Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama May be Forced into Becoming a Politician Yet


President Obama is engaged in forcing a change in the foreign policy agenda of the U.S. with his pivot toward Asia. He is currently in the middle of a historic trip to Southeast Asia this despite the ongoing turmoil back home with his embroiled former CIA Director David Petraeus. Historic due to the first visit to Burma ever by a U.S. President. Controversial because he has yet to visit Israel. This speaks volumes about where the priorities of this President truly lie.

While he may have thought his second term would present an opportunity to double down on enacting his agenda, the events around the globe may quickly derail his plans. The dynamic situation in the Middle East will likely force him to become a politician more than he had planned. Not the type of development one would like when they are focused on legacy building instead.

An unexpected announcement from a top Iraqi diplomat isn’t helping. From
 Fox News.

“Iraq will invite (Arab) ministers to use the weapon of oil, with the aim of asserting real pressure on the United States and whoever stands with Israel,” Qais al-Azzawy told reporters in Cairo on Friday.
The story goes on with these statements.
Then there was this statement from the Turkish PM.
Those who associate Islam with terrorism close their eyes in the face of mass killing of Muslims, turn their heads from the massacre of children in Gaza,” Erdogan said, according to Reuters. “For this reason, I say that Israel is a terrorist state, and its acts are terrorist acts.” 
These statements may come as a surprise to the casual observer. After all, it was the U.S. that liberated Iraq from its ruthless dictator Sadaam Hussein. Iraq’s position doesn’t seem to be one of gratitude toward the United States. You also may recall that the first person Obama called after his election in 2008 was the Turkish PM.

As we like to say here in America, ‘elections have consequences’. In the case of Iraq, as well as several other Arab Spring countries, so does our policy of regime change abroad. Iraq is now primarily influenced by the Shiites of Iran. Nobody mentions that in the ‘we liberated Iraq’ brochures. Egypt is now under the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. Rulers have also been forced from power in Tunisia, where the Arab Spring began, Libya and Yemen. Bashad of Syria is the next to fall. Lebanon and Jordan, which is the last Israeli friendly country in the region, will likely follow suit.

Here is where is gets sticky for President Obama. He has to balance his outward appearance of being a Christian as well as representing the interests of the United States with his true inner beliefs supporting Islam. They are not at all compatible. We’ll soon find out just how good a politician he really is if he can continue to keep both sides at bay.

These are some very inconvenient truths for many Americans. Some will refuse to believe that we can have a sitting President who supports Islam, believes in the destruction of Israel, and portrays himself as a Christian. His actions and policies betray him. You may not have a problem with some of his positions, particularly on social issues domestically. It would be far preferable for him just to own up to his core beliefs and then gauge what level of support Americans have toward him. But he can’t. He must hold the office to futher his beliefs and that requires the deception.

We’ve all heard the occasional soundbites of him professing his Muslim upbringing. He slips up now and then when off-prompter but the media is quick to cover for him. The simple fact is you cannot profess true Christianity with his support of abortion and gay rights. I’ll not even touch on the many conspiratorial angles to his true Islamic beliefs. It simple isn’t necessary. His statements and actions make it so.

It’s no coincidence that he hasn’t visited Israel. It’s no coincidence that he has publicly supported the Arab Spring. It’s no coincidence that he has increased aid to Palestine. It’s no coincidence that he’s pushing his pivot toward Asia policy to reduce our Middle East presence.

One must keep in mind what Obama’s Islamist beliefs allow. Deception in the name of Allah is permitted and encouraged. He cannot be the President of the United States proclaiming his true beliefs. Anti-colonialism doesn’t really sell all that well when you’re the President.

Benghazi further illustrates how far he’ll go. The media focus is all about the cover-up. He couldn’t allow the Al-Qaeda resurgence to derail his re-election campaign. But the true tragedy is what led up to Benghazi.The covert operation to supply arms and fighters to the insurgents. Not just in Syria either. Munitions have also been funneled to Hamas and have ended up being used against Israel. We have 4 dead Americans but there are many thousands dead throughout the Middle East. How many are the direct result of U.S. intervention, we’ll never know.

Do you know what Obama was doing during the Benghazi attack? He was on the phone with Israeli PM Netanyahu. Coincidence? Hardly. Not when our Ambassador was allowed to die after Israel became aware of our arms shipments making their way to Hamas. Israel may have tolerated arms to Syria despite being fully aware the Free Syrian Army is merely the next variation of the Muslim Brotherhood lying in wait to assume control in Syria. But not to Hamas. Why did 4 Americans die? It’s likely that Obama threw Stevens under the bus as having gone rogue on the Hamas connection to appease Israel. When he became aware of the impending attack, he let it happen to gain cover from Israel when it was almost certainly the Obama policy all along to ship arms to Hamas.

As I said previously, the true intentions of Obama are very hard for some to stomach. But his track record exposes him. If you aren’t on board yet, we’ll see how you feel after 4 more years. That’s 8 years too late. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Typical Chicago Politics.....

