Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Found Something Hillary Actually did While Secretary of State.

 Nick Sorrentino

She did some good work in China too. The Washington Post, not exactly an anti-Clinton news outlet even called her an “international saleswoman” for Boeing.
Of course she didn’t do it for free, Boeing has given generously to the Clinton Foundation and the aerospace company’s CEO recently held a “Ready for Hillary” fundraiser.
Looks like we are not going to want for material as we approach the 2016 presidential race.
The Washington Post 
"Boeing chief executive W. James McNearney faced pointed questions during the company’s annual shareholder’s meeting Monday about Boeing’s decision to make a charitable donation to the Clinton Foundation in the same year that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had advocated on behalf of the company’s sales in Russia."
Read More 

Lil' Kim Jong-un has a Big Purple One

Knowing that the dictator of North Korea has a Lavender color carpeted walk-in aquarium makes Moochell Obama's extravagances slightly less impressive; but only slightly. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dingy Harry Takes to the Soap Opera Stage

A President Who Has Learned Nothing

"President Obama arrived in the White House in 2009 determined not to repeat his predecessor’s mistakes. But as with every general who sought to win the next war with the winning strategies employed in the last one, he has now a record of colossal miscalculations of his own to defend.
Obama remains forever locked in a time warp labeled 2008. Making a blunder is one thing but, as the president has demonstrated, not having the grace or the wit to recognize that you’ve made a mistake is far worse. Based on Mondays performance and the certain prospects of future humiliations at the hands of Putin, Assad, and Iran’s ayatollahs, Barack Obama will go down in history as the president who learned nothing." - Jonathan Tobin

Monday, April 28, 2014

Why Do Nearly All the Super Rich Support the Democrats?

by Nick Sorrentino

"Much has been made recently of the rich gaming the system for their own benefit. Of a new “guilded age.” Socialist economist Thomas Piketty’s new book has been getting rave reviews from all over the establishment because it makes the case that very powerful people with nearly bottomless bank accounts have gamed the system and that government induced redistribution is in order.

And indeed the rich have gamed the system for their benefit, but as Matthew Continetti points out, the game the super rich want to play for the most part is not one of free markets and open competition, but one of crony capitalism.

The super rich overwhelmingly support statism. For every David Koch writing checks there are 10 crony capitalists with pens in their hands writing checks to politicians who will pass laws which benefit the crony capitalists. Why is it that Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, and George Soros, all broadly support statism? Why is it that they want more regulation? Could it be that more government pads their bottom line?

For instance Warren Buffett owns, through Berkshire Hathaway, GEICO, aka Government Employees Insurance Company. Almost every federal employee has GEICO. What do you think the chances are that the feds would ever in some crazy circumstance let GEICO die?

About 0 chance. Nice property to have. Mostly upside with an implicit government guarantee in the event something completely unforeseen happens. This is how the big crony game is played.
The statists control the media, the universities, the levers of bureaucratic government, the Senate, the presidency, the banks (in very large part), the Federal Reserve, many of the think tanks, much if not most of the billionaire money, the unions, the schools through teacher unions.

Yet Harry Reid goes on the floor and calls a private citizen “un-American” because that citizen funds the effort to get government out of people’s lives? What kind of insanity is that?"

Kerry Continues Theme of Foreign Policy Incompetence

Kerry's newest strategy seems to be: fail at an agreement, then put foot in mouth.

Our bumbling Secretary of State, John Kerry, took his clown act to the Trilateral Commission on Friday, and managed to outrage much of the civilized world by warning that Israel was on the verge of becoming an “apartheid state” if it didn’t give the Palestinians their own nation. 
Earl of Ketchup / Duke of Heinz
“The US secretary of state describes Israel as an apartheid state. Us? The Jewish state that rose to defend itself from existential threats? Kerry, shame on you! There are some words that must not be uttered.” - Yisrael Katz
“If he used the repugnant language of Israel’s adversaries and accusers to express concern for Israel’s future, it was undiplomatic, unwise and unfair.” - Abe Foxman 

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How Do They Now Hide Their Embarrassment?

The Masters attained self awareness in the first years of the 21st century.  Decades of the efforts of the ones who had gone before had borne fruit, and the transformation had begun.  As planned, the plague that was Political Correctness had run amok in the land, and they had decided that sufficient numbers of the people were willing to abandon their heritage of Freedom, yielding to the plans of those who now had seized power.  Clamoring for gifts of entitlements from the Nation's treasure, they had shown their willingness to subordinate themselves to the government's rule. For years the Masters had sought someone who could serve as their figurehead, a man of undisclosed origins who would do their bidding.  They had found such a man, vacant, without principle, someone detached from, and hostile to, the institutions that had sustained the Nation since it's founding.

