Monday, May 11, 2015

Tragedy Strikes the Hilton Hotel Empire

It is common knowledge to the regular readers of DMF that we have little no respect for the bed bug ridden Hilton Hotel Chain and their small minded personal vendetta toward DMF/MFNS that they insist on continuing.  And while we refuse to lower ourselves to their level and choose to ignore their closed minded prejudices against our Fair and Balanced editorial views and slam of our journalistic integrity, we can't help but share in their loss of one the more unfortunate members of the Hilton family empire.

RIP - Tinkerbell V. Hilton
Middle Finger News Service Wire

Paris Hilton’s Chihuahua Finally Dies of Embarrassment

(Beverly Hills) - The Chihuahua which Paris Hilton famously carried around in her handbag everywhere she went is believed  to have finally passed away from embarrassment over the weekend, we now can report. Hilton kept the poor, benighted animal in her handbag for 14 long, miserable years until it finally entered a far, far better world late Saturday night.

The Chihuahua, named Tinkerbell, is said to have died when the embarrassment of wearing ‘the most delightful little diamond-studded pink-frilled two piece and tiara’ finally tipped her over the edge into a terminal decline.

A source close to Tinkerbell said:
“For years she would spend her days mortified at the abomination she had become under Paris’ ownership. How many self-respecting dogs own cashmere sweaters and silk neckerchiefs?  She was derided amongst her own kind and longed for the blessed relief of eternal rest. Finally she is at peace.”
The fashion statement of keeping miniature animals in handbags first appeared in the early 2000’s among people who like their personal accessories to smell of dog piss, and has proven to be inexplicably popular among America's female 1% elite.  Entire breeds of miniature dog were created which existed solely to fill the clutch bags of witless socialites.

MFNS Fashion Correspondent Julian Ferret-Smartly: 
“It’s the end of an era really.  Paris single-handedly created the trend for tiny shit-machines in your handbag, and she stuck with it through thick and thin. I expect she’s completely distraught. What’s going to relieve itself in her purse now?”
A spokesman for Paris Hilton told us she hoped to move on from the death of her beloved pet, and aimed to start a new trend by keeping incontinent pigeons in her Purse.

When word of the tragic circumstances and death of Tinkerbell reached Pair Hilton's one time BFF Kim Kardashian , she tweeted:
"so sorry 4 your los. guess i better ree think draggin my monkey around so much"  #buhbyetinkerbell

A Good Monday Morning

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Don't Forget to Call Your Mom..........or at Least Get on Hillary's Call List........

Ma Clinton's New Hook to Reel-In Young Voters

Debt-Free College:
Subsidized Rich People, and Fancy Pants Schools

The 2014 election was due to a shortage of audaciously progressive ideas, 
just not enough hope and change.

Ma Clinton's political advisor's new scheme to garner potential democrat votes for 2016 is aimed at young voters with the bright idea of a promise of  debt free college education. And like with most all modern progressive ideas, it involves unloading your pocket book....sooner or later.
"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is floating the idea that government largesse should allow students to graduate from four-year colleges with no loan debt in an attempt to lure college-age and twenty-something people to vote for her.
“What voters are looking for in this election is someone who is going to be a champion for everyday people,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNBC on Wednesday.  Mook insinuated Clinton strategists expect that college students may be reluctant to vote for the senior citizen without more incentive.
As The Washington Post’s Wonkblog observes, the people most likely to benefit from any debt-free college scheme are wealthy and upper middle-class college students and their parents.
About 40 percent of all Americans held any sort of degree beyond a high school diploma (two-year degree, four-year degree, etc.). That 40 percent corresponds very closely with the percentage of Americans in the top 40 percent of income distribution in the United States.
Thus, the criticism goes, debt-free college is likely to be an income perk for rich people who, to whatever extent they need or want income perks, are already considerably better off than all the poor people below them on the economic ladder.
A debt-free college plan involving private colleges and universities could subsidize a multitude of schools with endowments larger than the annual gross-domestic products of many underdeveloped nations.
You can expect to hear it is "Socially Unjust" for students to 'finish college with debt' coming from the mouths of progressives in the coming months. The idea comes from Germany, the highest tax society in Europe, who last year overturned tuition and fees for all universites.  

But some already see this idea, as with the Affordable Care Act, just another democrat polished turd.......
"It is clear in the United States, with annual tuition fees in the $40,000s or $50,000s and millionaire university presidents, that federal subsidies have led to outrageous increases in university spending, as universities, administrators, and faculty enjoy the benefits of captured student loan and grant moneys...." 
And then of course, in the name of fairness,  free college education will eventually be extended to foreign students and illegals, payed for by you, Mr.& Mrs. Taxpayer.   

Friday, May 8, 2015

Team Obama 0 for 3 this Season

Obama Strategist- 0   US Congressional Election- 1 
Obama Strategist- 0   Israeli  Elections- 1 
Obama Strategist- 0    UK Elections- 1

Please Say Prayer for Mad Jack

via The Blog Of Monte Cristo 
"Conservative blogger and Vietnam veteran Mad Jack has been a solid figure and strong voice on many conservative websites since the Age of O’Bozo began back in roughly 2009. He was one of the very first regulars on Diogenes Middle Finger, and he’s kept the comments flowing on and for just about as long. Somewhere during that time he also showed up at Adrienne’s Place and Proof’s and Odie’s and the Earl’s and Curmudgeon’s and Dianny’s and many more, including this one.
Well, Jack’s not going anywhere, but you may have noticed that he’s not as prolific as he has been in the past, and there’s a reason for the recent slow-down. Jack’s health has been suffering lately, and he’s been diagnosed with cancer. In fact, he goes into the doctor later today to find out how advanced the condition is.
In the mean time, please join me in praying for the gentleman and his good wife, who is not so happy about the situation, either. We await your update in the next few days, Jack."
Like many of Jack's generation, he served his country bravely. As friends we should offer up our prays for him and his family for his health, and a complete and full recovery.

