Saturday, October 13, 2012

An Open Letter To The Undecided Voter...

By Matthew N.
The Lunatic Asylum

Dear Undecided Voter,

I understand that the choice you are being asked to make on November 6th, 2012 is an important one that will have many unknown and long-term effects, and that as such, you wish to make the best decision you possibly can.

Truly, it is important that you, Undecided Voter, be given every opportunity to scrutinize both major candidates for the Presidency of the United States, and be given all the time you need to ensure that you understand each candidate's position on a wide variety of issues of burning import. I comprehend the magnitude of the decision that you are being asked to make, and the sheer sense of solemn responsibility that you feel for having to make it.

Really, it's quite alright if you take your time, and make certain you know what all the angles and issues are before you make that all-important decision.

Basically, your choice can be summed up, thus:

You can either vote for Barack Obama, a man who has shown himself to be about useful as fleas are to a dog, a man who has a proven record of saying one thing and then doing the exact opposite. A man who acts surprised and annoyed that we -- the Voting Public -- somehow have the audacity to challenge him or hold him accountable for the results of his policies (usually, his response is that we're stupid and did not infer the sheer genius hidden within lofty-but-empty speeches, or conversely, we're all racists for daring to question such an august personality and towering intellect, or even that we're impatient rubes who aren't sophisticated enough to await the always-just-around-the-corner magical explosion of rich, creamy goodness that is inherent in every enlightened Obama Policy) because we actually took him at his word, silly goose.

You can vote for Obama, who still believes that George W. Bush is to blame for everything, including the resurgence of whooping cough and bedbugs, who feels that his mere suggestion that 'something be done' about X,Y and Z should encourage others to do the heavy lifting of actually solving the problems, and who is apparently wedded to a sort of political ideology that went out of style in the 1930's (largely because it failed), if you want.

You can pull the lever for the man who, in a series of actions that reminds one of Nero and a fiddle and a burning city, decided that when America needed a strong economic plan to begin the slow process of recovery from a fiscal body blow, thought it best to attack the one sector of the American Economy that worked just fine and spend a year-and-a-half flogging a Rube Goldberg Monstrosity that generated a 2,900 page bill that no one has read, which doesn't take effect until next year, and has done nothing but frighten the bejesus out of people, if you like.

You can vote for the man who borrowed nearly a trillion bucks form the Chinese to make sure that turtles could safely cross the interstate, and that municipalities could (temporarily) hire more workers they then subsequently fired because they couldn't afford them absent the government check, and who brought us the phrase "Shovel Ready" which we morons interpreted to mean a project ready to commence -- and thus put people to work, and spur some economic activity -- but which, alas, apparently referred only to our Enlightened Overlord's overblown-and-written-by-some-white-guy's rhetoric.

You can choose to expend your franchise on a man who has quadrupled our National Debt in under four years, and blamed it all on someone else. You can vote for the guy who is still running against George W. Bush, despite the fact that a) he never actually did run against GWB to begin with, and, b) GWB is no longer President, but Obama himself is. Obama has turned the office of the Presidency into a travelling circus, popping up all over the country to give boilerplate speeches in front of hand-picked audiences, to shamelessly beg for money from people who he then calls the worst of names and demonizes on a daily basis, for his own benefit, from behind the Seal of the President.

And assholes that they are, they somehow manage to give it to him.

You can decide to punch that card, pull that lever, or whatever, for the man who once promised to heal the racial divide in America, but who has only, thus far, succeeded in reinforcing every negative stereotype about Black Men that comes to mind. You can vote for the Man who never held a real job in his life before this one, and whose lack of experience, knowledge, and a work ethic shows on a daily basis. You can vote to continue living in a status quo world where the status is measured in sound bites, demagoguery, nastiness, lies and deceit, political posturing, and a dearth of ideas, and the quo is measured in Food Stamps, Unemployment lines, dead Ambassadors, increasing National Debt, military weakness, and Green Energy 'investments' that turn out to be little more than bribes and swindles.

