Showing posts with label Douchebag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Douchebag. Show all posts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

George Soros Funded Commie Claims Mantle of MLK

Notorious Red Exploits King Legacy

Janel Davis of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that a “noted scholar, author and veteran civil rights activist", Angela Davis, will deliver the keynote address January 18 at Kennesaw State University’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance. 

This is the same notorious snaggle-toothed  60's radical Angela Davis “who supported the imprisonment of Soviet political dissidents (calling them common criminals), cheered on the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, and was awarded the International Lenin Peace Prize (formerly the International Stalin Peace Prize) by communist East Germany. 

Davis shaking hands with the former Stalinist East German dictator, Erich Honecker

Davis, former self-styled "political prisoner", tried and acquitted of suspected involvement in the abduction and murder of Judge Harold Haley in Marin County California in 1970, unrepentant Communist Party member, the US Communist Party Vice-Presidential candidate in 1980 and 1984, and now retired professor of history of consciousness and feminist studies at UC Santa Cruz.

Davis was made an honorary professor at Moscow State University. When she toured the Soviet Union she was used as a propaganda tool by the Brezhnev government. The torture, judicial executions, slave labour camps, political famines and mass murders of the Communist world weren't Davis’s concern.

From AIM
Now Davis is claiming the mantle of Dr. Martin Luther King, a man honored by Americans for his commitment to peaceful change. Many young blacks may be duped into believing that Davis is somehow in the same league as Dr. King, as a result of papers like the Atlanta Journal-Constitution sanitizing her career. The Davis speech is sponsored by the Kennesaw State African-American Student Alliance.
Martin Luther King was controversial in his day but obviously is a much more accepted figure. Things like that change. 
One thing that has changed is that we have a media which censors the truth about people like Davis who rip off the system in order to destroy it.
In addition to pocketing tens of thousands of capitalist dollars from colleges and universities, the Angela Davis group called Critical Resistance,  gets massive funding from noted leftest George Soros through his Open Society Foundation.
Critical Resistance aims to empty the prisons of the United States, since criminals are considered victims of a capitalist society.
Those who believe communism is dead might be surprised to learn that in 2012 she gave a speech calling for “combating anti-communism.” At the same time, she has adopted the cause of radical Islam, declaring “Islamophobia” to be a major threat, the communist People’s World reported. 
The phenomenon of utopia-seeking Western intellectuals and the idealization of other social systems as essentially superior, whatever their "flaws" is due to estrangement. In other words, a disparagement of the West, a subculture of alienation, an adversary culture obsessed with the defects of its own society; hence their lack of self-criticism, shame, and guilt, much the same as we see in Black culture of America today. 

From my reading of history, that's not exactly what MLK had in mind.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ready for Eric Holder 2.0?

Look for one of the first duties, hopefully after the president gets through licking his wounds from mid-term election results, is to send his nomination to the hill for replacement of the corrupt out going Attorney General, Eric Holder.  Speculation is it will be Thomas Perez, the present Secretary of Labor.  Yeah, the same Labor Dept. that gave us phony job numbers before the 2012 election, and almost unbelievable fairytale numbers just in time for the 2014 mid-terms. Imagine that!

He's a perfect tool for Obama's upcoming assault on America's Immigration Laws and enforcement on the states.  Look for a swift attempt at confirmation while Democrats still hold chairmanship of committees in the Senate. 

Below is my post from March 2013 when Mr. Perez was up for conformation for the Labor Dept.  It says all that needs to be said: it need not be re-written. 

More Rot From the Inside

Keeping with his theme of rotting America from the inside, Obama plans to move another dose of leftist disease into a more powerful administration position:

Meet Thomas Perez.

Dear Leader has tapped this radical leftist lawyer Perez to be the next Secretary Of Labor.  This douche is now an assistant attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice. Yeah, Eric Holder's D.O.J. Here's a little background on Mr. Perez:

from The American Thinker
"Perez led the Obama administration's assault on voter ID laws last year. As John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky report in Who's Counting, as a member of the Montgomery County, Md., Council in 2003 he also tried to force governments to accept fraud-prone matricula consular ID cards issued by Mexican consular offices. He was a board member of Casa de Maryland, an advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by George Soros and the recently deceased Hugo Chavez.
Under Perez, the DOJ Civil Rights Division has refused to prosecute hate crimes committed against white Americans. He was reportedly instrumental in the Justice Department's dismissal of a case involving two Philadelphia-based members of the New Black Panther Party who intimidated white voters on Election Day 2008....." 
More about the Panther case and an interesting recently released report on other race based justice cases can be read at PJ Media:
"Perez is apparently in favor of Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws. In Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries offenders can be condemned to death merely for insulting Islam. Amazingly, at a congressional hearing last year, Perez pointedly declined to rule out bringing such laws to the United States. At the July 27, 2012, meeting of the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, Perez refused to say whether he would uphold the religious speech protections in the First Amendment in the future. 
Perez, like so many Obama administration officials, believes that America is a seething hotbed of "Islamophobia," filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the Muslim religion. He has worked with hardcore Islamist groups such as the terrorist-linked Islamic Society of North America and applauded Islamists for lobbying against airline security measures...." Read More  
Islamic radical friendly, advocate for illegals, doesn't believe in equal protection under the law for all races, educated in the nest of leftist worms called Harvard Law.......yeah, he should fit right in and be in a more powerful cabinet position in which to influence the rotting away from within agenda for America that is well underway.
 Thank You IOTWR for the Linkage

