Showing posts with label Matthew's Weekend Commentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthew's Weekend Commentary. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

On the Olympic Shitfest...

I Swear These Are The Same Guys That Work at the
Garden Nursery Down the Road

Excerpts from Our Friend Matthew @My Planet, My Rules
"I have professed a deep and abiding disgust with the sordid marketing campaign known as "The Olympic Games" on this page (and elsewhere) many, many times. I hardly need, I should think, to regurgitate my talking points on why the Olympics Suck Harder Than Kamala Harris, so I will, instead, shit all over the tertiary aspects of this years shitstravaganza. 
The only reason these "games" are taking place is because of money. Money is the only reason why this farce continues every four years, since the real juice of past Olympic Games -- nationalism -- is now considered uncouth. 
NBC paid a fortune for the rights to televise them. The Japanese government spent billions of yen constructing facilities. The IOC wants nothing more than to pretend that it does something useful and worthy of continued funding. Despite a worldwide pandemic and only 30 or so countries sending teams, not to mention the lack of spectators, these competitions in mostly-unwatchable sports are being pressed forward for the purposes of reaching demographics that are "underserved" in the sports-advertising world, which is to say Gay Men and Women. 
It's also an opportunity for the Kumbaya crowd to express their own repressed feelings of nationalism under the disguise of a "world-unifying event". 
Except their strain of nationalism tends towards the Communist version. 
The guy at the bar who usually turns his back on the NBA, MLB, NFL or NHL game on the television and professes no interest in sports (an aspect of White Male Domination and Fascism, of course), suddenly becomes an overnight expert on the Zimbabwean Rhythmic Gymnastics Team and knows all the rules and stratagems of Water Polo. 
But, there has been one event surrounding these games which has garnered a modicum of my attention......" 
Go Read More on the Olympics, in addition to the Overlord's opinion of this ridiculous activity of 'Gender Reveal Parties'👍

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS & MJA@IOTWReport for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Let Us Today Pay Visit to Our Old Friend Matthew for a Few Choice Tibbitts of Cultural Observation

 by Matthew Noto@My Planet, My Rules

"Your Overlord is a great believer in the old adage that if you live long enough you will see everything. He's also a believer in the axiom that history repeats itself, although that is conditioned by circumstances so that the repetition is never exact, but often close enough.  I also believe in the maxim that if you gather enough truly stupid people together in the same place, the resulting flash from the explosion of asshole can be seen in distant galaxies.

And so here we are, in this year of 2021 and all of these precepts have proven themselves true. It is both disheartening and quite amusing. Segregation is back in vogue.

Only the Modern Segregationist is now the former victim of the Old Segregationist, clinging to and advocating for a New Segregation as a means of...I'm not exactly sure. This past week, I have read stories of Segregated college graduations; I have read stories regarding Segregated public spaces; there is even a whiff of Segregation in the philosophical approaches people are taking to things like objective truth, history, arts, politics.

In the past, "separate but equal" was the hallmark of Jim Crow. I refer to the New Segregation as "Jim Slow".  Because it is being carried forward by perhaps some of the dullest intellects we're ever likely to see.

Most of these are charlatan race baiters and hustlers looking to make a quick buck and they are aided and abetted by the typical accessory-after-the-fact of the irrationally-guilty, white, upper-middle-class retard who is always more than happy to help the downtrodden remain downtrodden in the quest for a world without downtrodden. For if we didn't have downtrodden the upper-middle-class libtard would lose all status in society and have no one to virtue signal towards as a means of assuaging their irrational guilt, and no one to take advantage of in what is to supposed be an act of penance for the "crime" of being born non-downtrodden without having to sacrifice anything of actual value.

Now, I'm not about to plumb the depths of the stupid in the formulation that people who fought -- and often died -- for the cause of Civil Rights should find themselves living in a world wherein the inheritors and beneficiaries of their struggle should suddenly reject equality as an act of "equity", or whatever they're calling it this week. That's a scary place; it takes a real, weapons-grade doofus to believe that any community can cut itself off from interaction with another, and prosper, particularly when the communities involved are interdependent in so many ways.

If I had to take an educated guess at why an entire generation of people would go through the trouble of biting off their noses to spite their faces, I would probably look to two "separate but equal" (see what I did there?) catalysts: Demographics and an Achievement Gap."

(and give the Overlord a shout)

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Lysol Injections and UV Enemas...

"Collective fear stimulates the herd mentality, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd. " -- Bertrand Russell

Excerpts from a longer essay by our friend 
Matthew Noto @My planet, My Rules

We've reached Peak Fucktard.  I thought we had achieved this ignominious goal several times before -- the elevation of an Affirmative Action hire to the Presidency; handing out mortgages to people who couldn't pay them back; the destruction of the Western University as a beacon of enlightenment; the elevation of the Kardashians to billionaire status -- but I have obviously been mistaken. No, it took a most-unusual combination of unforeseen factors to bring every last fucktarded waste of gametes out from the closets. Plague, economic ruin, politics, a media-induced panic, have all combined to ensure that the Human Race, particularly the American Breed, could take collective leave of their feeble senses to such an extent as to make one weep for the future of Humanity as a whole.

Mind you, half (at least) of the human race was a disease unto itself, and something akin to herd animals. The behavior of this particular Herd made it abundantly clear that civilization stood upon a knife edge, seeing as it was the half that expected all the rewards of civilization without having to contribute anything of value towards it's continuation.  They simply multiplied, made enough noises to make their shepherds attentive to their basest emotions -- discontent, anger, moron, jealousy, fear, a pretense to self-esteem founded largely upon the lack of esteem of the self -- to respond in some fashion.  Usually a fashion that was intended to shut the herd up while the shepherd went back to planning how to profit from the fleecing to come.

And the Herd had learned that if you make enough noise, you get something for it. Perhaps not exactly what you wanted, but a close approximation of it, from the shepherd. The shepherd simply tossed out goodies -- the herd cared not whence they came -- and it was better than nothing.  Mostly because "better" meant the herd would have to take action of it's own accord, and being sheep, discovering they lacked the collective brainpower and motivation to do little more than graze and make an occasional noise. No, the Herd was a good, comfortable thing. The shepherd, even if he shaved your ass every spring to take your wool and occasionally ate one of your comrades or children, at least could be counted upon to react to your noises. To show initiative, intelligence, ambition, even common sense, was to imply that there was something wrong with the Herd, and the Herd is always touchy and seeking slights, real or imagined, so as to justify more noise and more attention from the shepherds.

And then came the scourge of the Flu Manchu.

The Herd Mentality took over. Suddenly, the Herd was unsafe going about it usual business of aimlessly roaming the pastures. The Herd was now under attack from a force the shepherds could not overcome by simply reacting to mere noise and mollifying same with some shiny object or lofty promise. The sheep became terrified. If the shepherds couldn't understand what was happening, and the supply of shiny-objects-for-noise suddenly dried up, then what was the Herd to do?

