Saturday, April 25, 2015

How to Know When the Immigrant Gravy Train is About to Arrive in Your Town

American Renaissance
What are the signs that your community has been secretly selected for an infusion of refugees from Muslim nations like Syria or Somalia, or migrant workers from Central America? The Obama White House released a report last week on the integration of immigrants and refugees that provides some clues.
It could be something as simple as a new billboard along the highway touting the contributions of diverse immigrant populations and refugees. Or maybe you’ll hear a radio spot or see a TV ad delivering the same type of message. Your city council may pass a proclamation “celebrating” and “welcoming” the “cultural diversity” and economic benefits of refugees and other “new Americans.” Your local public library will start hosting “story times” that glorify the role of immigrants and the value of diversity in your community.
You may also see a new HUD-backed subsidized housing project rising from the ground. But the biggest sign that new arrivals are on their way, will be the “messaging” sent out through local media and official government offices.
It’s all part of a strategy, reported on last week by WND, to “water the soil” and “plant seedlings” into host communities, also called “receiving communities.” WND also reported last week how the federal government withholds key information from the public in host communities until right before or after refugees arrive, and how one congressman, Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., is demanding answers to 17 questions about the program.
Obama’s ramped-up strategy to integrate new immigrants is about to be unfurled upon unsuspecting cities and counties across the U.S. They will be expected to follow the federal plan to “build welcoming communities” that empower migrants and refugees, turning them into “new Americans.” Once the soil has been prepared, the seedlings will arrive. And the seedlings, according to those planning the changes for your city or town, need to be nurtured and cultivated into healthy communities of their own. They will eventually be fully “integrated,” meaning they are firmly established and able to grow within their host community, eventually overtaking the host.
The plans to transform America through immigration, as spelled out in the new White House report, involves almost every government agency working in tandem with community organizers from immigrant-rights groups like National Council for La Raza and the National Partnership for New Americans. The White House task force is headed by Cecilia Munoz, former top executive with La Raza and now Obama’s top domestic policy adviser.
The document is permeated with Orwellian euphemisms, starting with the title, Strengthening Communities by Welcoming all Residents,and continuing with its declaration of the “economic benefits of immigrant and refugee integration.”

Friday, April 24, 2015

Springer's News From The Future

image via Springer's Blog
For those not aware of this great blog, go check em out!
A talented and witty fellow traveler @IOTWR

The Decline Of Modern Political Discourse

American political conversation, particularly in the mass media, has significantly deteriorated in recent years in a number of ways.  One of the most disturbing of these is that it increasingly no longer deals with the substance of politics but instead with group dynamics. The purpose of far too many newspaper and magazine editorials is not to convince the reader  that a particular perspective is logically or morally justified,  but to convince them that it is “mainstream”.  At the same time its goal is  not to persuade them that the alternative   perspective (and by extension those that represent it) are incorrect  but that they are “on the fringes” or “extreme”. In other words, the objective  of the article is to get its audience to conform  to what it depicts as “the popular view”. 
The article asks them not to think but to follow. The entire substance of the article is often merely a play on group dynamics.  The reader is politely informed of where he or she had better  situate themselves if they wish to avoid the status of “outsider”. The tone of the article assumes that the reader is of course already  within the mainstream and among the ranks of the “ acceptable ”; but to avoid any potential for confusion, clear lines are drawn by the author for his benefit.  Now   the opinions represented as   the most popular view may not actually be so at all and the claim may require  a one sided or skewed set of statistics for support. But that is not what is important for our purposes. What is important is the thought process of the reader. And so what we have is a model of journalism that trains its audience to be followers instead of political thinkers. 
Whereas open and rigorous discussion of the substance of political issues leads to civility because I am forced to respect the reason of my opponent, the avoidance of substance and the exploitation of this group  dynamics approach leads to incivility .  It teaches the reader to denounce and denigrate the holder of a particular view rather than to  engage their arguments.

AdiĆ³s MoFo

Well Eric, it seems like only yesterday those crazy right wingers were warning everyone that turning over the office of the Highest Law Enforcement Officer in the nation to a slick talking affirmative action public servant was going to be a mistake. Know what, they were right.  But hey, you can make those $1500 handmade Italian silk suits look good. 

While you spent your energies protecting us from counterfeit purses from overseas, you also did more then you part to further divide the country racially and politically. Your refusal to enforce the immigration laws of the United States because your boss didn't agree with them will haunt the country for decades, if not forever. Your refusal to investigate voter fraud and turning a blind eye to voter intimidation despite the evidence is now a thing of legend.

You said not long ago your biggest disappointment was you didn't get the gun ban you wanted. Too bad you didn't try harder, it would surly have been your down fall. 

