Monday, April 14, 2014

The 12 Unspoken Rules For Being A Liberal

Via Young Conservatives 
1) You justify your beliefs about yourself by your status as a liberal, not your deeds. The most sexist liberal can think of himself as a feminist while the greediest liberal can think of himself as generous. This is because liberals define themselves as being compassionate, open minded, kind, pro-science and intelligent not based on their actions or achievements, but based on their ideology. This is one of the most psychologically appealing aspects of liberalism because it allows you to be an awful person while still thinking of yourself as better than everyone else.
2) You exempt yourself from your attacks on America: Ever notice that liberals don’t include themselves in their attacks on America? When they say, “This is a racist country,” or “,This is a mean country,” they certainly aren’t referring to themselves or people who hold their views. Even though liberals supported the KKK, slaughtering the Indians, and putting the Japanese in internment camps, when they criticize those things, it’s meant as an attack on everyone else EXCEPT LIBER1ALS. The only thing a liberal believes he can truly do wrong is to be insufficiently liberal.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Obama Flexes His Muscle

During a telephone call with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Secretary of State John Kerry "made clear" that if Russia did not take steps to de-escalate in eastern Ukraine and move its troops back from Ukraine's border, there would be additional consequences.  
The Consequences? Obama is sending Joe Biden  to Ukraine later this month. 
Biden's visit is meant to signal to Vladimir Putin the latest developments in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists with the support of Moscow continue an orchestrated campaign of incitement and sabotage to destabilize the Ukrainian state, is unacceptable. 
Wonder if they will paint a red line down the middle of Biden's face......

Friday, April 11, 2014

Jimmy Carter Gives Hillary a Kick in the Cankles

Jimmy Carter, America's favorite 2nd worst President, known for unpresidential like criticism of his successors is still out there writing books, giving droning speeches and on an unending mission to rehabilitate his image, is almost as reliable as Joe Biden when it comes to buffoonish comments.  Among others, calling Barack Obama a "Black Boy" at the 2008 Democrat Convention. But like a clock that's right twice a day, he sometime blindly stumbles headlong into the truth. 

Case in point: Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton took very little action as secretary of State to bring about peace. It was only John Kerry’s coming into office that reinitiated all these very important and crucial issues".
Spot on Jimmy! (be careful, there's a war on women going on ya know).
But then after kicking Hillary, he veers off into Jimmy Carter Land again and starts praising John Kerry and Obama's foreign policy".  
"John Kerry has been successful as Secretary of State because President Obama has been deeply involved in the foreign policy issues of his second term. Since he took over in early 2013 as America’s top diplomat, Kerry has made enormous strides in negotiating with the Israelis and Palestinians, and putting an interim nuclear deal with Iran into motion."
It could be age, but Jimmy doesn't seem to recall the embarrassing Syrian debacle, Putin thumbing his nose at Dear Leader and Kerry just last week whining after making a mess that "mid-east peace had gone Poof. If a peace process can go “poof,” it can’t have been much of a peace process to start with. 

I'm sure Jimmy will be good for a noteworthy comment or two leading up to the presidential primaries, especial if the 2016 Democrat nomination comes down to the party's two paragons of Foreign policy, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Oh, what a debate that will be. 

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Help a Brother Out: GET TAINTED!!

Unfortunately, my friend, comrade and sometime collaborator, the incomparable 'Earl of Taint' has hit a bump on the road of life. He got laid off his job. But Ladies and Gentleman, Earl isn't satisfied to sit around and rot. No Sir. Being quick of wit and motivated of mind, he opened up a venture of his own: Earl's Tainted Gear

Now guys, just imagine being out on the town with a most excellent one-off custom tee-shirt with a genuine original Earl of Taint photoshopped image riding high on your voluptuous lady friend's chest. And girls, just imagine sliding between the sheets with your man while wearing a pair of sexy Earl of Taint Pajamas. Ooooh! Makes me moist just thinkin' about it!

So y'all 'Get Tainted', and help us keep Earl off the public dole. Stop by Earl's Tainted Gear and pick something up for yourself, your sweetie, or your favorite liberal friend. Earl will do custom orders if you ask.