If you're one of those people who cared about rising sea levels, you can continue this act of faith that Obama will, eventually, get around to calming the oceans, or conversely, passing a law -- assuming he can get it past those goofy republicans! -- that requires the oceans to lower of their own accord by 2057, and then to submit a rigorous regime of regulatory paperwork every other month for review by the Ocean Czar, or face a hefty fine.

I can truly see how attractive it might be to you, Undecided voter, to agonize over the prospect of giving your endorsement to a man who promises you everything and then explains that delivery is impossible. You probably have along and painful experience with men who tell you things like "It's good for your teeth and prevents pregnancy, Honey" who then fail to call the next day, and I understand how old habits become hard to break. I sympathize with the dilemma you are faced with in trying to decide whether a long, slow, national suicide is perhaps slightly more preferable to an abrupt collapse, at least for the sake of your conscience and comfort. I savvy that most of you are Undecided simply because you're holding out for the bigger and better bribe, or perhaps dumber than Kelly Pickler on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

I really do feel you on the magnitude of what you're being asked to do, what with sorting out the various nuances of a vast array of often-confusing issues, most of which often have nothing to do with you, personally; how many men out there agonize over the voting decision because of a candidates position on contraception, or partial birth abortion, just so that when they try to pick up chicks at cocktail parties they don't sound stupid? There must be dozens of you women out there who are kept awake at night by the specter of reduced or eliminated ethanol subsidies.under a Romney regime, or scared shitless by the ramifications of an early withdrawal of American influence from Khazakistan.

I know you don't want to make the wrong choice with such incredibly important subjects on the table.

Then again, just to complicate matters to the point where your tiny little brain almost can't handle it anymore, you have to deal with the added and annoying variable of a possible second choice.

Because there's someone else running for President, too, you know. That means you'll have to take time out of your busy day, Soccer Mom, to listen to what he has to say, too, and maybe even expend more energy and braincells trying to figure out what his suggested policies mean to you, Hacky-Sack-playing-stoner-who-lives-in-his-parent's- basement.

All this Mitt Romney fellow is trying to do is get into office so that he can advocate for and enact policies that actually work. It's been proven they do. You can look that up on Wikipedia, the First Resource of Choice for the Undecided Voter. All this Mitt Romney character wants to do is lower your taxes (unless you're one of those 47% who don't pay any), put you back to work (unless you enjoy collecting 1/8 of your regular salary in Unemployment checks, and have taken a shine to No Frills Mac&Cheese three meals a day), and give you the opportunity to live up to your fullest potential, rather than make you a slave to an unfeeling, uncaring, unquestionable Federal Government which either sees you as a number or an expense to be killed off by some anonymous and unaccountable Medical Review Board.

I'm going to tell you a little story about a person who could never make a decision, even a clear one, to save her own life:

I once dated a very lovely, intelligent woman who was able to handle just about anything life threw at her right up until the second she was confronted with the possibility of making a choice. Never failed; whenever the hint of a decision came into the picture, this woman would vacillate, talk to everyone she knew to get their opinion,.second guess herself every fifteen seconds, begin to act and then change her mind, she would take one step forward, and then two steps back, descending into a virtual swamp of indecision that gave anyone watching it indigestion.

One day, having been invited to a friend's wedding in a few weeks, we went shopping so that she could buy herself a dress for the occasion. Several hours into this endeavor she finally found something she liked, style-wise, and was all primed to buy it. But, the indecision came.

The dress came in three colors; should she buy the black one, the navy one, or the red one? Then again, the dress was on sale, and it might make sense to buy at least two. Of course, since they were on sale and she could afford it, she might as well buy all three. Then again, if she bought all three we'd have to start attending more formal functions, just so she wouldn't have wasted her money. No, no...she was going to buy the black one, and that was it. Standing on line to pay, she decided she would rather have the red one, and went back to fetch it, losing her place in line in the process. She then decided to go back and get the black one, too, as it was her first choice, and she always wound up returning to her first choice in any case.

