via The Blog Of Monte Cristo
God Bless You Jack.
"Conservative blogger and Vietnam veteran Mad Jack has been a solid figure and strong voice on many conservative websites since the Age of O’Bozo began back in roughly 2009. He was one of the very first regulars on Diogenes Middle Finger, and he’s kept the comments flowing on and for just about as long. Somewhere during that time he also showed up at Adrienne’s Place and Proof’s and Odie’s and the Earl’s and Curmudgeon’s and Dianny’s and many more, including this one.
Well, Jack’s not going anywhere, but you may have noticed that he’s not as prolific as he has been in the past, and there’s a reason for the recent slow-down. Jack’s health has been suffering lately, and he’s been diagnosed with cancer. In fact, he goes into the doctor later today to find out how advanced the condition is.
In the mean time, please join me in praying for the gentleman and his good wife, who is not so happy about the situation, either. We await your update in the next few days, Jack."Like many of Jack's generation, he served his country bravely. As friends we should offer up our prays for him and his family for his health, and a complete and full recovery.
God Bless You Jack.