Monday, March 9, 2015

Bringing Back the Clintons:

"If you treat IRS rules the way the IRS treats IRS rules, you go to prison; if you treat federal law the way the secretary of state does, you go to prison. If you treat immigration controls the way our immigration authorities do, you go to prison. If you're as careless in your handling of firearms as the ATF is, you go to prison. You cook your business's books the way the federal government cooks its books, you go to prison.
"Hillary Clinton is not going to prison. She's going to release whatever emails she feels like releasing and dare any of you peons or your elected representatives to try to make her do otherwise. You'll take what she offers, and you''ll like it. ...
 "A self-respecting people would have sent this clan of scrofulous grifters and po-faced con artists into whatever passes for exile (comfortable exile, of course) in the 21st century. Instead, we are giving them a serious shot at a return to the White House.
"At least this time, we'll know to keep an eye on the silver." — Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Obama Once Claimed 1965 Selma March Led to His Birth

Just One Problem...He was born in 1961

The man loves to inject himself into historical events, and Saturdays attempt was not the first time he has tried to tie himself personally to a civil rights milestone.

"Many in the mainstream media consider President Barack Obama’s speech Saturday in remembrance of the 50th Anniversary of the Bloody Sunday march to be among his best while in office.
That is in stark contrast, however, to the last time the Chicago Democrat spoke before the crowd in Selma, Alabama – when he either couldn’t remember the year he was born or when the march in Selma actually happened.
According to Twitchy, when the president spoke before an audience in Selma back in 2007, Obama credited the civil rights march as the inspiration for his conception. The only problem with that, as conservative pundit Michelle Malkin points out, is that the president was already three years old when the march occurred in 1965."
From Obama’s 2007 speech: 
“This young man named Barack Obama got one of those tickets [to study in the U.S.], and he met this woman who’s great-great-great-great grandfather had owned saves,” he said.
“But she had a different idea. There’s some good craziness going on, because they looked at each other and they decided that we know that in the world that it has been it might not be possible for us to get together and have a child. But something’s stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together… Barack Obama, Jr. was born.
“So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home when I come to Selma, Alabama. I’m here because somebody marched for our freedom. I’m here because somebody marched for me. I stand on the shoulders of giants."....... 

Barack Obama's publicized life is full of secrets, shady characters , misdirections, lies and fairy tales, so full even he can't keep it straight......

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Only Known Photograph of Winston Churchill and Barack Obama

The Rules According to Clinton:

"Hillary Clinton hasn't even begun her expected presidential candidacy, but already Americans are being reminded of the political entertainment they can expect. To wit, the normal rules of government ethics and transparency apply to everyone except Bill and Hillary. ...
 The real story here is that none of this is a surprise. This is how the Clintons roll. They're a political version of the old Peanuts cartoon character who was always surrounded by a cloud of dirt. Ethical shortcuts and controversies are standard operating procedure. A brief 1990s roll call: The Riadys, Johnny Chung, Travelgate, the vanishing Rose billing records, a killing in cattle futures, the Marc Rich pardon.
 The Clintons and Democrats want Americans to forget all of that. But as the email and foundation discoveries show, the Clintons haven't changed. They still think they can do what they please and get away with it." — The Editors, The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Clinton Private Server Listed Under Mysterious,
Untraceable Name

The computer server that transmitted and received Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails — on a private account she used exclusively for official business when she was secretary of state — traced back to an Internet service registered to her family’s home in Chappaqua, New York, according to Internet records reviewed by The Associated Press.
The highly unusual practice of a Cabinet-level official physically running her own email would have given Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, impressive control over limiting access to her message archives. 
It remains unclear exactly who set up and maintained the private email server for Clinton, but the AP traced it back to Eric Hoteham – a mysterious identity that “does not appear in public records databases, campaign contribution records or Internet background searches.”  However, Hoteham’s name is listed as a customer at the Clinton’s $1.7 million estate on Old House Lane in Chappaqua. The records have been registered for the Internet address for her email server since August 2010 and Hoteham is also listed as someone associated with the website “” and a defunct address for “”
Operating her own server would have afforded Clinton additional legal opportunities to block government or private subpoenas in criminal, administrative or civil cases because her lawyers could object in court before being forced to turn over any emails.
Read More 

