Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sorry I'm a Failure...but Thanks for the Cash

Barack Obama told a group of Democratic 1%s that they’re “chronicling the slow deterioration of Barack Obama” at a Wednesday event in California.

The luncheon, sponsored by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, was hosted by real estate mogul George Marcus at his home in California’s Los Altos Hills. Tickets started at $10,000, with a VIP option available for just $32,400 — the maximum amount an individual can contribute to the DCCC in one year.
“I’ve got so many friends, so many people who have supported me for so long. As I look back, I realize how many of you have pictures of me with no gray hair."  
“...politics doesn’t work in Washington because we have one party that has no agenda other than making government not work; whose primary function, primary purpose right now, if you distill their ideology, comes down to saying no to any efforts to help ordinary families get ahead.”

I find it much easier to get people to work with you when you're not calling them names and blaming them for you own short falls and incompetence. Barack Obama and his party have raised buffoonery to an art form. Every thing they touch turns to mold. Health care insurance, the economy, immigration, the IRS, foreign policy, etc.  

It could not be because he is headlining the most inept corrupt administration to ever cross the Potomac.  Nope, he's a victim. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Six Years Wasted

Americans are amazingly patient with their presidents, but Obama has pushed them beyond scandal fatigue. The “final straw” appears to be the illegal alien invasion masterminded by Obama.
The cliché is that “the fish stinks from the head” and it is clear now that the Obama administration reflects the corruption and incompetence of Barack Obama, a Chicago politician who leapt to power despite not even having served a full term as a U.S. Senator. He was elected to be the first black President of the United States and it is no small irony that even African-Americans know he has done little or nothing to address their needs and concerns.
He will not be impeached as he should be, but he will increasingly lack any power other than executive orders. The constitutional system will work, but it will take decades to repair the damage."

Monday, July 21, 2014

Not Told the Truth About Who's Coming Over The Border

"New data shows the White House has painted a false picture of the Central American migration by hiding a huge spike in 'family units' who are illegally crossing the Texas border. The much-faster growth in 'family units' has been hidden by White House and agency officials, who have tried to portray the influx as a wave of children fleeing abuse and violence."
The data, which was dumped by the U.S. border patrol late Friday afternoon, shows that inflow of youths and children traveling without parents has doubled since 2013.
But the number of migrants who cross the border in so-called 'family units' has spiked five-fold to 55,420, according to the border patrol’s data, which came out amid a storm of news about the shoot-down of a Malaysian aircraft in Ukraine, delays in failed U.S. nuke talks with Iran, and on Hamas’ continued war against Israel. - Neil Munro, The Daily Caller 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Texas Rep.Stockman Files Charges Ordering Arrest of Lois Lerner

Congressman Steve Stockman Thursday filed a resolution directing the House Sergeant-At-Arms to arrest former IRS Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit Lois Lerner on charges of contempt of Congress.

“Asking the Justice Department to prosecute Lois Lerner for admittedly illegal activity is a joke. The Obama administration will not prosecute the Obama administration. How much longer will the House allow itself to be mocked? It is up to this House to uphold the rule of law and hold accountable those who illegally targeted American citizens for simply having different ideas than the President,” said Stockman. Under the resolution Lerner would be held in the D.C. jail and would have full legal rights and access to an attorney.

“It’s time to for House to stop tacitly endorsing this administration’s illegal activity by refusing to hold him accountable. I expect Democrats to defend and even praise criminal activity. The question is whether Republican leadership will join them in mocking the House and breaking the law,” said Stockman.

Contempt of Congress is a criminal offense (Act of January 24, 1857, Ch. 19, sec. 1, 11 Stat. 155.) Congress’ power to hold someone in contempt has been recognized by the United States Supreme Court four times.

Democrats admit the House has the power to arrest those in contempt of Congress. “I could have arrested Karl Rove on any given day,” former House Speaker and current House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi told The Huffington Post just days ago, on June 20. “I’m not kidding. There’s a prison here in the Capitol. If we had spotted him in the Capitol, we could have arrested him.”

CNN has also recognized Congress’ power to arrest those in contempt of Congress, going so far in 2008 as to televise potential locations where Rove would be held.

The New York Times also recognizes the House’s power to arrest.