The only thing the shepherds -- guided by people they refer to as "experts" whose claim to expertise is highly questionable -- could think to do was to shove the Herd into the barn, where it came into contact with other Herds similarly imprisoned by their shepherds, herders, and tenders. That barn got pretty crowded very quickly. Some sheep didn't make it in and succumbed to the Asian Snot Storm, which made the sheep sad, since they all believed they were going to live forever -- because they made the noise that said they should, and the Shepherd reacted by destroying the veterinary system they would depend upon in an act of Social Justice -- and this was a tragedy.

And it gave the sheep, perhaps for the first time in their lives, a sense of their own mortality; and this was, like, unfair...and stuff. The Sheep expected to survive, because someone else had studied to be a vet, and someone else had built the veterinary hospital, and someone else had been expected to pick up the tab when the sheep fell ill, and the shepherd had promised eternal life at someone else's expense. Someone the sheep referred to as "a deplorable", but whom they had never seen, having never ventured far from the Herd.  But the Shepherd insisted they existed and the sheep always believed the shepherd, even when they couldn't understand what he was talking about. Because new shiny object arrived before the perturbation coalesced around understanding.

The Herd began to doubt. The Shepherd was no longer believed. He couldn't be believed, for the reality the Sheep had now experienced -- vicariously, on television -- did not match the fantasy the Shepherd had constructed, and even sheep -- stupid, unthinking, unmotivated, easily-silenced-by-promises sheep -- had to notice.  And so they looked to someone else for leadership.

Even though the Herd had been trained from it's earliest stages to regard The Orange Ranchero with little more than reflexive disgust and fear of imminent fascism (the sheep did not know what this was, and could not recognize it when the shepherds engaged in it, but they were assured that if someone else did it, it was a bad thing), they still needed someone to lead them. The Shepherd inspired no more confidence; his vast array of mental distractions -- Global Warming, "The Patriarchy", "Gun Control", "Free" whatever, and others -- suddenly didn't seem so important, and the shiny object trick had finally worn thin.

And the Orange Ranchero did things, the sheep knew not what, and demanded results (something the shepherd, certainly, never asked for) from these nebulous "experts", and he had even dared to disregard the Plantation the sheep had been used to grazing upon in favor of another group inimical to the Herd, called "capitalists". The sheep are confused. They don't know what to do, or who to believe. They are torn between their loyalty to the Herd and their now-resurgent self-preservation instinct.

Another of these gaseous forms -- which calls itself "Journalists" -- circulates among the Herd. These "Journalists" insist they are due a certain level of deference and that they are entitled to be believed, because, like the "experts", they are living off the cachet their profession built up over centuries, but then discarded for it's own self-interest. These rascals are continuously whispering in the Herd's collective ears a cacophony of word vomit that is supposed to be uncritically regarded as "Truth" (because the "Journalist" is aware the Sheep regard thinking as a chore not suited to Herd life, and best left to someone else to do on it's behalf) and spiteful mendacity directed at The Orange Ranchero -- a relic of their distaste for him, based upon his frequent exposure of their own stupidity and hypocrisy, and their dislike of his "style", which is of a sort their own Herd regards as "common".

So that when The Orange Ranchero speculates about the possibilities of a certain drug being used to treat the Wuhan Fluhan, the Sheep -- with their limited capacity for independent thought, poor reading comprehension skills, and general jerkoff obtained through several generations of inbreeding -- drink Fish Tank Cleaner, and one of them dies, it's Orange Ranchero's fault. At least that's what the "Journalists" said he said. And the Herd, used to accepting whatever is tossed their way without thinking about it, took that as Bible Truth, and the "Journalists" said "Aha!

We told you you were fucktards! That's why you should listen to us! We know everything!" Including that they knew that The Orange Ranchero never told anyone to drink the aquatic version of Tidy Bowl, but that was too good a dig to make at El Presidente, because he doesn't participate in the annual White House Correspondents Association Dinner, which the herd of "Journalists" considers a sacrament, but which The Orange Ranchro regards with the same displeasure one does upon finding the Sheep's poop on the soles of his boots.

And the Shepherds, the "Journalists", the other brain-damaged Herds, and the "expert-because-worthless-diploma-and-government-job" all simultaneously make The Big Noise that Orange Ranchero is a modern-day Doctor Mengele.

~ Thank You WHATFINGER NEWS for the Linkage! ~

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Immigration Debate Misses the Point

DiploMad 2.0
I have been trying to follow the immigration debate in Congress and the media, but with little real success. It is almost impossible to figure out what exactly is being proposed, opposed, and modified. The one thing that does come through, however, is the burning desire to reward people who have broken our laws and heavily strained our public assistance budgets. This idiocy must stop. Under the Reagan Administration we went through an almost identical debate which produced the "one-time-only-never-again" amnesty that would solve the illegal alien problem for all time. It failed, otherwise why are we having this debate again?
 Amnesty is not the answer. Sappy, historically and economically ignorant speeches by our extraordinarily ignorant President are not what we need. A better border defense is part of the answer but not the whole enchilada of reform that we need. I am very sorry to see Senator Rubio, for whom I have a great deal of respect, getting himself tricked and trapped by the Democrats and politically hurt by his apparently well-intentioned but naive effort at immigration reform.
 I do not hear discussion about whether we need none, little, some, or a lot of immigration, and if we do, what type of immigration we should seek. Do we need millions more of semi and unskilled people from Mexico and other poor countries? Absent widespread elimination or reduction in minimum wage, taxation, public assistance, and zoning laws, how will these people contribute to the economic growth of our country? This is not nineteenth century America with small factories and workshops on every street corner, and belching smokestack industries eager for cheap workers. This is the America of EPA regulations, OSHA bureaucrats, job killing minimum wage and health insurance laws, outsourcing, and of a growing ethos that sees single parents living on the public dole as an honorable existence. It is also the America of multiculturalism whereby immigrants are encouraged never to become Americans.
 The rubbish being put out by Obama and others on the taxes that these new immigrants will pay is just that - rubbish. They will draw public assistance and not pay taxes. What impact will this continuing flood of poor migrants have on the job and advancement prospects of struggling poor and middle class black, white and brown Americans? I haven't heard much said about that, but I predict it won't be good.
 Is our immigration law going to continue based on the idea of family reunification? Will adults be able to petititon for their adult sublings and those siblings families? Will we continue to ignore promises that the new immigrants will not become a public assistance burden? If so, we are in for an endless cascade of new immigrants petitioning for their relatives and on and on and on. Yes, sure, technically we will have solved the "illegal alien" problem by making them all legal. Is that what is best for our country, I stress for our country not for the Democratic party?
 I know, I know. Anybody who says this stuff is instantly accused of being a racist. Rubbish.  Immigrants built whole industries, e.g., Hollywood, and made invaluable contributions to American arts, sciences, letters, etc. But is that the sort of immigrants we will be getting today? Is America's culture and society not worth defending from the immigrants of the sort who planted the bombs in Boston, who run the violent gangs in Los Angeles, who provide the Democratic party its foot soldiers for its campaigns of electoral fraud?
The country deserves better than what we are getting from our politicians and "leaders."

