Thursday, October 17, 2013

Deus Ex Machina

deus ex ma·chi·na n. - 1. In Greek and Roman drama, a god lowered by stage machinery to resolve a plot or extricate the protagonist from a difficult situation. 2. An unexpected, artificial, or improbable character, device, or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot.3. A person or event that provides a sudden and unexpected solution to a difficulty.4. a totally contrived and improbable act necessitated because Obama and Congress believe the people are so stupid we’ll not consider politicians planned the recent debt ceiling “crisis” of October 2013 to be resolved in this hackneyed and trite manner: again and again ad infinitum ad nauseum. - Sarge’s Bitter Almonds Dictionary  

The Hayride
"I suffer with a severe case of dyspepsia brought on by the latest Obaman/ Boehner dramatic performance by droids cast in the role of Senators and Representatives. I know what’s going to happen. It’s embarrassing to know how many of my fellow citizens believe disaster was averted at the last moment by the decisive, bipartisan efforts of our stalwart heroes, Obama and Boehner. The latest dramatization by these two hack playwrights came to the expected final act and as usual, the sky didn’t fall, Pauline’s Perils were averted and all other distressed damsels were saved by the Singing Cowboy. Obama and Boehner plotted this plodder and maintained the dramatic tension of the poorly written play. 
The scripts distributed are so old the mimeographed pages are more a light, misty blue than the powerful purple once noted as the norm in this manner of mass copy reproduction...."
"Now, we’re being instructed to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. “O”, The Great and Powerful has won this one (as usual). Harry Reid said his Senate deal will reopen the government and fund it until January 15. The Republican Capitulation allows for the raising of the debt limit until February 7th to avert this threat of default on our debt obligations. The Republicans stand ready to man the oars of their sinking trireme one more time so Caesar may show his command of the Roman Lake that once was the Potomac. 
The God in the machine descended. The play concluded with the same trite ending as always. The Democrats will explain it’s all the fault of those evil Republicans we approached the abyss leading to Tartarus, the dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked. Tartarus is the place where the wicked received punishment. You know; like we’re stuck with the Congress we re-elect regularly. And thus we see our future in the repetitious acts of a necrotic Congressional culture not understanding they’ve been found out as being less than useless. But stay tuned, the next performance will hit the road between January 15th and February 7th when they’ll again try to convince us to suspend our disbelief."
Read it all Here 

Barack Obama's Diary: Gloatin' with Putin

The Laughing Conservative

Dear Diary:
Bwaaaaha!ha! I won! I won! I had called Pootin on my iPresidentophone to gloat. It was late at night in Moscow but that only made it more delicious. He answered immediately: "Obamavitch! I know it's you because I have Al Green as your personal ring tone. What is it, Obamavitch?"

I heard a female voice in the background saying: " Vladimir, Vladimir, wherefore art thou, Vladimir?" It was clearly Pootin's Shakespearean actress/mistress with whom he was having a late-night tryst. I said: "Vlad, I got I wanted from the GOP and I'm now going to push for immigration reforms that should bring in another 30 million Democrat voters. "Well done, Obamavitch," he said, " I have a proposal: Here in Russia we have constant problems with Chechnya, a neighboring Sunni muslim country with population of only 1.2 million. How about giving them all political asylum? That would elevate you to superhero among muslims and guarantee you another million Democrats. In return I will continue to instruct you in the devious ways of politics."

"Sounds good, Vlad," I said. "I will seek approval from Comrade Jarrett." But enough about me.

Obama: Ignore the Bloggers and Radio Hosts

".....probably nothing has done more damage to America's credibility in the world, our standing with other countries, than the spectacle that we've seen these past several weeks. It's encouraged our enemies, it's emboldened our competitors, and it's depressed our friends, who look to us for steady leadership."
Yeah, The Turd King actually said that. Look in the mirror Mr. President. There in lies America's problem in the world. 

Even as the dust settles from the last 2 weeks, he still sees fit to place the blame for own his ineptitude on others who do not agree with a fundamental transforming of America into his leftist vision. 

