Sunday, November 30, 2014

Good Bye Blue Dogs

Consider this: If Mary Landrieu loses her runoff in Louisiana on Dec 6th there will be not one Democrat controlled house chamber, governor or US Senator from the Carolinas to Texas. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Obama.

Amazingly, Blue Dog Southern Democrats are still analyzing what happened in the last election and how to get competitive again. They think pocketbook issues (as they see them) like raising the minimum wage, are the road to redemption. Well maybe, but stuff like that has about as much chance of success as handing out toys in Kabul hoping to change the hearts and minds of the Taliban. Good luck.

The facts are,  the Democratic Party cannot win without working class whites. In Arkansas a two term incumbent Senator won just 31% of the white vote (with the Clintons campaigning their asses off for him). In Louisiana Landrieu got 18 measly percent! No way in Hell anyone is going to win with those kinds of numbers I don't give a damn if every illegal and every minority in the state votes twice! So what's the problem? Why can't Democrats attract white voters?

It's simple really, white middle-class and working class voters perceive the Democratic Party as their enemy. We're the ones who "didn't build that". We're the racists who need to be punished. We're the ones who's kids are turned away from our universities in favor of a "dreamer" who is way way WAY less qualified. We're the ones who hate gays, "war on women" and cling to our guns and religion. We are the fall guy when Democrats make their pitch to any and every interest group under the sun. We're the bad guys not to be respected or listened to, and we should just shut up and continue to work our asses off to pay for everybody else's food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, drugs, booze and degenerate lifestyle.

So to the Southern Democrat...the very best of luck in your efforts. But the fact is you have worked very hard over many decades to change your image from a Henry "Scoop" Jackson to Justin Bieber, and you can live with the damn results.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

US Ebola Survivors Gather for First Time

Ebola Survivors Gathered Together Showing Little or No
After Affects of the Dangerous Scourge
Six American Ebola survivors, meeting together for the first time as a group Wednesday on TODAY, opened up about the unusual bond they share and the unique reasons they have to be thankful this holiday season. TODAY’s Matt Lauer, who did the interview in full hazmat gear and behind a plate-glass partition, pointed out that while several of the survivors had doubts about participating in the interview, they all jumped at the opportunity to meet each other. All the survivors said they had no regrets about the choices they made, whether serving abroad in West Africa or treating Ebola-stricken patients in the United States.

On Thanksgiving:

"There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American." - O. Henry (1862 - 1910)
Despite our present political atmosphere, as someone who spent most of their early life living in Europe, believe me when I say: We as Americans have much to be thankful for. 

Happy Thanksgiving from DMF

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Great Emperor Feeds His People

This is Called Justice in Obama's Black America

Supposed Brown Shooting Witnesses Testimonies
Full of Lies and Inconsistencies

Not Very Good at Spelling Either  
from AP:

An Associated Press review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents reveals numerous examples of statements made during the shooting investigation that were inconsistent, fabricated or provably wrong. Media coverage of the aftermath made it into the grand jury proceedings.

Jurors were presented with dueling versions from Wilson and Dorian Johnson, who was walking with Brown during the Aug. 9 confrontation. Johnson painted Wilson as provoking the violence, while Wilson said Brown was the aggressor. Other witness accounts also were clearly wrong.
One woman, who said she was smoking a cigarette with a friend nearby, claimed she saw a second police officer in the passenger seat of Wilson's vehicle. When quizzed by a prosecutor, she elaborated: The officer was white, "middle age or young" and in uniform. She said she was positive there was a second officer — even though there was not.
Another woman testified that she saw Brown leaning through the officer's window "from his navel up," with his hand moving up and down, as if he were punching the officer. But when the same witness returned to testify again on another day, she said she suffers from mental disorder, has racist views and that she has trouble distinguishing the truth from things she had read online. Prosecutors suggested the woman had fabricated the entire incident, and wasn't even at the scene the day of the shooting.
Another witness had told the FBI after the shooting that he saw Wilson shoot Brown in the back, and then stand over his prone body to finish him off. But in his grand jury testimony, this witness, acknowledged that he had not seen that part of the shooting, and that what he told the FBI was "based on me being where I'm from and that can be the only assumption that I have."
Another man, describing himself as a friend of Brown's, told a federal investigator that he heard the first gunshot, looked out his window and saw an officer with a gun drawn and Brown "on his knees with his hands in the air." He added: "I seen him shoot him in the head."

Justice was what they wanted? They would have us believe that it is better that Wilson go to prison an innocent man, than the "wrongful death" of the "unarmed", "gentle giant" Michael Brown go unpunished and "the community's" rage go untended.

Mary Possibly Facing the Worst Senatorial Loss in 50 years.

Landrieu May Go Down Harder Then Expected 
by Robert Janicki
Early voting in Louisiana began this past Saturday and voting percentages are up significantly from the primary election held on November 4th as part of the national midterm congressional elections.  The patterns suggest Landrieu will not only lose, but lose very badly with a rout that hasn't been seen in senatorial elections in 50 years.
Pollster John Couvillon believes that the election could go 62-38 for Congressman Dr. Bill Cassidy, which would be a monumental rebuke of Mary Landrieu and might well continue to be viewed as a referendum denunciation of Obama's failed radical liberal policies.

Here you can see a complete breakdown of details inside Couvillion's polling and analysis.

And just a side note: Once again, the Times-Picayune/ has endorsed Sen. Mary Landrieu over her challenger Rep. Bill Cassidy.