 Triple J's Congressional Seat eyed by Appropriately Ridiculous Dude

The Mel Man
Jesse Jackson Jr. may not be long in the House of Representatives, his future now dependent only on the willingness of Congress to pay him not to do work that he’s already not doing. And given that we’re dealing with Congress, the chances are probably pretty high that decision will be made quickly and in Jesse Jackson Jr.’s favor, so that he can go back to buying Rolexes for Ukranian mistresses and being in jail and whatever else he does.

This, of course, means that his Congressional seat will be open, because, like any good Democrat, Jesse Jackson Jr., who has been under threat of indictment for months and missing for weeks, won his seat handily in the last election. Chicago has already heard from one potential candidate – the lawyer who defended Rod Blagojevich - but a possibly sketchy defense attorney, while a good try just isn’t quite the kind of oncoming political train the South Side typically looks for.

But not to fear. There’s another viable candidate with his eye on the prize........

h/t Naked DC

Flawed Policy, Failed People

By Rosemary
Barack Obama – a man whose instincts towards Caesarism don’t quite fit under the rug – has a bad habit of becoming triumphalist in the aftermath of electoral victory. In 2009, only a few days into his presidency, Obama told a group of Republican congressmen who were at the White House to discuss the shape of his stimulus plan that he needn't seriously consider their proposal to tilt the package more heavily towards tax cuts because “I won.” So much for there not being red states and blue states.
Less than 72 hours after winning a second term, Obama announced himself unwilling to entertain Republican alternatives to raising income tax rates on high earners, pronouncing that “this was a central question during the election” and “a majority of Americans agree with my approach. 
Now that obstinance is extending itself to foreign affairs, where the president has become intransigent on objections to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice succeeding Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
Though Rice’s widely anticipated nomination has not yet been announced, Obama was already digging in his heels on the issue at last weeks press conference in the East Room of the White House.  It was Rice who had the unenviable task of working the Sunday morning talk show circuit to peddle the White House’s official line: that the attacks were the spontaneous result of a crowd of protesters whipped into a violent frenzy by a YouTube video. With that narrative subsequently shown to have been utterly false (there wasn’t even a crowd of protesters present during the attack), the administration's credibility has suffered a huge hit – and so has Rice’s. 
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose image benefits from her lack of the basic incompetence that plagues much of the rest of Obama’s team, still makes her fair share of mistakes – from announcing that the U.S. would quit pressuring China on human rights violations to spending more time condemning the producer of the YouTube film supposedly responsible for the Benghazi attacks than the attackers themselves.
Even under the spotlight of congressional testimony, Attorney General Eric Holder refused to associate terrorism with radical Islam. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano prefers to avoid the word “terrorism” altogether, instead favoring the phrase “man-caused disasters.”
These are not serious people. And the figures likely to join or replace them in a second Obama term look to be more of the same. They are indictments of the judgment of the President himself, whose personnel decisions are symptomatic of a broader pathology: being consistently over matched by foreign policy.
The fish rots from the head. As long as Obama is in the Oval Office, don’t expect any improvements.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Petition To End The White House Petition Website

Lonely Conservative

"Shut down White House petitions, since they never get a sincere response, few read them, & they are ultimately worthless
Since the White House never actually responds to any petitions in sincerity (like letting the one man whose job it is to oppose marijuana to respond to the marijuana legalization initiative, or having the head of the TSA respond to why we can’t de-fund the TSA) we should immediately de-fund and dismantle the White House petition website.
In recent days it has become a mockery with petitions for secession from almost every state, and cities wishing to de-secede in such events.
We ask Barack Obama to admit that this is a mockery of democratic process and immediately dissolve this joke of a website."
But to the White House it’s not a joke, as William Teach pointed out.
"There are two points to the petition website: first is to tell people how super duper awesome Obama is. The second is to capture emails from liberals AND conservatives and send them thinly veiled campaign messages."

Anderson Cooper Goes to Gaza to Report on Israel's Terrorist War on the Arab World


I, Twinkie

By Luis Gonzalez

Many lost some, the belligerent few lost all, and all lost me.
I am a Twinkie. The classic variety of Twinkie familiar to generations of Americans with an affinity for an occasional sweet indulgence. I’m just that, a snack and not a meal, and I have never pretended otherwise; it is what I am, and I am satisfied with that.
I am writing my genealogy so that generations yet unborn may remember me. While my story lacks historical relevance, it does not lack for history or relevance. I am relevant in spite of the fact that for many years now I have been maligned and even ridiculed simply for fulfilling my purpose: satisfying an individual’s yearning for an occasional sweet indulgence.
At the surface, I appear rather dull and boring. I am not adorned by filigrees of syrups or encrusted in exotic nuts, my shape is rather uninteresting and unimaginative, and my flavor is a synonym for lacking flavor, yet I have been called upon to discharge duties worthy of pastries fit for Kings and Cardinals alike. I have provided comfort in those times when comfort can be derived from consumption; I have kept the secrets of some who wished to consume me without judgment. I have been both faithful friend and quiet co-conspirator.
I may appear simple to the eye lacking insight, and many claim to be able to imitate me, but if there is one thing that I can say with conviction it is that no one person can ever by themselves replicate me.
Perhaps you are surprised and my temerity. I am after all, just merely a Twinkie. But maybe you should not fall so fast victim to your innate sense of superiority; I am far more complex that you can possibly imagine. I don’t know that I can fully list the seemingly endless number of hands that helped shape the rather dull, uninspiring protagonist in this story, but perhaps if I mention enough of them you will see intricacy where now you just see a golden sponge cake with creamy filling.
My story begins many places, as I am born in many places......
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Good Monday Morning