"Apparently unsatisfied with the overwhelming capitulation of congressional Republicans, Barack Obama once again took aim at conservatives during a speech marking the end of the government shutdown. He began by issuing the obligatory pronouncement that there “are no winners here,” despite the fact his party received virtually all of its demands.
The shutdown has “inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy,” he noted, pivoting toward once again blaming the entire fiasco on his political opponents.
“Some of the same folks who pushed for the shutdown and threatened default claim their actions were needed to get America back on the right track,” he continued, “to make sure we’re strong.”
Instead, he concluded, the stalemate has “encouraged our enemies, it’s emboldened our competitors, and it’s depressed our friends.”
He then began identifying those he holds responsible for the discord in Washington, D.C., saying “all of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists, and the bloggers, and the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit from conflict,” saying such voices don’t represent “what the majority of Americans sent us here to do.”
 Time and again, Obama finds it easy and safe to call out strong conservative figures in the media while intentionally ignoring the blatant partisanship constantly broadcast over most mainstream airwaves. Without bloggers and talk radio, the conservative voice would be largely silenced in America — which is precisely the left’s mission.
Since efforts to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine (or some variation thereof) have been thwarted at every level, Obama and his ilk are intent to disparage and vilify high-profile conservatives until they are no longer trusted sources of information.
Unfortunately for the left, those outside of their skewed sphere of influence are more likely to believe the alternative media and conservative talk radio than the paid political hacks posing as nightly news anchors and newspaper reporters."
The Western Center for Journalism 

I cannot find common ground with a leader who blames my freedom of speech for his failure to govern. That idea is the basis of tyranny, not democracy, and there is no room for compromise with that.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New York City’s Marxist Power Couple

Bill De Blasio, former aide to socialist New York City Mayor David Dinkins, faces law-and-order Republican candidate Joe Lhota on November 5 for the crown of King of New York.  De Blasio seems to have become the darling of the media for his progressive views and his irreproachable wife, for obvious reasons.
AIM - De Blasio’s support for communist regimes in Cuba and Nicaragua, and his embrace of Islam as an emerging political force, were highlighted in a recent New York Times article. The paper also noted his illegal “honeymoon” to Communist Cuba. However, the mysterious trip occurred in either 1991or 1994, depending on which paper you read, and much about the nature of the travel remains unknown.
Our review of documents concerning de Blasio’s involvement in the communist-front Nicaragua Solidarity Network confirms that notes of one meeting in 1991 say that he stated that Islam was an emerging “power,” and wondered if there were “progressive elements” in Islam “we can work with.”
De Blasio, who is white, married a black woman and former lesbian, Chirlane McCray, and they have had two children together. Modern-day progressives usually consider it wrong to even discuss the option of voluntarily leaving the homosexual lifestyle, but they have let the matter of McCray’s rejection of lesbianism pass without critical comment.
There is no indication that McCray abandoned Marxism after living in an enclave known as the Combahee River Collective.The “collective” has been depicted by the media as a respectable group of feminist intellectuals, who were merely “radical” in some of their thinking. 
The Combahee River Collective had issued a “revolutionary” 1977 statement saying, “We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy. We are socialists because we believe that work must be organized for the collective benefit of those who do the work and create the products, and not for the profit of the bosses. 
Read More 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Exciting Times for Non-essential Victims of Shutdown is giving away 200 free vibrators a day to Federal Employees
during the government shutdown. 
  ....and Free Shipping Too!


"Are you a federal employee that has been deemed non-essential? Do you have a little too much time on your hands and nothing to do? Is the recent government shutdown to blame?
Here at we are committed to allowing our customers to find satisfaction. As vibrator enthusiasts, we want everyone to experience the pleasure that a nice vibrator can bring to partners and individuals. Besides, we know you have some free time, why not try something new?"
We are giving away 200 free vibes per day for as long as the shutdown lasts. We apologize that we have to cap the offer, but any more than that and it will slow down our warehouse and prevent timely delivery of our paying customers.
We are canceling orders from greedy people. Order twice or order two different free gifts without making purchase and you will get nothing. Order one even though you are not a furloughed federal employee and we won't really know, but Karma will get you.  

Grim Reality or Just as Planned??

