Tuesday, May 13, 2014

On the Subject of Boko Haram

h/t Nod to the Gods

Antarctic Ice Sheet Inexplicably Turns Red

According to a New Study, Old Studies are Old.

A rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears to be in an irreversible state of decline, with nothing to stop the glaciers in the area from melting into the sea. The most concerning upshot of this phenomenon is its potential contribution to a rise in sea levels of up to 13 feet, which could result in climate refugees moving inland and seeking asylum at Al Gore’s $9,000,000 ocean-view villa in the hills of Montecito, California.

Scientists aren’t sure exactly how long it could take for the entire western Antarctic ice sheet to disappear and produce this rise in sea levels  because it is still centuries off — potentially up to 1,000 years away. Oops, the Guardian forgot to bury that little tidbit deeper than the third paragraph.  

The only thing that is for certain is that it is primarily caused by the Koch brothers. And we can all rest easier knowing that it is definitely not the result of camel flatulence.

 This newly-released graphic reveals the projected pattern of Antarctic warming that is expected to last at least through the current election cycle.

h/t Nuking Politics 

Nancy Pelosi Discusses Benghazi on Facebook

via Cain TV


Monday, May 12, 2014

A Word From Sad FLOTUS

Who is this Man Advising the President

His name is John Holdren and he is a senior advisor to the President of the United States of America, he is Obama's science czar, and he has openly supported mass sterilizations, forced abortions and removing children from all single mothers. 

Holdren is a dangerous left-wing extremist, an ideologue.

This deranged madman has also written of his support of the  creation of a totalitarian "Planetary Regime" (his term) that would be put in control of the global economy. Again, it's important to emphasize that this isn't just some random tenured radical; this man is a Senior Advisor to the President of the United States.

As the Obama regime grows increasingly autocratic, unelected and unaccountable "czars" like John Holdren will inevitably begin to wield more power and influence. It may be a good time to stockpile some sterilant-free nonperishables.

In a book he authored in 1977, he proposed the following: 

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;

• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or in food; 

• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;

• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e. undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.

• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed international police force. More on this lunatic can be found HERE.

So, who is more delusional? A man that proposes the aforementioned policies, or a man that hired him as a senior advisor and science czar?

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, May 10, 2014

U.S. May Have Terrorist “Hands Off” List

Here we go. Yet another Obama scandal waiting to erupt. Newly obtained emails from inside the Department of Homeland Security appear to indicate that the Obama administration operates a “hands off” list to shield certain individuals with terrorist connections. This is scary, but not surprising.

Judicial Watch
"The Obama administration appears to have a terrorist “hands off” list that permits individuals with extremist ties to enter the country, according to internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) documents obtained by a United States Senator.
It’s unimaginable that any government would do this, but it seems like the Obama administration is constantly breaking new ground. The disturbing details of this secret initiative were made public this week by Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley, who has obtained DHS electronic mail discussing what could be a terrorist “hands off” list. The exchange includes a 2012 email chain between U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) asking whether to admit an individual with ties to various terrorist groups. The individual had scheduled an upcoming flight into the U.S., according to an announcement issued by the senator.
The person was believed to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a close associate and supporter Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, according to the mail exchange obtained by Grassley’s office. 
It gets better. The DHS emails also reveal that this particular terrorism suspect has actually taken legal action against the U.S., presumably because authorities violated the hands off policy. The subject “has sued CBP twice in the past and that he’s one of the several hands off passengers nationwide,” according to the DHS emails obtained by Senator Grassley’s office. The documents go on to say that the terrorist’s records were removed and that the DHS Secretary (at the time Janet Napolitano) was involved in the matter."
Read More 

Why the Upcoming 2014 Elections Are So Crucial

 As the middle of 2014 is upon us, there are many questions the American people have about just exactly what is happening in our nation's capital. It seems that one side desperately wants answers and the other side isn't willing to give any. In fact, they are doing everything in their power to prevent the truth from being told.

Here is what we KNOW:

* The attack in Benghazi was NOT because of an anti-Islamic video. 
* Four people died as a result of that attack. 
* There was a failure of policy that lead to the inadequate security for one of our diplomats. 
* The White House knew in real-time what was happening and did nothing. 
* There was a false narrative put forth to the American people as to why the attack happened. 
* And now we find through emails from the White House, there was an effort to mislead the American people as to the cause of the attack. 


* There was selective targeting of Conservative groups by the IRS under Lois Lerner.
* When asked by a Congressional Committee, Lois Lerner took the 5th twice.
* We know Ms. Lerner personally gave Malik Obama and the "Barack H. Obama Foundation," a shady charity headed by the president's half-brother that operated illegally for years, full tax exempt status within one month.
* We now know through emails that Congressional committee member Elijah Cummings colluded with the IRS to target conservative group True the vote.
* We know through a letter from Senate Democrats that they urged the IRS to investigate Tea Party Groups.

We KNOW that in 2014:

* The Top Income Tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6% 
* The Top Income Payroll Tax went from 37.4% to 52.2% 
* The Capital Gains Tax went from 15 % to 28% 
* The Dividend Tax went from 15% to 39.6 
* The Estate Tax went from 0% to 55% 
* These taxes were all passed under the affordable care act, otherwise known as Obamacare. 
* All these taxes were passed with only Democrat votes. Not one Republican voted for the Affordable Care Act. 
The ACA was passed with not one single democrat politician having even read the bill before affixing their signature on it (this fact alone should scare the hell out of you).

We know that the NSA is spying on the American people without their consent.

We know that the number of Americans are on some form of public assistance is at a record high during Barack H. Obama's presidency.

We see on almost a daily basis how Barack Obama is fermenting hatred between not only different social classes, but also between the different races and also sexual orientations of Americans. We are more divided as a nation now, than we were during the Civil War.

We know that almost all members of the DNC, without question, are labeling the many scandals and subsequent investigations as "phony." But if I may say, that those with nothing to hide do not fear the truth and those that tell the truth have nothing to hide.

And now we know for a fact that the Obama Administration lied about the effects and consequences of last year's Sequester.

It seems that this Administration is literally built on nothing but a house of lies.

I could go on, but I'm sure that you get the picture. America is in the grip of a president who has his political ideology and policies shaped by and steeped in Marxism and for better or worse, the entire Democratic Party is following suit.

 If you really want to know why the upcoming midterm elections are so crucial....just take a look around you.

(Freedom Outpost) 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Not Looking Good for Mary Landrieu

In a new statewide poll was solely developed and conducted by Southern Media & Opinion Research, Sen. Mary Landrieu continues her fall in the polls. The people of Louisiana have not forgotten her crucial payed for vote in the passing of ObamaCare.

Bayou Buzz
"According to the SMOR poll, based on a survey of 600 likely Louisiana voters conducted April 28-30, 2014, Senator Mary Landrieu continues to drop, with her positive rating now hitting an all-time low of 39% and her negative numbers skyrocketing to 58%.
The results also reflect a gap between “likely voters and “voters”. According to Pinsonat, SMOR used “likely voter” criteria because it was focusing upon an actual upcoming election, rather than a poll showing general popularity. Likely voters, are considered habitual voters, thus, are likely to vote this fall.
Landrieu continues to maintain high positives (79%) among African-American voters, but she continues to lose ground among white Democrats (male and female) and among female.
After being informed that Landrieu had been a U. S. Senator since 1996 and was recently appointed to Chair the U.S. Senate Energy Committee, 59% of the voters thought electing someone new was more important than keeping her in office. Landrieu’s seniority does little to sway voter choice for the U.S. Senate."