Saturday, July 13, 2013

Media Perception and Reality in Washington, DC:

"The conventional wisdom evolves. Yesterday, Washington was merely broken, gridlocked, dysfunctional. The passive voice spread the blame evenly. Today it’s agreed that Republican obstructionism is the root of all evil — GOP resistance having now escalated to nihilism and indeed sabotage.
Sabotage carries a fine whiff of extralegal, anti-constitutional vandalism. This from media mandarins who barely bat an eyelash when President Obama unilaterally suspends parts of his own health-care law — just as he unilaterally stopped enforcing current immigration laws for 1.7 million young illegal immigrants, thereby enacting by executive order legislation that had failed in Congress. So much for faithfully executing the laws (Article II). — Charles Krauthammer, Syndicated Columnist

Thursday, July 11, 2013

(Homo Stupidus) - The Low Information Voter in the Wild

A Suspicious Federal Employee

by Brian Watt

Dear Mr. President,

I've come to understand from the Drudge Report and the  McClatchy News Service that as part of an Insider Threat Program you have encouraged federal employees to monitor other federal employees for any suspicious behavior, specifically:

Federal employees and contractors are asked to pay particular attention to the lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors – like financial troubles, odd working hours or unexplained travel – of co-workers as a way to predict whether they might do “harm to the United States.”

Although I'm not a federal employee, I did want to take this time to report some very suspicious behavior by a high-ranking government official whom I and many others have been observing for some time. This person's work schedule seems to be quite erratic. To say that he has "odd working hours" would be an understatement. He repeatedly claims to be working on the "people's business" but has been known to spend an inordinate amount of time (at taxpayers' expense, mind you) on the golf course, taking his family on numerous vacations, traveling all over the country to get money from people or to raise money for some of his pet projects, and throwing lavish parties with celebrities. Given many of the responsibilities of his office, it seems quite clear that this person is ignoring his work.

If this person's responsibilities were fairly benign, this probably wouldn't be so alarming. He is, however, a very highly-placed official, and on his watch an ambassador in Libya and three other Americans were brutally killed. Yet this person can't even account for his whereabouts during the hours when this horrific event was taking place. Can you believe that? Isn't that deplorable?

I'm pretty sure that this person has the highest of security clearances, which even you would have to admit is quite astonishing since he has admitted to using illegal drugs as a youth, having made a close friendship with a member of the Communist Party USA, and later becoming friends with two unrepentant domestic terrorists from the late 1960s (former members of the Weather Underground, actually). I mean, how does that happen?

In his present role, he or perhaps someone who reports to him, invited an Islamic scholar to his residence who in 2004 issued a "fatwa saying that resisting US troops in Iraq was a 'duty' for Muslims - effectively allowing the killing of Americans." Word has it that he is also sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood, an association that also has a sketchy history of unsavory activity and, in fact, is considered by the Russian government to be a terrorist organization.

And speaking of the Russians, for what that's worth, this person has also been captured on video, when he believed his microphone was off, whispering to the former Russian president, Medvedev, about...well, here's what he said:
"On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it's important for him to give me space."
It's believed that the "him" referred to is Vladimir Putin. Many of us watching and listening to this unguarded moment felt that he was willing to make some type of concession to Putin in the event he was granted an extension of his term in office. What was promised wasn't exactly clear, but we wondered why this seemed to be such a secretive comment; if a concession was eventually made; and if it harmed America's security posture or weakened the security posture of our European allies. We don't think this individual has ever given a reasonable explanation for this incident.

I and others also have reason to believe that this person, while serving in one of the two houses of the Legislative Branch, helped to orchestrate a fraudulent scheme to payout taxpayer money to people throughout the country who he knew were not farmers discriminated against by the USDA. We believe this may have been a vote-buying scheme or a way for him to endear himself to potential voters when he was seeking a higher position in the federal government. This has never been adequately investigated by the Department of Justice. Perhaps you could speak to Attorney General Holder about it. Just a helpful suggestion.

Other numerous scandalous affairs seem to be constantly swirling around this individual, who never claims any knowledge or involvement in them, which many of us find quite incredible. I believe I'm doing the right thing by bringing this person to your attention.

