Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Flirting with Recession:

"She's a real nowhere girl. Sitting in her nowhere world. Making all her nowhere plans for nobody.  She's trying so fervently to come up with at least one new, inspiring idea to jump-start a moribund economy and help the financially stressed-out middle class. She's like the economics professor in 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off': 'Anyone? Anyone?' But the left's idea cupboard is pitifully empty. They literally, not figuratively, have nothing to offer except tax, spend, spin and then hit the button again..... 
"The Tax Foundation says that the Clinton tax and economic plan will actually reduce jobs by 300,000 and subtract from our already weakling economic growth rate. That means we will be flirting with recession.

"In short, this nowhere girl has a nowhere plan -- for nobody." Stephen Moore, Freedom Works

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It's Okay Obama, We Got This......

After a quick overnight trip with friends to deliver some needed local donations of supplies to sheltered evacuees in Baton Rouge,  I couldn't but help have some thoughts about how we are in this country today.

I'm actually glad to see our fearless leader not interrupt his semi-retirement and taxpayer funded vacation to Martha's Vineyard by doing a silly Air Force One flyover of the devastated flood areas of South Louisiana, forcing his loving media to embarrassed him by writing  how uncaring and inept he is as a leader like they did George Bush after Katrina. And I'm glad to see his media, not buzzing about like mosquitoes sticking microphones in every poor black persons face that has lost their whole world. After-all, this time there is no political party to try and damage, and they really wouldn't want to harm the chances of Baton Rouge electing there first Black female mayor. 

And because I think Obama knows there are other more important events for the media to report these days, like two gay Olympic divers getting engaged on the beach in Rio, Adele performing at the Superbowl and being self-conscious about dancing, and the American people's absolutely need to know the stupid-thing-of-the day that Trump said as well as the sketchy-detail-of-the-day coming out about Ma Clinton, there is really no reason to show concern.

I cannot even imagine the anxiety of people looking at South Louisiana from a far and seeing the dark black vats of jambalaya, the deep silver pots of bubbling gumbo, and even three inches of red meat smoking on a wood burning grill as we feed our friends, and our crazy neighbor who thinks their cat is the reincarnation of a former president. The media would find we pack it in little styrofoam containers with a roll and walk it down the street. We'll force you to make a to-go plate even though you swear you have enough already. 

The media would certainly find the scruffy fisherman who went out of his way to pull people from the tops of houses, loaded them in, and then braved murky river water to deliver them to safety.

They would find the woman who's been at Celtic Studios all day, lifting cases of water, escorting elderly off of the helicopters that are landing nearby, carefully keeping track of makeshift spreadsheets so that word can get out about who is there...and who's not, and still finds time to hold a hand of a teenager who's lost everything to the water.

You'd be invited into homes that only have a sliver of floor for another air mattress to spare, and have to stand while you eat your dinner and someone will try to take your hand while grace is being said. Working together. Self-Sacrifice. Love. Forgiveness. Healing. Service. Prayer. Friendship. These aren't things that the mass media seemingly wants us as Americans to embrace.

Sometimes I watch the TV considering your perspective, and I can't help but giving in momentarily to the despair. Violence. Divisiveness. Vanity. Me-first. It's everywhere. It's everywhere because you put it there. 

You shouldn't come here because you'll find a people at the very end of their ropes extending their hands to their neighbor. You shouldn't come here because you'll find tireless spirits ready to save a stranger regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, OR SEC affiliation. You'd find shelters full of despondent yet grateful people who are coming to grips with the fact that their material world is gone, but the things that matter remain and cannot be washed away by the ferocity of nature.

You'd find rows of 4x4 pickup trucks with boats being trailed behind them headed to the once busy city streets to conduct rescue not because of compensation and not because of order by the government, but because of the unspoken creed that holds Louisiana together as something more than just people living near each other. And America might just see we are not the poor, backward southern Red State you like to portray us to be to the country, with our hands out begging for federal handouts and unable to care for ourselves without. 

You see, I learned very early after settling in Louisiana before Katrina, that if you live for long here, you are not FROM Louisiana, your are OF Louisiana. 