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mr. Orwell, Please Pick Up The White Courtesy Phone...

Matthew's Weekend Commentary
The handsome devil to the left is one Eric Arthur Blair, better known to the world as George Orwell.

Mr. Orwell was the author of some of the greatest anti-authoritarian novels of all time. Books like 1984 and Animal Farm will stand the test of time as classics, and he was also an accomplished essayist, book reviewer, and journalist. Orwell, despite the fact that he was a Socialist, is one of my heroes.

As if that were a secret? I only bust out an Orwell reference about every thirty seconds, sometimes.

He’s a hero to me because, unlike most writers of his day -- a good many of whom are given the honorific of ‘great’ for little to no reason beyond that they appeal to pansy academics -- he dared to speak the truth, plainly and as he saw it. He did not apologize for his political positions, but did do his best to convince you of their veracity and utility with a command of the language that has been matched by very few. Compared to Orwell, in terms of the use of the English language, Shakespeare was a drooling idiot.

I was reminded of George, again, as soon as the scale of recent Obama Administration Scandals (hereafter OAS, for brevity's sake) was made public. Or rather, I should say, that at least what anyone is wiling to tell us with regards to OAS, because I don't believe we'll be getting anything close to a full reckoning on any of it until Barack Obama is safely enjoying a lavish retirement paid for with stolen money in France, with the rest of the deposed African tin-pot dictators.

Anyways, the whole sordid mess spawned this particular headline which is both hysterically funny, and all-too-sad:

Sales of 1984 rise 6,000% overnight after news of NSA Scandal Breaks.

For the benefit of those of you who went to public school, or who grew up waiting for books to become movies, I'll explain why that is a such a shocking headline.......

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Matthew's Weekend Commentary

Welcome to Zimbabwe, America...  

"Upon seeing this Mussolini-like pose, struck by a man, who much like it's originator, is also a shallow and hollow human being with few redeeming qualities, I find myself curiously in mind of an age old adage that goes something like this:

One bad apple does not spoil the whole bushel.

I do not know the origin of this phrase, and quite frankly it isn't all that important. However, it is necessary to view the events of the last five years through the prism of this quaint expression, for it is our curse to live in a day and age in which bad apples have become the norm and are hardly the exception.

When one looks at the metaphorical apples and bushels which represent the sum total of America's Obama Experience, it becomes apparent that old saw should be taken out of the lexicon, for it is now becoming a universal truism that today's seeming wisdom will, eventually, become tomorrow's stinking load of bullshit.

Strictly speaking, no decent chef on planet Earth would believe such a thing, that one rotten apple does not endanger those within close proximity. One need only a rudimentary understanding of basic food safety and hygiene (or simply watch any of Gordon Ramsey's infamous and tedious 'Save This Restaurant' mini-dramas) to know that one diseased fruit will eventually spread it's rot to another, rendering the entire batch unsuitable for consumption and poisoning all who partake of the bushel.

And although human beings are not apples, the truth of the Obama Administration has been that rot does, indeed, spread, whether we're talking fruit or people. For the Obama administration has been nothing if not a constant parade of proverbial bad apples.

It is an administration with bad apples in it's foundations, built upon the Clinton-era retreads who somehow manage to avoid jail and summary street execution. Whether it is the Hildebeest herself as Secretary of State, Rahm Emanuel as one-time Chief of Staff, or Eric Holder, the Attorney General who believes the law doesn't apply to his self-pitying self, the cavalcade of Clintonista bad apples was there from the beginning to taint whatever came after it. This should have been your first indication that something was terribly wrong.

 Of course, Obama brought his own bad apples with him, too..."

* Y'all Welcome Matthew Back After
An Extended Hiatus to Work on His New Novel.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

For To Many in Today's Media - Truth is a Relative Thing

  "The 24-hour news networks need Journalists to cover the 'nuances;' of every major story. Nuances, incidentally, that are the by-product of television news producers who have agendas and personalities of their own to project and propagate....." 

Matthew's Weekend Commentary
"Journalist Are A-holes"
By Matthew N.

The novel is coming along. If by 'coming along' I mean to say that writing it is like pulling teeth. I hadn't realized that it would have been this difficult to tell a story you've rehearsed inside your own head for nearly a decade, but apparently it is.

I was recently complaining about this to a journalist friend of mine (he writes for one of the New York dailies, but not one of the Big Three) who said something along the lines of "Now you know what we journalists have to contend with...".

Two things:

1. He is (in a backhanded fashion) probably admitting that professional journalists, much like someone writing a novel, make shit up as they go along, and that they sometimes, too, have trouble inventing and arranging the bullshit they make up, putting it into some sort of coherent package. In other words, he means to say that Modern Journalism is much like writing fiction. This would explain much about the Modern Press which can apparently devote oceans of ink and express the deepest puzzlement over trivial matters (what they expect the First lady to wear at the Inaugural, this Notre Dame football player and the fake leukemia girlfriend, Justin Bieber smoking a blunt, nothing but gun control with fake statistics and outright lies in every line), whilst ignoring the really important stuff, like, say, the perilous state of the American Economy, the return of Islamofascism in the Middle East, Barack Obama's massive health-care related tax increases, and regal proclamations about getting what he wants on the Debt Ceiling, Taxes, Spending Cuts, etc. without regard to Constitutional methods and requirements.

 I've often been told, and have even read this in various places (most notably Orwell), that one of the stock tricks of the seasoned newspaper reporter is an ability to present news when there really isn't any. This exercise requires a bit of exaggeration, a dash of improvisation, a healthy dose of hyperbole, and in many cases, a huge, hulking heaping of creative license. In other words, on a 'slow news day' the trick is to manage to fill the newspaper with complete crap, a highly-stylized and often fictionalized reportage. Mrs. Smith's cat-in-the-tree becomes "Firemen respond to three-alarmer, rescue pet" with a heart-warming photo of a frightened kitty wrapped in a fireman's arms.  

If this friend of mine, say, weren't busy telling people about things they really don't need to know about, and making things up to fill pages, and instead did his job -- which is to give you a blow-by-blow of the world's events, as and how they happen. Shit, the stuff almost writes itself, I would imagine! -- then perhaps he'd be better rested and less frustrated. Workaday Journalism, usually, isn't all that hard a job, one thinks: Shit Happens, after all. You just need to be there in order to be able to tell others the how and why.

I hear this person complain about how hard it is to be him, when he has a by-line, a paycheck, and a staff of assistants to gather information for him (usually by surfing the internet! They're not even going out and getting the news first-hand, anymore).  

2. I always knew this particular person was a bit of a pretentious asshole, and this simply confirmed it.

He was expressing an idea which seems to be prevalent among our Journalistic class, or at least the few of them that I actually know, that what they do is noble, unappreciated, unfathomable to the common man, and that the rewards and accolades they receive for it are simply inadequate. They are beings set above the rest of us for their ability to write balanced sentences and possession of an iPhone full of 'sources' that, truthfully, probably lie to them as often as the Journalists lie to us. This school of thought holds that Journalism -- far from being a rather simple matter of garnering information, and putting it together in a compact, easy-to-understand, contextual form to be mass-produced for the general public -- is instead an art form, practiced by ethereal figures (after all, they studied English and went to J-school) of massively greater intelligence and importance. And they demand to be treated accordingly.

