Thursday, June 7, 2012

And now a word from Sigmund......


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Three Most Important Charts in America

Conservative Resources
"It’s an election year and maybe the most important election year in American history. People need to know what happened in the past so they can place the blame for the current mess where it belongs and vote accordingly."
 "With our president trotting around the country spreading the whopper lie that he’s not a big spender, let’s review the question of who’s to blame for the nation’s ongoing economic disaster. The question has three parts: one, which political party was most responsible for the mortgage bubble which caused the financial crisis; two, which political party is most responsible for the federal government’s suicidal overspending; and three, which president is most responsible for the overspending...."
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What Does This Left-Wing CEO Have To Say About Yesterday’s Election in Wisconsin?


Quote of the Day

"President Barack Obama is racing down the trail blazed by Sen. George McGovern, who in 1972 was buried by the largest popular vote landslide in American history. ... Sen. McGovern was too far to the left, swing voters thought, and not very competent -- an image reinforced by the shambles his supporters made of the Democratic national convention.  
Swing voters are forming a similar opinion about President Obama, who sometimes seems as if he's deliberately trying to dismantle the coalition that elected him in 2008 — Jack Kelly, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A CIA Spook Spills His Secrets

Henry Crumpton's new book,"The Art of Intelligence," gives a rare glimpse into intelligence's inner workings. - "Crumpton joined the CIA’s clandestine service in 1981, spending much of the next quarter-century abroad. During the lead-up to and aftermath of 9/11, Crumpton was the deputy chief of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, participating in the rise of drone warfare and leading the agency’s Afghanistan campaign right after the attacks. He later headed the agency’s domestic clandestine service, ultimately serving as an ambassador-at-large as the State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism.
With the publication of his book, Crumpton has made headlines with his assertion that there are now more spies operating on American soil than ever operated during the Cold War........."
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Behind the Scenes........

Go Grazing with Sarah, Bo & Mo

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Good Monday Morning


Golden Girl Makes V.P. Short List

EXCLUSIVE: Betty White on Short List for V.P 

Middle Finger News Service- Insiders in the Romney campaign, (who shall remain anonymous) tells us that Mitt Romney has chosen America's most favorite elderly white-haired comedienne Betty White to be on the short list as his running mate. 

Romney and White Talk Politics over Cream Cake
 Sources told us:
"We felt that it was important for Mitt to pick an individual who would generate a favorable buzz and a limited amount of controversy, and frankly I think he's done that. After all, is there anyone out there who isn't a fan of Betty White these days? She's adorable and  Mitt thinks she'll make a great Vice President. Not only that, but if Betty White were to make a bizarre or  inappropriate statement, like telling the media where to get off, people will laugh and cheer instead of cringing and holding their breath the way they do whenever Joe Biden opens his mouth."
The source noted that it will not be easy to get White on board as VP. The actress's career has been experiencing a resurgence since the early years of 2000; she has been in talks to host another upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live. As one adviser told us, the general consensus on both sides of the aisle is that Betty White is more likable than Sarah Palin and also better at reading cue-cards, and next to Biden would sound like an intellectual giant. 

But as one Romney critic pointed out:
"Betty White is also 90 years old and a registered Democrat. But I guess after Obama's performance, why would she want to be anymore?"
What she would bring to the ticket remains to be seen, and the fact her name is 'White' won't set well with some minority voters. 
"If Mitt wants Betty White for VP, he was going to get her if he can. Every time we voiced our reservations, he just starts quoting that muffin sketch she did on Saturday Night Live that everyone loves."
"Betty White's no politician, but she's a ballsy Lady and got her head on straight, more or less. If Romney wants a candidate who could be a flat-out total nightmare, I suppose he could go with Ann Coulter ."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Politics Isn’t the Intellectual Consistency Business.......

Diogenes - 6/3/2012
Former President Bill Clinton went to campaign for Tom Barrett in Milwaukee Saturday.....
"…After Clinton's trip was officially announced today, Wasserman Schultz said she was “thrilled President Clinton will be traveling to Wisconsin tomorrow to campaign for the next Governor of the Badger State, Mayor Tom Barrett......" 

Rewind to 2003.......Clinton said this before an African-American church in central Los Angeles, rallying to the support of then California Governor Gray Davis, a Democrat who was facing a recall election:
“Recalling the governor will create a circumstance where nobody ever makes a hard decision again … A recall would spread instability and uncertainty among your people and across the country.
Clinton wasn't arguing that Gray Davis shouldn't be recalled, or trying to make the case that Davis was best for California. He was taking dead aim at the recall process itself, absent any campaign-specific considerations.
 Clinton's warning about the dangers of recalls was joined by his vice president, Al Gore, who went even further:
“The people who want to see this recall take place are disrespecting the majority who voted in the election last year, disrespecting the right of the majority to engage in self-governance. And when we vote and when the majority votes to have a particular set of policies and ideas and individuals to be controlling the course of our future, then nobody ought to overturn the say of the people. The people ought to govern themselves and have a right to make the decisions …" 
Again, a bipartisan attack on yanking people out of office for making tough decisions.
I wonder how the Barrett supporters are going to really feel the morning after the recall election to find their unions have thrown virtually millions of their hard earned extorted union dues down a dark hole to defeat Scott Walker? And failed.
h/t Trog

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Czech Republic Newspaper on Barack Obama

This quote came from the Czech Republic. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.
The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”
h/t - Nod To The Gods

Friday, June 1, 2012

Potential Metaphor for Obama's Next 160 Days.

"Until recently, Barack Obama’s re-election was regarded as inevitable – in the same way that summer follows spring, or a monsoon follows a hosepipe ban....."
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