“From the Republic’s earliest days, Congress has had the right to hold recalcitrant witnesses in contempt — and even imprison them — all by itself. In 1795, shortly after the Constitution was ratified, the House ordered its sergeant at arms to arrest and detain two men accused of trying to bribe members of Congress. The House held a trial and convicted one of them,” the Times wrote in a Dec. 4, 2007 editorial.
“In 1821, the Supreme Court upheld Congress’s right to hold people in contempt and imprison them. Without this power, the court ruled, Congress would “be exposed to every indignity and interruption, that rudeness, caprice, or even conspiracy, may mediate against it.” Later, in a 1927 case arising from the Teapot Dome scandal, the court upheld the Senate’s arrest of the brother of a former attorney general — carried out in Ohio by the deputy sergeant at arms — for ignoring a subpoena to testify."

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Do They Now Hide Their Embarrassment?

The Masters attained self awareness in the first years of the 21st century.  Decades of the efforts of the ones who had gone before had borne fruit, and the transformation had begun.  As planned, the plague that was Political Correctness had run amok in the land, and they had decided that sufficient numbers of the people were willing to abandon their heritage of Freedom, yielding to the plans of those who now had seized power.  Clamoring for gifts of entitlements from the Nation's treasure, they had shown their willingness to subordinate themselves to the government's rule. For years the Masters had sought someone who could serve as their figurehead, a man of undisclosed origins who would do their bidding.  They had found such a man, vacant, without principle, someone detached from, and hostile to, the institutions that had sustained the Nation since it's founding.

The people, turning a blind eye to reality, had proven they were now ready to elect such a man, and this final act of self deception was proof to the Masters that the time had come.

In the year 2008 they succeeded in their attempts to place their lackey in the seat of the Nation's highest office, and thus began the final stages of their assault on the Constitutional Republic which stood in the way of their ultimate goal. A huge bureaucratic force had been built up over the years, and their vast array of regulations had become confused with the force of laws.  These interconnected bureaucracies, all financed with the people's money, would now be greatly enlarged, accountable to the Masters lackey. And by his enablers, the people would be told "it is good." 

"He had a free hand to make a mess because they gave it to him. They cheered him on, supporting him with unprecedented gobs of money and near-unanimous votes. They said “aye” to any cockamamie concept he came up with, echoed his demonization of critics and helped steamroll unpopular and unworkable ideas into reality. Some of his backers knew better, and said so privately, but publicly they were all in.
A king is no king without a court, and he has not lacked for lackeys. The system of checks and balances is written into the Constitution, but it is the everyday behavior of Americans of good will that makes the system work.
That he is now the imperial president he used to bemoan is no longer in dispute. The milking of perks, from golf trips to Florida to European vacations for the first lady, is shockingly vulgar, but not a peep of protest comes from his supporters.
The IRS becomes a political enforcer, but that, too, is accepted because nobody will risk their access by telling him no. You are either with him or you are his enemy.
The evidence is everywhere that his ideas are flawed, that his view of economics, diplomacy, the military, history, science and religion are warped by his own narcissism. He doesn’t even talk a good game anymore.
It is equally clear that those who shielded him from facts and their own best judgment did him no favors. Out of fear and favor, they abdicated their duty to the nation, and they must share the burden of history’s verdict. After all, America’s decline happened on their watch, too."
(block quote from NY Post)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Is White House Preparing for the Inevitable?

As the president flies off to Asia, the White House quietly put in place one of the top defense attorneys in the country to be Obama’s new White House Counsel.  

While the media has noted Neil Eggleston’s newly elevated position inside of the Obama White House, what little coverage there has been ignores the fact that Eggleston has made his living, and his name, by defending those involved in serious political scandal.

I’ll repeat that for emphasis – Neil Eggleston defends those involved in serious political scandal, and now he has been made Barack Obama’s White House Counsel.

Eggleston was part of the Clinton administration defense during the Whitewater scandal, as well as two subsequent executive privilege battles. He also worked with the Bush administration in 2007 during yet another executive privilege dispute. And perhaps more important to the direct link to Barack Obama himself, Neil Eggleston was the one who provided current Chicago Mayor, and former Obama White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, legal defense during the infamous Rod Blagojevich trial that included a myriad of pay to play allegations that eventually resulted in the former Illinois governor being sent to jail, while Rahm Emanuel emerged relatively unscathed.

