Saturday, April 30, 2011

Arbor Day at O's House


Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Honor of Kate and William

 Originally Posted on  November 30,2010
 by Diogenes' Sarcastica

The Future Queen of England Looking Forward
to Descending into Royal Lunacy

“She shall be one of us,”- Prince William 

(Across the Pond)  In the first interview since her engagement to Prince William, presumptive Queen Consort Kate Middleton said she looks forward to becoming a full-fledged member of the British royal family by going insane. To that end, the future Princess of Wales said she was grateful that family assistance was close at hand. “I’ve got my new brother-in-law Harry, who dresses like a Nazi, I’ve got my father-in-law, Prince Charles, who collects toilet seats and Prince Philip and Princess Michael have been teaching me how to make royal farting noises then laugh eerily about it.”

Although the wedding announcement came last week, the two were engaged in October while on holiday. Sitting side by side, Kate and William recalled the moment fondly.
“It was quite romantic,” she said. “We were in Africa, and he pulled out this gigantic ring and said, "Kate, marry me and I’ll make you the craziest woman in the world. 
It was a magical moment." William said he immediately called Gran (Queen Elizabeth) to tell her, but she was taking a bubble bath with the Yorkies.”

 Although part of the House of Windsor, Kate said it was important that she be her own nutter.  “I want to take my time, maybe study what some of my new ancestors did. I mean, Henry VIII beheaded his wives. The first Elizabeth apparently slept with a horse." 

“That's never proven,” William loving interrupted.

“Yes, but look at Charles’ wife, Camilla. Your family is obviously attracted to them" katie was heard to whisper.

Now matter what path to bedlam she takes, however, Palace observers say Kate will have to contend with the elephant in the rubber room: Princess Diana. Will Kate become the new  "People's Psychotic Princess”?

 Elizabeth ll

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can Obama be Defeated? Two Views

Update: links have been fixed.
Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton both had approval ratings close to, and even lower than the 45 percent level where Obama's popularity now stands, and both suffered big midterm setbacks in congressional elections. Both presidents went on to win re-election.
But unlike 1984 and 1996, things are dramatically different. Ronald Reagan was tough, an expert negotiator and was able to deal with Tip O'Neal, then Speaker of the House, to lower taxes and bring prosperity back to America. Bill Clinton, while maybe the kind of guy you would want to hang out with and have a beer, was as shady as Richard Nixon but a excellent campaigner and successful politician, in part because of the newly elected Republican House Speaker called his hand and presented him with the list of promises made to the people that helped usher in a republican controlled house in 1994. Clinton had the sense to sign the bills, and of course then take credit.
But Barack Obama is neither a great communicator nor the savvy politician his fore-mentioned predecessors were. Nor are the times similar. Obama took a bad situation and day by day has made it every increasingly worst, while ignoring the will of the people.

 Can the former community organizer/ back bench junior Senator who charismatically fooled America into believing he was the answer to America's problems, get re-elected to the most powerful office in the land?
I found two very interesting points of view on this subject.  It's going to be a very interesting 18 months till the election.

From Mary Poppet comes the view of one of my favorite columnist Dr. Walter Williams.

"Can President Obama be defeated in 2012? No. He can't. I am going on record as saying that President Barak Obama will win a second term. Nine percent unemployment? No problem. Obama will win. Gas prices moving toward five dollars a gallon? He still wins. The truth is, there simply are no conditions under which Barak Obama can be defeated in 2012. 
Obama's re-election is really a very, very simple math problem." 

Consider his 10 point presentation here No Matter What--Obama Wins in 2012. 

But on the other hand........
from Jeffery Lord over at the American Spectator.

President Obama will not be re-elected. Period. Why? Obamaflation has arrived, and this is what it looks like."
Milk. A gallon of skim. At the local Giant in Central Pennsylvania:
January 11, 2011: $3.20
February 28, 2011: $3.24
March 6, 2011: $3.34
April 23. 2011: $3.48
That would be a 28 cent rise in a mere 102 days, from January to April of this year. The third year of the Obama misadventure.
Then there's the celery. Same sized bag. Same store.
January 11, 2011: $1.99 a bag.
March 6, 2011: $2.49 a bag.
A rise of 50 cents in 54 days.
"WHAT SEEMS TO HAVE LEFT Obama strategists clueless is the fundamental historical fact that inflation comes slowly. Milk today, celery tomorrow, and gas almost every day. Then, too late, there's a collective gasp of recognition by Americans walking around the grocery store that it's no longer just the milk and the celery but the soup, the chicken, the hamburger and perhaps now critically -- the Excedrin."
"It is such moments that elect a Ronald Reagan in 1980.  