"In another bit of grim news for the long-term prosperity of these United States, hospitals, medical practices, and related businesses are shedding jobs: 8,000 of them since April, more than in any other sector. For the year, there have been more than 41,000 layoffs at health-care firms. 
As Paul Davidson and Barbara Hansen of USA Today report, those are mostly hospital staffing reductions in response to reduced reimbursement rates for Medicare patients under the sequester and cuts for some providers under the Affordable Care Act. Private insurers, who are starting to experience a burning sensation after having gone to bed with the devil on Obamacare, are reducing payments, too." - Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Monday, October 14, 2013

When Political Correctness And Common Sense Collide

Dedicated to Bob Costas, who once again uses his position to jump into the political arena.
He is an extremely short Keith Olberman now. 

The DiploMad 2.0: Is it 1854, yet?

"It's hard to get optimistic about the future given what we have seen the last five years, and, in particular what we have seen the last few months, week, and days. On the international scene, the USA has become an irksome joke. 
The Nobel Prize committee, for example, has once again awarded its prize to an institution, the UN's OPCW, that has yet to do what it has been awarded the prize for doing--sound familiar? The prize, of course, is a rebuke to the US and our vague threats to bomb Syria for having CW. The Iranians are laughing at us; Moscow sees an opportunity created by Obama's ineptness for Russia in the Mideast that the Russians could never have dreamed of having; the Chinese, covering up their own impending economic crisis, are busily advocating an "American-free" world; the jihadis are gaining ground throughout the world; and Latin America drifts away. Allies such as Israel, Canada, and Australia must shake their heads, and wonder what has happened to America.
 At home, we have an executive branch run by people who are a lethal mix of incompetent; untruthful; disloyal to and ignorant of our culture, history, and political traditions; and followers of a progressive creed that sees only more and more government as the solution to the problems created by past expansions of government. More government: That's all that's on offer from this strain of progressivism that has taken over our political institutions, media, and schools..."
Lengthy, but well worth the read. Continue Here

Good Monday Morning

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Obama Appoints Third Party Negotiator in Shutdown Standoff

MFNS - With Truckers invading the beltway, Veterans marching on the Mall and Americans impatient with the President, Barack Obama, fearful of falling poll numbers and the image of congressional Dems, put forth the idea of  a third party involvement in shut down negotiations.
B.J. Kesloski - Nation's Gatekeeper
Due to overwhelming concern over what might become of "the hill" in absence of anyone wanting to take responsibility, congressional leaders of both parties agreed to call a late night emergency vote on approval in the chambers of the Senate and House Saturday Night. 

Benjamin J. Kesloski, an unemployed step-son of a congressman who sincerely wished to remain anonymous, was voted “in charge” for the duration of the stalemate. 

His only condition was that everyone refer to him as "The Gatekeeper" for the rest of his life.

"Yeah, I know some people are worried about my work ethic," The Gatekeeper confessed. "But would a lazy person do this? (holds up unfinished diorama of Congress in the middle of the ocean) I think not. It’s a work in progress — like me. It’s also a metaphor."

With upwards of 800,000 federal workers out of jobs because of the government shutdown for the time being, public displeasure for public servants is at an all-time high. According to Mr. Kesloski, he is fully aware of the gravity of his situation and is doing whatever he can to end the stalemate and win back public support for democrats

"Today was intense. I held an impromptu session on the pros and cons of the president's health care system. I called it “Obamacare vs. Obama-idon’tcare”. I made a Harry Reid doll and a Boehner doll to represent the two sides, and somewhere in the middle Boehner doll jumped Harry Reid doll and ripped his arms off and started beating him with it. I was like, ‘Whoa Boehner doll. Whoa. That’s definitely not in Robert’s Rules of Order.’ And he just looked at me with his beady eyes and didn’t say anything, cuz he’s a doll you know…but talks will continue."

Image by Earl of Taint based on an idea from that leading American, stout Patriot
and fellow member of the Resistance, Bubba

How is the View from Your Ivory Tower, Mr. President??

Saturday, October 12, 2013

No Shutdown for Government ‘Selfies’

MFNS - In turbulent times, a nation must look to those things that hold steady, remain true. Like the sailor’s northern star or the farmer’s spring rain or the DPRK’s Kim Jong Un, the American people–and its government–must find their constant.

But, if that doesn’t work, there’s always Twitter.

