Sunday, July 7, 2013

Who Knew the Pope was a Fan of DMF

I've had flurry of hits from this address lately......and me thinks maybe the Pope is a fan of Middle Finger Symphony Theater......and maybe I should tone down my Good Monday Morning post a bit.......

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

* No Tuxedos Required *

Damn the Torpedoes...Full Speed Ahead

Seems the wealthy One Percenters , regardless of their position in government, don't like their holidays interrupted. John Kerry is no exception. Those CBS guys hanging out at Nantucket Sound taking pictures of butterflies or stuff just happened to find our Secretary of State at play while their allies, the Muslim Brotha Hoods was taking it on the nose. Initially the State Dept denied Kerry was out of pocket, but hey, that's not the first time they've lied to us, now is it.....

Naked DC
"I seem to recall, back in the early days of the 2012 elections, this unbelievable outpouring of anger towards Mitt Romney because the blueprints for his La Jolla beach-front home had a garage with a car elevator, even though Mitt Romney never claimed he would be playing around on it, moving his Cadillacs up and down while major foreign policy crisis were threatening to engulf the stability of a major world region. Regardless, being rich is probably stupid and makes you do douchebaggy things, like forget to tip a waitress on your Ace of Spades, and completely disqualifies you from holding higher office. And the reason that’s probably an idiomatic campaign idea is because people like John Kerry do, indeed, spend major holidays puttering around on their hundred-thousand-dollar boats and phoning into their jobs from secure cell phone lines. He tried to deny it, but turns out iPhones do have pretty good telephoto capabilities.  
"John Kerry’s spokesman has admitted the Secretary of State did go sailing off Nantucket as the Egyptian President was ousted from power after pictures emerged of him out on the water on July 4. The Secretary of State had been criticized yesterday for taking a vacation with his family at his holiday home in Nantucket, as Egypt plunged into crisis. New pictures of Mr Kerry on a kayak and a boat in Nantucket Sound on July 4 have surfaced after his spokesman had forcefully denied he went sailing after an earlier photo was posted to Twitter....." 
There’s probably a good explanation for all this. After all, we did spend all that money on Barack’s African vacation. It’s hard to imagine there was any room in Marine One’s line item budget to fly the Secretary of State back from New England for a military coup. And you just don’t mess with John Kerry’s vacation time.  
Read the whole Story Here

Obama Doubles Down on Egypt Folly

Jonathan Tobin
"Late Wednesday afternoon, the silence from the White House about events in Egypt finally ended. In a statement, President Obama claimed that he is neutral on the question of who controls Egypt but wishes to uphold certain principles. The text contains anodyne proclamations about democracy and the participation of all groups in the government of Egypt that are unexceptionable. But it also clearly states that the president is “deeply concerned” about the ouster of Morsi and the suspension of the Egyptian constitution that brought him to power, calls upon the military not to arrest the deposed leader or other Muslim Brotherhood officials, and then pointedly says that he has “directed the relevant departments and agencies to review the implications under U.S. law for our assistance to the Government of Egypt.”
In other words, you don’t have to read too closely between the lines to understand that Obama is angrier about regime change in Cairo than he ever was about the Islamist attempt to remake Egypt in their own image.
President Obama stood by passively for a year as Morsi and the Brotherhood began to seize total power, repress critics and pave the way for a complete transformation of Egypt into an Islamist state without threatening a cutoff of U.S. aid. Now Obama has finally found the guts to use America’s leverage over the country but only to register his protest against the downfall of the Brotherhood.
This will do nothing to help Morsi and the rest of his authoritarian crew that had already topped the excesses of the Mubarak regime in only a year. The Egyptian military knows–despite the attempt of the Brotherhood to sell the West on the myth that a fascist-style movement like their brand of Islamistm is democratic in nature–that the only way to prevent it from fomenting violence is to use the same tactics it wanted to employ against Morsi’s critics.
But by doing so in this manner, the president has made it clear again to the Egyptian people that his sympathies are not with those who want a government that doesn’t wish to impose Islamism on the country or the minority that actually want democracy but with Morsi and the Brotherhood. Rather than repair the damage he has done in the last three years, the president sounds as if he is determined to double down on his mistakes."

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

African-American Adjacent

Talk Straight

"In case you didn’t already think the whole Paula Deen issue wasn’t stupid enough….hold on to your hats.

For those of you who don’t know, Paula Deen is the subject of a racial harassment lawsuit by a former employee. Remember that…it’s a racial harassment law suit. That means, this former employee, Lisa Jackson, is suing because she felt she was being harassed because of her race.

Well, anyone with common sense would figure that “Oh! Miss Jackson must be a black woman which is why any comments made by Deen regarding the Black Community would have upset her and made her feel harassed".



"Lisa Jackson is not black. In fact, she very much a white woman.

So how can she have been racially harassed by a white Paula Deen when she is herself white?

Well, easy (for a nutjob). According to Jackson, her partner’s niece is black which makes her (Lisa Jackson) "African-American adjacent" and thus, being sorta-kinda-maybe close to a black person, she can be racially harassed as if she was herself black.

Of course, let’s ignore the fact that Lisa Jackson didn't take her adjacent-ness to the black community into account until after she was fired from Deen’s Uncle Bubba’s Seafood and Oyster House nor should we take into account that Jackson’s partner has admitted that her niece isn’t black. Not even a little.
She’s Hispanic.

African-American Adjacent. Good grief. Does the stupid never end?"

Obamacare Regulation Effectively Bars Catholics from Owning Health Insurance Companies

Is Religious Liberty under THREAT in this country??

CNS NEWS - The final version of Obamacare’s “preventive services” regulation that the Department of Health and Human Services published on Friday discriminates against faithful members of the Roman Catholic Church by effectively barring them from owning and operating health-insurance companies.

This is because the regulation orders health insurance companies to provide sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs to all female beneficiaries except those insured by “religious employers”--which, according to the regulation, includes only actual “houses of worship” (n.b. parish churches), their immediate auxiliaries, associations of houses of worship and the “exclusively religious activities of any religious order.”  

More Proof the Nobel Prize Committee Often Makes Mistakes.

A dispute on economics between Paul Krugman and Paul Krugman's textbook

City Square

Compare and Contrast:
* "Public policy designed to help workers who lose their jobs can lead to structural unemployment as an unintended side effect. . . . In other countries, particularly in Europe, benefits are more generous and last longer. The drawback to this generosity is that it reduces a worker's incentive to quickly find a new job. Generous unemployment benefits in some European countries are widely believed to be one of the main causes of 'Eurosclerosis,' the persistent high unemployment that affects a number of European countries."-- former Enron adviser Paul Krugman and Robin Wells (Mrs. Krugman), "Introduction to Macroeconomics," second edition, 2009
* "In general, modern conservatives believe that our national character is being sapped by social programs that, in the memorable words of Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, 'turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency.' More specifically, they believe that unemployment insurance encourages jobless workers to stay unemployed, rather than taking available jobs. . . . The move to slash unemployment benefits . . . is counterproductive as well as cruel; it will swell the ranks of the unemployed even as it makes their lives ever more miserable."--Krugman, New York Times, July 1, 2013

Paul Krugman, like Barack Obama, is proof the Nobel Prize Committee occasionally makes mistakes.