Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More Proof the Nobel Prize Committee Often Makes Mistakes.

A dispute on economics between Paul Krugman and Paul Krugman's textbook

City Square

Compare and Contrast:
* "Public policy designed to help workers who lose their jobs can lead to structural unemployment as an unintended side effect. . . . In other countries, particularly in Europe, benefits are more generous and last longer. The drawback to this generosity is that it reduces a worker's incentive to quickly find a new job. Generous unemployment benefits in some European countries are widely believed to be one of the main causes of 'Eurosclerosis,' the persistent high unemployment that affects a number of European countries."-- former Enron adviser Paul Krugman and Robin Wells (Mrs. Krugman), "Introduction to Macroeconomics," second edition, 2009
* "In general, modern conservatives believe that our national character is being sapped by social programs that, in the memorable words of Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, 'turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency.' More specifically, they believe that unemployment insurance encourages jobless workers to stay unemployed, rather than taking available jobs. . . . The move to slash unemployment benefits . . . is counterproductive as well as cruel; it will swell the ranks of the unemployed even as it makes their lives ever more miserable."--Krugman, New York Times, July 1, 2013

Paul Krugman, like Barack Obama, is proof the Nobel Prize Committee occasionally makes mistakes.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Obongo Gives Dems Cover for 2014 Mid-Terms

Doing anything to capture the House of Representatives, and thus control all the branches of government, the administrations newsiest slight-of-hand act has come out to help cover the Democrats asses until after the 2014 election, delaying the other shoe falling on business and the public with heathcare mandate cost and  high insurance premiums they seek to hide.

"The government will postpone enforcement of the so-called employer mandate until 2015, the administration said today. Under the provision, companies with 50 or more workers face a fine of as much as $3,000 per employee if they don’t offer affordable insurance.
The move addresses complaints from employer groups to President Barack Obama’s administration about the burden of the law’s reporting requirements. The decision pushes the issue past the 2014 midterm congressional elections, as Republicans have sought to make the health law a symbol of government overreach....."
Now that's what I call convenient. Pull the wool over their eyes for a while and by the time they see again, we will all ready have our hand in your pocket.
"Two Obama administration officials, who discussed the move before the announcement on condition that they not be identified, said the administration decided to wait until 2015 before enforcing the employer mandate in order to simplify reporting requirements and give businesses more time to adjust their health-care coverage." 
Translation: we cover our asses.

and this from The Washington Post: 
"The decision by Obama, who was on Air Force One returning from Africa on Tuesday when the announcement was made, to delay a controversial part of the law underscores his willingness to use the power of the executive branch to help to protect the legislation’s image at a defining moment......"
Republicans say they expect dysfunction and higher costs as a result of the law. House Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio) said the announcement “means even the Obama administration knows the ‘train wreck’ will only get worse.” He added, “This is a clear acknowledgment that the law is unworkable.
Which cup is the ball under now?

President Returns Home to Dampen July 4th Celebrations


 Africa Trip:


Monday, July 1, 2013

Obama Family Album: Africa Day 5


Tanzania - July 1

The First Family left the relative safety and comfort of the capital of
South Africa for the wilds of Tanzania early Monday morning.
The first lady had initially requested to stay behind.

The Tanzania Free press showed up to greet the arriving First Family, but 
 the President was unable to make a statement to the Tanzanian nation 
as there was no working teleprompter available.  

Johnny on the spot MFNS reporter Earl of Taint from the bush captured the first lady
doing first lady diplomat stuff at a local Tanzanian village. Soon after her arrival, 
most wild animals quickly evacuated the area to safety.

After a traditional meal of bongo bongo leaf salad and wildebeest spleen dressing,
in appreciation of her visit, the first lady was presented with a pair of  Tiger testicles for
good luck, said to be quite a bit larger then the ones she married . 


Africa: Day 1
                Day 3

               The Return

Hey Green Peoples..... Answer Me This:

What About Those 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines?

The US has had wind farms since 1981, but what the left and the green movement don't want to talk about regarding windmills is (as usual) the truth.

