Monday, February 14, 2011

Joe Biden Performs at 2011 Grammy Awards

 V.P. shows he still has the moves 
as guest dancer for Eminem

Los Angeles - Conspicuously absent from all the administrations statements on the resent events of the middle east, Joe Biden surfaced last night at the 2011 Grammy Awards to perform in the dance troop of legendary rapper Eminem. The Vice President had not been seen in public all last week because of intense workouts and dance rehearsals in a secret location in Los Angeles.

The Vice President told the music press last night that Eminem was not his only chance to dance at the Grammys this year. His first offer came from the rising star "Lady GaGa", but never considered the offer seriously because he said, "that little girl really really creeps me out".

Known by former congressional colleagues by the nickname "The Shoe", Biden once admitted he always secretly wished as a kid that he was Ginger Rogers. Biden was also seen at an after show party kicking back  scotch and sodas with big bucks democrat supporter and fellow  Grammy show performer, Barbara Streisand and her husband...what's his name. Biden was over heard telling his secret service guy "the ol' gal can still sing, but geez, have you ever seen that much makeup in one spot in your life?"   

When asked by a reporter if he was ever invited to rap with Eminem, Biden said no, and he  probably wouldn't be any good it because his mouth tends to outrun it's supply line.  Biden is expected back in Washington early today to conduct two 3rd grade field trips coming to visit the White House. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 18.....Careful What You Reach For.

"A large portion of Egyptians are dissatisfied with their lot in life. What they are crying and bleeding for in the streets of Cairo (just as they did in the streets of Tehran, Beirut, and Damascus) is that they at least want to have the opportunity to choose which demented douche bag inflicts their misery upon them, whether despotic secular or despotic clerical, or a combination of both. This is not, strictly speaking, democracy....." Lunatic's Asylum 


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

On Egypt:

 Excerpts from Lunatic's Asylum

A society which has no history of Freedom, which has gone from Pharaohs,  to Caliphates,  to Foreign Occupation,  to Presidents-for-Life, all of it overshadowed by the threat of force, is a land totally devoid of even the simplest idea of what freedom is.  At the moment, all the talk about "Freedom" in Egypt is little more than people using this month's new buzzword. 

So, for those of you who are beginning to buy the "democratic movement arises in Egypt" theme the American Press so fervently hopes to spin you with, it has no actual facts to back that assertion up  There are no democratic institutions, for a start, and they could not be magically created overnight (see Iraq). Sure, Egyptians could vote, but that's not the same thing. Purple fingers do not a democracy make. In fact, if given the chance to vote in fair, democratic elections, Egyptians are likely to do what the Palestinians and Lebanese have done and vote for the Terrorists and Islamonazis among them. When the smoke clears, and Mubarak and the other despots in the region who are also under threat from this nascent "freedom movement" are gone, we're likely to see even worse forms of government arise.

What has happened in Egypt up to this moment was,  to a point, entirely predictable. This is why our government,  press, intelligence and diplomatic services all seem to have been taken by surprise. Even the dumbest people on this planet, given time, will eventually get fed up with some situation and then decide to do something about it, even if they're not quite certain as to what they're pissed about, or what to do about it. I'm not going to pontificate on whether or not Mubarak is a prince amongst Men, or the worst sort of douche bag, because I have no first-hand experience, and because I know that at least 80% of what passes for information on the nightly newscast is someone's opinion, rather than facts.  But my guess is when the American punditocracy (a.k.a The Flapping Rectums) asks the question in another decade, "Who Lost Egypt?", the first people they'll look to blame will be the American political class, but the real culprits will have been the Egyptians themselves.

Edited for content by Diogenes 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

And Now a Word From Charlie Sheen.......

You've got wars, famines, Egypt about to burn to the ground, Alec Baldwin threatening to run for congress, crazyass muslims running around cutting peoples heads off and a world class boob running your country, and all you people are talking about is my bullshit! 
That's pathetic! - Charlie Sheen

Friday, February 4, 2011

Appealing an Unappealing Idea.