Consider the following here Obamaflation Arrives.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The “I’m In” Campaign.........


Narcissism and Ignorance Have Never Been Virtues, Mr. President

Barack Obama is two years into his presidency and he’s managed so far to post an even worse record than George W. Bush. His economy has lost over 3 million jobs, consumer confidence is at half of its historical average, unemployment is over 9 percent and has been that way for well over a year. To what extent is Obama's lack of executive experience  responsible for this?  It has been said the early George Bush and Obama have a lot in common. The difference between them, which is why Obama is the more dangerous for the economy, is he has proved he has very little by way of a skill set to understand the kinds of complex problems that he needs to address. But what he does have is an arrogance, if not unbounded confidence in himself.

Last spring Obama brought together a group of presidential historians for what was supposed to be the first of many meetings.  He was curious about the rise of the tea party, curious as to whether there had been precedents for this sort of backlash against the established order. He listened to these experts on the American presidency, but was prickly and didn't give anything away.

What most engaged Obama before his rise to the highest office in the land was his own biography.   Where so many of his predecessors had sought comfort and guidance in the ordeal of past presidents , there was no great deference in him to the burdens those forty-two men carried. He didn't look like those other presidents on the dollar bills, he said early in his political odyssey.

A president steeped in history would have never pushed ObamaCare on so thin a reed of public approval. Americans haven't ever worshiped at the altar of charismatic leadership like some peoples have, for we have been the most skeptical of peoples. We may have trusted several of their presidents through wars and economic downturns, but we have insisted on the wisdom of the public and on the ability of this republic of laws, institutions and precedent to see our way out of great dangers. 
Obamabots  nod to American history with evocations of FDR’s New Deal and superficial parallels to JFK. But Kennedy had seen combat, was a Cold Warrior and believed in the burdens of American power. He would have never journeyed abroad to apologize on behalf of his country.

If he was indeed a student of history as Obama described himself in his 2009 Cairo speech, our president would have known that a command economy is alien to the American temperament and that liberal unfettered government spending was bound to arouse the antagonism of the American people. We were not all Keynesians after all, and the American people, much to liberals’ wonderment, do care about budget deficits and the future they leave their children. It’s time to let  John Maynard Keynes RIP and admit his failed theories have helped bankrupt many of the western democracies.

The era of charisma, which began when Obama was swept into office by delirium and enthusiasm has drawn to a close. The ‘Styrofoam Greek Columns’ and his  pedestal have been wheeled  away, and replaced with a golf cart.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Publius Minimus to Diogenes......."Atheism is the belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and nothing then magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.
"Makes perfect sense, don't it?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CBS Refuses to Release Full Obama Donor Conversation.

By John Romano at YBH

"Last week Mark Knoller of CBS broke a seemingly big story. He released partial audio of President Obama talking to donors on a mic that was inadvertently “hot”. The tidbits CBS released were great. Chief among them was Mr. Obama calling some Federal employees “slugs” and his taking a much nastier tone with the GOP than he does in front of the cameras. The most famous, Obama asking his donors if the GOP thinks “we’re stupid”, was choice."

"However, CBS has not released the entire tape to the public or other media outlets. After several tweets by Yes,But,However! to Mr. Knoller as to why the full tape hasn’t been made public, he responded: “My editors decided against it.” Mr. Knoller offered to further explanation."


If the media continues to refuse to do it's job and question the motives, actions and words of our elected officials, they can not be taken seriously as a purveyor of truth and information. In this case, the same organization that never hesitated to report the public or private gaffs of other presidents, do on air reports on leaked national security secrets and air embarrassing moments of other politicians, now chooses to protect the president from his embarrassing and divisive comments about his supporters and opponents. Why the selective reporting?

Is it because the Obamabots in the media are afraid it will further damage the Child Emperor they played a large part in helping get elected, along with his chances of re-election. Are they afraid their access to the President will be restricted at the important campaign season if they don't play the game as expected? Or could it be the comments are so un-presidential they might be personally damaging to his image and/or relationships he is badly in need of? 

Unfortunately for us, it seems CBS News has decreed from their ivory tower, that we need not know. 

You can read the details at