Thursday, April 10, 2014

Have Pant Suits - Will Travel

Publisher Simon & Schuster said Wednesday Hillary Clinton's will release a new book on  June 10  about her time flying around the world pretending to be Secretary of State, with candid reflections about key moments (?) during her time in office. Clinton's book has been widely anticipated by her supporters.

The former first lady and New York senator is already a best-selling author: Her 2003 memoir, "Living History," ( another book she didn't write) sold more than 1 million copies. 

The book will address the "rapidly changing and increasingly interdependent world" and 21st century challenges from "Crimea to climate change" and to help keep her name in the news as she teases the public while pretending to contemplate a second run for the White House. The volume  is said to contain "vivid personal anecdotes" about her relationship with Barack Obama and her behind-the-scenes interactions with world leaders (I especially can't wait for the part about being falling down drunk and knocking herself out boarding her flight).

As of now, no title has been chosen,(attention Big Fur Hat) but the title "112 Countries and It’s Still All About My Hair” has been floated as a working title. The book is still unfinished, some embellishments still to be made.

For those interested in the thoughts and machinations of someone with no major accomplishments in 5 years can visit  Simon & Schuster's  'Hillary Clinton Memoir Website' to be met with a scary (I've been warned) oversize mugshot of Hillary and pre-order the book HERE.

Not to be outdone, Clinton's chief rival for the democrat nomination in 2016, Vice President Joe Biden, is working on his own massive tome of his time as Senator and VP entitled "Smokin' Joe: The man Who Could Spell Potato"


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

In an effort to curb global warming, The Cow of the Future Project begins a quest to create the “Star Athlete” of the bovine world.

Defy the Narrative

If you were thinking I made that up, I didn’t. The story, complete with strap-on gas tanks for cows is here.
“A White House climate initiative has boosted a quixotic search for the “cow of the future”, a next-generation creature whose greenhouse gas emissions would be cut by anti-methane pills, burp scanners and gas backpacks.
Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels is the primary man-made gas warming the planet, but methane is far more potent and the US’s biggest source of it is its 88m cattle, which produce more than landfill sites, natural gas leaks or hydraulic fracturing.
The Obama administration’s launch last month of a plan to curb methane emissions has given fresh relevance to climate-friendly technologies for cattle that range from dietary supplements and DNA gut tests to strap-on gas tanks.....”

Blue Ribbon Rat

Okay People, We're Officially Aberrants

For many years now, conservatives have secretly feared the day when science would identify us as aberrant. Sadly, that time has come. Found in in the pages of the liberal-leaning Mother Jones Magazine is  and a story about yet another attempt by scientists to chronicle the pathology of conservatism.

by John Kass
"Thanks to learned scientists, I’ve discovered that I suffer from the mental problem afflicting millions of Americans. It’s not really a disease. It’s more like a peculiarity, one that irritates polite society yet may be corrected with surgery to the frontal lobe.
According to research from professor John Hibbing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, conservatives and liberals react differently to certain stimuli. Hibbing and his team have determined that conservatives dwell on negatives and have a stronger “disgust sensitivity” than do liberals.
This problem, researchers believe, could be genetic.
“So, if you have a negativity bias, and you focus more on the aversive and disgusting, then the world seems more threatening to you,” says the Mother Jones piece. “And thus, policies like supporting a stronger military, or being tougher on immigration, might feel very natural.”
Conservatives, perhaps foolishly, are the glass-is-half-empty people, always worrying about the Russians and China and what will happen to the Republic when the money runs out. As if.
And conservatives are anxious about the craziest things. For example, conservatives worry about Americans who use loud and chirpy voices to insist that they “have nothing to hide” and really don’t mind the National Security Agency snooping on every aspect of their lives.
Liberals focus on happy thoughts. One day it’s ballerinas, another day it could be the prospect of Congress doubling the federal income tax, or President Barack Obama being sworn in for a fifth term.
In 2002, scientists at the University of California, Berkeley (no bias there), studied the “psychology of conservatism.” According to a university press release, they found “the core” of conservatism is a “resistance to change and a tolerance for inequality.”
Does that mean conservatives are drooling racists? Or does it mean that they support the quaint American notion of meritocracy, which by definition leads to unequal outcomes?
Does it even matter anymore? "

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Al Franken Panics Over Sarah Palin Endorsement

Victory Girls

Minnesota may be getting tired of joke politicians like Al Franken and Jesse Ventura. When Al Franken’s was elected five years ago, he started his political career with a lot of negative attention. He then decided to stop being such a flaming imbecile, and has kept an extremely low profile since then.

But even keeping a low profile couldn’t save him from Obamacare — his poll numbers have been steadily dropping. They aren’t low enough to make his seat easy pickings, but they’re enough to make him nervous. And when Sarah Palin came on the scene to endorse the leading candidate in the Republican primary, Julianne Ortman, Franken just about wet his pants… and scrambled to send out a pathetic warning to his supporters about her influence.

On Monday, Senator Franken sent out a dire email warning of Palin’s influence on the election. He also could not resist attacking the Koch brothers as well.

