Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Al Sharpton Opens Second War Front

With his ongoing battle and fierce struggle with the English Language in full swing, Rev. Al now opens a second front by  Declaring War on the Republican Party going toward the mid-terms. It's really not a good idea to open up a second front in war when you're losing so badly in the other.....

"Wednesday on the "Tom Joyner Morning Show," MSNBC anchor Al Sharpton said, "It’s A War This Summer," because the Republican's only need six senate seats take back the U.S. Senate.  Sharpton added “If there ever was a time we got to come out and vote in the mid term elections it is this year”
You're a brave man, Al Sharpton.

John Kerry is on Quite a Roll Lately

First he compared Israel, our most strategic ally, to an apartheid state. Now he’s revealing what Leftists really think about religion and absolute truth in general:
“Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation of something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago. That’s not the way I think most people want to live.” 
Ironically, Kerry is condemning himself with these words.

See, like many Leftists, Kerry will claim to be Catholic but that “he can’t impose his personal beliefs” on others in the public sphere. But then he will turn right around and bastardize and distort all kinds of Christian teaching to justify his belief in a welfare state, thus imposing his private religious beliefs upon public policy. That in and of itself is his own interpretation of his thousands of years old religion. By making the value statement that he gets to decide what and when to keep his private thoughts private or impose them on you (“ye be like God” anyone?), Kerry is guilty of the very reasoning he says he’s against.

"The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."

I’ll give Kerry credit for one thing. Normally we don’t get to hear what Leftists really believe because they get away with just calling all of us names. But in this statement Kerry is letting you know that when you remove all the enlightened and empty rhetoric about tolerance, fairness, and justice, at its core theirs is a worldview first spoken into the world with forked tongue.

 Quote Source-Weekly Standard  

The Disgraceful Treatment of Our Veterans

"The nation was shocked by charges that more than 1,400 vets lingered and 40 died on a secret waiting list at the Phoenix, Ariz., Veterans Administration medical center. The list was concocted to conceal long waits for care. But what you haven’t heard is even worse: VA hospitals across America are manipulating the official electronic waiting list, and the deadly coverups have been going on for years. ...
"More investigations and congressional hearings won’t fix this mess. The top three administrators at the Phoenix VA have been put on administrative leave, but punishing only them is like putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound.
"The practical answer is to provide vouchers or health plans for vets who need colonoscopies, heart care, diabetes management and other treatment for non-combat-related conditions so they can escape the wait lists and use civilian doctors and hospitals." - Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. and Former New York State Lt. Governor

If it Looks Like a Weasel and Acts Like a Weasel......


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hey Progressives - Meet Your Candidate for Crony in Chief.

Bad News for Anti-Capitalist Lefties 
29 of the 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average index companies 
have given money to Hillary

Nick Sorrentino

Obama, while striking at the heart of capitalism through his policies, raked in millions in contributions while propping up the very people forking over the money. (they used to call it kickbacks). But Hilary Clinton is taking things to a new level. She is tight with the banks, big pharma, defense, you name it. She watched the Glass-Steagall Act twitch and die (which ultimately led to the present economic disaster) at her husband’s hand from the guilded confines of the White House. She is a what is call a crony capitalist through and through.

And yet I am absolutely sure that throngs of “progressives” are going to run around the country with “Ready for Hillary” t-shirts. They will loudly exclaim how Hillary is wonderful for the country and how she is doing so much for women.
The bet is that no matter how corrupt, no matter how much the country doesn’t need a Clinton dynasty to continue,   Madam Clinton may well, if she chooses to run, be elected because she is the first viable woman candidate.

But despite the cheers and tears we might see on election night 2016 from those who will herald Ms. Clinton’s election as “historic” and “progress” it will be another sad day for the republic. The business/government nexus will become even stronger. The state will become stronger. Our liberties will diminish. The powerful will become more powerful. And the little guy will get screwed once again.

Meet Hillary Clinton your candidate for Crony in Chief.

Someone in Hollywood has a Sense of Humor

A parody of Saving Private Ryan the poster says it is “A Steven Spielberg Ploy,”
and its tagline reads, “The mission is a fraud.”

Commander Zero: Ambassador for Humanity
"Movie posters for a spoof entitled “Saving Barack Obama” have hit Los Angeles ahead of the president’s visit the city.
The posters, which feature President Obama walking into the horizon between a pair of his teleprompters, have appeared on bus stops and benches throughout Los Angeles, including just outside Melrose Avenue, the main entrance to Paramount Pictures. 
The appearance of the artwork coincides with Obama’s visit to Los Angeles on Wednesday to receive a humanitarian award from Spielberg.
Obama will be honored at the University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation, a Holocaust museum founded by the Hollywood director after he made Schindler’s List. Obama will receive the institute’s highest honor, the Ambassador for Humanity Award, for his “global efforts to protect human rights, his commitment to education and expanding educational technology, and his work advancing opportunities for all people.”
Uh, are we talking about the same Barack Obama?......Oh wait, yeah I guess we are.... 
"While he is in town, Obama will also attend a Democratic fundraiser at the home of Alan Horn, the chairman of the Walt Disney Studios, with tickets going as high as $64,000 per couple." 
This story demonstrates just how far the left has their heads up their butts!   Being honored for "Global efforts to protect human rights? Advancing opportunities for all people.”

Democrat Calls for a “Boycott” of Benghazi Investigation

Conservative Tribune
If you don’t think Democrats are scared to death that the Benghazi investigation will kill them politically as it shows just how bad Obama’s coverup is, just look at some recent comments by their leaders in Congress on the matter.
When House Speaker John Boehner announced a select committee led by Trey Gowdy to investigate Benghazi, Nancy Pelosi responded that she thinks the investigation is a “diversion, subterfuge” meant to distract from other issues.
Another Democrat in the House is calling for his colleagues to boycott the special investigation, calling it a “tremendous red herring and a waste of taxpayer resources.” As if Democrats have ever been concerned about wasting taxpayer dollars.
“I don’t think it makes sense for us to give this select committee any more credibility than it deserves, and frankly I don’t think it deserves very much. I hope the speaker reconsiders, but it looks as though he has bowed to those on the farthest right of his conference.
If Bush were President, the Democrats would be all over this investigation, and they wouldn’t spare an expense to do it. We’d be hearing about how the runaway executive branch is destroying our democracy by not being held accountable by Congress, and how the President is becoming a fascist dictator with his coverup of criminal activity (see: Nixon, Richard M.).
This is way worse than Watergate. That was a burglary. We have four dead Americans in Benghazi thanks to Hillary’s criminal negligence. Democrats know that they’ll suffer politically when this investigation uncovers every lie the Obama administration uttered on Benghazi, so they’re desperately trying to subvert the process to save their own skins.  

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Rot of Hope and Changey

"By more than two-to-one, 65 percent v. 30 percent, Americans say they want the president elected in 2016 to pursue different policies and programs than the Obama administration, rather than similar ones. By more than two-to-one, Americans are dissatisfied with the direction of the country. And by more than two-to-one, 40 percent v. 17 percent, they assess the nation’s economic conditions as poor, not excellent or good. Thirty-nine percent of those surveyed rate their financial situation as “only fair” and 23 percent call it poor.
By a ten-point margin, 53 percent v. 43 percent, those surveyed say the issue of which party controls Congress will be a factor in their vote–and those who say they feel that way are more likely to support the Republican contender."- Peter Wehner, Commentary Mag.

A Good Monday Morning

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Moochell's Advice to the Next Generation

The Reach Higher initiative is the First Lady's effort to inspire every student
in America to take charge of their future