One can see where that mindset might spring from when you stop to consider the opportunities for Journalists today. Long ago, someone labored for his local daily, or perhaps got a plum assignment later in their career at Time, Life, Rolling Stone, or what have you, and became semi-famous in the same way that Snooki is, only with less (alleged) prostitution.

Nowadays, many Journalists are personalities-cum-celebrities. The 24-hour news networks need Journalists to cover the 'nuances;' of every major story. Nuances, incidentally, that are the by-product of television news producers who have agendas and personalities of their own to project and propagate. They tend to pick Journalists who agree with them to stick on television, so, one usually only gets one carefully-selected-and- presented side of every story. And because Journalists typically embellish their tales with their own opinions, "fake-but-accurate facts", sometimes malice, a financial and social need to preach to a certain choir, and a dash of political correctness, you do, indeed, get a work of fiction which someone, somewhere, could invariably become proud of to the point of considering it 'artistry'.

Like they're Michelangelo or Thomas Hardy, or something?

Personally, what passes for Journalism these days reminds me much of a toddler who has managed to get his hands into the back of his diaper, removed a turd from the crack of his little butt, and waddles up the hallway towards you offering it up in his little, chubby, shit-covered hands as if it were the Crown Jewels, with one of those giggle-y, coo-ey smiles that only a baby can manage.

 For an example of what I mean, tune into MSNBC or CNN and sample the weak fare. Most of those people give you the simultaneous impressions that a) even they don't believe a damned word they're saying; it's simply what the paycheck and the face time require them to say, or so that they can be recognized as semi-famous in restaurants, and b) what they say often has a strange detachment from reality, as if they inhabit some other physical reality than the rest of us. This explains why anything said by a Jonathan Capehart, Mike Barnicle, or Eleanor Clift hardly ever makes any sense.

It's a form of abstract art that only they get, and we pay for, I suppose. That in the process of producing this 'art' the Journalists fail at their primary function of creating an informed public, doesn't really matter; Modern Journalism (in it's present state) doesn't require such a trivial, external reason to continue for it has itself. In other words, it has become Art for Art's sake.

 So, I guess, in a way, I should be jealous. My Journalist friend produces a work of fiction every damned day, while I have struggled mightily to produce something like seven or eight chapters in a month. Then again, it's his job, and has been for nearly 25 years, so why should I be surprised that he's both good at it and proud of it? It's paid his bills, gotten his children braces, put new boobs on his wife, and a BMW in his driveway, and given him a sort of minor fame in some quarters.

If you asked him if it ever bothered him that he may be propagating myths, or outright fabricating
news in order to sell newspapers, he'd probably hit you with the same rhetorical club that he has hit me over the head with -- unashamedly -- in arguments for years :

The Truth is a relative thing.

Crossposted @ The Lunatic's Asylum  
Matthew is a friend and contributor to DMF
Please stop by and give him a shout at the above link

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some Thoughts on the Olympics…

Matthew N.
Matthew's Weekend Commentary

 I have a few things to say about the Olympics, particularly as they relate to the “modern” games. As for last night’s Opening Ceremonies, let’s just list the issues:

1. If the idea behind last night’s three-hour, tour-de-force of complete crap was to out-spectacle Beijing, then sorry, Britain, you’ve failed. The entire thing, which supposedly was all about the history of English Civilization, was short on history and chock-full of Stagecraft 101 chintz, to my mind. I mean, really? Fifteen minutes devoted to the nightmares of children in hospitals and Mary Poppins? The Industrial Revolution as an extended dance routine? Granted, it’s difficult to pick out individual highlights of the whole of English History to highlight, but the ones chosen left much to be desired, and were not, truth to tell, very inspiring.

The nation which gave the world Elizabeth Tudor, Victoria, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Shakespeare and Churchill (who both got but cursory nods), Magna Carta, the Empire which gave birth to some 50 democracies, the English voyages of Discovery of Darwin and Cook, the nation that stood stalwart in the defense of Freedom against Napoleon, the Hohenzollern's, the Nazis and Communism, was barely introduced to the world, but for a minutes' silence to honor the war dead of Flanders.

This is what happens when a Great Nation becomes infected by Political Correctness to such an extent that it feels as if it must pick-and-choose which aspects of it’s history to celebrate on the world stage; whichever milquetoast, untalented hack gets to make the choice, usually chooses the wrong crap for the wrong reasons. In this case, I would suspect that no one who had say in this debacle wanted to play up these English achievements for fear of “giving offense”.

2. Arctic Monkeys. Great cover of “Come Together”. I may have a new fave band.

3.. Paul McCartney looks about ready to have that fatal stroke. The voice is gone, and “Hey Jude” was hardly an appropriate selection for such a venue. Yes, we know you were Beatle, but you’d think that someone who is supposed to be one of the greatest songwriters/composers of the 20th Century, might have spent a little time arranging an original composition for the event. You know Elton John would have.

4. I must admit to having had no idea that there were 204 countries sending athletes to the Olympics, and had nary a clue that there were 204 countries on Planet Earth. However, it would seem that the majority of them consist of what I think Lawrence of Arabia once referred to as “Tribes With Flags” (don’t quote me on that), and that Parade of Nations just convinced me, more than ever, that the United Nations is a waste of time, effort and money. There is just no way in hell that anyone, or any deliberative body, could forge a consensus on anything from that stinking pile of humanity…excuse me…Mass of Diversity.

5. The only things missing from the initial pastoral stage were J.R.R. Tolkien's hobbits, because the “Forging of the Olympic Rings By the British Factory Proletariat” thing reminded me of the opening minutes of The Lord of the Rings.

6. Rowan Atkinson ceased being funny the second he stopped being “Blackadder”. What’s the matter? The Monty Python guys were too busy ripping themselves off with cheap stage reproductions of their masterworks to come to the ceremony?

 Now, onto the entire concept of the Olympics, themselves........

