Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No Incentives Needed.......

When they advocate higher taxes and regulations on job creators, Democrats pretend that incentives are irrelevant. In real life, Democrats know better:
* Google CEO Eric Schmidt is a long time Obama supporter but Google uses an impressively complicated series of shell companies to hide its corporate profits from taxation here, and from over seas taxations.
* Former Senator John Kerry, rumored to be a possible cabinet pick in Obama's second term, happily hid his 76-foot yacht from Massachusetts taxes until his subterfuge was publicly exposed. 
* Warren Buffett is a prominent Obama supporter who calls for higher taxes on the rich. Yet, he has arranged for most of his estate to escape taxation while calling for increasing the estate tax.
Apparently, the cognitive dissonance (that subtle creepy feeling we're not quite done tweaking our belief system) seemingly causes them no pain.  
h/t City Square 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's Time for the 2012 Puk Awards

Yes, it's awards season 2012, and is kicking things off with the 2012 Puk Awards, given out  for the best of conservative agitprop for the year.

So go by and nominate the best work from your favorite websites. Nominations are open until Dec 17th. There is a lot of amazing artwork out there, go by and check it out.

But Remember What They Always Say - It's All About The Kids....

At least 26,000 children will miss school today because their teachers called in sick or took a vacation day to protest proposed right-to-work legislation enacted in Michigan.

“We’ve had an excessive number of teachers call in,” Warren district spokesperson Robert Freehan said Monday afternoon. “We’re concerned about the safety and security of the students, so we’re treating it as a snow day.”

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Democrats Begin Working Toward Pantsuit’s Coronation

"One of the most pronounced recent changes in the attitudes toward leadership and order of the two major American political parties is the reversal in affection for handing off the baton to the next in line. Republicans had long bestowed the party’s presidential nomination on last time’s runner-up, or a candidate who had put in his time and whose turn, it was believed, had come.But the battle for the 2016 GOP nomination is looking wide open, and will likely consist of a cast of young, more conservative candidates competing to set the party’s new direction.

The Democrats, on the other hand, nominated Barack Obama in 2008 with the rallying cry of striking out against political entitlement, embodied by Hillary Clinton. Next time, however, Democrats seem to want a coronation, not a nomination. And they would like the beneficiary of this appointment with history to be Hillary Clinton.  Recently James Carville said on“This Week with George Stephanopoulos”:
"This is entirely different. Every Democrat I know says, God, I hope she runs. We don’t need a primary. Let’s just go to post with this thing. We don’t want to fight with anybody over anything.”
The Republicans, they need a fight. Somebody’s got to beat somebody….
Yeah, you’ve got to beat somebody. And the Republicans know that they need a primary. We don’t want — we don’t want a primary. We don’t want to be slugging this thing out (inaudible) you know what? We’ve got a pretty good demographic deck. We kind of get — we like winning presidential elections. She’s popular. Let’s just go with it."
Aside from the obvious, there’s a key phrase Carville used here that went unnoticed on the show. The Democrats have “a pretty good demographic deck.” Not only do the Democrats want to avoid a primary election, they’d like to avoid a general election too. Though Carville probably didn’t have this in mind when he used the phrase, running a “historic” candidate like Clinton would basically be a replay of Obama’s two elections, in which the media coverage was fawning and devoid of any serious examination of the Democratic candidate, and in which opposition to the Democrats’ candidate can be chalked up to bigotry. “We don’t want to fight with anybody over anything,” says Carville. Expect that to be the case in 2016 if Clinton is their candidate.

Take a gander at the New York Times’s article on Clinton’s options going forward. It’s appallingly worshipful, but it’s only the beginning. The conceit of the piece is a question: What should Hillary do? It’s a clear indication that Clinton wants people to think she’s running, and buried in the article we finally get the reason why. The Times tells us that Clinton “may appear to be a figure of nearly limitless possibility.” There is nothing she can’t do, so what should she do? The Times asks another related question and then endeavors to answer it:
"What is the most dignified way for her to make money?" 
Keep Reading 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Even More Hilarious Than Before........


State Department Spent 4.5 Million for Embassy Art, Had No Money for Benghazi Security

Remember Benghazi only happened because the State Department had no money for security. And the military had no money for planes. And Obama had no money for his campaign and had to rush to Vegas to fundraise with Beyonce.
Things that the State Department did have money for? Mosque renovations, promoting environmental awareness in Baghdad, and 4.5 million for Art in Embassies. 
The New York Times reported in 2009 that Art in Embassies spends about $4.5 million a year for permanent art acquisitions; chief curator Virginia Shore said at the time that artists and dealers support the program via favorable pricing; for the embassy in Beijing, an outlay of $800,000 yielded works with an appraised value of $30 million. 
So… maybe we can sell some of that as a profit and pay for bodyguards. Or we could just hand out medals to the artists in exchange for favorable pricing. Yes, let’s do that.