As If You Needed Another Reason to Question NBC Polls

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Friday, August 12, 2016

North Korea Continues to Dominate Olympic Gold

via the Tweeter

The Punch and Judy of Global Plantation Slavery

Found within the WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton email archive is an email with the subject ‘Unrest in Albania,’ in which Soros makes clear to Clinton that “two things need to be done urgently.” He then directs the Secretary of State to “bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha” and “appoint a senior European official as mediator.” Revealing the influence he wields within the corridors of power, Soros then provides Secretary of State Clinton with three names from which to choose. Unsurprisingly, Clinton acquiesced and chose one of the officials recommended by Soros — Miroslav Lajcak.

Tellingly, Soros has committed $25 million dollars to the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, which, per standard Clinton operating procedure, is indicative of the symbiotic relationship of favors between the billionaire and his political puppets.

With Clinton’s relationship with Soros on full display – taking donations and orders – Americans can be virtually certain that big money donations to the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation equate to official political favors from the U.S. government.

Fishnet Friday

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Who’s Behind This Mysterious Website?

The website LongRoom hosts a polling page that purports to “remove the bias in the polls,” which mostly has the effect of showing Donald Trump up in the presidential race, though most polls show Hillary Clinton leading him by a single-digit margin. The site just popped up with polls out of nowhere and the site’s “staff” has all the appearance of being fictitious. 

Websites with excellent records of forecasting everything from sports to politics like "FiveThirtyEight" polls-only forecast, which consolidates hundreds of polls, show Clinton winning the popular vote 48.9 percent to 41.5 percent if the election was held today. The forecast gives her an 86.3 percent chance of winning the election right now. According to the most recent check-in with LongRoom, Trump is leading Clinton by 0.6 percentage points. The site’s methodology page assures readers that “it is a mathematical certainty, that as the election approaches, all of the polls will begin to match the polls here on LongRoom.”

That's comforting and good to know. But there are questions.

Here's 538's take on all this:

“LongRoom claims to “unbias” the polls using “actual state voter registration data from the Secretary of State or Election Division of each state.” The website contends that almost every public poll is biased in favor of Clinton. Think about what that means: The website is saying that a large number of honest professional pollsters who make their living trying to provide accurate information — and have a good record of doing so — are all deliberately biasing the polls and aren’t correcting for it.  
I’d also point out that election offices from different states collect different data. Some states don’t have party registration; other states don’t collect data on a person’s race; some states collect data on neither. There are some companies that try to fill in missing data for each state, though it costs a lot to get that data. Isn’t it more plausible the people who get paid to know what they are doing are right, while some anonymous website on the internet with unclear methodology is wrong?”
In 2012, Dean Chambers did much the same thing, “unskewing” the polls that correctly showed Mitt Romney losing, only to admit after the election that he’d been misguided in his efforts — Chambers’s name was out in the press and to his credit, he publicly took stock of his mistakes after the fact. But LongRoom and whoever runs it has gone out of its way to obfuscate its identity. The site has an “about us” page which lists four people associated with the site, but they each seem to be without any semblance of an online paper trail, an odd thing in the age of the internet.
“Michael Ellis,” the man listed as LongRoom’s managing editor, is described in only the vaguest of terms as “an Internet Executive with over 23 years of experience, including general management of mid to large sized publications. He has been involved with internet community management his entire career.” The three other staff members have similarly indistinct bios, and rather than photographed headshots, the staff is depicted in sketches. None of the staff appears to have Twitter accounts, let alone follow the @LongRoomNews account. Searches for the staff on other social networking sites did not lead anywhere and there is no listed point of contact for any of the LongRoom staff members anywhere on the site. FiveThirtyEight reached out to the site’s only point of contact for comment — a support email address — and did not hear back. A public records search for LongRoom yielded no results for the business. 
But an analysis of the site’s IP address showed that in April 2015, LongRoom switched its registration to a domain that for a fee, allows registrants to keep their names private — Domains By Proxy, LLC. The last name associated with the website, as recently as January 2015, is Fred Waid, who listed the site’s associated organization as “American Separatist” based out of New Mexico.
My first thought when I saw the site a couple of days ago was that it was a college project, like one used as research for a dissertation. Now I'm not so sure.