She walked between the rack and the register so much that she was in danger of wearing a hole in the carpeting.

Finally, exasperated by the experience, and no longer willing to hold her fucking purse for another hour or two, I stepped in. I took all three dresses off the rack, told her to sit the fuck down, and then paid for them myself, just so we could go home and finally get something to eat.

All the way home I was subjected to a soliloquy on how glad she was to have decided to buy them all, and which one did I think she would look better, because if she wore the black, it made her look taller, but the red gave her otherwise pale skin a certain glow, while the blue made her look all serious and mature, and wasn't it too bad the damned thing didn't come in Hunter Green, too? But anyway, the pattern was still a great choice, don't you agree, etc, etc, etc.

Needless to say, that chick only managed to last five years because she understood that it was good for her teeth and prevented pregnancy. And she was so good at it that the aggravation and potential ulcers were a risk worth running.

I get the general impression that the Undecided Voter of Today is very much like that girlfriend in Bloomingdale's all those years ago. They mostly seem to possess an odd mixture of neuroses and situational stupid that literally paralyzes them when it comes to making any sort of choice, particularly one that carries with it a grave responsibility, and which can be seen by us clear-thinking individuals as an obvious one.

The choice in 2012 is clear: you can continue to be led down the road to beggarhood, being attacked by terrorists, harranged to inhuman levels by your government, to have your intelligence insulted on a daily basis, to have everything that was once uniquely American 'transformed' into a stinking pile of turds, to have your wealth (well, whatever wealth you have left) systematically stripped from you to pay for everything from basic shelter to triple bypass surgery for people who will serve no future economic purpose, and whose only virtue is that they are wards of the state and thus amenable to democratic (small 'd' intentional) political propaganda. You can chose to live in a polarized, politicized, government-run Soweto in Southern California, Bangladesh in Baltimore, or Calcutta-on-the-Hudson, or you can choose to live as a free person, who has had his personal rights and freedoms restored.

It is apparent that some citizens out there are unable to make this simple choice. It behooves us, the Normal People who can tell the difference between sterling silver and a polished turd, to help these troubled souls finally come to the right decision.

I hope have made the choice easier for you, Undecided Voter, with this heartfelt and sincere attempt to sway your mind, because all the other alternatives involved forced sterilization and running you over with a rented U-Haul truck.

Crossposted @The Lunatic Asylum

Friday, October 12, 2012

Media Calls Debate a Draw - Translation: Ryan Won

But I do believe Joe won points for catching the flying cat...


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Joe Biden's Arrival for Kentucky Debate



Monday, October 8, 2012

Good Monday Morning


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Diogenes' Sunday Storytime

The Freakin Story Lady is in Da House!
So Set Yo Ass Down and Shut Up, Cause I'm Gonna Tell Ya a Story!

The Freakin Story Lady
Nasty Bidness I tell ya!

How do Fairy Tales really end?
You can believe me, Mavis The Story Lady, when I tells ya not all Fairy Tales are this "Happily Ever After" sh*t, know what I'm sayin?
You ever wonder what happened to Jack after that beanstalk episode? Ever hear again of the three bears after Goldie Locks got her carry permit? Hummm? And Ever wonder what happened to Alice after trampin around Wonderland doin all kind of mind altering sackidelic pills? And Lordy Jesus I can't even mention what happened to da Frog Prince. Mavis is tellin aint pretty! No sir.

Todays Story:  
" Rumpleystiltskin "
By the Freakin StoryLady.

Listen Up. Once upon a time, there was this miller's daughter or sumpthin like that named Twanda. Now Twanda had a pathetic existence. All day long, she would do nuttin but spin straw. And all night long, she'd sit up and think how she would like to be famous. Oh, to be famous, with untold riches and mens falling at her feets, her own line of action figures, cardboard standees ........ 

