Tuesday, July 30, 2024

White Liberal Women Have Turned into the Scourge of the Country.

Example # 310: 

Here is Molly Jong Fast, the pathetic xanax hazed regular toxic contributor to MSNBC. Think of a demented cat lady, she's it in my mind. I have often wondered if this twisted woman has ever pondered the luck of her comfortable upbringing and her now semi-famous existence considering her mother, a famous feminist writer was one of her generation's outspoken proponent of abortion. Molly dodged that bullet only to become a deceiver and vicious attacker of truth. A hatefulled media propagandist of the highest order.  Here is her as she outright lies, spreading her verbal manure to the smooth brain viewers of MSNBC.......

So much ignorance crammed into one comment.  JD Vance and his wife Usha are the parents of three biracial children.

Monday, July 29, 2024

White Dudes for Harris 🤣

 There is so much to unpack here I can't even......

Masculinity does not seem to be one of his problems.
"There’s nothing more ‘progressive’ than self-loathing White guys with low self-esteem, man buns, and a gender studies degree from SUNY Binghamton thinking if they sign up for something as condescending as this that they’ll make their first Black female friend and maybe get a date." - Jason Rantz

Welcome to 'Kamalog'

EARL Done This.   Go See EARL

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, July 26, 2024


In spring 2012, at the beginning of the presidential primary campaign season, we at DMF saw no candidate with an ability or worthiness to defeat incumbent Barky Obama. Then out of the blue came a man of the people, one who we believed had what it took to pull America back from the brink. That man was Linden Phuken Borden.

Unfortunately, both the Romney and Obama campaigns smeared and lied in the media about Mr. Borden and he was excluded from any debates, failing to gain traction.

Now, in 2024, Linden Borden is back. Flush with money from the sale of his boat building empire, he sees both Democrat and Republican nominees unacceptable. We believe it is his time to save America. 

~ Editorial ~

By the Board of Diogenes' Middle Finger & Middle Finger News Service  


Linden Borden is a Harry Truman type character. Only five foot two inches in stature, but of strong Viking stock, the Presidential Candidate is a self-sufficient small businessman; a boat builder by trade from the wilds of Minnesota. His business savvy and understanding of the needs of small business is sorely missing from the present candidates.   

His strong suit is his understanding of simple economics: You can't spend more than you take in. Borden knows how to wield a mean ax, and plans to lay waste to the bloated federal budget and stop the idiotic wasteful spending. The present candidates see billions as chump change, Linden Borden sees that as the problem. 

We feel Mr. Borden is scary enough to get congress in-line and threatening enough to keep our enemies at bay. We know he will not have any empty sexual harassment allegations leveled at him as some candidates have because as far as we know, no women has gone near him in years.

The almost unbelievable ground swell of support we witnessed on College Campuses as well as in Bingo Parlors and Burger Doodles all over Minnesota last week make us believe Linden Borden is poised to explode in a major breakout and begin a march to the head of the polls. All across the state, from the prestigious environmentally conscious, cutting edge 'Cannabis Technological Institute' to the 'State School for the Blind and Infirm', to the historic ' Mae West Academy for Wayward Nymphomaniacs', we witnessed grassroots support we haven't seen since the Dukakis campaign.

We at Diogenes Middle Finger think it's Linden Borden's time to shine, and wholeheartedly endorse his 2024 Presidential Candidacy.

Mr. Borden has surrounded himself with some impressive advisors, the likes of the eccentric but knowledgeable Professor Ichabod Butouski of the Minnesota State Junior College Ethnic Physics Department, Will Profit, CEO of Capitalist Preservation and Texas State Chairman for CTFBA (Cut the F**king Budget Already Campaign), Snags Fitch, Grand Lizard of the St. Paul Masonic Elks Optimist Club and Sequela Butts, contemporary poet and rummage expert. His intended Cabinet nominees we find also impressive. Announced as his potential Commerce Secretary is English born Marvin Ashcott Hayes, the somewhat eccentric Minnesota Tampon Magnate, and for Transportation Secretary, Link Pilsnerformer outlaw biker leader and expert on the nation's back roads and highway systems.  

On Foreign Policy, we here at Diogenes Middle Finger unfortunately do not agree with Candidate Borden's insistence on nuking Guatemala in retaliation for his 1981 conviction (later overturned) for importing Toupees made from hair of endangered species, but do feel his views will be tempered by his choice for Secretary of State, Klash Bazbo, who should be over the ugly head wound accidentally suffered in a Viking Pillage Raid Reenactment on a Wisconsin girl's school, and over physical therapy in time to be confirmed.

