Friday, January 10, 2014

They Just Don’t Make Political Scandals Like They Used To...

"In 1903, the sitting lieutenant governor of South Carolina shot and killed the editor of the state’s largest newspaper in broad daylight, in front of the State House. Jim Tillman believed the paper’s attacks cost him his bid for governor.  
He was acquitted in a trial controlled by his uncle — former governor and then U.S. Sen. 'Pitchfork Ben' Tillman. He literally got away with murder.
Now that was a scandal.
Yesterday Gov. Chris Christie held a 107-minute presser responding to a story about the politically motivated closure of several traffic lanes leading to the George Washington Bridge." Michael Graham, Boston Herald

Fishnet Friday

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More DOJ Race Based Justice

"The people in Washington running our federal government are more interested in skin color than they are in education." - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal 

"President Obama’s Department of Justice has admitted it cannot prove that Louisiana school choice is violating desegregation efforts, yet it continues to seek the ability to tell a parent their child cannot escape a failing school because their child is not the ‘right’ race. The Department of Justice proposal reeks of federal government intrusion and proves the people in Washington running our federal government are more interested in skin color than they are in education."
So not only does Eric Holder find ways to stifle the betterment of state education improvements by injecting race, he wants race based results in disciplining of problem troublemakers in schools.

"Holder said the problem often stems from well intentioned "zero-tolerance" policies that too often inject the criminal justice system into the resolution of problems. Zero tolerance policies, a tool that became popular in the 1990s, often spell out uniform and swift punishment for offenses such as truancy, smoking or carrying a weapon. Violators can lose classroom time or become saddled with a criminal record."
Attorney General Eric Holder(left) with Unidentified Advisor
"In American schools, black students without disabilities were more than three times as likely as whites to be expelled or suspended, according to government civil rights data collection from 2011-2012. Although black students made up 15 percent of students in the data collection, they made up more than a third of students suspended once, 44 percent of those suspended more than once and more than a third of students expelled.
More than half of students involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement were Hispanic or black, according to the data."
Zero tolerance is one of the only things keeping public school order, and any strike against it is a strike at a chance for a fair start in life for many who want to learn. Blocking school choice, paid for with state tax dollars is oppressive government at it worst and denies a child of any color a descent atmosphere to learn by people in ivory towers who's children attend elitist private schools.

Joe Knows Foreign Policy

I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.- Robert Gates

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Man, The Statesman, The Wee Wee Dance......

Saudi Prince all Wee-Wee'd -Up over US Oil Production

Note to Prince:  The Civilized World is tired of making your two-faced over privileged oppressive pedophile gang of tablecloth wearing thieves rich while you play footsie under the table with terrorist. Fill your gilded swimming pools with your oil and go play in your sandbox.

CNSNews -
Saudi Arabia’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, a billionaire businessman and nephew of Saudi King Abdullah,  said the production of shale oil and natural gas in the United States and other countries, primarily done through fracking, is a real competitive threat to “any oil-producing country in the world,” adding that Saudi Arabia must address the issue because it is a “matter of survival.” New shale oil discoveries “are threats to any oil-producing country in the world...."
"Ninety-two percent of Saudi Arabia’s annual budget comes from oil. Definitely it is a worry and a concern.” Alwaleed also commented that many Saudi leaders did not comprehend the threat posed by oil and natural gas production from shale..."
Because of fracking, America is projected to surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the largest oil producer in 2015, according to the EIA.
In 2008, the United States was producing 5 million barrels of crude oil per day; because of fracking, America is now producing 7 million barrels per day. According to the American Petroleum Institute (API), “A little more than a decade ago natural gas production from shale accounted for 2% of total U.S. output. Today that figure is 37%, and another HIS Global study projects that natural gas developed through the use of hydraulic fracturing will rise to more than 75% of the domestic supply by 2035.”

Monday, January 6, 2014

Science We Much

Better Off Being A Plumber

via sig94
"Since 2011, humanities majors at UCLA are forcibly disassociated from classic Western European thinkers (mean old dead white guys) and force fed the Newspeak socialist, gender-sensitive, hand wringing BS that passes for history in liberal colleges. These colleges are poisoning the minds of our children; they are slam dunking future generations into useless automatons who cannot think outside the herd."
From The American Thinker:
"Where previously, undergrads would have to take one course studying Chaucer, two for Shakespeare, and one on Milton, a "revolt" by junior faculty forced "a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Post-colonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing...."
The implications are frightening. This trend will not reverse itself. People who get postgraduate degrees in gender studies or post-colonial exploitation are only able to find employment in liberal colleges, or else in establishments that require the placement of frozen hamburger patties on a hot surface.