Then one night.... POOF..... a strange little man appeared before her.

"Sista" he said,"I can make ya famous overnight!"
"Who are you?"
"I am what is known as a PR man", he squeaked. "You know, public relations. Publicity. Fakery. Glamorize the unglamorous. Turn the pedestrian splendorous. Now let's see. What can you do baby"?
"Oh, I can spin straw."
"Spin straw! I love it baby. Love it".
"What you mean, you love it"?
"Don't interrupt girl. I'm looking for an idea....the spark! Of spin straw into gold"!
But I can't spin straw into...
"Hush up. Don't matter! Don't matter! I'll do the talking. I'll just contact Oprah". 

And so it happened that overnight,
Twanda  did become famous. Gossip pages, talk shows, Anderson Cooper interviews and her own entourage of beefy security men who would beat up fans. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Unemployment Statistics for Dummies


J.P. Travis
Conservative Resources

"We’re in the middle of campaign season and it’s a presidential election year, so naturally the lies are flying around like winged monkeys on a kidnap mission. Dishonest politicians are so common we’re used to them, which is kind of sad, but one thing I hope we never get used to is blatant dishonesty from a sitting president.

The first time it happened, with Richard Nixon, Americans were so upset the man had to resign before he was impeached. The second time it happened, when Bill Clinton looked into national TV cameras and said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky,” he was impeached.

Generally, we don’t like it when our president callously spouts bald-faced lies at us... but that’s exactly what the current president does on a daily basis. An opinion piece published this week at Power Line was titled, “Is Barack Obama America’s Most Dishonest Politician?” That’s a good question, one I’ve been answering with a definite “Yes!” for the last four years.

Our current president seems incapable of shame.

The opinion piece specifically refers to Obama’s appearance on David Letterman Tuesday night where the president claimed George Bush left him with a $1 trillion deficit, which is untrue by a factor of two and a half, and said he didn’t know what the national debt was when he took office and doesn’t know what it is now.

Although that’s an impressive string of unadulterated bullshit, especially for a sitting president, I don’t think it’s Obama’s biggest lie – not even close. His biggest lie is the one he utters in every campaign speech, which means about twice a day, every day, seven days a week, because – let’s face it – campaigning for election is pretty much all he does.

His biggest lie is about the unemployment situation.

The the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a branch of the Labor Department, is fudging unemployment numbers to make Obama look better. The unemployment rate has been artificially lowered by dropping unemployed people out of the labor force so they no longer count as unemployed. In a December column I explained exactly how that is done mathematically. To my alarm and disgust, since then I’ve discovered seven other techniques used to propagate Obama’s big lie: 

1. Seasonal adjustments are abused to artificially improve the employment rate. For example, for July the BLS reported the economy added 163,000 jobs, but 377,000 of that was added as a seasonal adjustment so actually we lost 214,000 jobs.

2. There is also a birth-death model used by the BLS to “infer” job creations. Like the seasonal adjustment, the birth-death model is abused to make things look better. For example, the July numbers also included another 52,000 jobs added by this adjustment. If you’re keeping track, the official announcement of 163,000 jobs gained was actually 266,000 jobs lost.

3. Under Obama there’s been a massive increase in Social Security disability rolls. Those people – 5.9 million since he became president – are automatically subtracted from the labor force making the unemployment rate look better.

4. New legislation this year allows the Labor Department to pass out $100 million dollars to businesses to prevent layoffs. This will keep people temporarily and artificially employed at taxpayer expense... hopefully until Obama gets through Election Day.

5. On November 1 the Budget Control Act of 2011 will require millions of 60-day layoff warnings to defense contractor employees. These layoffs are directly attributable to the president’s mismanagement of federal spending, but the warnings will hit four days before the election which is somewhat awkward for him. So the Labor Department is telling businesses to ignore the federal law requiring those layoff notices.

