Monday, October 3, 2011

President Seen Buying the Nation's First Lady Lingerie for Anniversary Gifts

Evidently, Victoria's Secret was already closed.
Yeah, we'll go with that....


Sunday, October 2, 2011

An Alternative View on the Killing of Al-Awlaki

A very thought provoking post from 
one of my favorite Bloggers Fuzzy Slippers

Are We Really Awake?

"Okay, so I've mostly avoided reading what my fellow conservatives are saying about the death of al whatz'its. Mostly because we all agree that it's a good thing that the terrorist is dead, American or not. And partly because I don't agree with most people and find, to my shock, that I actually agree with . . . ugh . . . Ron Paul and *double ugh* the ACLU. There I said it. Anyway, so I dropped a couple comments here and there, and no one seemed to really understand what I was saying or why, so I just shrugged it off until I read our dear Silverfiddle's post that had a quick comment on it. We went back and forth, and then he declared a ceasefire, suggesting via email that we each post on the topic so we could have a good-natured inter-blog debate......."

Please read the entire post and comments at Fuzzy Logic

Friday, September 30, 2011

American Civil Liberties Union Wets Panties Over 'Anwar Al-Awlaki' Killing. - U.S. airstrikes in Yemen today killed Anwar Al-Aulaqi, an American citizen who has never been charged with any crime.
May all his 72 virgins look like Barney Frank
 ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer said, “The targeted killing program violates both U.S. and international law. As we’ve seen today, this is a program under which American citizens far from any battlefield can be executed by their own government without judicial process, and on the basis of standards and evidence that are kept secret not just from the public but from the courts. The government’s authority to use lethal force against its own citizens should be limited to circumstances in which the threat to life is concrete, specific and imminent. It is a mistake to invest the President — any President — with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country.”

 ACLU National Security Project Litigation Director Ben Wizner said, “Outside the theater of war, the use of lethal force is lawful only as a last resort to counter an imminent threat of deadly attack. Based on the administration’s public statements, the program that the President has authorized is far more sweeping. If the Constitution means anything, it surely means that the President does not have unreviewable authority to summarily execute any American whom he concludes is an enemy of the state.” 


The Myth of Obama

The Spin CycleBarack Obama is probably a good husband and father, and his dog probably likes him. But he isn't the "brilliant and articulate" person that his fans paint him to be. And because they worked so hard to create this false impression, this comparison is bound to keep coming up.

The "brilliant" Obama, who struggles to put five words together without the use of a script written by professional writers... verses the "very stupid" Bush, who can easily speak impromptu, even if he does pronounce a few words wrong.

The democrat left and their allies in the media created this Obama image. But it was all done with smoke and mirrors by inflating his resume and the constant repetition of telling us "how articulate" he was, when he really isn't. And now, they must defend this man whenever he speaks extemporaneously and makes the inevitable gaffs.
* Obama worked as a lawyer for a community organizing group. This was portrayed as "He was a community organizer" ... which is like saying Derek Jetter's accountant must be a great ball player.
* Obama worked as associate lecturer at a law school, occasionally teaching classes. This was transformed into "Obama was a brilliant Professor of Constitutional Law."
* Obama, being half white, and being raised by white people who sent him to the best schools, does not speak with a black dialect, or use very much street slang. This became "He is bright, articulate, and clean" (from Joe Biden). 
* Obama, who is allegedly a brilliant man, is said to have graduated from Harvard Law School where he was the Editor of the prestigious Harvard Law Review. Yet all his college records and grades are sealed. There are absolutely no articles in the Law Review written by him. Which makes him the only Editor in the 134 year history of this journal to never write an article of his own.
* Obama has tried to speak without a teleprompter, and has paid a high price every time he tried. He ends up telling us we have "57 states" or that Marines are "corpse-men" and not corpsmen." One can only imagine the ridicule Bush would have been dealt had he made similar gaffs.
Before all the Obama Zombies go ballistic, let me just say... Obama isn't a bad person, he was just WAY over-hyped. His handlers and sponsors created this "Obama Myth" and these folks fell for it. They took the bait.... hook, line and sinker, because they wanted to believe it. He simply isn't anywhere near as bright or as articulate as they want him to be. He is just a Chicago City councilman who got lucky.

Obama is the only President in our history who got schools named after him BEFORE his inauguration, and before he served one day in office.

 Obama was stunned when the Nobel Prize committee awarded him their Peace Prize before he had done anything to earn it. He even said: "I hope I will do something to earn this someday." He went on to escalate the war in Afghanistan, involved us in a war in Libya, and then pursued a "drone war" in Yemen, thereby embarrassing the Nobel Prize committee for their choice.

 Barack Obama is not an articulate man. No sensible person could say this. He mumbles and fumbles and stutters when he speaks. He needs notes or gets things very wrong. Being a marginally better speaker than GW Bush does NOT make him articulate. It just makes him a marginally better speaker than GW Bush.

We have had some Presidents who were great speakers. FDR, JFK, Reagan, and Clinton all leap to mind. Obama is not in this group. And anyone who thinks "Obama is articulate" is just too partisan to have an objective opinion on the matter. 


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Caption Contest Winners......

The results are in from the Diogenes/IOTW Caption Contest

After much drinking and broken furniture, the panel of judges failed to come to agreement and fled across the Texas state line to keep from choosing the winner, thus leaving the important decision to me. 
So here are the results...... 

*A special award - the Eunice Kennedy Shriver "Atta Boy" award goes to my fellow Evil Conservative Comrade Burr, for actually posting his entries as links to the picture.  

Here are the Honorable Mentions - all excellent in their own right. 
* The Apollo Presents: The First Black President!