But you did manage to make a mockery of the words "Civil Rights", rights that belong to ALL AMERICANS, not just for your people. Your unethical Civil Rights Division at your direction also engaged in politicized hiring practices that were unprecedented and lawless. The obtaining of telephone records of reporters and editors for The Associated Press, and harassment of news reporters critical of the administration was a sleazy intrusion and a direct attack on the first amendment.  

But you really showed your true colors with the lawsuits over voter ID laws. You're either stupid and do not understand common logic, or just another race baiter who doesn't believe in fair and honest elections.  Under your leadership the general hostility toward the spirit of the constitution and the actions of your Justice Department bordered on malfeasance in office. 

History will not judge you well I'm sure......The Most Corrupt and Unethical DOJ in the country's history. 

I do hope you enjoy living large with your lifetime golden parachute payed for in part by those gun totin' freedom loving patriotic conservative taxpayers you so despise  And it's probably a good idea that you leave now ( I know you are feeling the heat), because I believe some in congress would eventually get around to coming after your ass and put in jail where it belongs.  

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Whole New Meaning To “Swearing Before the Court”

Not a Fan of Perry Mason
Meet Tamah Jada Clark, a “Floridian-American” sovereign citizen who brought a whole new meaning to “swearing before the court” when she recently filed an obscenity-filled court document titled “Notice: To F*ck This Court and Everything that it Stands For” after a judge dismissed a lawsuit that she’d filed. Clark had claimed that her civil rights were violated five years ago when she was arrested in a failed attempt to break her boyfriend out of prison.

Clark’s April 20 rant is a masterpiece of Sovereign Citizen logic, explaining to U.S. District Court Judge Willis B. Hunt that she didn’t believe for one minute he even has the power to dismiss her case:

We’re not entirely clear what she’s getting at here, because, as in any good legal document, she just launches into a refutation without quite saying what it is she’s refuting. But one thing is clear: the judge is an “old, IMPOTENT geezer” and also a “F*cking b*tch.” It’s nice of her to respect the court by adding those asterisks, at least (we’ve smooshed a couple of the pages together here, to save space):

Ms. Clark goes on to explains that she knows her legal stuff real good, because she studied up for a whole month on what’s really going on in this country:
"Look here, old man, when I told you I AM Justice — I meant it. It took me about 1 month to study the history of the world and to learn the history and inner workings American jurisprudence, literally. I was born to do this here. Don’t you know that your FBI and CIA have been trying to recruit me since grade school? Lol. But they’re unscrupulous losers like you, so it won’t be happening.
Instead, I will educate the People, and hopefully one day, if we are lucky, why will rise up against you oppressive, lying traitors and hang you all for the crime you have committed against us all."
This is easily one of the most important legal documents we have ever read, and we’re quite impressed, especially because Clark attaches a 25-page supplement explaining why no one is required to pay taxes. It is from her website,  which we could easily read all day, but we won’t, because we fear we may have already numbed several parts of our cerebral cortex already.

We’re not entirely sure Clark will prevail in her quest to overturn her conviction for planning to break her boyfriend out of jail, however, since there isn’t a single word in her document about the gold fringe on Judge Hunt’s flag, which means he only has the authority to try cases involving ships at sea.

If she missed something as obvious as that, she clearly needed to study for at least another month.


Meanwhile, at the Museum of Political Comedy in Brussels.......

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Former Canuck Defense Minister: They Walk Among Us.

"Aliens have 'been visiting our planet for thousands of years' Many walk among us, 
but it can be difficult to tell them apart."

"They could walk down the street and you wouldn't know if you walked past one." 

A former Canadian Defense Minister has accused world leaders of concealing the presence of aliens.  Paul Hellyer, who was a Canadian minister from 1963 to 1967, is now urging world powers to release what he believes to be hidden data on UFOs. 
He claims that the aliens have 'been visiting our planet for thousands of years' and are unimpressed with how we live. 'We spend too much time fighting each other, we spend too much money on military expenditures and not enough on feeding the poor and looking after the homeless and sick,' he said.
Last year, the former Canadian defense minister declared on Russian TV that aliens are walking among us.  But he said they are refusing to share their advanced technologies until we change our polluting and warring ways.
There are between two and twelve total species of aliens (although some place the number closer to 80).  Some look just like humans, while others appear more like the creatures portrayed in popular culture.  
One alien species, known as the 'Tall Whites' is working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada and has been known to pass for humans in public.  Alien technology is far more advanced, but has given us LED lights, microchips and Kevlar vests.
He told Russia Today's program SophieCo there are 80 different species of extra-terrestrials some of whom 'look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn't know if you walked past one. - READ MORE