6. Obama, often with Labor Department-produced audio-visual aids, uses February of 2010 as a starting point when bragging about job creation – instead of January of 2009 when he took office – because February 2010 was the low point. Naturally, when you start with the low point, the trend looks positive.

7. Monthly BLS statistics are supposed to be kept secret until the day they go public to prevent anybody from taking advantage of advance notice, but Democrats in North Carolina were recently caught getting advance notice anyway, allowing the Democrat Party to craft appropriate spin ahead of time.

Notice that each of these seven techniques involves the complicity of the Labor Department. They’re either producing fudged numbers or leaking secret information to Democrats. Like so many government agencies, the Labor Department has become an unofficial branch of the Democrat Party.

President Obama’s lies about job creation are evil. Not only does the constant misinformation stop us from solving the unemployment problem, imagine the tens of millions of desperate jobless people who have been told for over three years now that the problem is not the economy, it's them.


"The American people are tired of liars and people who
pretend to be something they're not." – Hillary Clinton

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fishnet Friday


How to get health care in a socialist country:

City Square

Swedish man fakes stroke to get approved for an X-ray

Mats Johannesson suffered from debilitating headaches, requiring 47 ambulance trips to the hospital, and Swedish medicine would only give him painkillers. Finally, he fakes a stroke so that Sweden's government medicine would approve him for an X-ray. The X-ray showed that he had a brain tumor. Sweden's The Local reports:
"Johannesson, who is in his forties and was working as a truck driver, fell ill some five years ago. After seeking medical help from his local clinic in Mellerud he was referred to the nearest hospital, the Norra Älvsborgs lasarett, but was sent home again with some painkillers.
 “I asked for an x-ray but they didn’t think there was enough reason to carry one out,” Johannsesson said.
This continued on and off for the next five years. By last summer, Johannesson had gone to hospital by ambulance 47 times. Every time he was sent back by taxi – and without the x-ray he asked for....
On the May 20th this year, Johannesson collapsed again but was sent home once more without an x-ray. When it happened again on July 19th Johannesson was determined not to be brushed off.
“I thought to myself ‘ I am going to get a scan this time’,” Johannesson told The Local.
When the doctor came to check him over, Johannesson therefore pretended to have had a stroke, making himself go limp on the left side of his body . When the attending physician asked him to touch his nose with his fingertips, he missed on purpose.
 “And then they got worried and I was taken for an emergency x-ray straight away,” Johannesson said.
When they had performed the scan the doctor told him that there was no haemorrhage but that they had detected a tumour in his brain."
Sweden has had socialized medicine since 1955. The single payer system led to waiting lists. Waiting lists can lead to increased costs, as the National Center for Public Policy reports:
"One study that examined over 1,400 Swedes on a waiting list for cataract surgery found that 5.2 million kronas were spent on hospital stays and home health care for patients waiting for surgery. That was the equivalent of what it would have cost to give 800 patients cataract surgery."
It also leads to higher mortality rates:
"A recent study that examined over 5,800 Swedish patients on a wait list for heart surgery found that the long wait has consequences far worse than pain, anxiety or monetary cost. In this study, the median wait time was found to be 55 days. While on the waiting list, 77 patients died. The authors' statistical analysis led them to conclude that the "risk of death increases significantly with waiting time." Another study found a mean wait time of 55 days for heart surgery in Sweden and a similar rate of mortality for those on the waiting list. Finally, a study in the Swedish medical journal Lakartidningen found that reducing waiting times reduced the heart surgery mortality rate from seven percent to just under three percent."
Swedish politicians have tried some free-market reforms but they didn't seem to understand what is needed for a free market to work. For example:
"Although patients were free to choose which hospital in which they could get treatment, there were few penalties on providers that failed to attract patients. For example, in Stockholm, the county council did not permit any emergency hospital - public or private - from shutting down."
Welcome to America's future under Obamacare.