Like unemployment, the social phenomenon known as ‘selfies’–a candid picture of yourself sent across the virtual universe–is on the rise even in government circles.

“Hey! Reid just ‘liked’ my pic!” beamed the Vice President. “That old fart. I didn’t think he liked anything. You know, it’s amazing how quickly they’re responding to my posts–oh yeah, that’s right, the shutdown thing. Never mind.”

Social psychologists are noticing a correlation between government ineffectiveness and the rise in self-portraits.

“For many of these congressional leaders,” one psychologist offered, “It’s a real self-esteem boost. It’s also a way for them to keep their minds off of distracting things, like reality.”

Statistical tracking sites are recording a dramatic spike in social networking activity in the D.C. area and hosting websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are noting the highest numbers in ‘selfies’ since the Anthony Weiner era.

“Right now,” a spokesperson for Facebook confirmed, “ Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are gaining on Biden for the number one ‘selfie’ spot. Although, we do have one IP address that has definitely sent the most, but it’s mostly blured shots  and extreme close-up eye shots. We’re not sure, but it’s either the President or someone who has hacked his account.”

Times Gettin' Tough at the White House

White House Gift Shop Goes Tits Up
Washington Times
"In another sign of the tough times in Washington these days, the White House Gift Shop, long run by a nonprofit group that helps uniformed Secret Service officers and their families, has gone broke. The Secret Service Uniformed Division Benefit Fund, which traces its roots to the 1940s and for years did business as the official White House Gift Shop, lists more than $600,000 in liabilities in a pending bankruptcy petition in Washington....."
The fund disclosed tens of thousands of dollars in assets consisting mostly of Christmas decorations, as well as such trinkets as magnets, puzzles and paperweights, many valued at just a few dollars each. The price of more than 140 Democratic and Republican mouse pads is listed as “???” in court records, while 10 unsold copies of the book “Adams’ Alligator” go for $8.48.
The fund’s most recently available annual report to the Internal Revenue Service lists $10,550 in expenses in 2011 for golf, soccer and hockey tournaments for employees, $5,330 for luncheons for new graduates and their families and $1,108 for flowers and fruit baskets for hospitalized members and for funerals.
Although the fund placed the value of ornaments at more than $50,000, the trustee said the decorations ultimately could fetch a best offer price of a little more than $5,600...."
Little wonder a business that operates like the government, spending more than they take in, can stay solvent selling cheap Chinese made crap  like bobble head dolls of Barack and Michelle and mouse pads with Joe Bidens picture on them. And who the hell would want an over price ornament with  Michelle's ugly mug hanging from their Christmas Tree anyway. Guess they figured they'd eventually get  a taxpayer bailout slipped into some democrat's spending bill. 


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Your Half a Billion Dollar Website

How do you spend over a half a billion dollars on a website, take over three years to build it, and still have a disastrous completely disastrous launch? You get the government to do it for you. The taxpayers, seem to have forked up well over $500 million of the federal purse to build the digital equivalent of a rock.

from Digital Trends
"The exact cost to build, according to U.S. government records, appears to have been $634,320,919, which we paid to a company you probably never heard of: CGI Federal. The company originally won the contract back in 2011, but at that time, the cost was expected to run “up to” $93.7 million – still a chunk of change, but nothing near where it apparently ended up.
Given the complicated nature of federal contracts, it’s difficult to make a direct comparison between the cost to develop and the amount of money spent building private online businesses. But for the sake of putting the monstrous amount of money into perspective, here are a few figures to chew on: Facebook, which received its first investment in June 2004, operated for a full six years before surpassing the $600 million mark in June 2010. Twitter, created in 2006, managed to get by with only $360.17 million in total funding until a $400 million boost in 2011. Instagram ginned up just $57.5 million in funding before Facebook bought it for (a staggering) $1 billion last year. And LinkedIn and Spotify, meanwhile, have only raised, respectively, $200 million and $288 million."
Read the Rest

You don’t have to be a programmer to understand that code like this is complete nonsense. The site is so poorly coded that it has essentially been attacking itself since its launch over a week ago.

And these people are supposed to provide us with “affordable healthcare”? They can’t even build a functioning website on budget. 

They expected 50,000 people to come to the site per day.  THAT is what these morons are trying to spin now.