The Free Market Flips Obama the Big Bird

By Robert Janicki

Do you remember President Obama's promise to put a million hybrid and/or electric cars on U.S. highways by the end of second term in office?  Well, there seems to be a major hitch in that plan.  It's failing miserably.  Obama is behind 800, 000 hybrid and/or electric vehicles and the market for these vehicles is declining precipitously.
The auto-research group found that “22 percent of people who have traded in their hybrids and [electric vehicles] in 2015 bought a new SUV.”
This number is higher than the 18.8 percent that did the same last year, but it’s double the number that traded in their electric car for an SUV just three years ago. reports that only “45 percent of this year’s hybrid and EV trade-ins have gone toward the purchase of another alternative fuel vehicle, down from just over 60 percent in 2012. Never before have loyalty rates for alt-fuel vehicles fallen below 50 percent.
You don't have to be an economist with a Ph.d. to understand the cause of this phenomenon.  As the price of gasoline has dropped significantly, so has the financial motivation to buy hybrid or electric vehicles that promise lower operating costs relative to the higher previous price for gasoline.  The fact that alternative fuel costs and electrical prices have risen, only adds to the disincentive to buy a hybrid or electric car.
If that isn't enough disincentive, here's the deal breaker for those who really look to the future of electric vehicles.
Electric cars also suffer from issues with battery life. Each hybrid or electric car battery can cost thousands, or even tens of thousands, of dollars, which only helps tip the economic scale in favor of traditional vehicles. This number is higher than the 18.8 percent that did the same last year, but it’s double the number that traded in their electric car for an SUV just three years ago. reports that only “45 percent of this year’s hybrid and EV trade-ins have gone toward the purchase of another alternative fuel vehicle, down from just over 60 percent in 2012.”
“It wouldn’t make sense to replace a 12-year old battery with a new battery that’s going to last 12 years, because chances are the car’s not going to last that long,” Eric Ibara with Kelley Blue Book told Detroit News.
Never before have loyalty rates for alt-fuel vehicles fallen below 50 percent, Edmunds notes.

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Forty Years Ago: The Left Threw a Party

So much media attention has been devoted this month to the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War and the ensuing assassination of President Lincoln that it’s easy to forget the final days of another war, one that didn’t end with the stars and stripes flying high. I’m speaking of course, about the Vietnam War, which ended quite ignominiously forty years ago this April 30th.

The image was heartbreaking—soldiers and Marines crowding together atop the final American outpost in a country that wouldn’t exist the moment they lifted off. Historian Dominic Sandbrook summed up the mood:
“For the Americans who fled Saigon in those desperate hours, there were no words to describe the grief and shame they felt that morning. In two weeks, they had supervised the evacuation of six thousand Americans and more than more than fifty thousand Vietnamese: a heroic effort under any circumstances but one that fell short of an honorable exit. ‘The rest of our lives, we will be haunted by how we betrayed those people,’ one diplomat said on the USS Okinawa. ‘It made me cry when I got here. There were lots of people who were crying when they got here."
While brave military men cried and those loyal to the Republic of Vietnam were killed or deported to “reeducation camps,” the mood here at home was starkly different. Among certain segments of the population it could only be described as elation.

On May 11th, 1975 fifty thousand jubilant revelers staged a celebration in New York’s Central Park. One reporter described it as a “joyous all-day carnival of songs and speeches in the perfect sunshine.” One person in attendance told a reporter: “There’s a lot of lumps in a lot of throats. It’s unbelievable. Today is the first day I finally realize the war is over.”

“Over” was such a strange word. For Americans, the war had already been over for two years, when the last combat troops left Vietnam. But that was not enough for the most strident activists who would not rest until the country we had bled so much to protect was washed away like a sand castle on the beach.  

A reasonable person would be able to forgive the revelers if they had been merely marking the end of an acrimonious war that had inflicted so much pain on their generation. They were probably ignorant of the bloodbath on the other side of the world and, in their defense, the American press didn’t spill much ink reporting it.

But the imaginary end of hostilities is not what made that day so sweet for them. America had been humbled, even humiliated, and they threw a party.  

(Excerpted from an Essay @ Patriot Update and Well worth a read)


With the help of the words above, the point I intend to make is this: The generation of like minded activist that shared in that May celebration of America's lack of resolve for victory years ago are now the residents of the Ivory Towers they so once railed publicly against. They now hold power in this country. From the city halls of America's largest cities, to the seats of power in Washington, to the institutions of higher learning and the media, they wield more than their share of  political power, and their brainwashed apathetic offspring are following quickly in their footsteps. 

They have chosen to further divide the country, open old wounds, and declare deviance as normal. They deplore the free speech and opposing views they so demanded in their day.  They have dumbed down the education system to a point it creates politically correct easily led herds of sheep.  They declare we are 'Phobic' because of our concern for the direction of the country's culture, and for the love for what she once was and stood for.  They discount the dangers of a culture that has declared war on western civilization, make excuses for their actions and preach to us it is all our fault they hate us so.    

Just as the people of pre-world war 2 Europe watched with apathy as darkness gathered on the horizon, these same leftist activist have chosen to ignore the history of what a small bands of blood thirsty hate-filled humans with a cause can do, and instead they have declared their own war on America, it's laws and it's culture.