Monday, April 1, 2013

Down the Road to Perdition: Part 2

"Kermit Gosnell is the Philadelphia abortionist who stands accused of murdering seven children who were born alive. Ricochet Member Cornelius Julius Sebastian quite courageously posted a photo of Gosnell's handiwork on the Ricochet Member Feed recently. In it, we see a baby lying on his side, his back turned to us, a tuft of hair on his head as thick as you please. His head is lying in a pool of blood, which runs from the open gash at the base of his head, spreading across the white sheet, outlining the length of his little shoulder and back. The gash is from the scissors Dr. Meng,…er,..I mean, Dr. Gosnell used to stab the child and kill him by severing his spinal cord, with no anesthesia, because we learned at Auschwitz that children aren't human and can't feel pain, right?  
 A country whose government directs funds to an organization whose representative testified in Florida that if a baby survives an abortion and is born alive, whether or not that child lives, "…should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," is a country that has lost control of its government. And a country in which people twice elect as President a man who, as a state senator, couldn't bring himself to vote against infanticide, is a country fast losing its way.
I swear, the next time some leftist tells me that government must regulate our food and purge school vending machines of the last M&M, or give in to the latest ridiculous ultimatum from the teacher's union, all in the name of the "The Children," I'm going to stick a photo of that little boy lying in his own blood in front of their well-fed face and ask if THIS was done for "The Children" as well. A nation that permits the butchering of its children signs its own death warrant.  
What is it, exactly, that permits these degradations that are "fundamentally transforming" America into a place our ancestors would never recognize and, possibly, might have declined to defend? Well, yes, of course it's the relativistic slide into a chaotic "no man's land," in which we've become unmoored from the Constitution, natural law, and the nation's religious heritage. But that's not really what I'm asking. Rather, what was the intellectual anesthetic that facilitated the trip and made it so seamless and pain-free? I submit that it was language, or rather the perversion of it, that made the unthinkable first plausible, and then probable. The term, "abortion," for example, was, well, aborted, in favor of "a woman's right to choose." Choose what? The left doesn't want to say, because descriptions of the order I undertook earlier are too ugly to contemplate. So instead they equivocate and engage in euphemistic demagoguery, something those of us on the right should correct at every opportunity.
What the left hasn't been able to do with euphemism, they've instead opted to accomplish by means of outright redefinition. The appropriation of the word "gay," to signify homosexuality is one example, and the left is busily working to alter the word "marriage" to mean something other than what it has meant for thousands of years. Chief Justice Roberts correctly identified the core issue this week when he noted, "If you tell a child that somebody has to be their friend, I suppose you can force the child to say, 'This is my friend,' but it changes the definition of what it means to be a friend." It is not the conduct of consenting adults in private, but rather the debauchery of the language itself that corrupts civil society.
The thoughtless and frivolous rhetorical antics of political correctness, in its infancy, have given way to an Orwellian dynamic which debases our traditions, culture, and institutions, yielding to the double-speak of the contriving utopian who dares not state plainly his intention, for example, of confiscating your earnings, preferring instead the unfocused and platitudinous nonsense of "paying your fair share." To give ground in our language is to acquiesce in an Environmental Protection Agency that cares more about harassing citizens than protecting the environment, or an Department of Education that educates no one, or an Affordable Care Act that adds over 16,000 IRS agents but not a single doctor. Is this future irreversible?"  
*Excerpt from the essay "Was Orwell Right" by Dave Carter 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 31, 2013

North Korean Television Alert:

Running Headlong Down the Road to Perdition

"The western world continues on a totally unnecessary suicidal path. What was once common sense is no more. Everywhere one looks, the insanity is evident: The refusal to deal with real issues and the insistence on taking up marginal or even totally extraneous issues instead is stunning. Here in America, our economy remains stagnated for no logical reason. Instead, for example, of freeing up the exploitation of our vast fossil fuel resources, we continue to push money at phony green industries, throw road blocks in the way of our private sector's ability to get those fuels, block importation of fuel from our friends in Canada, and blather on and on about discredited, voodoo science global warming. Our leaders rulers take lavish vacations on our dime, push ruinous tax and spend policies, including the criminally destructive Obamacare, and avoid cutting even a bit of our bloated spending. A hypothetical "threat" to reduce ever so slightly the rate of growth in spending is declared disastrous and the equivalent of a nuclear attack. We get wrapped up debating gay "marriage," and "control" of mythical "assault" weapons when neither of those topics has any bearing on real issues facing the vast majority of real Americans, as opposed to Hollywood's fake Americans."
 "And Europe? Ah, yes, Europe. What can we say about the "cradle" of our civilization? Not much positive. For at least the past 250 years or so, the Europeans have seen their collective insanity grow at an exponential rate. They seem determined, even more so than we, particularly in the past fifty years, to erase all vestiges of western civilization and principles from their quaint, colorful and increasingly irrelevant little countries. This motley collection of has-been, never-were, and never-will-be states goes from one lunacy to another. Some of the latest, of course, being the combination of anti-natalist policies and open immigration policies. This lethal cocktail has changed the nature of Europe's society, and turned parts of European cities into "no go" zones resembling the urban nightmares of some third world countries--and Detroit, but then I repeat myself. The phrase Old World is now a literal description of Europe--if, that is, one leaves aside the booming Muslim population. The self-destructive continent that brought us Communism, Fascism, Nazism, two world wars, the Holocaust, the cold war, and a colonial legacy that continues to create problems throughout the world, also has brought us the ultimate "social-democrat," supra-national nanny state, the EU. This weird Marxist-Fascist attempt to destroy what was left of Europe with bureaucracy, taxation, and "homogenization" has been wildly successful. Europe likely will never recover from the ravages of the EU and its obsession with replacing the dollar with the euro."
"And thank goodness that in the USA, we are not trying to emulate Europe. We would never come up with some crazy socialized medicine scheme that would completely bankrupt our public sector. Nah, that could never happen here."
*Excerpt from the essay "The Pillage People" by DiploMad 2.0 

Truth Everlasting

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Just Sayin'........

No offense to gay people, but if you want marriage equality, get rid of the rainbows and the pride parades. I don’t think it’s classy or very helpful to your cause riding around on a float dressed like Tina Turner in a pink wig and a feather duster sticking out of your ass........  

Friday, March 29, 2013

Obama Administration Gets Cozy with Muslim Brotherhood Front Group

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial, recently toured the White House and met with multiple officials. According to the group, Paul Monteiro, Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement, “cited ISNA as his primary means of outreach to the American Muslim community.”

The Obama administration’s close relationship with ISNA is about more than photo ops and press releases. It is about policy formulation. The input of ISNA is so treasured that the officials coached the organization on how to engage the White House.

On March 8, ISNA President Mohamed Magid joined 10 other religious leaders in a 90-minute conversation with President Obama about immigration reform. Also present was senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who spoke at ISNA’s 2009 convention. Three days later, Magid took part in a meeting with President Obama where he got “recommendations” in preparation for his Middle East trip, including some from groups with a history of defending Hezbollah.

“Over the past two years, I-along with my White House colleagues-have benefited from the advice of many of your [Magid’s] organizations through our Office of Public Engagement,” said Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough on March 6, 2011 during a speech at the mosque that Magid leads.

ISNA’s White House tour included spending time with George Selim, the White House Director for Community Partnerships, who is an annual speaker at ISNA’s conventions. Selim previously admitted that “hundreds” of meetings have taken place between government officials and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, another group with Brotherhood origins that was designated an unindicted co-conspirator.  

Fishnet Friday