The only possible problem we see with presently announced Cabinet choices in Congressional Confirmation Hearings could be the pick for Attorney General, Vincent “The Toe" Plemoso. Mr. Plemoso is a business exc. and expert on Law and the Federal Correction System, having been through it many times. 

 The Editorial Board of Diogenes Middle Finger believe it's time to cut the crap and get the country back on track. We also believe this is the first and most important endorsement of The Linden Borden for President Campaign, with many to follow in our steps. 

Editor's Note:  In a August 14, 2012 story in the press of Mitt Romney's refusal to debate Mr. Borden one-on-one, it mentions the following day's discovery of the cutting down of every single tree on the Romney Family Estate in Massachusetts and hauled away during the night, attributed by some as the mischievous handy work of Mr. Borden and his Symbolic Viking Hatchet. Our in-depth investigation of the matter showed no conclusive proof of any involvement of Mr. Borden with the missing trees.  It remains a mystery.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

They Really Do Think You're Stupid.

The fun thing about living right now is watching the left try and gaslight us in real time. Something happens, we all see it happen, then all the talking heads experts come out in one voice to tell you it didn't happen and how insane it is for anyone to believe it did happen. 

Example 6073:

Paging Mr. Orwell......

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I Pledge Not to be Mean or Nasty About Kamala Whatsername After This Post. *Fingers Crossed*

There is a God - He Spared Jimmy Earl To See the Day

Ladies and Gentlemen - We Have a New #1

There's nothing funnier than the Democrats spending so much time trying to drag Biden out of the race, and when he finally knuckles under, then he's like George Washington, and he's shown honor and grace and patriotism.  Suddenly, Biden is Washington, Lincoln, JFK, LBJ, the Roman leader Cincinnatus, and I keep waiting for a comparison to Gandhi, now isolating with Covid in his Fortress of Solitude.

If he was all about gracefully stepping away from the nomination, why didn't he do it weeks ago? He's been at the center of a long and ugly Democrat slap fight, but they want to make it sound like now they're in a serene moment. It's a Potemkin Moment of Zen.

He didn't show grace. He climbed the greasy pole of power and had to be dragged away from it, stubbornly insisting that only God himself could take him out of the race. 

Creepy Former Respected Presidential Historian 

But leave it to the mind virus infected at MSNBC quoted telling their cult viewers Biden "didn't lie or have scandals". He doesn't have loads of people saying, “oh, I wish it were someone else” behind the scenes."

T. Becket Adams over at the National Journalism Center put it more realistically:  "The Biden presidency will end just as it began: With a completely shambolic withdrawal, executed with little to no planning or consideration and at a great cost to those who rely on the White House for accountable and responsible leadership."

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Art of Democratic Democracide

"Democrats are destroying democracy by engineering a veritable coup through forcing out Biden from the race—but not from the presidency. Here are ten of their new rules of American democracy that they have now bequeathed to us." 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Soothingness

Just for you,  another bit of Sunday Soothingness, a choice morsel drawn from your Beloved Editrix's personal digs.  Here is a short track from one of my favs, Jean-luc Ponty's title track from his 1978 Album 'Cosmic Messenger'.  It draws you in then sets you down gently. Enjoy

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Courtney's Open Tab Flush. You're Participation is Required.

Courtney Is Judging You Now. 

* The Left Fought Discrimination - Until They Found It a Useful Tool
* And So it Begins - Mr. Stone...Oliver Stone, Please Pick Up on the Red Courtesy Phone. 
* Napoleon in a Golf Cart - One Does Not Simply Shoot Napoleon.
* Oh, great: Sea Zombies! 
* The latest thing you're doing wrong? How you sleep in the summer.

Courtney Does The Runway.....

Friday, July 19, 2024

Your Official Big Ass Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Week Ending Open Thread

My Beloved Readers, I'm sure you would agree that it's been one wildly unexpected crazy F**kin' week here on the Third Stone. The crazy train continues to barrel down the tracks with no sign of slowing in coming days, with posible election news coming this next week sure to create more bedlam and insanity, with major proliferation of lies, insults, misrepresentations, kicking and spitting, and media meltdowns. 

So Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You, turns things over to you. Regular ground rules apply...... and don't give the Sasquatch any liquor.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

They're Beating Up on Opie for Creating a 'Monster'

Wednesday the Hollywood trade magazine 'Variety' attacked Opie Taylor/Richie Cunningham - aka director Ron Howard, for having "created a monster" by making a movie based on the best-selling book Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance, now DJT's vice presidential nominee.

Their chief film critic & insufferable little bitch, Peter Debruge proclaimed: 
Unlike so many of the books published in the lead-up to someone’s political candidacy — such as Barack Obama’s 2007 The Audacity of Hope or Kamala Harris’ 2019 The Truths We Hold — Hillbilly Elegy wasn’t written for readers of Vance’s political persuasion. Rather, it served to explain to liberals why Trump would get elected that fall, inspiring waves of parachute journalism as reporters rushed to such communities to make sense of the strange turn national politics was taking.… 
It was that dimension of Vance’s narrative that clearly attracted director Ron Howard and producer Brian Grazer — both self-avowed liberals,  who may have created a monster by legitimizing his origin story, much as The Apprentice producer Mark Burnett did by giving Trump a reality TV spotlight back in 2004.
The "created a monster" line - as well as putting it right next to Trump, like their twin monsters, just screams "I'm a Democrat." But it also sounds like a tantrum. Vance was already a big success with the book,  and was a wealthy investor,  so it's not like Ron Howard made him. In a similar vein, Mark Burnett did not make Donald Trump, who was already one of America's most famous business moguls.  Film critics tend to be just jealous, failed film makers judging other's success. 

And speaking of insufferable bitches:   
We may have just witnessed the first known case of Vance Derangement Syndrome (VDS) on national television. "MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Peers Into Vance Speech, Finds a White Supremacy"

How else to explain Wagner’s crazy transmutation of the desire to be buried alongside one’s family into “the supremacy of whiteness and masculinity”?

Maggie's Farm for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Coming Reckoning

"The very same leaders of the Democratic Party, along with a cohort of the Republican Party who labeled themselves Never Trumpers, and a swathe of what was once the mainstream media, crossed the line of political and public decency by framing Donald Trump as a monster and his supporters (roughly half the nation) as monster-worshipping deplorables ready to hand our democratic republic to a dictator.

For years they have proclaimed Trump to be a danger to democracy and demonized his voters as witting or unwitting fascists. The May 16 edition of the once-revered New Republic depicted Trump as Hitler on its front cover. The argument that Trump posed a Hitler-level threat to American democracy can be traced back to the first outbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome among left-leaning journalists in 2016. What made the argument so malignant was that it justified using all means possible to disrupt Trump’s presidency and to prevent his re-election.

With less than four months to go until the election, the Democrats are in the grip of an internal power struggle of their own making. Now the attempted assassination of Trump almost certainly dooms them to defeat, whether they nominate Biden, Harris or some other candidate. After President Ronald Reagan narrowly avoided assassination in March 1981, his approval rating surged from 60 to 70%. It would be remarkable if Trump did not reap a comparable political reward for his evident courage and defiance in the moments after his brush with death.

A great many people who wished Donald Trump ill over the past eight years also dodged a metaphorical bullet. Had Trump been killed, his death would have been on the consciences of everyone who ever called him Hitler. I shudder to imagine the political aftermath of such a nightmarish event.

The advice I would give them all as they prepare for their party’s likely defeat on November 5 is simple: This time, do the right thing after you lose. Instead of demonizing the guy who beat you, take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourselves this simple question: Was this result what we deserved for four years of failed policies on immigration, inflation, and national security – and for eight years of smearing Donald Trump as a Nazi?" 
*Excerpted from Ayaan Hirsi Ali @Restoration

Reaction Mixed to JD Vance as DJT's VP Pick. 🤣🤣

Via                                 __________________________________

All seriousness aside, the reaction by the sociopaths at MSNBC to DJT's pick of JD Vance as VP I think shows he may have just hit a homerun.  And Vance didn’t have to blow Willie Brown! 

Monday, July 15, 2024

An Unexcused Absence This Morning

Turns out the network didn't want these two and their regular group of sociopaths to go on rants about incompetent assassins or something and made them sit in the corner......or that's the story they put out. 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, July 14, 2024

I'm Not One Bit Surprised Really......

Not One Bit was I surprised at the events of yesterday.  Just Wednesday at lunch with a friend, they said to me  "they know they can't beat him now.....they're going to kill him. They're going to Mark David Chapman him." 

