Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Typical Chicago Politics.....

 Triple J's Congressional Seat eyed by Appropriately Ridiculous Dude

The Mel Man
Jesse Jackson Jr. may not be long in the House of Representatives, his future now dependent only on the willingness of Congress to pay him not to do work that he’s already not doing. And given that we’re dealing with Congress, the chances are probably pretty high that decision will be made quickly and in Jesse Jackson Jr.’s favor, so that he can go back to buying Rolexes for Ukranian mistresses and being in jail and whatever else he does.

This, of course, means that his Congressional seat will be open, because, like any good Democrat, Jesse Jackson Jr., who has been under threat of indictment for months and missing for weeks, won his seat handily in the last election. Chicago has already heard from one potential candidate – the lawyer who defended Rod Blagojevich - but a possibly sketchy defense attorney, while a good try just isn’t quite the kind of oncoming political train the South Side typically looks for.

But not to fear. There’s another viable candidate with his eye on the prize........

h/t Naked DC

1 comment:

  1. Liberals like to whine that Mel has paid his debt to society.

    Actually, the people of Chicago paid his debt to society.