* The International Dry Cleaners’ Roast - Commisar Abe

* Bachelor #3, you must get back behind the screen - Yowsa

* Branch Davidian Waco Reunion - Chalupa

*One Night Only! The Dem Girls in:
  “Pants Suits & Boob Belts” -

*Free Breast Exams - I'm Palin's Huckleberry (readers choice) 

Second Runner up:
Tiny Headed Newt Gingrich look-alike Competition - BigFurHat 

 Runner up:
IAPF Conference (International Association of Performance Felatio) Technical Proficiency Workshop - Grandpa

And The Winner Is.....
Visions in Blue Velvet - 150th Annual Chappaqua Débutantes Autumn Tea & Dance”  -  Poisontolibs

Thank You IOTW for Hosting

Ol' Joe knows! 


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Caption Contest

Diogenes is conducting a caption contest hosted by BigFurHat and the gang over at iOwnTheWorld. I will judge the event and it will be open for entries until 2am the 28th. Winners will be announced here tomorrow.

Trip over to the incomparable 
and join in. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obama's Insidious Approach to America

Excerpts From: The The Lunatic's Asylum

If it seems to you that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing, detached when billions of gallons of oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico,  more concerned with saving the jobs of unionist who are net tax eaters rather than generators,  and obsessed with rebuilding roads and bridges after all-but-promising $7-a-gallon gasoline. If he seems overly preoccupied with the technicalities of rule and legislation rather than with the nuts-and-bolts of it all, or to give an empty speech in front of a hand-picked audience of rabid supporters rather than elaborate on meaningful subject and issues, then here, perhaps, is your answer: Barack Obama knows exactly what he's doing.
I once thought Barack Obama was just unqualified and ill-suited by experience and viewpoint from holding the highest office in the land,  simply yet another in a long line of democrat party cardboard cutouts who have repeated the same Socialist boilerplate for fifty years, only in a better suit and with better speech writers. The stuff about turning back the rising tides, and bringing peace, brotherhood, and a chicken in every pot was just the sort of thing you'd expect a liberal politician to say. His mantra of Hope and Change was simply a recycling of every political bromide ever uttered since the days of Julius Caesar. Barack Obama, I thought, was always a creation of the Media; just someone with an interesting biography (that someone else wrote for him), or who gave a good speech (written by someone else) who would either grow into the job, by being constrained by cooler heads in Congress or the realities of the Constitutional System.

I was wrong.  
Barack Obama, a recipient of Affirmative Action, educated in the Elite schools, politically-connected, who made his previous livings either sucking off the teat of the taxpayer or being paid to do work of no real economic value or benefit to others (Harvard Law Review), and paid for by the fruits of Capitalism, is doing irreparable harm to America. Obama is not a Socialist as we would generally understand the term. It's much more insidious than that.

There is no other way to explain Obama and his policies other than to conclude that it's all been deliberate, and that the deliberation has some ultimate purpose that goes beyond the shallow argument of Capitalism vs. Socialism.

It explains Healthcare over Economy, the bombast of "Pass the Bill" when there is, in fact, no such Bill -- in any written form -- to pass.  It goes a long way to identifying the two Obamas; the one who can appear to be so caring and concerned,  a man who claims to be above petty, partisan politics, but then goes out and creates a vast and complex political theater around his morning dump; accusing, pointing fingers, sneering, dismissive and condescending. It explains how a man can, with a straight face decry crony capitalism as destructive to a fair and equitable society one day and then the next get his cronies (allegedly) a $535 million government-backed loan guarantee which leaves them whole in the event of a bankruptcy your own advisers said was coming.
It explains why he keeps a tax cheat as your Secretary of the Treasury, an Attorney General who cares not about voter intimidation, the appointments of  a plethora of 'Czars' who operate extra-Constitutionally to oversee and reorder the economic system, plays golf during an earthquake or bask in the summer sun as citizens are flooded out of their homes. Why he bails out GM and Chrysler to keep the union money and votes coming at the same time as he attaches the string that they pay back the loan while creating Federally-mandated products for which there is no market. It's how you get an Economic Competitiveness Council in which the Chief Appointee is someone infamous for maximizing his company's profit by offshoring everything in sight, avoiding taxes on it all legally, and then appealing to the Treasury for a bailout of his own. It explains the dictatorial approach to American's right to privacy and free speech.
You have to assume that these things can only happen if Obama is anything but stupid or insane, which  means the impetus must go much deeper than just money or electoral advantage.

Edited for content by Diogenes Sarcastica  

* Thank You Larwyn for the Linkage *

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Biden Unleashed on America

The Hill - Addressing the 200 people gathered at the fundraiser, Joe Biden appeared to be in his classic, convivial form, saying, "The president said, 'Look, Joe, just go be Joe.' So he let me loose." Vice President Biden has been unleashed on the campaign trail, he said Tuesday night, telling a crowd at a Chicago fundraiser "we are going to win this race.”

 "His back is against the wall. All it can do is help him," Biden continued. 

We'll be watching. Go get em, Joe!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Keith Olbermann's Ratings Headed for the Dumpster

NYDN - Keith Olbermann’s “Countdown” has experienced quite a comedown since leaving MSNBC.

After debuting to promising ratings on the Current cable network in late June, Olbermann’s political commentary show posted its lowest numbers yet the week of Sept 5–11. Nielsen figures provided by industry sources also show that, based on weekly averages of the program's performance on Current, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" has never done better than its debut week on Al Gore's hard-to-find cable network. (It did come close on Aug. 30, racking up 310,000 total viewers; 102,000 of them adults 25-54.)

Current says the low September "Countdown" numbers could be attributed to a number of factors: A repeat episode ran on Labor Day, and in late August, Olbermann - who's reportedly making $10 million a year at Current - was away for five days due to back problems. 

Personally, I think the fault of bad ratings could just
be the choice of Keith's on- air wardrobe .......  
