Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year from DMF

It's New Years Eve on Bourbon Street and the 30 Yard Line
at the Sugar Bowl tomorrow night. ROLL TIDE!

Happy New Year Y'all!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Retiring Oklahoma Senator Tom Colburn

"Dozens of members of Congress will be retiring next month, and some should be missed. But there is only one Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma senator the Christian Science Monitor has dubbed 'a rabble-rousing statesman.'
"Those two qualities together are rare in politicians, but they found a happy union in the 66-year-old obstetrician who is leaving the Senate early next month to battle prostate cancer. On the one hand, Coburn never retreated on his core values: He is staunchly pro-life, for traditional marriage, and resistant to all manner of fads from climate-change regulation to mindless intervention overseas. As the Senate'€™s 'Dr. No' from 2004 to today, he held up hundreds of special-interest boondoggles and end-runs around common sense. At the same time, he maintained a standard of honest dealing and integrity that many more in Congress should aspire to. ...
"Tom Coburn never forgot that members of Congress are spending the hard-earned money of the people back home. Even a lot of conservatives end up forgetting that. Here's hoping that back in the private sector, Tom Coburn keeps up the fight for his beliefs and that he remains a constant reminder to lawmakers and the White House of ethical standards to which all should aspire."— John Fund, National Review Online

I Ask You This......

Monday, December 29, 2014

Meanwhile, as Black Culture Continues to Circle the Drain...

Another No Talent Entertainer Calls for Reparations

Talent Challenged Rap Artist Singer Azealia Banks

This past Friday, rapper Azealia Banks unleashed a Twitter rant in which she demanded that the U.S. government fork over $100 trillion in reparations, reports the Daily News:

“ITS MY MONEY, AND I WANT IT NOWWWWW!!!!!!” Banks tweeted on Friday afternoon, after linking to stories from various newspapers describing the ways in which American Indians and Holocaust survivors have sought reparations from the American and German governments, respectively.
“Jews and Native Americans all got reparations because they organized. Please don’t let my ‘beef’ with hip-hop distract from what we need… To be focusing on. We are owed MAJOR F***ING BUCKS kids, MAJOR BUCKS.”
Keep in mind that this lunatic happens to be worth $3 million and grew up attending posh music schools in Manhattan. If you wade through all of her deranged and rather racist tweets, you find her premise to basically be that a disturbing number of contemporary blacks drop out of school, kill each other, wind up in prison, amass zero wealth and frankly fail at life because the government allegedly never accommodated them for slavery: 
"Stop making this about my ‘feelings’ because it’s not. This is about what the black people are legally OWED. Affirmative Action, Welfare and Medicaid are patronizing as hell if you ask me…. It’s like, ‘here, we built this entire economic superpower of a country off of your backs, so here’s a nickel for bread.’ At this point, it’s not even about race or cultural appropriation or any other that other annoying sh*t because the black youth has a bigger Battle to fight. More than we need to preserve our identity, we need to get our f*cking money. And I’m dead serious."
"Let these corny white people get their little black fantasies out, because they’re only put in place to distract us from the real issue. We need to get our money. F*ck all this other sh*t. A huge reparations payout would mean mass access to HIGH education for ALL blacks in this country. We could re-write the script."
Notice how she mentions affirmative action, which itself is a racist policy that benefits blacks by hurting others, including Asians. Also notice how she mentions the “patronizing” nature of welfare. This despite the fact that blacks keep voting for the same Democratic stooges whose entire agendas revolve around passing out handouts left and right.

Plus, and this is key, handing out reparations (especially $100 trillion) to every single black person in the country would destroy the economy and thus rip opportunity and freedom away from everybody, including black Americans. 

The people to whom reparations were owed are long dead; our duty is to the living, and to generations yet to come, and their interests are best served by liberty and prosperity, not by moral theater.

Fuk Off Azealia

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, December 27, 2014

BTW, I Almost Forgot.....

Barack and Obama Michelle Obama have released their Annual Perfunctory Message for Kwanzaa: A “celebration highlighting the rich African American heritage and culture”? Why not just release Michelle’s “Whitey” tape while you’re at it, Barry?

Street protest to resume immediately.....

Friday, December 26, 2014

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Merry Christmas to All from DMF

To the contributors, blogger friends and loyal readers of DMF, 
may God Bless You, and have a Very Wonderful Christmas.

A Christmas Greeting from Bo and Mo