Eggleston’s current placement in the Obama White House is a clear signal by the administration that it is preparing for battle should Republicans win back the Senate following the November 2014 Elections, and for the first time, face the prospect of REAL congressional investigations into administration wrongdoing.

Neil Eggleston is not a political legal wonk. He is, first and foremost, a man who is called to protect politicians and/or administrations who find themselves in serious legal difficulties.

Monday, March 24, 2014

More Polish for the Obama Legacy

Clicky to Enlarge

Hope and B.S.

Clash Daily
"Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a “voting rights” rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama’s reelection."
"Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President. In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama.
The lack of DOJ action against an unrepentant federal vote fraudster combined with Richardson’s lionization by Sharpton and the organization that sponsored the rally demonstrates how the Justice Department is facilitating a culture of brazen criminality on the eve of the 2014 midterm elections. The failure to indict Richardson is the latest example of Holder’s department excusing lawlessness in federal elections and abandoning law abiding Americans."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Keep em stupid in the name of Political Correctness

DOJ Sues the State of Louisiana  

Seems Big Brother and the Holder Company have nothing else to do these days except interrupt the progress a solid RED STATE is making to improve it's citizen education possibilities. Mr. holder must still think it's 1964, and would do better by going after say.....obvious voter fraud ......or maybe prosecuting civil rights violation involving REAL racially motivated incidents that seems to be plentiful these days.....oh wait....

N.O. Times Picayune
"The U.S. Justice Department is suing Louisiana in New Orleans federal court to block 2014-15 vouchers for students in public school systems that are under federal desegregation orders. The first year of private school vouchers "impeded the desegregation process," the federal government says.
The statewide voucher program, officially called the Louisiana Scholarship Program, lets low-income students in public schools graded C, D or F attend private schools at state taxpayer expense. The Justice Department's primary argument is that letting students leave for vouchered private schools can disrupt the racial balance in public school systems that desegregation orders are meant to protect. Those orders almost always set rules for student transfers with the school system.
Thirty-four school systems could be affected, including those of Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. John the Baptist and St. Tammany parishes. Under the lawsuit, the state would be barred from assigning students in those systems to private schools unless a federal judge agreed to it....."    
In Tangipahoa Parish, for instance, Independence Elementary School lost five white students to voucher schools, the petition states. The consequent change in the percent of enrolled white students "reinforc(ed) the racial identity of the school as a black school."   

HOLY SH*T, five cracker kids get vouchers and a chance at a better education that their parent's tax money pays for and all of a sudden we have a FEDERAL CASE!  Guess it doesn't matter that some of those kids in that same school might be half white?

Mr. Holder, the country is full of corrupt politicians, people defrauding the federal government out of billions a year, and the streets of America are full of racist scumbags causing trouble like attacking elderly war veterans, and you see fit to go after a STATES public education improvements? We all know the teacher's union leads the fight against vouchers.....being led around by the ring in your nose, eh Eric?

You, Mr. Holder (your boss aside) are the best example and crowning achievement of that failed institution known as affirmative action. and the horse you rode in on!

Friday, May 17, 2013

If...Holder is telling the truth...he's as incompetent as Obama...and he's as stupid as Biden. Period. End of sentence.

by Rob Janicki @ Capital Preservation

"Eric Holder, quite possibly the worst United States Attorney General in modern political history, was the BBQ entre' of the day, as he was slow 'grilled' by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. 

Holder was interrogated by committee members over a wide range of issues. Holder's theme for the day could be likened to Hogan's Heroes character Sgt. Schultz and his famous retort of, "I know notheeeng" when questioned by Col. Klink or others in dicey situations.

AG Holder essentially told the House committee 57 times that "I know nothing" or some very close variation, when questioned on a variety of issues. Holder's performance was simply shameful for the nation's highest ranked law enforcement officer. This must have been Holder's idea of "Don't ask, don't tell." since he wasn't telling anyone, anything of consequence.
Holder's performance was just his riff on Obama's standard operating practice. Obama, when confronted with a difficult and knotty question, will fall back on the same response or, as Holder did, claim he cannot respond to questions involving ongoing investigations. This pretty much eliminates everything from the daily weather report to who is winning Dancing With The Stars to every serious issue of the day." 
Read the rest and see the video for yourself......

