type of special grace, a special gnosis that elevates them to a singularly rarefied form of moral and ethical consciousness, a holy state known as being "woke". The "woke" individual has a privileged ability to discern right from wrong and justice from injustice, and on the basis of this charisma "speaks truth to power" on behalf of "oppressed" peoples that the woke have determined to have suffered injustice, above all at the hands of the Rightists and White men. Since membership in the ranks of the woke is based in charisma, in a claim to special grace, there are no fixed criteria of entry into its ranks, although all White men who have not undergone the aforementioned expiatory castration are disqualified, as is any White woman or non-white man."
"The Leftists stand out for being exquisitely sensitive in the extreme to any insult to their exalted social dignity. Since only a woke person is competent to distinguish justice from injustice, a woke person is the sole judge of whether or not she has been offended. Jealously guarded monopoly on the administration of justice, the State indulges this practice, and more generally defers to the wishes of the Leftists in almost all matters- for the fiat privilege of being uniquely able to define injustice or "oppression" results in the (socially uncontested and incontestable) definition of oppression as any conceivable situation in which a Leftist does not get what she wants, when she wants it."
At this point one of the senior Martian sociologists quite reasonably interjects:
"Aha, so clearly these North American humans are a conquered people, a race of slaves- and these, what is it, Leftists obviously an aristocracy descended from the conquerors. Nothing we haven't seen a million times before in the history of that planet and others like it. Who did these North Americans lose the war to? Was it that traditional enemy of theirs, France I think it is called?"
"Actually, they've never been conquered; on the contrary, they are feared and despised across the planet as imperialists".
At this point, the senior scholar starts getting a bit flabbergasted.
"I've never in my life even heard of any species amongst which it could be seriously proposed that children- girls, no less!- could legitimately disarm grown males with a legal right to arms. No free male human would just stand there and take that; all known facts about history and society on Earth show they'd rather drop dead first. Don't tell me that these children aren't exceptionally high-born, sons and daughters of the patented nobility humiliating some unfree peasants for sport, or for having pretensions above their class".
"Some of the children indeed have rich parents-the State is forbidden by law to grant titles of nobility".
"You mean that the Leftists aren't even their nominal social superiors? What the hell is wrong with those people???"
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Mid-Week Open Thread
Monday, October 3, 2022
The Wanderer
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 30, 2022
Joe Biden, the Wanderer
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Courtney's Sunday Choice Open Tabs Just For You. Consequently, Your Participation is Required.
Courtney Is Judging You |