Chuck Schumer: Passing Obamacare in 2010 Was a Mistake

I Really Really Dislike This Guy
I’d say passing Obamacare at any time was a mistake. The program was and is a train wreck which is still piling up. The Dems know it. The American people know it. And it is the reason, to a large degree, why the Senate and the House are in GOP hands.

From a purely political standpoint, pushing Obamacare through without even half of the American people on board was a pretty boneheaded move.
“We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem—health care reform.”
The third-ranking Senate Democrat noted that just about 5 percent of registered voters in the United States lacked health insurance before the implementation of the law, arguing that to focus on a problem affecting such “a small percentage of the electoral made no political sense.”

Of course he says this now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

On Ferguson

The morning after the made for TV event that was the spectacle of the first night's rioting in Ferguson (I write it that way as there is probably more to come) and social media is alive with comment. Conservatives and law and order types are doing a bit of an end-zone dance at Officer Wilson's not having been indicted, and Liberals are falling all over themselves to burnish their empathy credentials by showing how "down" they are with the miscreants burning, looting, and injuring.

Like any of these incendiary situations, there really are only "less bad" outcomes, and no real good ones. There are parents, and friends, and relatives who grieve the death of their son and friend. There is a policeman who feared for his life and reacted. There are people who believe they cannot get a square deal from the police. There are people who believe those people should be more restrained in their reactions. Their are business owners waking up today to ruin.

Let's face it. There is no rational logic to looting, burning, and destroying police cars--but this isn't a logical or rational reaction. This is emotion, and we need to view it in those terms. A grand jury has reviewed the evidence and decided not to indict--something RARE indeed in grand jury proceedings (a sign of just how weak the case was). Every single witness corroborating Officer Wilson's testimony was black. No person who made statements about him having shot Mr. Brown in the back actually witnessed the conflict. Those of us sitting in our comfy places watching and tut-tutting probably don't understand deeply enough the mistrust that exists between a good bit of the black community and police forces. I'll wager that if we were to get some of these hooligans to sit down and present them with the evidence, they might even come to the same conclusion as the grand jury--but their reactions would still be the same. This isn't necessarily about Brown's death, it is about perceptions built up over years and simmering rage. The Ferguson incident simply provides a convenient outlet for these emotions.

The inconvenient thing though, is that another man's life and liberty were on the line here, a man paid to protect and keep order, a man who approached two men walking down the middle of the street impeding traffic, when sidewalks were available to them. Putting aside for a moment, this clearly unobjectionable instance of where we as a civil society would wish our police to get involved, upon closer inspection, the men met the description of two men who had just robbed a convenience store and roughed up the proprietor, something store videos later confirmed. I truly believe that there are those protesting in the streets and those sitting in comfy dens of liberal smugness who find none of this important, and that deep down, they would have us sacrifice Officer Brown's freedom in order to sate their sense of injury. They would have us believe that it is better that Wilson go to prison an innocent man, than the "wrongful death" of the "unarmed", "gentle giant" Michael Brown go unpunished and "the community's" rage go untended.

What good comes of this tragic situation? For one thing, the riots last summer and the response shown by law enforcement raise important questions about the increasing militarization of police departments, something that causes me a good deal of pause. Secondly, and this is something Mr. Brown's family has taken up as a cause, there is the growing sense that police should wear body cameras not whose purpose would be not unlike that of the dashboard cameras with which we have all become familiar. These cameras are for the protection of the public AND police alike, and rather than spending gobs of cash on uparmored HUMVEES, I'd like to see cops on the beat so equipped.

And so Ferguson will burn for a few more days, innocent businesses will be ruined, cable news will be fed, and race victimization merchants will take to the hustings, chief among them our President and Attorney General. And the Party which birthed them (Messers Obama and Holder) will continue to treat African Americans as vassals, beholden to the machine that keeps them in the conditions that create the tensions we see spilling over on our TV sets.

Remember.....It's All About Mike

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Earl Takes the Time Machine for a Spin

After Middle Finger News recent acquisition of a fully functional 2nd hand Time Machine and a successful test run, intrepid MFNS Reporter Earl of Taint decided to take it for a spin, and further into the future then before. The brave and daring Earl decided to see what the future held for our present Fearless Leader, B.H. Obama. 

With the inquisitive boldness that is the hallmark of Earls award winning reporting, he travels to the the year of 2044 and gives us this insight. Earl is home and resting well. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Few of the Rave Reviews From Last Night...

Oval Office Outlaw

Obama's Agenda and the Democrat Party Long-Term Health

"President Obama's biggest problem over the next two years may not be coming from recalcitrant Republicans, but from members of his own party blanching at his activist agenda over the final years of his presidency. While the midterm election results suggested widespread dissatisfaction with the president's policies, Obama nonetheless is planning to press forward on several polarizing decisions in his final two years. It could help advance his legacy, but come at the expense of the Democratic Party's long-term health.
 "Three of the administration's biggest agenda items -- threatening a veto of bipartisan legislation authorizing construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, reaching a nuclear deal with Iran, and issuing an executive order legalizing millions of illegal immigrants -- divide Democrats, and unite Republicans. If the president moves forward with all of them, it would aggravate fissures in an increasingly-divided Democratic Party. 
And it would put Hillary Clinton, his party's expected 2016 standard-bearer, in an uncomfortable position even before she announces her candidacy. She's already avoided taking stances, if not outright rejecting the direction Obama is heading during his final two years in office." — Josh Kraushaar, National Journal