Negotiations with Iran

"Barack Obama wants us all to simmer down about Iran. He wants Senator Bob Menendez, a fellow Democrat, and the donors he represents to butt out of the sanctions debate. He wants Republicans to quit crying wolf about Iran's nuclear weapons program. He wants the media to stop hyping terror threats. He wants the American people in the dark about the secret correspondence he's had for years with Iran's supreme leader. He wants John Boehner to be mindful of protocol. And most of all, he wants Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop questioning his accommodationist approach to Tehran.
"With the breezy confidence that is his trademark, the president has repeatedly delivered a reassuring message on Iran to the country and the world: Trust me.
"With respect, Mr. President: No." — Stephen F. Hayes, The Weekly Standard

Playing Through......

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Google To Be Our New Purveyor Of The Truth

No one will dispute the interwebs are stuffed full with non-sense, mis-information and propaganda from every direction. Until now it was up to us to use our common sense to decide what we believe, or choose not to believe. But Internet giant Google, who's data bases most search engines access for searches will soon be our new truth squad, keeping us safe from lies and deceit. They have devised a fix..... 

From NewScientist
Google's search engine currently uses the number of incoming links to a web page as a proxy for quality, determining where it appears in search results. So pages that many other sites link to are ranked higher. This system has brought us the search engine as we know it today, but the downside is that websites full of misinformation can rise up the rankings, if enough people link to them.
A Google research team is adapting that model to measure the trustworthiness of a page, rather than its reputation across the web. Instead of counting incoming links, the system – which is not yet live – counts the number of incorrect facts within a page. "A source that has few false facts is considered to be trustworthy," says the team ( The score they compute for each page is its Knowledge-Based Trust score.
The software works by tapping into the Knowledge Vault, the vast store of facts that Google has pulled off the internet. they mean the same Internet full of false and misleading information....
There are already lots of apps that try to help internet users unearth the truth. Emergent, a project from the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, New York, pulls in rumours from trashy sites, then verifies or rebuts them by cross-referencing to other sources.
LazyTruth developer Matt Stempeck, now the director of civic media at Microsoft New York, wants to develop software that exports the knowledge found in fact-checking services such as Snopes, PolitiFact and so that everyone has easy access to them. He says tools like LazyTruth are useful online, but challenging the erroneous beliefs underpinning that information is harder. "How do you correct people's misconceptions? People get very defensive," Stempeck says. "If they're searching for the answer on Google they might be in a much more receptive state."
That should make you feel better.  You will soon have "Guardians of Truth" looking out for you.....truth merchants like Google and their  Knowledge-Base,, PoliticalFact and to name a few. 

I have to admit, is a good source for confirming if male Bigfoot do indeed have three testicles or not, or if the rat droppings in your box of Special K cereal will cause your internal organs to turn to mush and make your head explode.  But they have a known to trip over themselves to spin embarrassing statements of left leaning politicians and celebrities.   

PolitiFact is part of the Poynter Institute, a school for journalists in St. Petersburg, Fla. and known for a such a  marked ideological bias, that a website was created to fact-check the fact checkers.    The Tampa Bay Times, which produces the PolitFact Truth-o-Meter, has not endorsed a single Republican candidate this century for any of the three most important positions on the Florida election ballot.  is Project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center. That should be all you need to know there. They are firmly in the Global Warming camp and many of the PBS media commentators of the past are entrenched in the works. A little time on their pages give no doubt which way their unbiased fact-checking leans. 

So have no fear Truth Seekers, in the future your Internet searches will be fact checked for righteousness by the 'Holders of the Truth'. And now that 'We The People' in Washington have set the Internet free from oppression, in your  more receptive state" the Giants at Google will guarantee it's truthfulness for all.

Long Live Google, and Power to the Correct People!

Monday, March 2, 2015

We're Gonna Miss Ya Babs...

3 Things You Never Knew Are Hidden On The $1 Bill

Middle Finger News Service

You probably have a $1 bill in your wallet right now, but have you looked close enough to
see the symbolism hidden right in plain sight?

