Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Feel the Wind Blow??

After the election of DJT, many people have been noticing a vibe shift throughout the popular culture. Recently, Disney has decided not to push the transgender agenda; more corporations have retreated from the DEI agenda as they line up to talk to Trump. Bible sales are up about 22% in the last few months. Even young people are buying the Bible. 

 On the left-wing side of things, there haven’t been any riots led by BLM types. Also, 90% of liberals believe that the 2024 election was legitimate. 

Some say that we are beyond peak Wokeness. Think of anything in Wokeism that makes people even remotely happy. … Yeah. That’s what I thought. 

Being Woke is like watching Schindler’s List, Sophie’s Choice and the ending to Old Yeller twice a week and listening to the song Strange Fruit and a mix of Robert Johnson in your car everyday. No one can function with that kind of concentrated depression floating around in their head.

Suffering is an inevitable part of life. Maybe a necessary part. Suffering inspires artists, and it makes philosophers strive for Truth. But Wokeism is a kind of self-destructive despair. There’s no wholesome hug at the end of that pride rainbow. Wokeism is an empty despair that can’t build anything.  

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Saturday, December 28, 2024

JHK Forecast 2025 — Taking Out the Trash

"I would guess that you’re feeling as if anything might happen now. It’s hard to rule out even the possibility that we could all be vaporized before moving onto the next mundane chore of the day. The world order is dangerously in flux. America’s Woke-Jacobin “Joe Biden” regime was defeated in the election, but they were apparently just a front for the sinister entity we call the “blob” or the Deep State, which in recent years has consistently and garishly acted against our country’s interests. So, the blob abides, and it probably weaves schemes in the deep background of daily life even as a new government awaits. But if the Woke-Jacobin Biden-istas were tied-in with the so-called “globalist” enterprise centered around the EU bureaucracy, with assistance from the World Economic Forum’s network of zillionaires and bankers. . . well, that coalition looks rather broken now. It’s doing a hurt-dance. It’s on the run, a little bit.

What is not broken for the moment — a tenuous moment — is the new Trump regime’s determination to correct the disorders of Western Civ, starting with the affairs of the USA, according to age-old reality-based norms of behavior and good-faith relations between the people and their government. Trust was broken and must be restored. The President-elect has assembled an extraordinary team of reformers, if they can get to their posts without subversion. And, of course, Mr. Trump himself has to evade further attempts to rub him out, to knock him off the game-board before he can take office, and then he must survive the months beyond his inauguration. So, you are correct to be nervous......"

"For all you know, the heavyweights of blobdom might be plotting some sort of coup during the Holiday season to prevent Mr. Trump from taking power on January 20. Failure to mount a coup would actually signal some essential weakness in the blob’s own enterprise architecture. The blob has certainly tried everything so far up to an actual coup, that is, a sharp discontinuity in constitutional government — like, with tanks around the US Capitol and generals in the Oval Office. The blob’s other problem is that it has no powerful individual leader to rally behind, no one with charisma. It has only its multifarious tentacles — departments, agencies, offices, and operations — which Mr. Trump and his lieutenants can lop off in broad strokes. They can cashier generals, defund projects, shut-down offices and programs, send US Marshals into CIA headquarters in Langley, VA, to lockdown document archives. Based on blob behavior of the past decade, no one’s fidelity to the constitution can be taken-for-granted." - James H. Kunstler

Friday, December 27, 2024

Your Final 2024 Almost Semi-World Famous Official Irredeemable Big Ass Weekend Open Thread.

Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You gives you one last opportunity to leave your mark on history and possibly, but not likely, be admired by future generations for your wisdom in this renowned and much anticipated final Big Ass Open Thread for 2024. *the crowd cheers*

You know what to do. The floor is yours.....

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Probably the Most Important Accomplishment of Biden's Entire Presidency

After 248 years as the symbol of American Power and Freedom, the bald eagle has landed in it's rightful place as the Official National Bird. Most Americans are familiar with the Great Seal of the United States with the eagle carrying a flag-emblazoned shield holding an olive branch in one talon and arrows in the other.
Awakened from his nap, Biden decided to signed into law that which amends the United States Code to make the bird official.

