Monday, March 11, 2013

Looks Like Mr.'Fair Share' Own Minions Aren't Listening

White House aides owe the IRS $333,000 in back taxes

"A new report from the Internal Revenue Service has just revealed that 40 of Obama's White House aides owe their employer, the federal government, a total of $333,485 in back taxes.
This is the third straight year that the chief executive of the United States has been unable to get his own staff members to keep up with a citizen's legal income tax obligations. to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in back taxes owed. All this while Obama has made such rhetorical hay about corporations and the wealthy paying their fair share.
In its previous report the annual IRS audit accounting found that 36 of the Democrat's White House aides owed $833,000 in back taxes. The year before it was 41 Obama staff members owing $830,000. In the past year Obama's teleprompter has been on automatic pilot with oft-repeated demands that Americans and profitable corporate giants pay their fair share of taxes.
The Internal Revenue Service is prohibited by law from releasing the names of tax delinquents. But any federal boss could discover their delinquent employees' identity and bring the hammer down -- especially since Mr. Fair Taxes in the Oval Office has made such a big thing about other Americans keeping up."

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI to Join New Orleans Saints Broadcast Team

New Orleans, La. - The National Football League today gave their nod of approval to an announcement of a tentative agreement with Joseph Ratzinger to do color commentary for the New Orleans Saints 2013 season on Fox Sports Network. 

The Network stressed the deal was a great move for all involved and welcomed to their broadcast lineup the former pope's enthusiasm for the team and knowledge of the game. 

Ratzinger, an avid NFL football fan and a rabid Saints fanatic since their Super Bowl Win, told Middle Finger News his Sundays have been quite busy for the last few years and he hasn't had the time he had wished for to watch his two favorite sports on television, the other being the NASCAR Cup Series.

If all goes as expected, Ratzinger will divide his air time between the NFL Today Pre-Game show, the Saints game broadcast and the Saints Vatican Radio simulcast and post game rap up.

The New Orleans Saints Home Office was ecstatic at the news and the all of Bourbon Street is in a race to come up with a signature drink named after the Saint's new favorite son.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hackers Drop U.S. Government from List of High-Value Targets


Shanghai - In a rare announcement from a notoriously publicity-shy group, Chinese hackers revealed today that they were dropping the United States government from their official list of high-value targets.

 “We have to allocate our time and energy to hacking powerful organizations,” a spokesman for the hackers said. “Right now, calling the United States government an organization would be a reach.” He added that the hackers’ ultimate goal had been to hurl the U.S. government into a state of abject paralysis, “and they seem to have already taken care of that on their own.”

The spokesman acknowledged that despite years of compromising U.S. government computers, the hackers had obtained little of value, especially on the hard drives of congressional offices.

“Those computers did not appear to be used for anything work-related,” the spokesman said. “Basically all we found were restaurant reservations and porn.”

 U.S. stock markets plummeted on the news of the hackers’ downgrade, which was widely denounced by American politicians as a hostile act designed to cripple the economy. “This is an insult to the American people,” said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia). “We demand that the Chinese resume hacking us at once.” But according to the hackers spokesman, any chance that they might put the U.S. government back on their list of targets was remote at best.

 “We need to focus on higher-functioning governments,” he said. “We’re taking a close look at Uruguay .”


US government Has Always Thought it Could Kill You

By Donald Sensing @ Sense of Events

"I have been following with some interest (though admittedly not closely) Rand Paul's filibuster of the nomination of John Brennan for CIA director. I admit that I support the filibuster and that many more answers are need from the administration about intelligence-related matters before this or any other nomination should proceed.
 But on the topic of Attorney General Holder's letter about the circumstances under which the federal government might launch a drone strike against an American citizen inside the United States, a little historical perspective might be useful.
Holder can be justly accused of writing his response a bit stupidly, but in fact the US government has always considered it has the right to kill Americans inside America extra-judicially. Which president most recently claimed this power?....."
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