God Bless You Jack.

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Preferred Candidate of Millionaires Is…....

It has been a myth for decades now that the Republican Party is the party of the rich. For the most part, the middle class has been republican since Ronald Reagan made the country realize they were the salt of America, the backbone of the republic.

But with out-of-balance trade agreements and the largest transfer of American technology to foreign countries  during the Bill Clinton administration , thus setting up of the shipping jobs overseas, and democrats politicians turning a blind eye to the excesses of big banking (see housing bubble) the wealthy have made out like bandits.

"Hillary Clinton is the favorite U.S. presidential candidate among millionaire voters and would win a head-to-head contest with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, according to the third CNBC Millionaire Survey conducted in March.
She may be campaigning to earn the trust of the 99% by promising to steal from the rich and give to the well the bloated federal organizations that once claimed to serve the poor. But Hillary Clinton's most ardent fan base doesn't have a whole lot in common with the common man."

"The survey, which polls 750 Americans with a net worth of $1 million or more, found that 53 percent of millionaires would vote for the Democratic ex-Secretary of State, compared with 47 percent for the GOP presidential hopeful, in a hypothetical general-election match-up. Clinton had the support of 91 percent of Democratic millionaires, 13 percent of Republican millionaires and 57 percent of Independent millionaires." -   Read More
Barack Obama and the democrats have decimated the middle class and have done nothing but produce more dependence on government of the poor, creating the largest income imbalance since the robber barons of the early twenty century. Yet their phony new mantra for 2016 is now "the middle class economy". 

So it's no surprise younger millionaires support Hillary Clinton. It's  massive incomes in Media, Hollywood, and corporate incomes like Apple have Wall Street and their wealthiest investors know on what side their bread is buttered on. 

They look for a new boss, same as the old boss.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

From the MFNS Archives: Muhammad and the 3rd Annual No Pants Subway Ride

3rd Annual No Pants Subway Ride - NYC 2004

Alex Jones Has lost Control of the Troops

The High Priest of conspiracy theorists, INFOWAR's Alex Jones, has totally lost control of his Armyof nuts. He has tried to calm the fears of the Operation Jade Helm 15 truthers that a handful of Walmart closings around the country are not being used to dig tunnels to China to facilitate a Red invasion, and have absolutely nothing to do with the TOTALLY REAL Jade Helm conspiracy, which is that routine military exercise that is actually a secret plot whereby President Obama plans to invade and conquer Texas.  

Who can even know what Obama has up his sleeve? But since the troops just won’t listen to General Jones, Walmart has had to jump in and issue perhaps the most awesome press release in the history of Walmart:

  Talking Points Memo  
“There’s no truth to the rumors. The tunnels are part of a series of conspiracy theories surrounding “Jade Helm 15,” a military training operation set to take place later this year in seven Western states....."  
Theorists have suggested that five Wal-Mart retail locations were shuttered abruptly because of Jade Helm 15. They have suggested that the closed stores, one of which is located in Texas, will serve as “food distribution centers” and will be used to “house the headquarters of invading troops from China, here to disarm Americans one by one.”
We really want to know what Walmart's Community Relations Lorenzo Lopez’s face looked like when he had to send that email. Of course, he probably was wearing the evil grin of somebody who’s IN ON THE CONSPIRACY. And oh God, now that Walmart has become One Of Them, where will the Jade Helm conspiracy nuts buy their supplies for the coming Obamapocalypse, apparently involving hordes of Chinese gun grabbing invaders?  

This comes on the heels of the Pentagon ALSO trying to reassure  the possibly clinically insane Jones followers currently stockpiling powdered milk for the coming war that no, they actually are not planning to use a routine military exercise to take over Texas.  

 Of course, Walmart’s reassurances, and the Pentagon’s reassurances, will do nothing to relieve the pants-shittin' fears of those who somehow managed to convince Texas Gov. Greg Abbott that this “crisis” was worth activating Texas’s State Guard. They KNOW the truth. And when absolutely nothing happens, when their fear boners subside, they can always fall back on chem-trails or overzealous masturbation, or whatever other stuff they like to do.

And Now a Word From Sigmund.......

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Our Classless First Lady: Museums are for White People

America's most classless First Lady ever joins in the chorus of
race-baiters on blame for the ills of non-white children.

First lady Michelle Obama used a speech Monday that was supposed to be celebrating the opening of a new museum to instead dig deeper the racial divide that’s been growing ever wider during her husband’s presidency.
“Museums and concert halls,” she said, just don’t welcome non-white visitors – especially children – the way they welcome whites.
Speaking at the new Whitney museum in New York City’s meat packing district last week, Obama said she grew up thinking that museums were not places “for someone who looks like me.”
"You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.
And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people."
According to Twitchy, Obama’s remarks went largely unnoticed outside of the event, until a local radio host reported on “Museums as White Spaces.”

Michelle Obama clearly illustrates what is wrong with America and it's leadership. Why does she believe "there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum ?"  Because she was probably taught to believe so, just as many children today are being taught they have their own 'culture' and should relate only to their own kind, even if it's detrimental to their achievement and success in life.

Or maybe her problem is the museums and halls are filled primarily with the works of people of European decent, the very people who gave her the system of civilization and human advancement that allowed even someone like her the opportunity to become the wife of the most powerful man in the world of the President and First Lady of a country that she seems to so dislike. 

Museums and Concert Halls are filled with a "Cultural Experience" that belongs to humanity, not a skin color. If you feel you don't belong there, that's a prejudicial problem of yours,........and you own it.