Biden also issued an executive order making the Orange Tabby the National Cat of the United States.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024


 You may consider this an open thread, because I do. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

They Took a Load Off Fani

Fani Willis Booted from Trump’s Election
 Interference Case

A Georgia Court of Appeals removed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the sprawling election interference case against DJT and more than a dozen of his allies, upending the ongoing criminal prosecution of the president-elect weeks before he returns to the White House. Judges determined Thursday that the district attorney bumping nasties with Nathan Wade (eww!), the special prosecutor who was hired to take on the case amounted to a “significant” conflict of interest that warranted her dismissal from the prosecution team.

This could help clear the deck to later dismiss the case completely and blunt any opportunity for the left to yell racism over Fani's ass being sidelined for professional incompetence.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Let Them Rage and Crawl Back Under Their Rocks

I was speaking with a couple of friends this morning on a rare video call outside of our regular New Year Wishes. They both expressed a weird feeling that something was going to happen to keep DJT from assuming his office in next month. Their fears got me thinking. I am not at all pessimistic. But cautiously optimistic. Cautious because certain aspects of the Progressive base might be childish in their thinking, but the drivers of the movement are quite adept of instituting their objectives. Certain chaos and detours around civilized rules is a desired tactic of Progressives.

Biden’s complete lack of moral compass and his overwhelming ambition and limited intellect allowed his administration to become the playground of undisciplined children with wildly ridiculous ideas about how to run a country. The consequences were an out of control economy, a bankrupt foreign policy, non-existent borders, and a justice system that worked in total opposition to what it was designed to be.   

I do think Trump will get inaugurated and will serve out his full term. I feel a certain mood in the country, a kind of collective sigh that most of the unnecessary nonsense is over — that we are going back to adult rule.

As I thought about the last four years I am reminded of the William Golding book, The Lord of the Flies. A group of young boys is set down on an uninhabited island; their one adult, the pilot of their transport, a rotting skeleton. The children, male children especially, without adult supervision devolve into savages. Their savagery intensifies over time. More and more of the artifacts of civilized life are dispensed with, and the worst instincts drive them. It all comes to an almost magical end with the arrival of an adult. Normalcy is reinstated. They are once again children, disciplined and orderly.

It is feeling to me that this is the stage at which we are currently. The adult has returned to the island. The children are no longer in charge. The wild, untamed impulses no longer rule, and the nation is once again ready to resume its journey and its example as the shining city on the hill for all the world to see. It is only a little strange after all that has happen, that it is again Donald J. Trump, of all people, who will lead us back to civilization.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Monday, December 16, 2024

Droning On......

At the very back of my 28 acres is a small clearing about the size of half a football field. It's surrounded by a 12 ft chain link fence with a couple old rusted 'electrified fence' warning sign still hanging tight. Inside this fence is a concrete platform roughly 60x40ft topped with two sets of large steel doors. During the cold war these doors could open and up would pop Nike Zeus surface to Air missile launchers, part of a system of defense that ringed the city below and the Barksdale AFB 8th Air Force B52 Bomb Wing and it's nuclear weapons storage just across the river. The missiles were remove sometime in the 60's either because of a treaty or deemed inefficient. The bombers and nuke storage bunkers are still there. But are they as safe as they once were?  

For the last weeks we hear of drones are swarming areas of the northeast. They roam freely near the nation's business and financial center.  They roam near the east coast vulnerable unhardened power grid. The governorment say's they aren't our's. 

Today we hear John Kirby, retired United States Navy rear admiral and White House National Security Communications Advisor, tell media that there have been overflights by unidentified drones at major military installation on the east coast. When asked why none of the drones are shot down to gather information of origin, his answer was the "base commanders do not have authority to shoot them down." 

The whole chinese balloon incident should have taught us not to trust anything these people say. It's been 4 years of nothing but deception. Some people in DC have their nuts in a vice and getting real nervous right now. Who the Fuck is in charge? Something smells. Really smells.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Your Almost Semi-World Famous Official Irredeemable Big Ass Weekend Open Thread.