#1 - Instructions For How To Use A Dollar Bill

The designers of the $1 bill had a unique vision for the smallest unit of paper money, and part
of it included printing a set of instructions for how to use the dollar bill on the bill itself.
Read “The Instructions,” as they’re commonly called, in the picture above!

#2 - Free  Coupons 

Once you see this one, it can’t be unseen. Just to the right of Washington’s head, there’s a relatively
unnoticeable dotted line. To the right of that line is a tear-off coupon for a free appetizer or dessert
with purchase of an adult entrées at Chili’s.

#3 - The Faded Croz

If you don’t look hard enough you just might miss it, but the faded picture of musician David Crosby,
commonly  known as The Faded Croz, is mysteriously nestled to the left of Washington’s portrait.
Many have debated its meaning, but most agree that it portends some sort of tragic event in
the nation’s future. Illuminati? You be the judge.

Arrogant Media Elites Mock Middle America

By Salena Zito via RCP
The media's elitists just keep getting you wrong, America. And this has nothing to do with whether something is or isn't a “gotcha” question, because that is always the easy excuse for any candidate who is unhappy with a news story.
The root of the problem is how Washington and New York media view Americans and their values beyond the powerful, wealthy and intellectually elite world; it is a much deeper, disturbing and, yes, dangerous problem than the silly questions. Last week the DC-New York media responded in epic fashion to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's comment that he didn't think President Obama “loves” America. They nearly tripped over themselves to ask every potential GOP presidential contender if he agreed with Giuliani; their braying eventually led to mocking Christians.
In an interview with the Trib, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said that while Giuliani could have better framed his point, it was accurate. Then Jindal offered a critical observation: When we face truly grave concerns, from economic disconnection to radicalized Islam, why did this supposed issue rise above those others for so long and with such velocity?
Jindal nailed it.
Reporters will always ask questions that place candidates in a pinch; that's their job, Jindal said. But this time, they took that responsibility to a different level.  When reporters manipulate answers in order to drive clicks to their websites, or try over and over to “drive” news with non-news, it's a dangerous game.
For the elites, the Rudy incident was a Big Story.  But most Americans knew nothing about it, or wondered why it mattered.
In Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio bars, diners and bakeries and on the streets, the Americans I interviewed — men, women, whites, blacks, old, young — repeatedly said Giuliani wasn't running for office, so why should we care what he said.
Many of them blamed my profession for not asking real questions, such as what are we doing about national threats like ISIS, have the Veterans Affairs problems been fixed, or is that top-heavy economy rolling their way anytime soon.  A lot of them believe the New York-Washington press corps fundamentally misunderstands where Middle America voters stand on such issues.
Most of them marveled at how those journalists became obsessed with Giuliani's words at a time when the president is asking for congressional authorization of his use of military force that doesn't involve much military force — and were amazed that this was not the week's real scandal.
But the need to drive the news got worse: First, a Washington Post reporter asked Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker if he thought Obama was a Christian; Walker replied that he didn't know because he'd never asked the president about his religious beliefs.  Walker's answer led to the braying-of-the-jackasses on social media, followed by widespread mocking of the Wisconsin Republican's recurring comment that he talks with God. (Repeated tweets noted that he was recently asked under public records laws to provide “a copy/transcript of all communications with God, the Lord, Christ, Jesus or any other form of deity.”)
On any given Sunday, outside the Washington-New York bubble, people go to church, pray, eat breakfast with their families — and make God an integral part of their lives. They don't understand the press mocking that tradition.  And I am not just talking about conservatives here. Millions of religious Democrats are out there, values-voters who have not shown up for presidential elections in recent years, all because of the same kind of disconnect.
A reporter's job is to report the news, not to drive it or to create it. A reporter's audience is not just an echo chamber, not just D.C. friends, rivals, partisans and followers on social media. (Remember: Only 8 percent of Americans get their news through Twitter.)  As consumers of news, most Americans want an honest look at the potential presidential candidates and where they stand on serious issues.
Reporters mock those news-consumers when they mock candidates who aren't like the reporters themselves — but who are very much like normal Americans.
It is unforgivably arrogant for anyone in the media to think that the rest of the country thinks like they do.