Joe Biden to Sandy victims:


“And every time the rest of the country is in real trouble, New Jersey and Delaware and New York and Connecticut, et cetera, we respond, we respond. So as the president said when he was up here with the governor, we’re not going anywhere. We’re not going anywhere. And you’ve got a homeboy in the deal who gets it.” -  Washington Post

Sunday, November 18, 2012


The People's Cube

You may wonder why Dear Leader hasn't yet upgraded to Vista or Windows 8, but the fact is, all White House computers are running the outmoded 2008 Hope'N'Change Operating System, which is incompatible with any private sector software.
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News of Petraeus Affair Interrupted by Annoying, Irrelevant Report on Hamas Rocket Attacks on Israel

National Public Radio came under attack from various sections of the mainstream media Tuesday, after its scheduled coverage of the ongoing General David Petreaus affair was bizarrely interrupted by an in-depth report on the most recent and non-news-worthy attack on Te Aviv .

Insisting that NPR “ignored its duty to prioritize information that was very much in the public interest”, a spokesperson for CNN said that “it was extremely irresponsible of NPR to give violence in Israel such overwhelming attention at the expense of letting the American people know how one of our most decorated generals cheated on his wife of 38 years.”

“NPR really dropped the ball on this one,” continued the spokesperson. “What is news-journalism coming to when filler material about attacks on non-Americans is scheduled ahead of investigative reports into the life and background of Petraeus’ mistress, Paula Broadwell?”

“The American public have a right to know about these things.”

Airing a pointless 15-minute critique of the terrorist group Hamas , after only a cursory look into General Petraeus’ subsequent feelings of guilt and regret, National Public Radio “compromised 42 years of integrity”
, said ABC News Anchor Diane Sawyer

“Folks, this is what your tax dollars are being spent on: lazy, dumbed-down reporting that masquerades as news.” According to Sawyer, “The American people don't need to be bombarded with images of bombed buildings and city squares, or Israel's fatality statistics. Especially when we're just now getting word that FBI agents have entered Miss Broadwell’s home. You heard me right, folks: they have entered Miss Broadwell’s home again.”

Responding to the controversy, NPR officials drew further ire this afternoon when it was announced that crucial statements set to be given by Petraeus’ wife, Holly, Wednesday would follow an hour-long report into the “uninspiring and outdated” topic of climate change.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Now What Are We Supposed to Eat After a Nuclear Holocaust?


The Man is a Moron.

Obama Calls Egypt’s President Morsi To Thank Him For Helping “Calm” Situation In Gaza… Seemingly Unaware Morsi Threatened Israel Earlier In The Day…


NBC renews reality show despite abysmal ratings. Original cast remains intact.

Will Profit


Friday, November 16, 2012

Calling A Spade A Spade

From Lonely Conservative
By Dr. Robert Owens
The recent re-election of our Glorious Leader Barack Hussein Obama has sent shock waves through the patriotic and conservative communities. Everyone from Libertarians to fervently Pro-Life activists from Log Cabin Conservatives to those advocating traditional values have accepted the narrative force-fed to a waiting public by the media. Day after day on the one network all conservatives watch we have swallowed the intellectual gruel ladled out by the select group of anointed talking heads whose opinions Fox must believe are the only ones we ever want to hear. From the Liberal Juan to the Neo-Con Charles from the Libertarian John to the funny Dennis we have been told that demographics defeated us.
Yes there has been a massive demographic shift in the make-up of our country since the suicidal adoption of the Kennedy Immigration Act in 1965. Pat Buchannan has warned us for years that this was a demographic time bomb implanted by the Progressives in the very heart ofAmerica. Yes the massive amnesty which is soon to turn tens of millions of illegal immigrants into citizens and loyal democratic voters will effectively spell the end of any possibility for a supporter of limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom to win the White House.
Our newly re-elected rule-by-decree president will use executive orders to incorporate a new voting majority if he can’t get the perpetually re-elected leaders of the Republicans to join him in driving this final nail into the coffin of the Constitution. Mr. Buchannan warned us, crying out like a prophet in the wilderness, it is impossible to incorporate millions of people from the third world who have never known anything except authoritarian rule and expect them to become born-again supporters of Enlightenment political theory. All they have ever known was oppressive central-planning and all powerful leaders wielding vast bureaucracies, in other words ideal Democrat voters.
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Suspended Belief:

I’m not annoyed that the Obama administration is lying to us about Benghazi, David Petraeus and the rest of this messy, farcical story. I’m annoyed that they expect us to believe them. ...  
I’d like to believe that our president would never lie to us about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans, including an ambassador. I’d like to believe that our president is above politically manipulating the resignation of a CIA chief and successful general.  
I’d like — no, I’d love — to believe it all. Unfortunately I can’t.