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mitt and Official Blackdom

Matthew / The Lunatic's Asylum

Matthew's Week End Commentary:

With Your Shield, Or On It...
The writers of antiquity tell us that Spartan Mothers -- the original Obamaesque Julias -- would send their warrior sons into battle with just this admonition ringing in their ears:
Come back from battle with your shield...or on it.
In other words, do your duty and bring victory for your country, or die in the attempt, and never, ever dishonor yourself in any way. So, what does this have to do with Mitt Romney and the NAACP? Hang out a few, and I'll explain it to you.
The Big News of Romney's address to the NAACP is not, as the press has been quick to point out, that he got himself heckled and booed. This is par for the course when any Republican addresses the General Motors of Official Blackdom in America; no, the Big News was that the NAACP has proven itself, again, to be something other than what it claims to be, and in the process, proves for the umpteenth time that while the claim that the "last vestiges of Racism" in America are still felt in many quarters just might be true, it would appear that those last few strongholds are not to be found in so-called "White America" circles.
Now here I must stop and explain a thing or two. When I say "Official Blackdom", I do not mean that to be some sort of racial code; there is, sadly, a division in African-American Land which pits the bulk of African-Americans against a self-selected elite, mostly composed of the Old Guard Civil Rights leaders and organizations spiced with a smattering of individuals who enjoy status as the favored pets of the democratic party, i.e. the Official Blacks. This is a form of self-segregation which is harmful, in the long run, to us all, regardless of race.
 Why? because organizations like the NAACP are trapped in a romantic past. The organization still lives off the notoriety and moral standing it assiduously built up during the struggle for equality, and rightfully so, but there is also an emotional attachment to that past within the "leadership" that...ahem...colors... it's advocacy on just about every other subject under the Sun. It's as if the NAACP leadership, and most of it's rank-and-file, have been living in a bubble: having won the war for equality, they are content to continue fighting the old battles over and over, as if they live in a real-life version of Groundhog Day.
The rhetoric of the NAACP is still the same. One would think listening to the likes of the NAACP leadership that nothing in America has changed since 1954. That people are still being denied basic human rights and subjected to the worst of Jim Crow and poll taxes, segregation and degradation, inequality in hiring, housing, education, and before the law, and this is simply not true. And even in those rare cases where an injustice does occur, the legal system in this country does it's level best to right the wrong.
 No, the NAACP is not about "advancement" because if it was, it would have moved forward with the rest of us. It's all about using the past to beat Whites up with the memories of days gone by, and in doing so, to ensure that there's enough guilt-by-association, enough intimidation, enough sheer whining to ensure that whatever idiocy Official Blackdom advocates today gets a fair hearing -- for better or for worse -- in the corridors of American Power.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Beatings to Continue Until Morale Improves...

Matthew - 7/8
Matthew's Weekend Commentary

Watching the news lately it becomes painfully obvious as to what the Obama re-election strategy is: simply to deny, deny, deny the facts of failure, and to continue to push a false narrative, more fairy tale than reality. There will also be a concurrent campaign to paint Mitt Romney, and republicans in general, as a bunch of reckless, patrician douchebags, lacking in both basic common sense and human compassion.
This idea came to me, yet again, while watching our Commander-in-Chump make a series of stump speeches -- in between mega-million-dollar fundraisers with the very same reckless, patrician douchebags of the sort he's supposed to be running against -- where the old, Obamaesque, tingle-up-the-leg-inducing lofty rhetoric has been replaced by a constant drumbeat of outright lies.
Obama talks up the Economy, Part One: the the private sector keeps adding jobs, neglecting to point out that the private sector is hiring at a snail's pace. The supposed continued stream of anemic, yet always just perceptibly upward, movement on employment in private business is supposed to represent a steady, if slow, indication of economic recovery. The truth is that if we're talking a healthy economy, these employers would be hiring by the hundreds of thousands each month, and not at the average of about 70k a month. All the while, even more unemployed simply drop off the grid as their benefits run out, or they get discouraged.
Obama talks up the Economy, Part Two: Green Energy is still the wave of the future, despite the fact that it doesn't work, and so far has only proven that as an industry the only thing it can produce is government subsidies which mysteriously disappear. The jobs created -- so few of them, to begin with -- largely turn out to be temporary in nature, for as soon as the subsidy money dries up, so to the companies that depend upon it for survival.
Obama talks up the Economy, Part Three: Obama "saved" GM, much in the same way that Peter Arnett once described a Vietnam-era debacle by saying of a certain village that "it was necessary to destroy it in order to save it.". GM is not "saved"; auto workers are being laid off just as they were before the government "bail out". The stockholders have been shafted. the bondholders were blatantly robbed in broad daylight with the blessing of the courts. The concept of a free market was well-and-truly pissed upon. GM now builds cars that no one wants, can't be supported by the present infrastructure (gas stations abound, recharge stations, not so much), and which are so expensive that even the few that have been purchased came with a large, taxpayer-funded bribe attached.
Obama talks up the Economy, Part Four: According to President Odoofus, there's more oil being pumped, there's more exports, there's a higher stock market, and all of that is, somehow, his triumph, and yet, employment is at a record low since anytime after the Great Depression. The Keystone Pipeline remains in limbo. Gulf Coast Oil drilling has, for all intents and purposes, ceased after the oil spill.
Obama on Health Care: He wins, and yet, he still loses. Primarily because the Supreme Court figured out a way to make the Affordable Care Act legal for him, primarily by pointing out that what Congress euphemistically calls a "fee" and the Obama administration calls "a penalty" is rightfully defined as "a tax". In fact, the entire ACA, when fully activated, will be the largest tax increase in American History.It is a great indication about how inept, how devious, how dysfunctional the Obama administration is, that even their victories invariably carry with them the seeds of defeat, whether it's healthcare, stimulus, bail-outs or giveaways.
Obama talks up his Questionable Foreign Policy Achievements, Part One: Iran is still arming itself with nuclear weapons, sending weapons and extremists across the border into Iraq, and threatens to close the Straits of Hormuz, while Obama lets the Europeans talk for us in front of the Ayatollahs. The opportunity to really stick it to the Iranian regime, perhaps to even change it, was squandered as Iranian protesters died under Islamic-terror-sponsor bullets. Russia is flexing it's muscles in Eastern Europe and Syria, and Obama caves on missile defense so that Vladimir Putin will like him again. The Arab Spring, supposedly a harbinger of nascent democracy (even if it was infected with theocrats) turns out to be a Khomeini-lie exercise in fundamentalist stupidity. After decrying the Iraq and Afghan wars for a decade, Obama starts a third -- with no clear American interest at stake -- in Libya. As for Afghanistan, the Taliban might as well be back in charge, since we're no longer fighting anyone, the only purpose behind keeping this sham going is because one must burnish one's anti-terror credentials, because even after shooting Bin Laden in the fucking face, no one believes you're serious about cracking down on terrorists.
Obama talks up his Questionable Foreign Policy Achievements, Part Two: there's still a dictator in North Korea building missiles and nuclear weapons, selling them all over the planet, and thumbing his nose at Uncle Sam. China has made it clear that it considers itself to, finally, be a power on par with America, and even arrests a dissident inside the American Embassy. Pakistan is not our friend, and has become more hindrance than help in the War on Terror, and yet, Obama will not call out whichever Kim is in charge of Munchkinland, not deploy an aircraft carrier to make the Chinese think twice, or cut off all the American aid to Pakistan. We are universally laughed at in the United Nations, where President-Won-the-Nobel-Peace-Prize-for-being-Half-Black is eager to sign away American sovereignty over the fake threat of Global Warming, Sea Treaties, Nuclear non-proliferation agreements which we assiduously keep and no one else does, and Human Rights commissions chaired by the worst sorts of despots. The Obamabots talk a good game, but reassure their enemies in vague, ineffectual statements and non-action that they are, indeed, weak.
Obama Talks Up Questionable Foreign Policy Achievements, Part Three: Obama blames much of the American economic malaise on Europe. Mostly because the old litany of excuses -- republicans, George W. Bush, Japanese earthquakes and tsunamis, bad horoscopes, bad hair days, Michelle being on the rag just before a certain key economic report is issued -- have worn thin. The economic genius who spent a trillion dollars on a stimulus package which produced something like 37 jobs nationwide, and ensured that turtles can cross busy interstates with safety -- assuming they can follow the signs to the new underpasses built specifically for their use -- now lectures Europe on the need for "austerity'.
The man who believes that pouring half-a-billion dollars into a company which produced useless solar panels at $6 per, and sold them for $3 retail (Solyndra), is now handing out economic advice to the leaders of the countries that produced Hayek, von Mises and Smith. The man who promised to cut the federal deficit in half, and then planned to borrow another $5 trillion to fund an expanded welfare state, is going to tell Greeks and Spaniards that they must do with a smaller welfare state, so that Wall Street can recoup it's loses, or at least slow it downward slide? Fat fuckin' chance, bub!
 And yet Barack Obama would have you believe that not only is his way working, and bettering, our lives, but that a reversal of his policies (which have only served to bankrupt us, make us look stupid in the eyes of the world, and confuse the ever-loving fertilizer out of us) would be the next-best-thing to child rape, is out there stumping for a second term? On what planet, one wonders, does this incredible idiot live on?
This is all you will hear for the next four months: under Obama everything is better, or soon will be; under his opponents, things will only go back to the way they were. Which, in retrospect, bearing current experience in mind, doesn't seem to be all that frightening a proposition.
Crossposted @ The Lunatic's Asylum 