This week a federal court judge ruled the ObamaCare reform bill passed by Congress last year was unconstitutional. The Obama Administration has already issued a statement saying they will go ahead with an appeal.
At first, this seems like a good idea, after all, it's been one of the few legislative victories of any importance Obama has had since becoming President.
But, like most of the Obama administrations ideas, on second thought it seems like a bad idea on many different levels.

Reason #1 - Fearless Leader has been exposed as weak on the issue. The longer this issue goes on, the weaker Obama appears on the issue. From the day he announced his intention to pass health care reform to the date of its passage and now with the legal challenges, Obama has not come across as a strong advocate for the measure. Instead, he came up with the idea and punted it to Congress to iron out the details. Because of his lack of leadership off the golf course, his crowning jewel is possibly on the verge of being ripped away from him. The other damning factor along these lines is footage from the 2008 Democrat debate where Obama came out strongly against some of the provisions he signed into law. For health care reform advocates, this has to be hard to justify.

Reason #2 -  A loss in court undercuts Obama's legacy. Health care reform is one of the few bright spots so far for Obama, if not the brightest. There were bound to be legal challenges to it because, well, the Republicans said there would be. Having heard them loud and clear, the Obama team should have been better prepared for the challenge because of the political implications of a loss at the Supreme Court level. If that happens, it strips away Obama's major policy initiative, which leaves nothing much left to hang his hat on for reelection.

Reason #3 - They can't blame this on the Republicans. Democrats love to paint the GOP as the "party of NO,"but Dems held majorities in both houses of Congress and utilized that power to pass the health care reform bill as written. Republicans had little to no influence on the bill itself. That means any failure, legal or otherwise, is on them. Forcing a court battle will only bring that fact further into the  light. Good intentions with bad law don't mean anything in the end. This is on Dems' heads.
Reason #4 - It's just bad law. The health care reform bill as passed reached too far legally with too many loopholes and exceptions. The federal judge's ruling and justification for it exposed the flaws in the existing law, which will make it tough for the Supreme Court to put up a legal defense of the health care bill, if they even decide to hear the case at all. And I bet the moron that suggested dissing the Supreme Court Justices during a state of the Union Address last year, the very people who may just may hold the fate of the entire thing in their hands, doesn't think that was a great idea now.
The Bright Side: 
Believing themselves invincible, unbeatable in the mid-term elections and feeling they owned the country after the Obama election, the Democrats once again underestimated the American people by passing ObamaCare. That "bend over and smile" and "we know what's best for you and you're gonna like it cause we say so" attitude seen nightly during the health reform debate helped to forever change many American's views of a political party, it's philosophy and it's leaders. 
Let's hope they never forget!  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Joe Biden on the Unrest in the Mideast. And as Usual, Joe is Right on Top of it.


Press release from the Library at Alexandria Egypt:

To our friends around the world: The Events in Egypt

Statement of the Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Jan. 30, 2011

The world has witnessed an unprecedented popular action in the streets of Egypt.  Led by Egypt’s youth, with their justified demands for more freedom, more democracy, lower prices for necessities and more employment opportunities.  These youths demanded immediate and far-reaching changes. This was met by violent conflicts with the police, who were routed.  The army was called in and was welcomed by the demonstrators, but initially their presence was more symbolic than active.  Events deteriorated as lawless bands of thugs, and maybe agents provocateurs, appeared and looting began.  The young people organized themselves into groups that directed traffic, protected neighborhoods and guarded public buildings of value such as the Egyptian Museum and the Library of Alexandria.  They are collaborating with the army.  This makeshift arrangement is in place until full public order returns.

The library is safe thanks to Egypt’s youth, whether they be the staff of the Library or the representatives of the demonstrators, who are joining us in guarding the building from potential vandals and looters.  I am there daily within the bounds of the curfew hours.   However, the Library will be closed to the public for the next few days until the curfew is lifted and events unfold towards an end to the lawlessness and a move towards the resolution of the political issues that triggered the demonstrations.
