Sunday, February 16, 2014

“He Stunned Us With A Lack of Spine, He’s A Weak Man”

Oliver Stone Head Rails Against Dear Leader
and His MSNBC Defenders

Activist, democrat donor and notorious left-wing history revisionists, filmmaker Oliver Stone seems to believe B. O. is something of a turncoat to the cause and the left is blindly following.      
"Journalist Jeremy Scahill and filmmaker Oliver Stone believe that, on issues of civil liberties and warfare, President Obama has entirely abandoned his 2008 rhetoric. And they see MSNBC and stars like Bill Maher as the biggest cheerleaders for such abrogations.
The two well-known men of the left appeared Saturday at the 2014 Students For Liberty Conference (ISFLC), on a panel entitled “Imperial Overreach and the National Security State,” sponsored by the libertarian Future of Freedom Foundation. They were joined by Stone’s co-author Peter Kuznick, with Newseum vice chairman Shelby Coffey moderating. “MSNBC is like a DNC meet-up,” Scahill said. “While Fox News is just filled with conspiracies about this Muslim manchurian candidate.”
Stone goes on to point out Obama's biggest load of hypocrisy during his run for the White House:
"Stone chimed in that while President Obama rallied the progressive base in 2008 with tough “anti-war” talk, he has simply continued and expanded upon the policies of his predecessors. “The man stunned us with a lack of spine,” the filmmaker said. “He's a weak man.”
While discussing his Oscar-nominated documentary Dirty Wars, Scahill singled out MSNBC as one of the strongest defenders of Obama’s policies, including the targeted assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki‘s 16-year-old son. “Obama has convinced liberals he is fighting a clean war,” or simply that “Democrats have checked their conscience at the door of the Obama presidency.......”
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We all know that if Barack Obama was a Republican, the streets would be ankle deep in the blood of the leftist's exploded heads over the same policies we have witnessed.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kenyan

by MFNS Staff Photographer Earl of Taint

The Democrats are right, there are two Americas.

The Democrats are right, there are two Americas.
The America that works and the America that doesn’t.
The America that contributes and the America that doesn’t.
 It’s not the haves and the haven't; it’s the dos and the don’ts.
Some people do their duty as Americans, obey the law, support themselves, contribute to society, and others don’t. That’s the divide in America.

 It’s not about income inequality, it’s about civic irresponsibility. It’s about a political party that preaches hatred, greed and victimization in order to win elective office. It’s about a political party that loves power more than it loves its country. It’s not invective, it’s truth, and it’s about time someone said it.

The politics of envy was on proud display a couple weeks ago when president Obama pledged the rest of his term to fighting “income inequality.” He noted that some people make more than other people, that some people have higher incomes than others, and he says that’s not just.

That is the rationale of thievery. The other guy has it, you want it, Obama will take it for you. Vote Democrat.

That is the philosophy that produced Detroit. It is the electoral philosophy that is destroying America. It conceals a fundamental deviation from American values and common sense because it ends up not benefiting the people who support it, but a betrayal.

America is not divided by the differences in outcomes, it is divided by the differences in efforts. It is a false philosophy to say one man’s success comes about unavoidably as the result of another man’s victimization.  The Democrats have not empowered their followers; they have enslaved them in a culture of dependence and entitlement, of victimhood and anger instead of ability and hope. What Obama offered was not a solution, but separatism. He has fomented division and strife, pitted one set of Americans against another for his own political benefit. That’s what socialists offer.

Two Americas, coming closer each day to proving the truth to Lincoln’s maxim that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Divide and conquer. It’s working.

Learning to Teach Your Parents Well

The “White Privilege” mantra is plowing through academia uncontested.
The Making of next generation of liberals one lie at a time.

There’s no fixing lefties. They are mentally deficient.

They have gotten their panties in a wad over the use of caulking gun, paint gun, grease gun, etc. 
The insanity never stops.

Moochelle Spotted in the Big Apple

The First Lady takes in the sites of downtown NY
Just as Washington is going into a deep freeze, the president jets off to sunny Palm Springs for a boys weekend to play some golf and have a meeting of the Kings. And no doubt, rake in some under-the-table cash for the  democrat mid-term election bids while he's there. 
The First Lady, having celebrated Valentine Day earlier this week, was spotted in New York where she will appear Monday night as one of the first guest on the new 'Tonight Show with Jimmy Kibble', or what ever his name is.