Matthew is a friend and weekly contributor to DMF
Please stop by and give him a shout at the above link

Saturday, June 30, 2012

He Who Controls the Present........

By Matthew / The Lunatic's Asylum

Matthew's Week End Commentary:
"Totalitarianism Comes To America..."
Bearing yesterday's shocking and somewhat mystifying Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare in mind, it has become apparent that our government -- at all levels, county, state, and all three federal branches -- is atrociously out of control.
Without getting too far into the weeds on the 2,400-page (and counting) Affordable Care Act (because I'm not a lawyer, thankfully) the gist of the 5-4 decision is this:
Congress has the constitutional authority to impose any tax that it sees fit, for any reason, whatsoever, despite the fact that a) The Bill itself was passed in anything BUT a Constitutional manner, and b) the Obamatard lawyers did everything in their power to portray the costs of the Individual Mandate as anything BUT a tax. Somehow six Justices sat there and listened to months of "it's not a tax, really, and we don't want to make the argument that it is" and came to the conclusion that it was up to them to make up their own arguments in favor of calling it a tax.
First things, first:
I would hardly call any bill which threatens to set up a score or more of new federal bureaucracies, granted ever-more intrusive powers that will slowly seep into every nook-and-cranny of American Life, which was passed only because the then-democrat-controlled House of Representatives manipulated Congressional rules until they got the vote they wanted, and then passed the resulting pile of stinking dogcrap onto an openly-bribed, democrat-controlled Senate, to be Constitutional.
 The entire process which brought us the Affordable Care Act was the sort of sleazy, one-hand-washes-the-other backroom political dealing -- brazenly carried out in the light of day -- that people in this country used to find abhorrent, and at one time would riot in the streets over. Apparently this is not true anymore, and it's both disheartening and disgusting. The bill should have been disqualified on the basis that it was conceived in the worst sort of political sewer. I don't know if the Court has the authority to make that determination, but when you consider that previous courts have made shit up out thin air to justify everything from abortion to seizing private property in order to save insects or to build yet another strip mall, one wonders when this penchant for our most eminent jurists to fly by the seat of their pants kicks in, and under what circumstances. 
 I would also tend to view the idea that it is the federal government's job to keep anyone alive, outside of it's enumerated power to defend the United States and it's citizens, is a badly-flawed one, if only because, eventually, such decisions must become politicized. Between bureaucracies fighting turf wars and fighting for funding, and the propensity of presidents and congressdouches to use the organs of government as both stick and carrot, it is a foregone conclusion that healthcare in this country will change on a mostly-political basis.
 Pandora's Box has been opened by this decision; now the the government has empowered itself to know everything, and do everything, about your Irritable Bowel Syndrome, your Chronic Pink Eye, your Creaky Prostate, your Leaky Bladder, your AIDS, Cancer, or Purple Hemorrhoids, it will soon follow that in order to "fairly" distribute healthcare services, or to "ensure access for all" that the government will also be empowered to mandate all sorts of things, always explained as preventative or cost-effective measures.
Soon, there will be a mandate that every American eat a high-fiber diet, and to ensure compliance, a whole new bureaucracy will be established to make sure you do by examining your stool under a microscope. You WILL have to eat your vegetables, and since in many American Urban Landscapes the real vegetables are too busy giving birth to babies they can't feed and collecting welfare checks with which they buy crack and pork rinds, the government will expand Food Stamp programs so that these miscreants can "afford" spinach, carrots, and broccoli. This, of course, will not lead to a healthier ghetto at all, once someone figures out how to scam these additional rations for cold, hard cash on the Q.T.
Soon, every American will be ordered to exercise at least 30 minutes daily, and every business in the country will be saddled with the expense and responsibility of ensuring that their employees are either supplied with a gym, or that time is taken from the busy business day for some sort of communal PhysEd period, like they do before work in Japan. Or which every Party member had to endure during the Physical Jerks in Orwell's 1984, all done under the watchful eye of some bureaucratic dipshit from OSHA or something.
Soon, every American may be required to donate blood, bone marrow, any extra organs they may have lying around, skin grafts, hair, sperm, unfertilized ovum and toenails on a regular basis, as a "Patriotic Duty" to ensure that those requiring transplants, or sex-change operations, or open heart surgery after 85 years of age, always have a goodly supply of whatever is needed at any given time. Of course, as long as the government has these things, it will take the "necessary step" as either a "crimefighting measure" or as "a mere formality, necessary to establish identity" to DNA test the fuck out of it all, and keep secret records for it's own purposes. It is even conceivable that having this information at hand, the government should take it upon itself to order -- or at least request -- that people donate what appear to be genetically-compatible organs to complete strangers, or face a hefty fine.