Your Blog Editrix apologizes to the loyal readers of DMF for my scant appearance here this week. I have had a very special house guest up to the Maison de Sarcastica all week. Much business was accomplished. Reasonable amounts of the fruit of the vine consumed, and many memories made. Only DJT could have had a better week than I. 

So, Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You, knows y'all done got more smarter than last time we got together and knows you're anxious to share with us all.  So she now reluctantly turns things over again to you.

Regular House Rules apply. Penalties will be administered with extreme prejudice.  Therefore and forthwith, the floor is now open.

This week your glorious exercise in Free Speech is brought to you by:


"There are children worldwide in countries like Africa and especially in those Chinese countries that are too poor to ever have had gravy for their Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I want to change that with your help." - The Gravy Lady.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Clock Strikes Thirteen

"What happened? It’s like a spell broke. Since November’s election (re-election?) of President Donald Trump, the woke is going away, and all sorts of problems are resolving themselves. But why? There are several reasons, but basically, it’s a preference cascade.

In law they talk about the proverbial thirteenth chime of the clock, which is not only wrong in itself, but which calls into question everything that has come before. Most of our institutions have been chiming thirteen for quite a while, and people have noticed. But it’s not enough to notice.

Soviet citizens knew their system was founded on lies, too, but the system kept them isolated, unaware that so many of their fellow citizens felt the same way, and unable to come together to act. This technique, used by totalitarians of all sorts, is called “preference falsification,” in which people are forced to profess belief in things that they know not to be true. If the powers that be are good at it, virtually every citizen can hate them and want them out, but no one will do anything because every citizen who feels that way thinks they’re the only one, or one of a tiny number.

In his classic book, Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification, economist Timur Kuran notes how governments, and social movements, do their best to enforce this sort of ideological uniformity. People tend to hide unpopular views to avoid ostracism or punishment; they stop hiding them when they feel safe......."

In America, the left spent years bullying people into accepting “woke” ideas on race, gender, and politics. There’s considerable reason to believe that a majority of Americans never accepted these ideas, but between constant media repetition, and the risk of being mobbed and canceled if you disagreed with them, most people for years were afraid to stand up. But two things put a stop to that.

One was Donald Trump’s election. The other – and the two are related – was Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, now X, which is now a free-speech platform with roughly equal representation of Democrats and Republicans. Both had the effect of blowing up the lefty bubble and letting people realize that they, not the woke, were the actual majority......" - Glenn Reynolds

In the name of fairness, here's a word from the opposite side alternative universe:

Monday, December 9, 2024

Squinty Joe Gets All Condescending and Stuff at His Remaining Viewer.

Festivus arrived weeks early on the set of Morning Joe as Squinty Scarborough launched into an airing of grievances against his own audience. It was a bitter and condescending diatribe directed at viewers who feel miffed or even betrayed by his meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago last month.

For nearly a decade, MSNBC’s Morning Joe crew of mostly ex spooks and disgraced ex-government officials and TDS infected opinion pimps have been telling viewers what a horrible person DJT is. Scarborough has repeatedly called him a fascist and just this April said you can’t have a “meeting in the middle” with someone like Trump. This is ugly stuff, but the backdrop in front of which Morning Joe has operated.

The issue here is the shift in tone from Scarborough and co-host Meat Puppet Mika since they met with Trump after his victory to restart communications. After the meeting, they told viewers they will wait to see if Trump can approach “all sides” of the political divide and be “a leader who can bring them together,” as if the two had not spent years explaining that such a thing is impossible.

When the hosts did informed their viewers of the visit last month, the viewers and pretty much everyone else went into pillow biting mode. First Maddow exposed as a phony, and now Squinty & Meat Puppet go MAGA?!!

There’s speculation about why Squinty & Meat Puppet  are suddenly interested in a “restart” with Trump and acting with “civility.” None of the possibilities portend anything good. Days after the Morning Joe hosts revealed they met with Trump, CNN published a report – which Scarborough and Brzezinski deny – that they’re afraid of being targeted by Trump when he retakes office. That would be an understandable concern, but if true, this would simply mean Morning Joe is compromised.