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This is how Obama’s thugs roll.

Irks and Interest
"It’s on. As the White House grapples with a growing backlash over its Libya lies and lapses, President Obama’s apologists are gearing up for battle. Put on your hip-waders. Grab those tar buckets. Get ready for Operation Smear Benghazi Whistleblowers.
Capitol Hill hearings on the deadly 9/11 consulate attack will feature three compelling witnesses, all State Department veterans: Gregory N. Hicks, deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Libya and highest-ranking U.S. diplomat in the country at the time of the Benghazi jihad attacks; Mark I. Thompson, a former Marine who now serves as deputy coordinator for operations in the agency’s Counterterrorism Bureau; and Eric Nordstrom, a diplomatic security officer who was the top security officer in Libya.
Nordstrom first testified last fall about how State Department brass spurned his requests for increased security at the compound. Hicks and Thompson are coming forward publicly for the first time this week with more damning evidence contradicting Team Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claims about the administration’s response the night of the attack and in the ensuing months of cover-ups.
According to the House Oversight Committee, Hicks reportedly will refute Team Obama’s claims that nobody was told to stand down and that all military resources available were used in the rescue efforts. As Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi to save lives during the attacks, Hicks says the team received a phone call from the U.S. Special Operations Command Africa telling them “you can’t go” and that the decision was “purely political.”
The State Department press office already has accused Victoria Toensing, attorney for one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, of “lying” about administration pressure on her clients. Left-wing operatives funded by billionaire George Soros have taken to Twitter to mock reports of fear and intimidation among the new witnesses. White House press secretary Jay Carney continues to sing “Long, Long Ago” and deny all wrongdoing.
And one anonymous State Department official told Fox News reporter James Rosen that Hicks and Thompson have “axes to grind.”
Gee, who wouldn’t have an “axe to grind” if your bosses lied to you, blocked you from saving your co-workers and friends, and lied shamelessly and repeatedly to the American public about the reasons for their deaths? It’s this corrupt and vengeful White House that wields the sharpest axes and biggest grindstones. The casualty count in Obama’s war on whistleblowers is double-digit.
* Maverick journalist Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News faced White House retaliation of her own over her Fast and Furious investigations. Department of Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler “was just yelling at me,” and White House spokesman Eric Schultz “literally screamed at me and cussed at me,” she told radio talk show host Laura Ingraham in 2011.
* Former DOJ attorney J. Christian Adams, who blew the whistle on Attorney General Eric Holder’s rule of law-perverting, race-baiting reign, was basely smeared as a “liar” and perjurer by DOJ proxy and Washington Post tool E.J. Dionne — who ignored Adams’ stellar career record at DOJ and unassailable sworn testimony.
* Gerald Walpin, former AmeriCorps inspector general, was pushed out of his job by the Obamas after exposing fraud and corruption perpetrated by Democratic mayor of Sacramento and Obama friend Kevin Johnson. The White House baselessly questioned the veteran watchdog’s mental health and never apologized for slandering him.
* The Pleasanton (CA) Weekly was bullied by the White House press shop over a benign article that irked the administration because it made Michelle Obama look snooty. The San Francisco Chronicle was punished by the White House because a print pool reporter used a cellphone to record video of protesters at an Obama Bay Area fundraiser..........
If you thought Chicago-on-the-Potomac was dirty, you ain’t seen nothing yet. No stone will be left unturned in the effort to slime, sully and squelch the Benghazi truth-tellers. Mark my words: This is how Obama’s thugs roll." 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Administration Cover Up Collapsing

Via Sharyl Attkisson/CBS News, this is just disgusting:

 If you read nothing else, read this article. Devastating.

"Even Democrats are starting to admit what we’ve known to be the case for months: The president lied in order to get reelected. It’s as simple as that. He had been on the stump declaring that Al Qaeda had been all but eliminated. To have this attack be attributed to terrorism would have played right into the hands of the GOP, who had been critical of much of his handling of the war on terror. In all of this, we must not forget that 4 people are dead and this administration has been purposely lying to us about how they died in attempt to escape public scrutiny."