Friday, June 8, 2012

Okay, Mitt Romney...Now What?

 Matthew's Week End Commentary
The Lunatic's Asylum

"Imagine that you are Mitt Romney; you've just garnered enough delegates to win the GOP presidential primary, and have all but sewn up the nomination. You're about to go on the attack against The Anti-Christ...errr...President Obama. You're confident. You're in command of the facts and figures. You have found a message that resonates with at least two-thirds of republican primary voters and a mess of independents. You believe that you possess the skills necessary to transform your Vision of These Here United States into a workable program that the majority of Americans will understand, and then turn that vision into a reality.

Before you hit the ground running, Mr. Romney -- which, incidentally, is the time where most candidates stumble -- you'll need to keep a few things in perspective, and you'll have to deal with a few more issues in a more forthright manner than you have to date (although, i must admit, hitting the Obamatard on economics in front of a boarded-up Solyndra was a stroke of marketing genius).

So, unbidden, and with full confidence that no one who matters is going to listen to a thing I have to say, I would like to offer you some advice on seven subjects that I believe will be front-and-center in this election. If you follow my advice, Mr. Romney, I'm certain that not only will you coast to election, but you'll also force Modern Progressive Liberalism (three lies for the price of one) into a lengthy, decades-long retreat.

Ignore my advice at your peril.........

What Up With This, DNC ??

Hmmm, guess you're not expecting any poor people
or minorities at your convention.Eh?
h/t Stealth Magnolia

Fishnet Friday


Thursday, June 7, 2012

The 60 Meter Hole to Hell

The Woodsterman has the whole story at his place HERE

And now a word from Sigmund......


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Three Most Important Charts in America

Conservative Resources
"It’s an election year and maybe the most important election year in American history. People need to know what happened in the past so they can place the blame for the current mess where it belongs and vote accordingly."
 "With our president trotting around the country spreading the whopper lie that he’s not a big spender, let’s review the question of who’s to blame for the nation’s ongoing economic disaster. The question has three parts: one, which political party was most responsible for the mortgage bubble which caused the financial crisis; two, which political party is most responsible for the federal government’s suicidal overspending; and three, which president is most responsible for the overspending...."
Keep Reading....

What Does This Left-Wing CEO Have To Say About Yesterday’s Election in Wisconsin?


Quote of the Day

"President Barack Obama is racing down the trail blazed by Sen. George McGovern, who in 1972 was buried by the largest popular vote landslide in American history. ... Sen. McGovern was too far to the left, swing voters thought, and not very competent -- an image reinforced by the shambles his supporters made of the Democratic national convention.  
Swing voters are forming a similar opinion about President Obama, who sometimes seems as if he's deliberately trying to dismantle the coalition that elected him in 2008 — Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette