Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Nothing Says Main Street America Like Detroit...or Al Jazeera

"Our intention is to cover the Main Street stories. We don't believe there is a channel covering the American Main Street."

"The original Arabic-language Al Jazeera, which is aimed at a Middle Eastern audience, has been accused of anti-American and anti-Israeli bias, and of being a mouthpiece of terrorist propaganda such as al-Qaida videos from Osama bin Laden aired by the network in the 2000s. Other critics say the network, which has been on the air since 1996, is too pro-Western. 
The new cable network, which is separate from its Arabic-language counterpart in the Mideast, will be staffed by Americans and aimed at a U.S. audience with domestic news coverage. It will air on the former Current TV channel, which had been home to ex-Gov. Jennifer Granholm's left-leaning political talk show. 
It picked Detroit because of news value, not specifically because of the area's large Arab-American population or the potential advertising dollars from the three local automakers, executives said.
Emphasis will be placed on long-form and investigative reporting and grassroots-based coverage of domestic news, including lifestyle and cultural topics.
The new channel has launched a "heavy, intensive outreach" tour of its bureau cities, meeting with local civic, business, media and political leaders and groups. That includes the three Detroit automakers, which the channel is expected to target for advertising. 
Al Jazeera America's leadership said it has a multi-pronged strategy for overcoming any stigma, with the foremost tactic being that the network will be non-ideological journalism, with editorial independence, run by Americans for a U.S. audience."
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Detroit joins other cities like Chicago - home of the Nation of Islam and growing Arab population - in having the honor of a Al Jazeera news bureau.

Just a few facts about Detroit:

Unemployment rate: 18.0% (Feb 2013)

Black or African American population - 775,772 - 81.55%

Persons under 18 years -  percent 2010 - 26.7%  

Old Arabian proverb: "If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow."

Monday, May 6, 2013

Administration Cover Up Collapsing

Via Sharyl Attkisson/CBS News, this is just disgusting:

 If you read nothing else, read this article. Devastating.

"Even Democrats are starting to admit what we’ve known to be the case for months: The president lied in order to get reelected. It’s as simple as that. He had been on the stump declaring that Al Qaeda had been all but eliminated. To have this attack be attributed to terrorism would have played right into the hands of the GOP, who had been critical of much of his handling of the war on terror. In all of this, we must not forget that 4 people are dead and this administration has been purposely lying to us about how they died in attempt to escape public scrutiny."

Denouncing Cheeseburgers on Behalf of the Planet


"Liberal columnist David Sirota’s high hopes that the Boston Marathon bombers would turn out to be normal Americans rather than Muslims were dashed.

Now he has a new hope: that the planet can be saved by the prevention of eating cheeseburgers. It is never easy to tell with elite intellectuals, but he seems to be serious:

Good Monday Morning

No work today...I'm being lazy.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Cinco de Mayo Homes!

Well, isn’t that interesting?

Talk Straight
Clickey for Larger Image
I wonder why an attorney registration site would say that Barack Obama, aka Barry Soteoro, would have “None” listed under “Full Former Names”.
Did the Supreme Court of Illinois mess up and not include it or did Barack lie on his registration forms (which more than likely would have explained that lying or intentionally omitting, aka leaving out, information would be considered perjury) and claim that he went by no other names?
As the snake turns…..