* Happy New Year *
Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director
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Renowned Daytime Television Political Scientist and Victim of Chronic TDS and TURD, Joy Behar |
"Yesterday and 2 other times during POTUS' Winter vacation,CNN cameras captured Trump golfing, from public sidewalk. Today, not possible." twitter.com/NoahGrayCNN
[The Secret Service] “is in the business of protection and investigations not in commissioning vehicles to block the media’s view of the President’s golf swing.”Fore! The economy’s humming along, tax cuts are passed, the Supreme Court is in good hands… just enjoy the holidays, CNN. There will be plenty of time for am-bush journalism in 2018.
Today marks the first day of Kwanzaa, a weeklong celebration of African American heritage and culture. Together, let us celebrate during this joyous time the richness of the past and look with hope toward a brighter future.
As families and friends join to light the Kinara, Melania and I extend our warmest wishes for a joyful holiday season and a prosperous year to come.And the responses were predictable:
@TheRootDonald Trump mustered up his best Google searches to compose three sentences that wished African Americans a Happy #Kwanzaa: https://trib.al/vr34IQU
@NewsweekTrump's Kwanzaa statement leaves out Obama-era praise for African-American values http://bit.ly/2C7cCOD
@splinter_newsTrump gives shortest Kwanzaa statement since presidents started giving them https://trib.al/k8fThYLLet us not forget, “Kwanzaa Was Invented By An Insane Leftist Gangster Who Tortured Women” It’s a pretty safe bet that you will find nothing at all from those who are ripping Trump for his holiday wishes that acknowledges the history of Kwanzaa’s founder. It is intellectual dishonesty as well as vintage hypocrisy from people who should not throw stones if they themselves reside in glass houses. Jesus never tortured any women and Christmas is a real holiday.
Maybe it's time for Hillary Clinton to take up a new hobby in 2018 pic.twitter.com/sbE78rA5At— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) December 23, 2017
Jim Corbett wants to help political democrats and progressives cope with the current times by coloring. The Yorktown, N.Y. native, now based in Seattle, has co-authored an adult coloring book, “I Am So Sick of White Guys,” which offers a message about white privilege and unchecked power. The 61-page book contains images of political humor that take aim at controversial policies and politicians. Instead of unicorns and snowmen, readers can color images of Donald Trump and illustrations that represent freedom of speech, Russian collusion theories, the Ku Klux Klan and football civil rights action.
“It came completely out of me screaming at my TV, and the way the GOP is taking the country off in a totally different direction,” says Corbett. “I’m just a concerned citizen,” says the law librarian, in a phone interview. Corbett and Tim Jones (another white guy) wrote the text; the 27 illustrations were done by veteran artist (and African-American) Steve Hartley.
The coloring book is available online at Amazon for $10; Corbett says 10 percent of the profits from sales are being donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
“For us, this is a humorous coping mechanism. I am very frustrated and sad,” Corbett says. “But we want to make sure people understand this is not a vehicle of intolerance or hate. We are not trying to get people to hate white guys. We need people to have good coping mechanisms.”Liberalism belongs in the DSM-V right alongside Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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Uh...I Think I Have A Good Idea Why..... |
"In 1997, I joined the production team of Charlie Rose’s popular interview show. I was the only black journalist on staff. At the time, there was little to no recognition of what it meant to be black and female in a workplace dominated by white men. Twenty years later, in this watershed moment of examination and reckoning as one powerful white man after another is disgraced following allegations of sexual misconduct ranging from harassment to assault, we’re still not talking about the ramifications for black women—or the broader connection to structural racism in America."
"… And while many of us on staff were subject to Charlie’s unsolicited shoulder massages and physical intimidation, as he towered above us at a height over six feet tall, the women Charlie preferred and preyed upon—at least that I witnessed—were white. It was an environment that all but erased me, while simultaneously exploiting me as a black woman."
"In America, the most desirable woman in the room—the most sacred, coveted, enshrined woman—has always been the white woman........"
"To be clear, I’m not suggesting it would have been preferable for Charlie to have preyed upon me, too—but rather, his sexualization of white women was a manifestation of gendered power dynamics in the same way that his not sexualizing me was an expression of racialized power dynamics."Poor Woman. Confused by a radical ethnocentric view of life, she just doesn't get it. Charlie Rose may be guilty of having had bad judgement.........but he's not freakin' blind.
Morning Joe started the segment by characterizing President Trump’s praise of law enforcement officers at Quantico on Friday as “demented” and “postmodern” given Trump’s recent critiques of FBI leadership. However, the MSNBC journos quickly moved on to demonizing Fox News as Scarborough began to rant about Fox’s coverage of corruption within the FBI:
"They are literally -- and it's very dangerous, because, ‘cause blood will be on the hands of people that, that, that whip people into a frenzy and, and lie. But they’re saying that there's a coup going on right now, which is, is one of the most extraordinarily irresponsible things I’ve ever heard a major network do."Just over the past couple of months alone, the top MSNBC morning show has compared Trump to both authoritarian dictators and mass murdering Soviet tyrants, claimed that Trump either is okay with or is encouraging his followers to murder racial and religious minorities without evidence, and portrayed Trump as being so dangerously mentally ill that he must be removed from office immediately.
Is it not just as possible that Morning Joe’s “reckless, irresponsible,” and “conspiratorial” ramblings about Trump trying to kill Muslims, nuke the world, and promote fake terrorist assassinations could lead to violent actions being taken against him or his supporters? - READ MOREIf Scarborough is so sure of the power of the news media to cause violence through incendiary rhetoric, why do they and most of the leftist media so frequently engage in exactly the same activity? Listen to yourselves Joe. Listen.......
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Pope Fran is Obviously Not a Fan of Fake News Purveyors Like CNN Either |
“You shouldn’t fall into the ‘sins of communication:’ disinformation, or giving just one side, calumny that is sensationalized, or defamation, looking for things that are old news and have been dealt with and bringing them to light today. They are very grave sins, which damage the heart of the journalist and harm people.”This is not the first time the Fran has waded into media issues and the world can expect to hear similar sermons from the pope in the future. Francis made “fake news and journalism for peace,” the topic of his 2017 World Communications Day speech. NPR reported last year that the pope told “journalists and media consumers” that an interest in dredging up scandals is similar to “the sickness of coprophilia." You'll have to look that up yourself if you really want to know......
“Shirley taught Daniel how to use a chainsaw. Daniel taught Shirley to memorize all the stones in her engagement ring, in case another woman asks. Daniel does the yard work. Shirley, the cooking. “Daniel explained that they’re actually ‘very traditional’ people, who really see each other.”KJZZ did not report the gender status of the couple’s two dogs.
"Why sing a Hymn when there’s a Hyrr? It’s been a banner year for women, in great part because of a system that drove its boot so deep into our necks that we all lost our epic sense of composure. In record numbers, we marched. We ran for office. We called bullshit on sexual harassment (and are still calling bullshit). And those who raged against a machine of systemic abuse even made it to Time’s Person of the Year. (Here’s to that elbow.)
In keeping with the theme of all this bra-burning, and as we dovetail ever so gently into the holidays, Grey London worked with Goldstein Music to make a feminist album of revised Christmas hymns, designed for eggnog-drinking while also sticking it to the patriarchy."KICK THE BALLS (Sung to the tune of Deck the Halls):