Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Democrat Rep. Carson: Terrorists Infiltrating Refugee Program ‘Doesn’t Concern Me,’ ‘Toxic’ Rhetoric Does

 Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) – recipient of Ahmadiyya Muslim
Humanitarian Award – 2014
"Representative AndrĂ© Carson (D-IN) stated that terrorists infiltrating the refugee program “doesn’t concern me. What concerns me is you have the demagoguery taking place from people seeking to become president of the United States” that is “putting people, i.e. Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and others into the line of fire” on Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.” 
When asked about terrorist groups seeking to exploit the US’ refugee program, Carson answered, “I think the facts are clear. whenever you have huge groups of people, at any point in time, there will always, or possibly arguably be a minority of people who have ill intentions. That can be represented through different careers. You’re going to have bad cops, as we’re seeing evidence now with the growing number of police brutality cases that are finally being reported. You’re going to have bad educators, you’re going to bad firefighters, and attorneys and so on and so forth. 
And I think what is important to know is that most people who come here from other countries come with good intentions. they want to live the American Dream. That is not to say that we should not address the very real terrorist threa tthat exists internally, but it also says we should not now become a nation of bigots and go against the principles of our Founding Fathers.”

Gun Control and Terrorism:

"The San Bernardino terror couple didn't buy their guns at a gun show (making the effort to close the so-called gun-show loophole irrelevant); they weren't on the terrorism watch list (so the proposal to ban people on the list from buying guns wouldn't have stopped them); and Syed Farook passed a background check when he bought two handguns (rendering calls for universal background checks moot). ...
"But please don't confuse the anti-gun campaigners with facts. Their ignorance is invincible, and necessary to their crusade." —  National Review

Monday, December 7, 2015

ISIS Leader Nominated for TIME's 'Person of the Year'

Every year, a few names on TIME's 'Person of the Year' list are bound to raise some eyebrows. The "Today Show" anchors unveiled TIME’s shortlist for 2015 live on Monday morning. Among the list were Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Travis Kalanick, the CEO of Uber, and Caitlyn Jenner. That last name isn’t the most controversial one of the list, however.
The TIME editors unveiled their nominees in alphabetical order. Here’s their first choice:
"Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who as leader of ISIS has inspired followers to both fight in his self-declared caliphate of Iraq and Syria, and also stage attacks in countries like Tunisia and France."
Yes, a terror leader responsible for barbaric beheadings and countless murders has the potential to be in the same category as The Ebola Fighters, Pope Francis and The American Soldier. One of these things is not like the others.
Before going any further, it's worth noting that last year the magazine voted Al-Baghdadi as the world's "most dangerous man."
Also on the shortlist this year is Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who TIME describes as a leader “seeking to bring his country out of pariah status and repair its sanction-crippled economy by pursuing a nuclear deal with the West.” I’d add a footnote: He blamed the U.S. and Israel for cultivating “the seeds of extremism and division” at the United Nations General Assembly in September.
Despite the disturbing list, the "Today" anchors gleefully encouraged their viewers to vote for their favorite nominee.
Trump got it right when he charged today's media for glamorizing terrorists.

Paris Attack Gives Rise to Anti-Immigrant Party

Marine Le Pen and niece lead France's
FN into dominant territory

Paris (AFP) - One is a pragmatist: a 47-year-old lawyer by training who has steered France's far-right National Front (FN) from pariah status to mainstream. The other is an ideologue: her 25-year-old niece, a Roman Catholic traditionalist whose easy smile and youthful good looks belie a stance on abortion, homosexuality and Islam that critics say is dangerous or sectarian.
On Sunday, Marine Le Pen and Marion Marechal-Le Pen -- respectively the daughter and grand-daughter of the FN's firebrand founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen -- established themselves as major players in France's political landscape.
The first round of regional elections placed the FN on track to break the grip of Socialists and conservatives, cementing the party's grassroots' rise across the country. In the Nord-Pas-de-Calais, a rustbelt bastion of the Socialists who rule at national level, opinion-poll estimates gave Le Pen more than 40 percent of the first-round vote.
Victory in the second round on December 13 would give her a springboard for her bid to be president in 2017.
Marechal-Le Pen, meanwhile, also scored above 40 percent in the early estimates for the vast Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur (PACA) region in the south, placing her on course for a landmark win next week.
Many observers believe it is her photogenic niece Marion who is the real ideological heir of Jean-Marie Le Pen, and better placed at a time of crisis to woo electors worried about the nation's future.
And last week, she raised a storm when, in Toulon, a Mediterranean city with a large number of citizens of Arab descent, she said Muslims could only be French "if they follow customs and a lifestyle that has been shaped by Greek and Roman influence and 16 centuries of Christianity."
"We are not a land of Islam. In our country, we don't wear djellaba clothing, we don't wear a veil and we don't impose cathedral-sized mosques."

A Good Monday Morning

The Left's Collective Spazz Attack over Gun Control

Before any motive was or could have been known in the San Bernardino attack last week, a critical mass of Democrats had convinced themselves that they knew precisely the perpetrator’s identity and motive. He was certainly male, probably white; an extremist conservative who had consumed too much National Rifle Association propaganda. When the perpetrators, plural, turned out to be none of those things, you would think that the left would impose on itself some restraint. When it was discovered that the attack was executed by two people who fit no profile other than that of radicalized Islamic terrorists, you might presume that Democrats would critically examine what led them to their shared expression of prejudice. Not only has none of that occurred, Democrats now are indulging in a collective nervous breakdown.

There’s no other way to describe the mass emotive outpouring on the left over the existence of a civilian right to firearm ownership in this country. It is a communal spasm of angst matched only by the rigorous refusal to acknowledge the California killers’ murderous ideology, one that happens to be claiming hundreds of lives amid an ongoing war on the West.

The purest expression of adolescent torment over American gun laws has been that which is ongoing over at the New York Times. Before the bodies in San Bernardino had cooled, the Times editorial board engaged in a familiar grim ritual. As has become its habit, the Times opinion writers lamented the frequency with which they feel compelled to castigate the American people for jealously guarding their freedoms in the Bill of Rights. Before the facts were known, the Times joined the president in declaring the California attack a likely preventable massacre, but only if Republicans would embrace “common sense” gun ownership reforms.

Rather than perform about-face when it was revealed that the killers were inspired by the Islamic State and had constructed dozens of improvised explosive devices, the Times not only forged ahead with its activism but determined to express even more antipathy for law-abiding citizens.

The Times isn’t alone in going completely off the deep end since it was revealed by the FBI that what took place in California was an act of radical Islamic terrorism on U.S. soil. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Fear Not America, Obama and the Good Muslims Will Save Us From the Bad Guys

The fact Obama made this speech is a clear sign of the political panic swamping the White House. They realize they have lost the narrative since Obama declared ISIS as “contained.” But Obama and his team of sycophants still believe that all he has to do is make big event speech and the people will rally to his side.