Thursday, October 16, 2014

Deceased Floridians Kick Off Early Voting

Nearly 1 Million Americans Have Cast Ballots Already
For Midterm Elections
(AP) — Midterm elections are less than three weeks away, yet more than 904,000 Americans already have cast their ballots, with almost 60 percent of those early votes in Florida, according to data compiled by The Associated Press from election officials in 11 states.
Those numbers are climbing daily as more states begin their advance voting periods and more voters return mail-in ballots ahead of Nov. 4.  Thirty-three states and the District of Columbia allow some form of advance voting other than traditional absentee voting requiring an excuse.
A spokesman for national Democrats, Justin Barasky, said the party is especially focused on encouraging early voting by Democrats who usually don’t participate in midterms.
More than 2.35 million people voted early in Florida four years ago, while the 2012 number neared 4.8 million. It’s worth noting that Republicans led in the early stages in 2012 — a turnabout from Obama’s first presidential campaign. Yet Obama ended up carrying Florida a second time anyway.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Democrat Blues: Seeing Red Everywhere......

Republicans have single-party control in 23 states:
And More to Come

Mother Jones
There's never been a worse time to be a Democrat in a red state. Republicans now hold all the reins of power—the governorship and both houses of the state legislature—in 23 states. That's up from just nine before the 2010 elections. There are now more states under single-party control than at any time since 1944. And without even token Democratic opposition, Republicans have busted unions in Michigan and Wisconsin, passed draconian tax cuts in Kansas, and enacted sweeping new abortion restrictions across the nation.
"We are on offense this year," says Jill Bader, communications director for the Republican State Leadership Conference (RSLC), which works to elect Republican state legislators. "We're building these new majorities in some states that have been traditionally Democratic."
Midterm elections present problems for Democrats. The party's most loyal voting blocs—young voters and minorities, in particular—tend to vote at lower rates than in presidential years. This year, President Barack Obama's falling approval rating could drag down Democratic candidates for state legislative seats. And thanks to the GOP's widespread success in 2010, Republicans were able to redraw many states' legislative maps after that year's census, gerrymandering themselves into solid and consistent majorities.

What Does It Say of the Administration's Priorities.......

...when, after one Ebola death and two infections in Dallas, the Administration still hasn't sent as many personnel to Dallas as it did to Ferguson following the shooting death of Michael Brown?

Meet The most Confused Woman in America

by Don Surber
CNN ran a column yesterday by Theresa Corbin, “I’m a feminist, and I converted to Islam." She’s 34 and lives in New Orleans. She runs a site, Islamwich, which she describes as “one slice muslim. one slice ‘merican. and all that comes between."
In her column, Theresa Corbett wrote:
"I am the product of a Creole Catholic and an Irish atheist. I grew up Catholic, then was agnostic, now I’m Muslim. My journey to Islam began when I was about 15 years old in Mass and had questions about my faith. The answers from teachers and clergymen -- don’t worry your pretty little head about it -- didn’t satisfy me.
 So I did what any red-blooded American would do: the opposite. I worried about it. For many years. I questioned the nature of religion, man and the universe."
In short, she was the pedestrian full-of-herself teenager. Some stay that way and become liberals. She became a Muslim.
You get more attention that way:
 "It was 2001, and I had been putting off converting for a while. I feared what people would think but was utterly miserable. When 9/11 happened, the actions of the hijackers horrified me. But in its aftermath, I spent most of my time defending Muslims and their religion to people who were all too eager to paint a group of 1.6 billion people with one brush because of the actions of a few."
 The actions of a few -- condemned by even fewer.
 She insists her new religion is pro-woman, even though women are the property of men, denied schooling, forced to marry extremely young in some countries, and stoned if they are raped in many countries.
 But I am not here to argue.
I am here to review the inconsistencies:
"These days, I am a proud wearer of hijab. You can call it a scarf. My scarf does not tie my hands behind my back, and it is not a tool of oppression. It doesn’t prevent thoughts from entering my head and leaving my mouth. But I didn’t always know this.
 Studying Islam didn’t immediately dispel all my cultural misconceptions. I had been raised on imagery of women in the East being treated like chattel by men who forced them to cover their bodies out of shame or a sense of ownership.
But when I asked a Muslim woman “Why do you wear that?”, her answer was obvious and appealing: “To please God. To be recognized as a woman who is to be respected and not harassed. So that I can protect myself from the male gaze.”
 Men however are open to female gaze.
But I get the connection to feminism and Islam. Both are outside the American mainstream and neither seems to care about the rights of others.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Statement That May Have Sealed Mary Landrieu's Fate

