Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Bert the Farting Hippo vs. The Eclipse Glasses

Im sorry. This is actually Representive Shelia Jackson Lee. I get the two mixed up all the time.

A Few Good Reasons Future Generations Will Mock Us, As They Should....

Excerpts from KEVIN DOWNEY JR.@PJM

We like to look back and laugh at some of the dumber things our predecessors used to find acceptable, if not normal. Whether our great-grandparents were fining the ugly, pretending smoking was healthy, or giving themselves cancer every time they bought shoes, they had no idea that we, their supposedly more civilized progeny, would laugh at them decades later. 

The difference between them and us? We laugh at them because of their lack of knowledge at the time. We will be mocked for our prideful ignorance.  

1. COVID Codswallop: Professional athletes fought the virus by playing for cardboard crowds. As the world's elected leaders and supposedly greatest medical thinkers took it upon themselves to make insane rules to battle a virus that more than 99% of Americans would survive, nothing looked more insane than professional sports teams playing before an audience entirely made up of cardboard cutouts. Even worse, some narcissistic wonders actually paid money to those teams to use their likenesses on a cutout. 

Megalomaniacal politicians couldn't wait to spew their own brand of tyranny. Mayors shut down basketball courts. School band leaders told their music students to cut holes in their masks. Then-governor Andy Cuomo (D-N.Y.) beclowned himself by declaring that bars could only stay open if they sold food, as though COVID-19 dodged people masticating. Even rules for touching other's persons balls.

2. That's a man, baby!: In the year *2124, people will sit in their cube-apartments and snack on crickets as they look back at us and chortle like the by-then-extinct Howler monkey over the truth bomb that many Americans actually fell for the notion that a man can be a woman by simply stating he is one. (* In this aforementioned scenario, the Marxists have won. All the cows were killed to "make the weather better." Howler monkeys were hunted and BBQ'ed to extinction by 2077.) 

Getting the nation to believe that a man is a woman because he says so isn't the worst of it. Men in dresses were then allowed to pummel women in sporting events. Female athletes who spoke out were threatened into silence. Crazy men "proved" that they were "real women" by inserting frozen tomato paste into their bahookies and pretending to "celebrate their menus." Rational people who didn't play along were fired from their jobs.

3. We allowed ourselves to be replaced. Sure, your grandfather seems grotesque for allowing a doctor to place leeches on his skin or sitting in a filthy Saratoga Springs bathtub to "take in the waters" for his health. Wanna know what Gramps didn't do? He didn't sit back as his nation was taken over. Grandad lied about his age so he could fight tyranny in French hedgerows or on an island thousands of miles away he'd never heard of. Grandma built B-24 bombers in Willow Run, Mich.

We sat back and merely whined as our large blue cities went broke caring for illegal immigrants before sending them into our communities. We complained as our elderly were booted from nursing homes to make room for people who shouldn't be here in the first place, but we didn't do anything. 

We bemoaned the atrocity of paying an illegal family of four more money than we give to a family of four with a disabled military veteran. But in the end, all we did was complain.

Then we did the dumbest thing any supposedly smart society has ever done.........

4. We didn't fire the tyrants: The most laughable move Americans are guilty of is our seemingly eager desire to rehire the monsters who tried to turn the U.S. into a COVID-ridden, commie, transgender hellhole. We the People voted, by and large, to retain the imbecile politicians who plied us with COVID despotism, illegal immigration, and transgender tyranny.

Our generation faces jail for "misgendering" a bearded lady. Even parents in red states have lost their kids to the state because they refused to allow their children to Ginsu their genitals. People remain silent as transamobobs molest kids in restrooms, all because we fear being called "transphobic."

Even more laughable, we sat back and watched those we elected open the borders and allow our replacements to flood into our communities. Yes Americans, You are being replaced. All of us!

Our response to all this madness? We bent our knees and re-elected most of the miscreants who did this to us.  We deserve to be mocked mercilessly, starting today.

~ Thank You Larwyn's Linx@ Doug Ross Journal for the Linkage! ~

Monday, April 8, 2024

Note To Readers:

Let's help a Blog Brother out.

Longtime Conservative Blogger Doug Hagin @The Daily Gator has hit a difficult patch in life many do these days. He can use our help and support right now. Doug does good work and we need all the voices we have at this time.

Here is a lnk to Doug's Go-Fund Me if you can step up and throw some bucks his way to help Doug out.  

A Good Monday Morning

Friday, April 5, 2024

Middle Finger Symphony Theater

 ~ No Tuxedos Required ~

    Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY: Middle Finger Symphony Chair of Music  

Middle Finger Symphony Theater&#8482 
Every Friday at 2:30pm CT

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Your Official Almost Semi-World Famous Irredeemable Big Ass Mid-Week Open Thread.

Your Beloved Blog Editrix, Who Loves Each and Everyone of You, Reluctantly Turns Things Over to You Cause She Got Some Serious Shit to Attend To. Regular ground rules apply......

Use the Coasters and don't give the Sasquatch any liquor. 

The floor is yours......

Georgia Passes Election Security Bills Intended on Thwarting Democrat Vote Counting Shenanigans

"Prior to 2020, most citizens were quietly asleep at the switch, thinking their government would never screw them over. They finally woke up and said, 'This isn't right. Something is wrong.' They got involved. And I mean tons of people got involved in their local GOPs, in the Republican assemblies, they started going to events, and they were paying attention." - David Cross 
After two years of debate and loud and persistent grassroots activism, the Georgia Assembly voted to beef up security in Georgia's elections substantially. According to election security activist David Cross, one of the most significant changes will be the addition of a "visible watermark security feature" on ballots that will identify each ballot as an "official Georgia ballot."

Three bills, SB189, HB974, and HB1207, are said to go a long way to end "unverifiable, secretly counted elections" in Georgia by detering "ballot trafficking, counterfeit ballots, and ballot box stuffing" by requiring the visible watermarks and more robust chain of custody procedures.

And no surprise to most anyone, the "Democracy is in Danger" democrats made several unsuccessful attempts to stop the bill from passing. 

One of the most significant aspects of SB189 is that the text portion of the paper ballot, NOT the QR code, will be used as the "official vote for purposes of vote tabulation," both in the election and in any subsequent audit or recount. QR-coded ballots make it impossible for voters to know their votes were cast and counted properly. It is also important to note that even if one removes the QR codes, it does not remove vulnerability on the ballot to hidden coding in electronic voting.

SB189 also allows counties with fewer than 5,000 registered voters to conduct voting on paper ballots rather than ballot marking devices (BMDs).  Absentee ballots may only be tabulated on Election Day with results to be reported no later than 1 hour after polls close. Each party will have two observers to monitor mail-in ballot tabulation. Chain of custody procedures and rules are clearly delineated in the bill, as are measures to verify the identification of first-time absentee voters.

HB1207 requires "any person employed by a county election superintendent...shall be a citizen of the United States." In other words, anyone handling ballots or electronic ballots will be a U.S. citizen. This bill also specifies poll watchers' (volunteers) access to polls. Poll watchers will be "entitled to observe any activity conducted at the location where they are serving...and shall be entitled to sit or stand as close as is practicable to the observed activity to be able to see and hear the poll worker or election official being observed."

While the Georgia Assembly should be applauded for its efforts to better secure elections in the state, electronic voting systems will remain a poor substitute for election-day voting, paper ballots, and hand counts. Continuing to use electronic voting systems will inevitably result in "catastrophic" security breaches, voter irregularities and stolen elections as long as democrats are involved.