Ultimately, the purpose of the Affordable Care Act has little to do with anyone's actual health, nor with making health care any cheaper or easier. In fact, one could argue that it's sole intent is to destroy the health insurance market, for if I read this right, that is the main thrust of the Individual Mandate. So far as I can understand it, those who don't buy health insurance as per the Mandate, are fined. However, the fine is so ridiculously low (as compared to a stay in the hospital) that only a complete doofus would splurge for health insurance. The treatment they receive would still be paid for by the taxpayer, in any case, just like what happens to the uninsured when they walk into Emergency Rooms now!
So, we will eventually get to a Single Payer system -- like every card-carrying Libtard actually wants -- by virtue of the fact that we will remove the possibility of profit from the health insurance industry, and by giving people a choice which they'd have to be a complete retard to pass up, which is, basically, catastrophic health care services for next to no money.
Having recently spent a nearly $9,000 night with no insurance in a hospital, myself, if you told me before the ordeal that my choice was going to be between paying that bill, or running afoul of the Individual Mandate and paying a $700-to-1,000 fine for the misdemeanor crime of not having private health insurance, which option do you think I'm most likely to choose?
Now, what happens when everyone makes that choice? Well, hospitals close. Doctors go out of business and take up plumbing. Who needs nurses? Who is going to buy flu vaccines? Who needs surgical supplies and instruments? The system, as it stands, flaws and all, will simply be taken over -- by necessity -- by the government, who will staff them the same way they staff their bureaucracies: with overpaid, unionized morons of the sort that fall asleep at the controls of Amtrak trains, or forget to turn their TSA metal detectors on at the airport, or who spend eight hours a day safeguarding your food supply by keeping a careful watch for salmonella on chicken with the naked eye.
Under that circumstance, assuming I have my facts right in that example (it's hard to tell, because even after Nancy Pelosi got it passed, we still don't know what the fuck is in it) the Individual Mandate, then, is not about providing vital health services to anyone: it's about destroying the Insurance Companies and health providers by undercutting their bottom lines! And once certain providers -- say, hospitals? -- become insolvent because the government has both fixed their costs ridiculously low and ruined their revenue stream, what do you think happens next? They become nationalized, of course.
Which has worked out so well everywhere else. In Canada, it's famously joked that women wait 10 months to get into a maternity ward. In England, the National Health Service routinely kills or seriously injures patients through neglect, antiquated facilities and bureaucratic muddle, and the victims can't sue to get recompense. In some countries in Europe, anyone who comes into a hospital seeking mental health services is automatically dispensed anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, whether they're actually needed or not.
It's bad enough the government is run by nameless, faceless, high-school dropouts that work in the federal bureaucracies, for it is axiomatic that while President X, Congresscritter Y and Senator Z appear to be running the country, they are, in truth, not. They are temporary. They are simply the visible pustule that signifies the manifestation of the underlying disease. This country is run by bureaucrats, mostly stupid bureaucrats because they are drawn from the lowest-common denominator of American Society (why do you think most civil service exams are written for a 3rd-grade reading level, and only require a 65 passing grade?), because without these jobs these folks would only take up a life of crime, or wander about aimlessly.
It's doubly bad that the bureaucracies only tend to get bigger, and more-expensive, and overlap, because if there's anything government is good for, it's doing everything, badly, two or three times, and at exorbitant prices, before some low-level clerk loses the paperwork between her 11:50 coffee break, and her 12:00 lunch hour.
We are more-and-more being controlled by ever expanding bureaucracies, run by who the fuck knows. These organs are given ever-more sweeping power, and lavishly funded with borrowed money. In return, we get mid-level paper-pushers taking expensive vacations-disguised-as-work in luxury hotels in Las Vegas. We get the proverbial $400 hammer, the $600 toilet seat, the $200 roll of toilet paper which the cleaning staff will take home when no one is looking. We get an EPA which spews dictates on a daily basis with little or no authority in law to back them up. We get 35 (or is it more now?) unelected Czars who are only accountable to the President of the United States, in effect, his Privy Council of Hatchet Men, like Henry VIII.
And now they want to get between you and your doctor?
Soon, very soon, after the Affordable Care Act kicks in, assuming it isn't defunded or repealed by a Republican Landslide in November which brings a Congressional Majority with it, we'll be seeing lines outside of hospitals and clinics that will remind you of the good 'ol days of Jimmy Carter's gasoline queues. Soon, very soon, we'll see a new wave of illegal immigration that will come across the border in order to get kidneys and corneas, false teeth and facelifts, because the system will be so chaotic and so full of loopholes that it is difficult to tell whether anyone will actually be caught cheating.
Hell, the government can't seem to find -- or isn't interested in making the effort -- 12 million potential cheaters mostly hiding in plain sight, so why not try to go for the free angioplasty, and a boob job, while you're at it?
 It was once thought that what the country needed was simply a change of political parties in order to flush out the worst of the muck that clogged the arteries of government. It is now clear that what is required is more than just switching democrats for republicans or Tea party; we need a fundamental rethink of what government does and how it does it, from the top to the very bottom. It may be some time for some needed government and Constitutional Reform, because it's crystal clear that both are badly needed.
This is all spiraling out of control.

