Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Saudi Prince all Wee-Wee'd -Up over US Oil Production

Note to Prince:  The Civilized World is tired of making your two-faced over privileged oppressive pedophile gang of tablecloth wearing thieves rich while you play footsie under the table with terrorist. Fill your gilded swimming pools with your oil and go play in your sandbox.

CNSNews -
Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and nephew of Saudi King Abdullah,  said the production of shale oil and natural gas in the United States and other countries, primarily done through fracking, is a real competitive threat to “any oil-producing country in the world,” adding that Saudi Arabia must address the issue because it is a “matter of survival.” New shale oil discoveries “are threats to any oil-producing country in the world...."
"Ninety-two percent of Saudi Arabia’s annual budget comes from oil. Definitely it is a worry and a concern.” Alwaleed also commented that many Saudi leaders did not comprehend the threat posed by oil and natural gas production from shale..."
Because of fracking, America is projected to surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the largest oil producer in 2015, according to the EIA.
In 2008, the United States was producing 5 million barrels of crude oil per day; because of fracking, America is now producing 7 million barrels per day. According to the American Petroleum Institute (API), “A little more than a decade ago natural gas production from shale accounted for 2% of total U.S. output. Today that figure is 37%, and another HIS Global study projects that natural gas developed through the use of hydraulic fracturing will rise to more than 75% of the domestic supply by 2035.”

Monday, January 6, 2014

Science We Much

Better Off Being A Plumber

via sig94
"Since 2011, humanities majors at UCLA are forcibly disassociated from classic Western European thinkers (mean old dead white guys) and force fed the Newspeak socialist, gender-sensitive, hand wringing BS that passes for history in liberal colleges. These colleges are poisoning the minds of our children; they are slam dunking future generations into useless automatons who cannot think outside the herd."
From The American Thinker:
"Where previously, undergrads would have to take one course studying Chaucer, two for Shakespeare, and one on Milton, a "revolt" by junior faculty forced "a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Post-colonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing...."
The implications are frightening. This trend will not reverse itself. People who get postgraduate degrees in gender studies or post-colonial exploitation are only able to find employment in liberal colleges, or else in establishments that require the placement of frozen hamburger patties on a hot surface.

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Researchers Use Social Media to Try and Find Time Travelers

No Doubt Funded with Grant Money from Your Pocket
PC Mag
In a bit of news from the "we really studied this?" department, researchers from Michigan Technological University have taken a gander at various social media postings in an effort to determine whether any were made by people who would have otherwise had no knowledge of the future events they described in their posts.
If that sounds about as confusing as a flux capacitor, consider the logic: If person A posted some absurdly precise information on Facebook, for example, and that data turned out to be exactly true, then it's reasoned that said person either got extremely lucky, had advance knowledge of the event, or is presumably from a future time period (Great Scott!)
We'll let authors Robert J. Nemiroff and Teresa Wilson explain their three big methods for using social media in an attempt to prove time travel: 

The Kim Jong-un - Barack Obama Secret Hawaiian Summit

Thursday, January 2, 2014

We Live in Eldridge Cleaver’s World Now

"In a free country, you are not obligated to do things simply for the privilege of breathing oxygen north of the Rio Grande and south of Niagara Falls. But this isn’t a free country anymore; this is a country in which you get things for free. And there is a big difference between those two things.

"We live in Eldridge Cleaver’s world now, a world with no more middle ground. Where not doing anything does not mean you will be left alone. This is no longer a nation founded on the curious premise that the government should leave people alone unless they are causing problems.

That peculiar idea was held by a nation of farmers and merchants who fled religious persecution, and whose great contribution to human history was the notion that governments shouldn’t be all-powerful and that everyone should mind their own business when it comes to other people’s affairs. Our present-day rulers revile them as racist slave owners who only cared about money, but they also happen to be racist slave owners who only care about money, and they have far more of both. 

The average American still holds the fanciful belief that, if he isn’t annoying anyone, he should be left alone. To the people running his country, this is as bizarre and unworkable as Phrenology or the Geocentric theory or handing out universal health care without also compelling everyone to buy it.

This is not a nation where people are left alone anymore. This is a nation where they are hounded from the moment they are born until the moment they die by the arms of a regulatory state run by men and women weaned on Cleaver, Alinsky, Fourier, Marx, Wells and countless others. This is a nation where, accordingly, being left alone is the greatest of luxuries."



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The 13 Most Annoying People of 2013

Taki Magazine - 
"As someone who’s offended by nothing but annoyed by everyone, I found no shortage of people this past year to stoke the angry embers of my irascible soul. Try as I may to shield my eyes from the countless blinding petty indignities and massive vexations of everyday existence, each sunrise seemed to drop a new human being on my doorstep to annoy me.
I tend to focus on the negative at the expense of everything else, so when I looked back over the past year, I immediately began thinking of people who annoyed me. It was hard to winnow down my list to only 13 selections. They are ranked in ascending levels of annoyance. Although I bear no personal ill will toward any of these people, nor do I engage in any violent fantasies about them, it would not be untrue to say that I would not cry if, say, any of them were to be struck dead by a train in the coming New Year....."

This fey, pompous, snooty, lime-farting Enemy of All Things American had the gall and fundamental lack of honesty to call Rachel Jeantel a “smart cookie” after an appearance on his show that revealed Jeantel to be dumber than a hippo basking in an African mud pond. All year long, Morgan railed against guns, racism, Americans, American guns, American racists, and American racists with guns. Here’s hoping that some meth-addled gun nuts somewhere in the American heartland devise a gun big enough to shoot Piers Morgan all the way back to England.

This sourpussed high-yella jerkoff is MSBNC’s go-to pseudo-black guy whenever they want to blame white males for everything, which is always. He attended prep school in Massachusetts and is both in mannerisms and life experiences about as black as whipped cream. In college he edited a blackety-black newspaper that was “criticized for being militantly anti-white.” He has forged a career upon being black and talking about black things in a black way that stupid racist whites could never understand, but he fails to realize that such tired race-baiting only serves to create more white racists than Tom Metzger’s latest country-and-western album.