The truth is: windmills, like solar panels, break down. And like solar panels, windmills produce less energy before they break down than the energy it took to make them. That's the part liberals forget: making windmills and solar panels takes energy, energy from coal, oil, and diesel, energy that extracts and refines raw materials, energy that transports those materials to where they will be re-shaped into finished goods, energy to manufacture those goods. More energy than those finished windmills and solar panels will ever produce.

The symbol of Green renewable energy, our saviour from the non existent problem of Global Warming, abandoned wind farms are starting to litter the planet as globally governments cut the subsidies taxes that consumers pay for the privilege of having a very expensive power source that does not work every day for various reasons like it's too cold or the wind speed is too high.

The US experience with wind farms has left over 14,000 wind turbines abandoned and slowly decaying, in most instances the turbines are just left as symbols of a dying Climate Religion, nowhere have the Green Environmentalists appeared to clear up their mess or even complain about the abandoned wind farms. Thousands of abandoned wind turbines littered the landscape of wind energy's California "big three" locations--Altamont Pass, Tehachapin, and San Gorgonio--considered among the world's best wind sites.

The truth is: wind energy is just a tax scam. Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst focusing on energy and environmental issues for the Heritage Foundation, is not surprised.
"Therein lies a lesson for those who seek to make fortunes out of tax payer subsidies, and for those who want to live in a dream world of "clean energy", the whole renewables industry of solar, wind and biomass is just an artificial bubble incapable of surviving without subsides from governments and tax payers. The Green evangelists who push so hard for these wind farms, as usual have not thought the whole idea through."
The problem with wind farms when they are abandoned is getting the turbines removed, as usual there are no Green environmentalists to be seen. The City of Palm Springs was forced to enact an ordinance requiring their removal from San Gorgonio. But California's Kern County, encompassing the Tehachapi area, has no such law.

Could you imagine the outraged Green chorus if those turbines were abandoned oil drilling rigs.

To the Esteemed Readers of DMF.............

The regular readers of DMF/MFNS (and may I take this opportunity to Thank You all ) may have noticed slight changes to the eye, but in actuality, major changes under the hood lately. The reason is two fold: (1) to make the job of posting easier and less time consuming and (2) a cleaner and easier page read (and help those NSA guys be more efficient in their work)

After a long self debate whether to move the whole operation to WordPress, a day spent googling google for info as to redirect, exporting post and such, I stumbled on info I wish I'd found long ago. Mainly I speak of diddling with the blogger platform code. Stripping away some of the unnecessary widget code and other non-essential features, the platform can load faster and render content more effectively. Among others, a simple one line code change made possible an HTML and compose preview side by side for easier changes in formating a post and saving time. The WordPress thing is unfinished and on hold for the time being as I'm very pleased with the difference here so far, and probably saving me some hair follicles.

As for the visible changes, the theme has been modified slightly to make a cleaner easier on the eyes format, as well for my benefit. I do most of my postings on my 'O' So Sweet Sabayon Linux'  (I never understood why people pay Apple for something they can get totally free) and use the incredibly versatile Opera Browser set at a minimum 14 point font.  But Linux sometime renderers slightly different then Windows the MS core fonts. A small CSS tweak plus changing the font size to 14 point Arial as apposed to 16 point Georgia previously used solves the font rendering problem. The page now renders the same in Opera, Chrome, Firefox and Safari on all operating systems.

Other changes made are the slightly modified banner and page width adjustment, a redone sidebar with a fully searchable  'Archives of Diogenes', updated 'Awesome Linkage' and new page tabs have been added to the bar under the banner, but some yet to be completely updated.

This little endeavor called DMF is not something I am able to devote as much time as I wish. My hope is to make your visits here interesting and worth coming again, that I can inform, entertain and do my part to help kneecap our numbskull friends on the left while giving you chuckle or two now and then in the process.

Your comments, suggestions and helpful criticisms about the content are welcome, and I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on the font change, ya or nay. Scroll down the page and compare. Don't make me post my naked picture.... feedback is in order here people. Your conscience alone should tell you to leave a comment in the box below because if you don't you'll make me cry.

A Good Monday Morning