Un bonjour lundi.....Y'all


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Congress acts decisively to solve one of the nation’s worst problems

With the federal government borrowing in the neighborhood of  $5 billion a day to operate and Reid and Pelosi readying their Thelma and Louise impersonations as we speed toward the cliff, thank God we have a congress with their priorities in order......

from babalu
 "The sharply divided US Congress has been able to agree on one thing at least - that the word "lunatic" should be banned.
The House of Representatives voted 398-1 on Wednesday to strike the term from all federal legislation, after the Senate did the same in May. The measure is designed to remove language that has become outdated or demeaning from the US code. The bill will now go to the President for his signature.
Senator Kent Conrad (D- yeah surprised?), one of the sponsors of the measure, said: "Federal law should reflect the 21st Century understanding of mental illness and disease, and that the continued use of this pejorative term has no place in the US code." "Lunatic" is derived from the Latin word for moon, and the belief that it could affect mental health.
The word still appears in some parts of federal law - a section of financial regulation, for example, addresses the power of a bank to act as a "committee of estates of lunatics".
The only "no" vote came from Texas congressman Louie Gohmert, who said it was madness for lawmakers to waste time on such a measure when more high-profile issues loomed, such as the federal debt.
"Not only should we not eliminate the word 'lunatic' from federal law when the most pressing issue of the day is saving our country from bankruptcy," said Rep Gohmert in a statement. "We should use the word to describe the people who want to continue with business as usual in Washington."

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Obama Honored in Cultural Exhibition


Friday, December 7, 2012

Obama Creates New Atmospheric Agency

With Fridays announcement of improvement in jobless numbers attributed to Hurricane Sandy, President Obama has announced the formation of a new NASA task force (National Atmospheric Preparedness for Incidental Economics) or NAPIE, charged with learning how to fabricate tropical weather patterns. "We'll create jobs to make the hurricanes and then create more to clean them up," he said. "It's win-win for the American people." 

Liberal East Coast politicians were said to initially balk at the idea until a White House promise of massive federal aid packages (including emergency golf course repair) and skillfully staged photo opportunities during the Commander and Chief's visit to the devastation (vacation schedule permitting) after cleanup begins. 

One Southern Gulf Coast Governor was quoted as saying "He can send the money but save the trip down, we ain't kissing his +$?#@&* ass for a picture. Shiiiiit! Besides, if the Feds are involved in making it work, we really got nothing to worry about."

Work is to begin admittedly to prepare for a highly anticipated early devastating hurricane season and unemployment figures dropping into the 7.6 to 7.5 range

Obama’s Ministry Of Truth Replacing Great Literature With Propaganda

  Paul Mirengoff
"Controversy is brewing over new Common Core State Standards in English that call on public schools to emphasize the reading of “information text” instead of fictional literature. According to the Washington Post, English teachers across the country are upset by what they consider the governments effort “to drive literature out of the classroom.”
"English teachers are right to be upset, but they shouldn’t take it personally. The government has nothing much against literature, per se. Rather, this initiative is driven in large part by the desire to promote political propaganda in the classroom. The study of literature is being downgraded in the process, but for a good cause.
Consider that one of the “informational texts” recommended as a replacement for, say, Great Expectations is “Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” Students would thus study government propaganda in English class (this Executive Order was issued under President Bush, but it is still propaganda — a political sop to the environmental left, as Stanley Kurtz shows).
Another Common Core’s non-fiction exemplar is an excerpt from a 2009 New Yorker essay by Atul Gawande on health care. This too is propaganda – an effort to show that Obamacare is wise policy.
Proponents of downgrading the teaching of literature claim that their goal is to make sure U.S. students can read and understand complicated texts. But there are plenty of complicated texts that don’t amount to political propaganda, much less propaganda relating to current hot-button policy issues in which the Obama administration is heavily invested. If teaching students how to read such texts were the only goal here, the list of exemplar tests wouldn’t include one-sided political tracts about health care and the environment.
Consider also where the Common Core comes from? The Washington Post tries to make it appear that the new curriculum percolated up from the states. But at the back end of its story we find that “the Obama administration kicked the notion into high gear when it required states to adopt the common standards — or an equivalent — in order to compete for Race to the Top grant funds.” (emphasis added).
The Common Core, then, should be viewed, at least in part, as an attempt by the Obama administration to gain control of what is taught in public schools for the purpose of indoctrination. As Stanley Kurtz puts it, “Obama has managed to press direct support for his most cherished and controversial policy initiative onto your local school district.”