This evening I attended the U.S. Senate Candidate's Debate held  here at Centenary College Shreveport. For the most part, it was as expected, Landrieu attacked Cassidy's voting record, Cassidy corrected the lies in her campaign ads and made her own up to her record which she seems proud of, and the Tea Party Candidate seemed bored with the whole thing.

At the very end, all three candidates were asked to rate the President, and Governor Jindal. It was Mary's answer that brought smiles and muted laughter from some of the state's most noted political watchers in attendance. Having distanced herself from the Obama throughout her re-election campaign, no one expected her to answer as she did. Running 4 points behind Cassidy, some say it was a 'Hail Mary', so to speak, and a very unwise thing to say.

Here's video from Louisiana Public Broadcasting.

Wendy Davis, Meet Karma

 "Being a believer in what goes around comes around, it looks to me like Karma has caught up with and smacked Wendy Davis where it will really hurt, in the election she will lose.  Texans see Davis for what she is, an opportunist and someone who will stoop to anything.  Now that is what Karma is all about." - Rob Janicki

Washington Post Mid-Term Election Predictions

House of Representatives:  194 Dems - 241 Republican 

Click Image to Make Larger

The Senate 48 Dems - 52 Republican

Monday, October 13, 2014

Human Rights Campaign Report Brings Death Threats

A new report published by the Human Rights Campaign ratchets up the rhetoric in its fight for LGBT rights, claiming pro-family activists have formed a "global network of extremists." Complete with pencil-sketched portraits, the report lists leaders of 12 pro-family organizations as the “most vitriolic American activists promoting anti-LGBT bigotry abroad,” HRC said in a press release. Conservatives liken the report to a hit list. 
 “It’s like the only things missing are the words ‘wanted dead or alive,’” said Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council (FRC).
Scott Lively, the first activist listed in the report, claims he received death threats following the report’s publication. Lively believes HRC published the list to incite intimidation against the people named, especially in light of one gay activist’s attempted mass murder at FRC two years ago. “As of today, I am for the first time going to start taking precautions against the possibility of violence by agents of the LGBT movement,” Lively said in a blog post. 
In August 2012, Floyd Corkins II opened fire in the lobby of FRC’s Washington, D.C., headquarters, shooting one security guard in the arm before the unarmed officer subdued him. Planning to kill as many people as he could, Corkins carried more than 100 rounds of ammunition and 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches to smear in his victims’ faces as a political statement. Corkins, who had been volunteering at The DC Center for the LGBT Community, targeted FRC after the organization backed Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy’s stance against gay marriage. In September, a district judge sentenced Corkins to 25 years in prison.
To create its report, HRC relied in part on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of anti-LGBT “hate groups.” Corkins admitted he used the same list to select FRC as his target, Sprigg said.
The report places the people listed in the uncomfortable position of arguing they aren’t “haters,” said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality and the fourth activist listed in the report. American culture is saturated with the idea that opposition to homosexuality equals hate, and the rhetoric espoused in the HRC report increases the difficulty of disassociating Christian beliefs from hate.
 “This cultural war is hard to fight because these falsehoods are always advanced in the name of good,” LaBarbera said. “The average Christian is largely ignorant of how much premeditated work has gone into driving this false equivalence.”

The Wendy Davis Trainwreck Continues

I bet Abortion Barbie now wishes she had never been born.

And this just 48 hrs after throwing Greg Abbott and his wheelchair under the bus....