I've believed that since the lights dimmed on DJT 's trial proceedings and he remained free to campaign for November,  he became the most dangerous man in America.  He has exposed the media as the frauds they are. He has pointed to us the extent of corruption by career politicians. He has shown us just how troubling our justice system has become. He's reinforced to a younger generation that the democrats and their apocalyptical rhetoric are indeed the Marxist and Maoist they never deny they are.  And now that Biden have the dems in full disarray, he's even more dangerous to them. 

They've tried to break his spirit. They've tried to ruin him financially. They've tried the jail him. They've preached hate for him 24/7.  Is it no surprise to you too someone would eventually try to kill him.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Yes My Friends, It's Finally Time for Your Official 'Late Edition' Midweek Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Big Ass Open Thread

It's been almost three weeks since the last Big Ass Open Thread and lots has happened since. So Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You, knows y'all possess a few new brain wrinkles and are overflowing with newly absorbed knowledge and opinion you're anxious to share with us all. Not to mention you're probably bursting with a backlog of accolades and tribute for your Beloved Editrix.

Therefore and forthwith, she opens up the floor. So Don Your Blogging Thongs and Share Ye Links.  Regular house rules apply. And use the damn coasters! 

And for those who catalog the unexpected events that happen to you in your life journey that make you special and make jealous your friends, you can now add to your list being 'Mooned by a Bumble Bee'.  You're Welcome. - DS

Thursday, July 11, 2024

'Flaps' Abrams Throws Her Weight Behind Biden

Y'all remember Tank Abrams, the rotund, notied election denier, Governor of Georgia in exile, the Mother Teresa of Georgia's inbreed democrats, author of naughty erotic novellas and would be Vice President, has thrown her substantial tonnage behind the well meaning elderly man with a bad habit of lying about almost anything, by announcing it’s time y'all stop dissing Joe Biden with the doom loop.
In an op-ed written in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Abrams wrote that it was “crucial” for Democrats to “continue to support” Biden and that voters should “ignore” the “doom loop” that has overtaken the news cycle. “Let’s be clear,” Abrams wrote. “The wishful benefits of a contested convention or a late-stage exit are vastly outweighed by the potential harm. Our path to victory lies in standing by Biden and understanding the high stakes of this erection.
Abrams’ op-ed comes as Biden has faced his fearest pressure from his own backstabbing party and it's moneybags for him to withdraw from the race after his mumbling rest home resident debate performance against Trump. She went on to to slam DJT, spewing the the dem's top shelf, first line propaganda claiming that DJT “has made clear his plans to be a ‘Dictator on Day 1,” and that he had “openly called for the termination of our Constitution.”

Seems Tank hasn't read the room very well betting on a blind three legged horse.  The Black community is seeing the light and even her big ass can't plug that hole.  Or maybe she did read it and she is just trying to stay relevant......between meals.

[DMF Institute for the Study of Mental Defective Progressives]

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Maxine vs The Wig Hat 🤣

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

And Here We Go Again

Russia Seeks to Boost Trump in 2024 Election, U.S. Intelligence Officials Say.

According to the WSJ, the Russians have launched a “whole-of-government” effort to influence the outcome of the presidential election in favor of DJT senior U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday. Of course the officials gave no details and didn’t mention Trump by name, (that wouldn't be good manners) they left that straight over the plate fastball for Ricky Maddow and the sociopaths at MSNBC to fill in the blanks and swing for the fence with.  
"Russia’s current activity—described as covert social-media use and other online propaganda efforts—mirrored the 2020 and 2016 election cycles, when Moscow also favored Trump and sought to undermine Democratic candidates, according to U.S. intelligence agencies. 
“We haven’t observed a shift in Russia’s preferences for the presidential race from past elections,” a senior official in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said, during a media briefing summarizing intelligence on foreign threats to the election. Russia was seeking to influence specific voting groups, including those in swing states, promote divisive narratives and denigrate specific politicians, the officials who briefed reporters said. 
They declined to provide details about the voters or politicians who have been targeted. - READ MORE 
So there you have it. Tee'd up and ready to kick for the dems and their intelligence community media mouthpiece if they lose in November.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Monday, July 8, 2024

You Racist Quit Hogging All the Trees!

Six-figure Equity Tree Huggers

The city of Seattle is paying a six-figure salary, $60 to $83 an hour for a "Tree Equity Initiative Manager" who  “must play a role in ending institutional and structural racism,” according to KTTH host Jason Rantz. 