Pundits cannot credibly cover a person if they fear that person to the point where they seek a meeting to see if they’re going to be in trouble for saying mean things. But let’s say the hosts are telling the truth when they say they don’t fear Trump.

In that case, the explanation is far worse because that would, for all intents and purposes, mean they were being disingenuous in their commentary about Trump all these years. He’s not that bad after all, they insist, after claiming he’s an irredeemable fascist for whom there is no “meeting in the middle.”

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Your Almost Semi-World Famous Official 'Big Red America Is On Our Way Back' Big Ass Weekending Open Thread.

Your Beloved Blog Editrix Turns Things Over to You, the Readers. 
Got Something to Say?  The Floor is Yours.

Your Open Thread Holiday Bartender is this guy. He claims to be Bill Murray,
but he has no I.D. The dog likes him so we're going with it.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Well, That Took Longer Than I Thought It Would.

Democrat Rep Claims DOGE Is ‘Unconstitutional and Illegal’ 

California Representative Zoe Lofgren, who I believe once played Left Guard for the Green Bay Packers said Thursday on CNN that the proposed Department of Government Efficiency headed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, would be “unconstitutional and illegal.”
“Well, it’s illegal. You know they haven’t asked to meet with me, but the impoundment of funds that have been appropriated by the Congress is unconstitutional and illegal. There is no such Department of Government Efficiency it’s made up. So good luck to them." 
I was betting it would take Dems just days to spit ball DOGE, but thinking through a waterfall of tears and a bar full of scotch after the election is tuff I guess. Afterall, spending government receipts like it's their money and growing government is the lifeblood of democrat pols.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Like Don Quixote on a Three Legged Donkey Revisited

From a June 2021 DMF post "Like Don Quixote on a Three Legged Donkey"  a few forward looking quotes by your beloved Blog Editrix:

"It seems so long ago Joe Biden raised his hand and bold face lied to God and the entire nation he would faithfully carry out the duty of defending the Constitution and Country from enemies both foreign and domestic. He has done neither.  His pack of rabid neo-marxist, racial identity adherence yelling "our democracy is in danger" placed in positions of power is not going unnoticed by anyone paying a least bit of attention. The dems party's control of the White House circus, Senate, and the House is just a few months old, and it looks like the fully expected incompetency has risen to view.  The border situation is intentional, and more and more Americans see it as such....."

Convinced just months ago they finally had the country firmly in their socialist's grasp, even with the media carrying their feces, dems are now privately in pillow biting mode....." 

There's always a danger when commenting on politics to believe that the way things are now is the way they will always be.  But it's also the case that the democrat's contingent of disturbed anti-Semitic, anti-White radicals pushing far left wing agendas, coming redistricting, and growing minority vote for Republicans scare the shit out of dems who face a future with an ever-narrower path to power."

From the comments section by regular DMFer 'Twiz': 

"The Dems pulled out all the plugs and have kicked this Country in the ballz, and haven't let up for a moment since the stolen election. Joe* continues to embarrass us on the World stage, undoing all the good that Trump did. I only hope to live long enough to see this Administration crumble and have the most epic failure seen yet, hopefully not at a higher cost to the Country."

I'm here to say that despite our best efforts, dangerous Ninja Rabbits dumped in his yard late at night and boxes of poisonous spiders left on his doorstep, Twiz did indeed live to see the end of a painful incompetent failure come to pass.   

I Thought This was Already Settled...

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Second Only in Bad Taste to Her Infamous Clown Wardrobe is Dr. Jill's Horrendous WH Christmas Tree.

 This is the White House Christmas Tree. No Really!😬

Click HERE to Biggify if You Dare


Monday, December 2, 2024

Sleazy Skates.

Daddy Saved Me From All Those Mean People!

And Only Joe Biden Could Make So Many Self-important Media 
and Supporters Look Like Clowns. ðŸ¤£

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, December 1, 2024

I Didn't Realize Sewer Rats Could Have Such a Large Vocabulary.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~