Monday, August 4, 2014

California Suffering from a Self Inflicted Crisis by its Very Own Liberal Progressive Politicians.

Y'all join me in welcoming to DMF Mr. Robert Janicki, formerly of 'Capitalist Preservation'. I have been an admirer of Rob's writing for a long while and am happy to announce Rob will be dropping by to class the joint up a little now and then. Rob is Owner Operator and HMFIC of the website Wired Right  
by Rob Janicki:

In the land of fruits and nuts, conservatives, and anyone with a sense of reason and logic, find themselves in an Alice in Wonderland scenario with the current statewide drought, which has now become a crisis and a political paradox or sorts.   

It should be noted at this point that the state of California is a virtual impregnatable bastion of liberal progressive politicians.  Every statewide elected office is held by a Democrat and not your daddy's Democrat either.  They are hard core liberal progressives in charge of every aspect of the political bureaucracy from appropriating expenditures in the legislature to actually spending the largess by a bureaucracy of entrenched Democrats holding sway in every state agency.

With that in mind, let's look at the most recent crisis at hand in California.  It's all about the water.  Only a fool and a liberal progressive would believe that this drought was not foreseen and thus state Democrats are not really responsible in their incompetent response.

California has been up against the "water wall", so to speak, since time immemorial.  Enlarging populations and expanding agricultural operations have always put California in a position of scrambling to find more water to satisfy the increasing needs of its constituent user groups.  The margin between having just enough water and having to ration water has always been paper thin.

Several elements caused by Democrats have mitigated against increasing California's water supply and any possible reserve.

In recent years the liberal progressive majority in the California legislature has voted down two Republican attempts to enact legislation to build two new reservoirs in central and southern California, the two areas most affected by drought, since they are inherently arid desert environments.

Meanwhile, the California legislature, lead by the erstwhile liberal progressive political Messiah, Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown, continues to push for a "high speed rail project" to connect northern and southern California.  The project is underway and with each passing month the cost estimate of the project increases.  It is now estimated to cost over $100 billion dollars from a beginning estimate of under $50 billion dollars.  The project is known by its detractors as the railroad from nowhere to nowhere, a boondoggle worthy of 19th century thinking.  Imagine what a portion of this boondoggle expenditure could do to alleviate California's drought scenario going forward?

But, back to the future.  The liberal progressive political solution of sorts for the current drought is to tax and fine consumers for "excessive use" of water as determined by the very politicians that created the water shortage disaster. California's agricultural industry has already suffered immensely with over regulation of water usage, thus throwing over 25% of California's prime agricultural land use into non use.  Only a liberal progressive politician would come up with this brainstorm.  Penalize the consumer for the failure of liberal progressive politicians at the state and local level to address California's inherent and perrenial water shortage problem.  

Pure political genius.  Blame the victim.  A tactic right out of the liberal progressive political handbook.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What it Takes to Get Deported from the US

Here's a real irony...this ILLEGAL ALIEN and serial plaintiff
has been suing American business.
 Adios Amigos Asshole
"Alfredo Garcia, a notorious serial plaintiff, convicted felon and undocumented immigrant, has been deported to Mexico. Garcia made it his business to sue small businesses, filing more than 800 lawsuits against businesses in the Los Angeles area for alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Garcia hasn't held a job since he fell out of an avocado tree while he was drinking and high on cocaine about 18 years ago. Garcia's back was broken, his spinal cord severed. Since then, he's made a living off these lawsuits. It's incredibly profitable, for Garcia and his longtime attorney Morse Mehrban.
Garcia has a lengthy criminal history. He's been convicted of three felonies, involving drug, weapons and burglary charges. In a 2009 sworn deposition, he admitted to violating his probation by snorting cocaine and smoking pot. He also admitted to being in the U.S. illegally and buying two social security cards off the street. Since then, Garcia has had at least two of those felonies expunged from his criminal record.
In February 2011, Garcia was arrested for immigration violations by officers with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Fugitive Operations Team. Due to his disability, Garcia was released while his case made its way through the immigration courts, including an appeal. He was placed "under intensive supervision" by ICE, but that did not stop him from filing more lawsuits. Since that 2011 arrest, he's filed an additional 300 lawsuits.
Garcia typically sues small mom-and-pop type businesses, but among his 811 lawsuits, big names like Wal-Mart, Bank of America and Jamba Juice are also included. He's also sued dozens of restaurants, auto-repair shops, a medical clinic where he received rehab, a lawyer who deposed him, the city of Cudahy and dozens of Laundromats.
Garcia has collected approximately $1.2 million from business owners since he began filing lawsuits in 2007.
At the same time, Garcia applies for and receives fee waivers from the courts by claiming he is too poor to pay the court fees associated with the lawsuits. That means taxpayers pick up the tab."
Garcia's was finally deported to Mexico on June 11th.
H/T 100% Fed Up

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Breeding an Army of Hate

Israel gave Gaza over lock, stock and barrel, moved out their people and said "Make it Flourish." Instead of investing the billions in aid to help the Palestinian people and create a trading block with Israel, Gaza invested in terrorism. They now reap the consequences.

Hamas urge women to have more children
to create a larger army of Hate.

Some 63 Israelis and about 1500 Palestinians have died since the current conflict started a month ago, with children accounting for at least 245 of the deaths. But why so many children? It turns out that there are unusual features about the population structure in Gaza that make it an enigma in the modern world and helps explain the high numbers of casualties in the current conflict the media does not see fit to site in their reporting.

New Scientist:
"First, the Gaza Strip's population of roughly 1.8 million has an unusually large proportion of children. Figures for 2013 from Index Mundi, the internet source of country data, show that that 43.5 per cent of the population is aged 14 or under, compared with 32 per cent in Egypt and 27 per cent in Israel.
The median age in Gaza is 18, compared with a world average of 28. In most European countries it's about 40, and it is 30 in Israel. Only in a dozen or so African countries is the median age lower, reaching 15 in Uganda.
The data from Index Mundi show that the fertility rate in Gaza, 4.4 children per woman, is among the highest in the world.
A study involving interviews with 16,204 Gazan women and 4900 Jordanian women for comparison, concluded that the Intifada of of 1989 and 1990 was a key driving factor for the surge in marriage and fertility. In the Intifada years of for example, women were 1.4 times more likely to marry than in 1980. The rate during the Intifada was even higher, at twice that in 1980, for more educated women.
A sense of duty to expand the population is a factor that can't be dismissed. "There have been statements from Hamas urging women to have more children to create a larger army."

Friday, August 1, 2014

Have You Ever Really Looked at Barack Obama's Signature?

Zoom in and take a look.....

Breaking: President Reportedly Spotted Working at WH

 The President Miraculousness Appeared in front of News Reporters Today 
Obama takes time out from fund-raising, entertaining pop stars and golfing to get in a little work, even if it's just whining about Republicans not giving him his way. 

Fishnet Friday