“Sarah Palin is now involved in the race — she just endorsed the Republican who, according to the Koch-affiliated poll, is only three points down. The Koch-backed attack group running ads against me just put out a new poll showing two of my Republican opponents within single digits — and, regardless of whether you trust their numbers, it’s sure to egg on more right-wing attacks.”
Franken no doubt is remembering his narrow — and contested — win over Norm Coleman in 2008, with just 312 votes giving him the victory out of over 3 million. He won after a recount, which was riddled with accusations of voter fraud. If the Koch poll he mentions is true, then Franken may indeed have cause to worry. And if he feels the need to send out e-mail warnings about Sarah Palin in order to gin up money, then he’s clearly feeling threatened. No one can say that’s a bad thing.

When the Government Does It vs. When Anyone Else Does It

h/t Daily Paul

Democrat solution to vulnerable candidates: More Joe Biden

Red Alert
"The Democratic National Committee announced that it will reawaken the @JoeBiden Twitter handle, which had been dormant since the Obama administration began its second term last year. The account will be used to help promote Democratic candidates in the 2014 midterm elections.
“@JoeBiden will be another way for the Vice President to engage our supporters, spread the Democratic message and support our candidates heading into the midterm elections,” a DNC spokesperson said, according to TIME.
The VP — not to be confused with the @VP, his official administration Twitter handle — kicked off the new season of campaign tweeting with a message Monday morning, signed informally “-Joe.”
Will be waitin', Joe. Let er rip!

Monday, April 7, 2014

NBC Planning New TV Drama Starring Al Sharpton

"A lengthy investigation by The Smoking Gun has uncovered remarkable details about Sharpton’s past work as an informant for a joint organized crime task force comprised of FBI agents and NYPD detectives, as well as his dealings with an assortment of wiseguys.
Beginning in the mid-1980s and spanning several years, Sharpton’s cooperation was fraught with danger since the FBI’s principal targets were leaders of the Genovese crime family, the country’s largest and most feared Mafia outfit.  

Trojan Horse Jihadist Political Party at the Gate

Muslim Brotherhood Launches Own U.S. Political Party

After making major inroads inside the European Parliaments, Islam now turns their sights towards America, ripe with multicultural, leftist useful idiot defenders of the religion of peace.  

With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.
'Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016," said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who's Who of Brotherhood front groups. "We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community."

USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of "institutionalizing policies" favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.
This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood's recently exposed goal to wage a "civilization jihad" against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and "destroying (it) from within."
The subversive plan was spelled out in hundreds of pages of founding archives that the FBI confiscated from a Brotherhood leader's home in the Washington suburbs after 9/11. Translated from Arabic, the secret documents listed a number of Brotherhood front organizations — some of which just happen to make up the newly formed USCMO.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 6, 2014

And Let This Be A Lesson To All Of You…

via The Earl of Taint


"It’s no secret anymore. Without question and without exaggeration, the ‘gay rights movement’ is the angriest, most ruthless, most controlling, most intolerant of all the ideological enterprises in the country. Now, everyone knows it.
People are starting to see that you are the pigs on this Animal Farm, and the equality of which you preach is a very unequal equality indeed......" - Matt Walsh

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lethal Lasagne: Cooking Viking Style

(in Swenglish)

A Little Private Slice of Heaven for Lesbians

If the United States wishes to be truly progressive – we must look to Europe. Yes, Europe will show us the way to true utopian socialism where gas is $10 a gallon and everything that isn't or is nailed down is taxed. They can show us how to be more accepting of Islamic culture so that our cities can be overrun with those of the Muslim faith; where whole swaths of once great European metropolises follow Sharia law and become infidel no-go zones. 
Yes, for all these reasons, we must look across the pond to countries like Germany, where over a century ago, good academic progressives in America learned their craft – fashioning the grand collective.
But wait… there's more, that is, if we wish to achieve true politically correct enlightenment.
The AP reported  that, "A new burial area for lesbians only is being inaugurated in a two century old cemetery in the German capital, Berlin, this weekend." 
The 400 square meter area will be cordoned off in a Lutheran cemetery that was established in 1814. The site will be reserved for up to 80 lesbians. If you're the 81st – I guess it's better luck next time. I guess you'll just have to suffer an eternity with us homophobic heterosexuals.
Usah Zachau is a spokeswoman for the Safia Association, an organization for elderly lesbians.  She said the burial ground will be a space "where the lesbian community can live together in the afterlife."
Yes, Usah, that's how it works. God has a community set aside for 80 lesbians. In exchange for landscaping and upkeep, the group was given use of the 4300 square foot area for 30 years. What happens after that? Well, the report doesn't say.
Do the Lutherans come dig them up and haul them away? Or, do they desecrate the site by burying heterosexuals in unused plots?
So I guess the logical question to ask from this absurdity is – how long until an LGBT group here in the United States demands the right to their own cemetery. Notice I said, "demand" and not ask or negotiate with a cemetery organization. These groups don't ask for anything. They demand – we comply.
And how long will it be before some wacked-out Democrat politician claims it to be a civil right to have separate gay cemeteries?
Not too long I'd imagine.