Crossposted @The Lunatic's Asylum

Matthew is a friend and weekly contributor to DMF
Please stop by and give him a shout at the above link 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Orwellian Obama

Matthew - Saturday 6/23

Matthew's Week End Commentary:
In his novel 1984, George Orwell introduced us to a political system -- Ingsoc, or "English Socialism" -- that made use of a variety of rhetorical and memory-control tricks that had definite political purposes. Mostly these were devices which were intended to ensure that The Party's point of view always prevailed, or which denied a political opponent the ability to make a point or express an idea which the The Party found politically inconvenient, anathema, or seditious. One of these devices was called Doublethink.
Doublethink involved the simultaneous belief in two contradictory ideas combined with the ability to use each argument in a way that jibed with political orthodoxy, as each might be needed. The person using Doublethink would then replace one truth as needed with another, and then trick themselves into believing that point which was necessary to have always been the absolute truth, while simultaneously forgetting that they had ever held any other position on a subject.
For example: take the contradictory ideas that "Water is Wet" and "Water is Dry"; if political orthodoxy required that Water was, indeed, dry, then this became the absolute and everlasting truth, and no other fact about Water could ever be advanced, or had ever existed. Conversely, if The Party should suddenly require that all it's people should believe the opposite, that Water is Wet, then this became the absolute, unassailable truth, and no other truth could have ever existed, or ever did exist. In this way, The Party was able to tell egregious lies and have them instantly believed by millions who had exercised an ability to instantly forget or dismiss any inconsistency. 
 Barack Obama is the consummate practitioner of Doublethink. It oozes from every utterance, every staged speech, every policy position. Every Obama utterance or action contains a certain self-canceling duality.
Here are some examples:  
 * "The Rich" are demonized on a near-daily basis for being greedy, avaricious destroyers, pillagers of their country and malefactors par excellance...until someone needs their money to run a political campaign, in which case, The Rich become the greatest people on Planet Earth, True Progressives, the Defenders of Democracy.
 * Even the category, "The Rich" is constantly defined downwards, so that the guy who makes $250,000 a year is suddenly equated with the billionaire. When it comes to deciding who will get eyedrops, bandaids or chemotherapy from a government-sponsored healthcare-rationing bureaucracy, suddenly the guy who makes $125,000 a year is considered rich. When it comes to deciding who gets a mortgage renegotiation, the guy who makes $100,000 a year is rejected as being "wealthy", while the guy with $50,000 a year, and who will re-default on his newly-arranged rate, is suddenly held to be a better risk.
 * This administration continually talks up "economic progress" while it hands out Food Stamps in unheard of numbers.
 * This administration talks about fairness in the tax code and enforcement, that "The Rich" should pay their "fair share" as a "Patriotic duty", while 53% of the people in this country pay no income taxes whatsoever.
 * It is the Republican Party and the Big Banks which brought us to the brink of insolvency by making risky bets with the public's money, but government led by a democratic (small 'd' intentional) President, planning to borrow $5 trillion over three years to largely spend on more failed welfare programs, new welfare programs, bailing out deadbeats, unions and Obama political cronies is somehow an "investment in our future".
 * This President lectures our citizens about their responsibilities as "Citizens of the World", and then gives Air Force One the greatest workout in history. he decries the "Illegal" war in Iraq, and then starts another in Libya, and perhaps another in Syria or Yemen is on the way. This President claims to want to strengthen our old alliances, and then insults the British, undermines the Israelis, and lectures the Europeans about Austerity Measures that he won't even consider for his own country.
 * This President talks a good game about Freedom, and then conspires over an open mike with a representative of a Russian Dictatorship to sell us down the river when he doesn't have to worry about re-election. This President talks about Freedom while a Chinese Dissident is arrested inside a U.S. Embassy with the full blessing of the State Department.
 * Barack Obama craps all over democratically-elected Republicans and Conservatives the world over, refuses to confront Syrian, North Korean or Iranian dictators potentially armed with weapons of mass destruction, and then turns the organs of the American government against it's own people; the IRS audits political enemies, the ATF allows Mexican drug gangs to buy weapons in America which are then used to kill American citizens, the EPA invents rules as it sees fit and confiscates or prevents the use of private property. He rules through a series of unelected, unaccountable "Czars" largely through fiat. When this President doesn't like American immigration law, or the individual state's right to defend itself from foreign invasion when the federal Government won't, he files lawsuits against them, or circumvents the role of Congress by granting Amnesty through Executive Order. He then has the nerve to consider himself the New Reagan.
 * Barack Obama blames his political enemies for "Gridlock" in Washington, but never admits that his administration has never advanced an agenda they knew the other side couldn't accept, nor that Harry Reid has kept most of the Obama Agenda off the table for years, failing to call for votes in the U.S. Senate and never failing to avoid pointing this out.
 * Barack Obama claims to be “saving or creating” jobs, “cutting deficits”, “saving GM”, and that this is sound economic policy, while simultaneously raising the national debt by $5 trillion in under three years with money that is largely borrowed, and which will be borrowed at the expense of future economic growth. The immediate result is always more important than the long-term impact for Obama, be cause he is a creature of the here-and-now.
 * Isn’t it rather strange that the “composite Woman” that the Obamatards chose to advertise their cradle-to-grave ambitions is named “Julia”? That was the name of the semi-heroine in 1984; you know, the one that lead Winston Smith to his eventual downfall? There couldn't be a subliminal message there, right?
 * Not paying for something readily available on store shelves at ridiculously-low prices (i.e. contraceptives) is a War on Women, but denying them an extra breast cancer screening or two under ObamaCare isn’t?
 * Somehow, the government “mandates” that health insurers cover pre-existing conditions, that the banks lend to people who will obviously default, that auto companies only build vehicles that no one will buy, that Wall Street submit to regulations that will stifle investment and creativity, and dumps billions of extorted taxpayer dollars into bankrupt Green Energy firms, and hundreds of billions more into failed Stimulus Projects, and Obama still has the nerve to talk about how his “solutions” to our problems are in the finest traditions of the Free Market?
 * The President talks about avoiding the Past, and yet, does nothing but speak of it. He inherited this, that or the other problem; everything is the past Republican regime’s fault; anything anti-Obama is about “turning back the clock”, when it isn’t a cause to invoke the legacy of Jim Crow. Barack Obama does nothing but look backwards while his (written by other people and stuffed into a teleprompter) rhetoric is all about looking forward.
 * The Obama’s decry the ostentatious and crass consumerism of our current society, and yet, they vacation in Hawaii, Spain, Martha’s Vineyard, and Vail. They have “date nights” consisting of a one-evening flight from Washington to New York, a fancy hotel and dinner, and a show, only to fly back in the A.M. The First Lady wears nothing but designer clothes (and they pointed fingers at Sarah Palin for her alleged $50,000 wardrobe?); the Obama Children attend an upscale, fancy-shmancy school that is notoriously lacking in a middle class student body (where are the academic diversity bean counters in that situation, one wonders?). The Obamas are the typical Socialist Duo, who hypocritically piss all over the bourgeois while living an even grander lifestyle at someone else’s expense.
 * Only in Obama’s America can you make more money living on government assistance than you can by working for a living . Only in Obama’s America can you deprive the private sector of $3 trillion (to pay for Obamacare, bailouts, and the Porkulus Bill), plan to borrow another $2 trillion to keep the Welfare State afloat, and then berate business for not creating enough “opportunities’ on the remaining , limited capital. The only opportunities being created are for the Washington, DC set and their brain-dead, unionized minions, and that’s being paid for by money we don’t even have.
Update: I forgot one: 
This President claims to be running the "most Transparent administration in History", and then he allows the Attorney general of the United States to claim Executive Privilege in order to avoid answering a simple question: who is the dumbass who got a Border Patrol Agent murdered, and why is that shithead still employed?

Crossposted @The Lunatic's Asylum 

Matthew is a friend and weekly contributor to DMF 
Stop by and give him a shout at the above link

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Politics Isn’t the Intellectual Consistency Business.......

Diogenes - 6/3/2012
Former President Bill Clinton went to campaign for Tom Barrett in Milwaukee Saturday.....
"…After Clinton's trip was officially announced today, Wasserman Schultz said she was “thrilled President Clinton will be traveling to Wisconsin tomorrow to campaign for the next Governor of the Badger State, Mayor Tom Barrett......" 

Rewind to 2003.......Clinton said this before an African-American church in central Los Angeles, rallying to the support of then California Governor Gray Davis, a Democrat who was facing a recall election:
“Recalling the governor will create a circumstance where nobody ever makes a hard decision again … A recall would spread instability and uncertainty among your people and across the country.
Clinton wasn't arguing that Gray Davis shouldn't be recalled, or trying to make the case that Davis was best for California. He was taking dead aim at the recall process itself, absent any campaign-specific considerations.
 Clinton's warning about the dangers of recalls was joined by his vice president, Al Gore, who went even further:
“The people who want to see this recall take place are disrespecting the majority who voted in the election last year, disrespecting the right of the majority to engage in self-governance. And when we vote and when the majority votes to have a particular set of policies and ideas and individuals to be controlling the course of our future, then nobody ought to overturn the say of the people. The people ought to govern themselves and have a right to make the decisions …" 
Again, a bipartisan attack on yanking people out of office for making tough decisions.
I wonder how the Barrett supporters are going to really feel the morning after the recall election to find their unions have thrown virtually millions of their hard earned extorted union dues down a dark hole to defeat Scott Walker? And failed.
h/t Trog