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sleazy Wendy Davis Goes for The 'Hate The Disabled' Vote

by Robert Janicki
Wendy Davis, Democrat candidate for Texas governor is at it again with her despicable campaigning against Republican candidate, and current Texas Attorney General, Greg Abbott.  Davis' latest sleazy ad, not unlike her other ads, centers around Abbott's wheelchair bound status, a permanent condition since 1984 and caused by an accident with a tree falling on Abbott.  Abbott immediately became permanently paralyzed from the event.
It should be noted that Davis is the state senator that held up the Texas senate at the end of their last term by filibustering against an anti-abortion Bill that Governor Rick Perry was about to sign with the vote of the Republican senate majority.  Davis is pro choice (read that as pro baby killer) and strongly supports every other radical liberal position under the sun.
Davis is the worst of the worst liberals you can imagine.  There is nothing that Davis will not stoop to  in her driven desire to win high public office at any cost.  Just ask her ex-husband how far she will go to use people.  Davis filed for divorce from her husband the day she graduated from Harvard Law School, which her husband, at the time, paid for.  How deceitful is that?  That's just typical Wendy Davis.
Well, the cost of Davis' political mudslinging is mounting to epic proportions and Davis' reputation as a someone who will smear an opponent as the low life politician she is, will cost her this November 4th.  She is currently trailing Abbot 49-40 in the latest polling.  It's doubtful that Texans on the political fence will let this egregious and despicable smear go unnoticed when they vote against the low life that Davis really is.
You can see the Davis wheelchair ad at Politico and judge for yourself if this is a despicable smear or just politics Texas style.  I'm thinking you'll be just as revolted as I am.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Democrat Politicians Remind Me of Used Car Salesmen

Another Senate Candidate That Has All The Scruples 
and Ethics of a Lying Sack of S**t

by Robert Janicki
It's been reported that Greg Orman said he will caucus with the party in the Senate majority in the next congress. Why should an Independent caucus with either Democrats or Republicans?  The answer is simple.  Orman  wants support for his agenda and is willing to sell out to either political party to see his own agenda advance.  I call this absolute deceit.  Apparently Greg Orman sees no conflict.  That's a lot easier for a man with no principles to assert.
"Independent Greg Orman says he could change parties even after he has allied himself with Democrats or Republicans if he wins the Kansas Senate election in November...."
" In an exclusive interview with NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell, Orman says he would initially caucus with whichever party has majority control in the Senate, because “it’s in the best interests of the voters of Kansas that they have a senator in the majority.”
I leave it to readers to determine whether they think Orman is lacking in scruples or ethics.  Okay, he's a wanna be politician, so, for many, a lack of scruples and ethic is a given.  
For those who are unfamiliar with Greg Orman, he previously ran for the U.S, Senate as a Democrat and lost.  He has contributed to Democrat candidates and causes in the recent past.  Call me old-fashioned, but when it walks like a duck, quacks like and sh*ts like a duck, you can pretty much rely on the duck  being a Democrat. 

Rob Janicki is a retired educator, strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and all around good guy, 
as well as owner/operator of the website Wired Right  and owes me 20 bucks. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Legacy of Racial Politics

Eric Holder leaves a dismal legacy at the Justice Department, but one of his legal innovations was especially pernicious: the demonizing of state attempts to ensure honest elections.

Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. Well-established evidence show that voter-ID laws don't disenfranchise minorities or reduce minority voting, and in many instances enhance it, despite claims to the contrary by Mr. Holder and his allies. As more states adopt ID laws, the more left has railed against them with increasing fury, even invoking the specter of the Jim Crow era to describe electoral safeguards common to most nations, including in the Third World.

Ascribing racial animus to people who are trying to safeguard democratic integrity is a crude yet effective political tactic that obscures the truth. But there's something even worse than name-calling: legal interference from Washington with valid state laws.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ethics Complaint Filed Against Harry Reid

The Hill
"Tea Party Patriots have filed a complaint against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) with the Senate Ethics Committee to protest his repeated attacks against Charles and David Koch."
"Jenny Beth Martin, the co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, filed the complaint, charging Reid with “unlawfully and unethically targeting private citizens.” The complaint further states that Reid “has misused Senate staff or resources to engage in partisan campaign activity in violation of federal laws and Senate rules.”
“It’s been generations since a member of the Senate has abused the power of his office to attack private citizens the way Harry Reid has sought to vilify Charles and David Koch,” Martin said. "Reid’s tactics are “nothing more than a continuation of the thuggish intimidation campaign mounted by the Obama administration to target and silence people and organizations Democrats disagree with.”
"The Louisiana Republican Party asked the Senate ethics panel, officially known as the Select Committee on Ethics, in April to investigate Reid’s use of his official website and Twitter account to criticize the Koch brothers."