The Tree Equity movement is part of a tapestry of contrived social justice causes pursued by Progressive activists seeking hero status. It fits under the umbrella cause of “environmental racism.” This movement attempts to more evenly distribute trees to underserved communities. The lack of tree canopies and green space in black, Asian and Latino-majority communities is due to institutional racism, according to progressives.


I guess now that the mythical secret "Alliance to Deny Trees to Them Colored People" has been exposed, antifa will now consider whether it will take to the streets and destroy parts of Seattle or not.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, July 5, 2024

Squinty Scarborough's Mind has Been Changed.

Squinty Scarborough Returns after a Short Absence 

Who got to Squinty Joe Scarborough?  Last Friday, the very next day after Biden's debate debacle, Squinty Scarborough strongly suggested that Biden needed to quit, pronto.

Now, after a four day of unexplained absence from 'The Squinty & Meat Puppet in the Morning" kick off of MSNBC's daily TDS programing extravaganzaBiden's favorite pundit and phone pal, Squinty Joe, has changed his tune. He seemed different and has now drastically changed his perspective.

On tuesday's Morning Joe, he stressed that Democrats shouldn't rush into a decision: "it's only July 5th!", he repeatedly exclaimed. Scarborough engaged in some revisionist history in positioning himself as the sage who never suggested Biden immediately quit.  Scarborough now claims that last week, he said that "we needed to give it time. Needed to see what's going to happen.

A likely possibility: Scarborough has been bragging about his close access to Biden, even supposedly spending hours at a time with him. Message from the campaign: Joe, if you ever want to get within shouting distance of Biden again, change your tune—now!—on him quitting. We'll be watching today. And Scarborough delivered. I guess a gentle nudge was all that was needed.

So back to our opening question: who got to Joe Scarborough? And what leverage did they use on him?

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Metastasized TDS = Justified Deception

Kaivan Shroff of the sleazy HuffPost argues that the threat of Trump's victory is so great that fake content like AI videos (i.e. faked) of the president that make him speak well and look youthful be used to fool voters into supporting Biden.

Turns Out That "Well-Meaning Elderly Man With a Bad Memory" is Said to be a Prickly Old Jerk

Some White House staffers have been forced to tiptoe around Joe Biden when briefing him on certain subjects because they want to avoid eliciting his wrath and are “scared shitless” of him, according to a lengthy report at Politico on *46's inner circle:
“It’s like, you can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,”a senior administration official told Politico, referring to how some of the 81-year-old president’s aides feel they have to walk through a minefield before briefings to avoid him getting angry with them. 
In the past, allegations have emerged about Biden having a hair-trigger temper and reaming out aides — sometimes with profane language — when vexed by certain developments. The president’s temper has flared publicly on occasion, too, including when faced with tough questions from The Post. This article was based on interviews with more than two dozen people, most of whom were granted anonymity to speak candidly about a sensitive subject. 
“It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing", one source says “Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared s—less of him.” Biden “doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it,” the source said. 
The White House vehemently rejected the characterizations of the president, and disputed the characterization of Biden as isolated....".


In the old fart's defense, if I had advisors who thought was a good idea to spray me burnt orange before going in front of TV cameras in a failed attempt to be presidential, was married to a woman who most of the time looks like she had her dresses made at an upholstery shop, a degenerate grifter of a son always in the media, and a blogger no one has heard of that keeps reminding people I sold my driveway by mistake, not once but twice, y'all would be scared of my ass too!

Monday, July 1, 2024

This is Exactly How Ridiculous Democrats Sound Right Now. They are not Coping Well.

 SCOTUS: You can’t just throw your rival in prison because you don’t like him.

DEMOCRATS: So you’re saying we can drop bombs on him? SCOTUS: You really can’t even charge your rival with a crime because his presidency made you mad. DEMOCRATS: Got it. So we can incinerate his house with him in it? SCOTUS: The Constitution protects officials from being terrorized with lawfare for official actions they undertook while in office. DEMOCRATS: Ah. Makes sense. So we can officially assassinate everyone we don’t like? SCOTUS: Prosecuting a politician because you don’t like his politics would destroy our country, and we’re not going to allow it. DEMOCRATS: Roger that. So what you’re saying is: we are officially allowed to eliminate Trump and the Supreme Court as long as we, like, say it’s official and stuff?


~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

A Good Monday Morning