All the best,


PS – I've included a photo (above) of the individual in question but have taken the effort to obscure his identity until his behavior can be thoroughly investigated.

Ricochet .com

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Obama tells audience he will be regularly announcing “executive actions” his administration will take to “heal the economy” without the “dysfunctional” Congress.


"In other words: He is going to implement whatever damned policy he wants implemented, without the Constitutionally established process and powers. He is going to rule by executive order.

Well done liberals! You got the dictator you were hoping for and the change you wanted. Now, I can’t wait until he sets the precedence of ruling by executive order; so that when—oh—-I dunno—-Rand Paul or Ted Cruz get into the white house; they can do the same thing as religious, pro-life, anti-socialist conservatives.

What’s that? You say it wouldn’t be “fair" for one of them to have that kind of power?"

You Watch Me.....I'll Watch You.....We'll Both Watch Them.


WASHINGTON — In an initiative aimed at rooting out future leakers and other security violators, President Barack Obama has ordered federal employees to report suspicious actions of their colleagues based on behavioral profiling techniques that are not scientifically proven to work, according to experts and government documents.

The techniques are a key pillar of the Insider Threat Program, an unprecedented government-wide crackdown under which millions of federal bureaucrats and contractors must watch out for “high-risk persons or behaviors” among co-workers. Those who fail to report them could face penalties, including criminal charges.

Obama mandated the program in an October 2011 executive order after Army Pfc. Bradley Manning downloaded hundreds of thousands of documents from a classified computer network and gave them to WikiLeaks, the anti-government secrecy group. The order covers virtually every federal department and agency, including the Peace Corps, the Department of Education and others not directly involved in national security.

Under the program, which is being implemented with little public attention, security investigations can be launched when government employees showing “indicators of insider threat behavior” are reported by co-workers, according to previously undisclosed administration documents obtained by McClatchy. Investigations also can be triggered when “suspicious user behavior” is detected by computer network monitoring and reported to “insider threat personnel..........”

Read more HERE: 

Does Diversity Rock or What!

Man Meets Man, Men Become Women, Women Beat Up Women Who Want To Be Men

This is one of the few times Diogenes has needed both a calculator and the Urban Dictionary to figure out what the hell an article was about:
"In what has been described as a “horrifying” incident two women were attacked by a group of men who identified themselves as “transgender women” at the Portland State University “Law and Disorder Conference” which billed itself as a “provocative space for comparative critical dialogue between activists, revolutionaries, educators, artists, musicians, scholars, dancers, actors and writers”.
The women were attacked in a coordinated assault as they sat at a table which sold feminist books and literature. The men destroyed the books and marked up the table display with permanent markers. One of the women was also marked up by the men. Predominantly male conference onlookers by all reports allowed the attack to take place, watching in stunned silence. Two males affiliated with the same group as the feminists - Deep Green Resistance - were also in attendance and the “trans women” threw a projectile at the head of one of them.
According to reports, the transgender males or “trans women” took issue with the feminist content in the Deep Green Resistance materials. Specifically, a portion of the materials reflected the feminist position that social roles based on sex are undesirable and harmful to women........"

Now Diogenes is just a little confused as to what happened.

Notice the highlit part of the article that says the “predominantly male onlookers allowed the attack to take place.” Keep in mind that’s assuming that the male onlookers were actually male.” Diogenes would not rush to judgement on that lest I be taken as a BLTaphobe.

Also, even if the males were actually male, which they probably might or could have possibly been or not, why in the world would the onlookers defend feminists against their transgender attackers? That could, or may not possibly so or possibly not, be construed as a sexual hate crime against an oppressed group.

Best leave all the bitches alone and let them slap each other senseless until small trickles of blood drip from their collective noses.

The end.

Unfunny Shill for a Zillionaire Commie


The Flo character in Progressive Insurance commercials may get on your last nerve, but she isn’t the best reason to get your insurance elsewhere. Wild Bill for America gives us a better one — Peter Lewis:
Read the Whole Story at Moonbattery

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Who Knew the Pope was a Fan of DMF

I've had flurry of hits from this address lately......and me thinks maybe the Pope is a fan of Middle Finger Symphony Theater......and maybe I should tone down my Good Monday Morning post a bit.......