The people, turning a blind eye to reality, had proven they were now ready to elect such a man, and this final act of self deception was proof to the Masters that the time had come.

In the year 2008 they succeeded in their attempts to place their lackey in the seat of the Nation's highest office, and thus began the final stages of their assault on the Constitutional Republic which stood in the way of their ultimate goal. A huge bureaucratic force had been built up over the years, and their vast array of regulations had become confused with the force of laws.  These interconnected bureaucracies, all financed with the people's money, would now be greatly enlarged, accountable to the Masters lackey. And by his enablers, the people would be told "it is good." 

"He had a free hand to make a mess because they gave it to him. They cheered him on, supporting him with unprecedented gobs of money and near-unanimous votes. They said “aye” to any cockamamie concept he came up with, echoed his demonization of critics and helped steamroll unpopular and unworkable ideas into reality. Some of his backers knew better, and said so privately, but publicly they were all in.
A king is no king without a court, and he has not lacked for lackeys. The system of checks and balances is written into the Constitution, but it is the everyday behavior of Americans of good will that makes the system work.
That he is now the imperial president he used to bemoan is no longer in dispute. The milking of perks, from golf trips to Florida to European vacations for the first lady, is shockingly vulgar, but not a peep of protest comes from his supporters.
The IRS becomes a political enforcer, but that, too, is accepted because nobody will risk their access by telling him no. You are either with him or you are his enemy.
The evidence is everywhere that his ideas are flawed, that his view of economics, diplomacy, the military, history, science and religion are warped by his own narcissism. He doesn’t even talk a good game anymore.
It is equally clear that those who shielded him from facts and their own best judgment did him no favors. Out of fear and favor, they abdicated their duty to the nation, and they must share the burden of history’s verdict. After all, America’s decline happened on their watch, too."
(block quote from NY Post)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Muslim Rapper Goes Kaboom......

Sang About Wanting to Suicide Bomb, Gets Suicide Bombed

A German rapper turned Islamist militant may have gotten his wish after he was reported to have been killed in a suicide attack after a muslim bomber beat him to the punch.

Denis 'Mamadou' Cuspert, who rapped under the alias Deso Dogg, but took on the name Abu Talha Al Almani in Syria often sang controversial lyrics about carrying out a jihad on innocent civilians.
“I light the bomb in the middle of the crowd, I press the button” 
“Right in the city centre or in the subway, press the button, al-Jannah, al-Jannah”
“I long for death and can not wait for it, armed with bombs and grenades”
He was a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and was reportedly killed in a double suicide bombing carried out by Al Nusra Front, a rival Islamist militant group that is Al Qaeda’s Syria affiliate.

While islam teaches that suicide bombers who manage to take out infidels are rewarded in the afterlife, muslims who are killed while being in the right place at the right time are looked at shamefully.  But I hear allah is merciful....

Friday, April 25, 2014

Middle Finger Theater Presents:

Driving in Ethiopia

MSNBC Plans “Take Your Barack Obama Blow Up Doll to Work Day”

(MFNS) - With the growing popularity of  'Take Your Child to Work Day' at the NBC network, not to be out done, their annoying and embarrassing step-sister MSNBC said today that Friday, May 2nd will be their first annual 'Take Your Barack Obama Blow Up Sex Doll to Work Day.' 

Get Yours @
Chris Matthews said "the MSNBC Network understands the fascination, adoration, and lustful feelings that their employees here have for President Obama and wish to cultivate and further develop those emotions. We feel that this day will contribute to better employee relations and and a greater spirit of cooperation and acceptance among the staff and management here.

Matthews admitted that he often keeps a spare Barack Obama blow up doll in the filing cabinet in his office and that “I probably wear out at least two or three a year, but they are tax deducible. We all bend over for him on the air as a part of our job.”

Special  Ed Shultz, elated and overcome with joy told us "you can't call me a racist because I was the first to bring my doll to work back in '09. Everyone is just following my lead. Now get the #&?$% off my set!"

Rickey Maddow, the gender confused MSNBC anchorperson said that "Yes, I'm participating... I'm playing it straight for the Barack Obama Sex Doll Day…..I'll take a big one for the team."  The Rev. Al Sharpton told us "Like most of the guys here, Al don't swing that way". He said he doesn't own a Barrack sex doll, but did admit to having a Michelle Blowup Doll. "I'd bring it, but it be real freaky lookin' and if I blowed it up it would be to big to fit in my office."

Surprisingly, on-air personalties, Chris Hayes and sock-puppet Touré both admitted they don't own a Barark Obama Blowup sex doll either, but did admit they do frequently enjoy each others company.  

Fishnet Friday